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Title: A Culturally Responsive Teaching Model Estimated Time: 120 min

Purpose: Culturally Responsive Teaching Model Introduction for Teaching English Language
Learners Master students
Context: This is a classroom unit part of the Multicultural Issues course for TELL master students.
The unit will be given in week 9. Students will learn information about culturally responsive
teaching models. Previous weeks the students will be taught about language, culture, immigrant
students, and several similar topics on the issues.

Overview: This storyboard presents the activities for two hours course unit session to TELL
master students. The session will include six steps.
The opening warm-up will be given before the presentation to catch students' attention to
the issue. The reading take away part help them bring their knowledge back. The
presentation will describe the information about the culturally responsive teaching model.
Then the demonstration about a teacher model video as a case study. Then students fill the
checklist to understand SLIFE students. Also will do self critique with a survey. Then the
session ends with a debrief of the presentation and all course.
Expected outcomes: To Identify ways of developing an inter-cultural framework for culturally
linguistically diverse students. To describe SLIFE, identify needs for SLIFE group, summary readings
Master students are seeking teacher certificate and they should know culturally responsive teaching
models and to develop appropriate instruction to them.

Resources: Instructor presentation materials, videos of case studies and instructor

notes/guidelines for discussions, SLIFE checklist, survey, reading articles assigned for the
week 9th, Audience notebooks/pens
Facilities: Classroom for maximum 25, projector for presentations/videos, computer.
Stakeholders: Faculty Instructor; TELL Master program students.
Title: A Culturally Responsive Teaching Model Estimated Time: 120 min
Purpose: Culturally Responsive Teaching Model Introduction for Teaching English Language Learners
Master students

Flow of lesson: The general flow of the instructional unit would be to introduce the
culturally responsive model to students, provide information related culturally responsive
teaching, provide important readings related to the topic, building case study discussion,
engage the learners with activities while assessing their progress, provide some activities
to sustain their motivation and learning in order to continue meeting the desired
Step1 Step 2
Step 3
Introduction/Warp Activities-Reading
Up Activities Content delivery
15 min 25 min
20 min

Description: Brief list of key points in each section of unit

List key activities in step 1 List key activities in step 2 List key activities in step 3
1.1 Three visuals to grasp 2.1 Reading Key points 3. Presentation about CRT.
students’ attention 2.2 Quick writing about What is SLIFE (Students with
1.2 First thoughts and readings Limited or Interrupted Formal
think pair share part about 2.3. Final thoughts about Education) ? Mutually Adaptive
Cultural perspectives the week’s readings Learning Paradigm (MALP)
Title: A Culturally Responsive Teaching Model Estimated Time: 120 min
Purpose: Culturally Responsive Teaching Model Introduction for Teaching English Language Learners
Master students

Flow of lesson: The general flow of the instructional unit would be to introduce the culturally
responsive model to students, provide information related culturally responsive teaching, provide
important readings related to the topic, building some case study discussions, engage the learners
with activities while assessing their progress, provide some activities to sustain their motivation and
learning in order to continue meeting the desired outcomes.

Step 4 Step 5 Step 6

Application Debrief the unit
studies and conclusion
25 min 25 min 10 min

Description: Brief list of key points in each section of unit

List key activities in step 4 List key activities in step 5 List key activities in step 6
4.1 Introduce the case studies 5.1 Analyze SLIFE Checklist and 6.1 Instructor’s summary and
4.2 Break class to the small 5.2 Do Self assessment with thoughts
group discussions about the Culturally Responsive Teaching 6.2 Students share their
case study and students' Self-Efficacy Scale (CRTSE)) thoughts and experiences
personal experiences 5.3 Cultural dissonance and 6.3.To Cite a learning point
4.3. Whole class discussion the achievement gap from the unit to take away
and sharing personal brainstorm take notes and with in an instructional
experiences and case studies share comments setting
with other groups
Course title: :: A Culturally Responsive Teaching Model
Activity Title: 1. Introduction/Warp Up Activities 1.1 Three visuals to take attention Estimated Time: 5 min
Instructional Activity Description: Gain learner’s
attention by taking a look to the visuals of
representation the differences

Activity Deliverables/Outcomes: Learners describe

and analyze the visuals beginning of the unit.

Resources Required: Presentation provided by

• Readings

Notes: Key learning outcomes:

The opening visuals to start the class • Learners will be able to describe the visuals
The instructor will start the presentation and show the visuals • Learners will be able to recognize different perspectives
Learners will be quick pairs with their nearest ones.
Then discuss the visuals.
Share with the whole group voluntarily.
Key Content Points:
Presence of the different perspectives
There are multiple perspectives
Course title::: A Culturally Responsive Teaching Model
Activity Title: 1. Introduction/Warp Up Activities 1.2 First thoughts and think part about CRT
Estimated Time: 10 min
Instructional Activity Description: Learners will
participate in a think pair share activity to discuss
their thought about the visuals with questions about
cultural perspectives

Activity Deliverables/Outcomes: Learners will be

able to explain their own and others' thoughts.
Learners will see different perspectives

Resources Required:
The visuals will have questions

Notes: Learners discuss the visuals with questions Key learning outcomes:
near pairs for quick think pair share activity • Learners will discuss different perspectives
- Learners will think independently • Learners will able to discuss different perspectives
- Learners share their responses with their pair occurrence and its effects on education
- Instructor is randomly calling learners or volunteering answers
Key Content Points:
Presence of the different perspectives
Assess current knowledge
Course title:
Activity Title: 2. Reading Takeaways 2.1 Reading Key Points Share Estimated Time: 10 min
Instructional Activity Description:
Learners will share their key points from readings

Activity Deliverables/Outcomes: Learners will listen

each others' comments about readings
Learners will able to catch different points about
Resources Required:

Articles and the website

All Readings provided beginning of the course

Notes: Key learning outcomes:

Learners come ready to the class. Each student assigned
specific readings. • Learners will be able to identify important points about
They read the articles and ready to share they notes and readings.
Key Content Points: : Culturally Responsive Teaching for
Struggling Language Learners,
Teaching Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education in
Course title: : A Culturally Responsive Teaching Model
Activity Title: 2. Reading Takeaways 2.2. Quick writing to wrap up Estimated Time: 10 min
Instructional Activity Description:
Take notes after the reading and discussion parts
Questions and comments

Activity Deliverables/Outcomes:
The notes will facilitate the learning process

Resources Required:

• Notebooks or paper or laptop etc.

Notes: Key learning outcomes:

Silent environment should be prepared for learners • Learners will be able to transfer their learning
• Learners will be able to demonstrate their questions
• Learners will able to identify important points

Key Content Points:

Writing • Notes and thinking
Culturally Responsive Teaching for Struggling Language Learners,
Teaching Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education
in U.S
Course title: : A Culturally Responsive Teaching Model
Activity Title: 2. Reading Takeaways 2.3. Final thoughts about the week’s readings Estimated Time: 5 min
Instructional Activity Description:
Questions and comments about reading articles

Activity Deliverables/Outcomes: Learners will

summarize and finalize the readings key points

Resources Required:
• Articles

Notes: Key learning outcomes:

Final comments about readings • Learners will be able to have transfer their knowledge
• Learners will be able to identify important points and ask
their questions

Key Content Points:

Writing • Notes and thinking
Culturally Responsive Teaching for Struggling Language Learners,
Teaching Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education
in U.S
Course title: A Culturally Responsive Teaching Model
Activity Title: 3. Content / Presentation about CRT Estimated Time: 25 minutes
Instructional Activity Description:
General information about the unit
Support learners to understand the main idea
Learners may take notes

Activity Deliverables/Outcomes: Learners will

listen to the instructor see the PowerPoint and print
materials (handout)
• Learners will be able to take notes to understand
the content and prepare their questions

Resources Required:
Notes: Instructor give presentation with key points Key learning outcomes:
of CRT , MALP and SLIFE • Learners will able to describe the purpose of the
• School and Culture Culturally responsive teaching model
• What is SLIFE (Students with Limited or • Learners will be able to recall the readings of
Interrupted Formal Education) ? the unit and expectations of learning
• How Do We Access Knowledge?
• Oral vs Print
• Collectivism vs individualism Key Content Points:
• Informal vs Formal Ways of Knowing Culturally responsive teaching model/ MALP
Initial Needs of Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal
• Different Conditions of Schooling Education (SLIFE)
Course Title: A Culturally Responsive Teaching Model
Activity Title: 4. Case Study Estimated Time: 25
Instructional Activity Description: the case studies
Break the small group discussion about the case study
and personal experiences.
Whole class discussion and sharing personal

Activity Deliverables/Outcomes:
Posters will make identifying the key points /
Headings for the type of information you would like
them to include will be provided.

Resources Required:
• 3 or 4 case study will use depends on class size
• Poster post-its
• Markers

Notes: Key learning outcomes:

• To have each group read one case study, • Learners will able to identify life examples
• Make the poster, • Learners will able to transfer their learning into real life
• Then share their case study with the rest of the class. examples
• Learners will able to interpret the examples

Key Content Points:

Case studies about real life examples that will provided on the
Course title: A Culturally Responsive Teaching Model
Activity Title: 5. Application Assessment knowledge/skills
Estimated Time: 25 min
Instructional Activity Description: 5.1 Analyze SLIFE
5.2. Do Self assessment with the Culturally
Responsive Teaching Self-Efficacy Scale (CRTSE))

Activity Deliverables/Outcomes:
Learners fill the CRT survey and analyze SLIFE

Resources Required:
SLIFE checklist
CRT Survey

Notes: Key learning outcomes:

Introduce SLIFE and CRT survey • Learners will able to identify their own positionality on the
Give time to read them to learners topic
Divide the class to the groups • Learners will able to describe SLIFE students
Discussion about SLIFE and CRT survey • Learners will able to interpret CRT survey

Key Content Points:

CRT survey
Course title: A Culturally Responsive Teaching Model
Activity Title: 5. Application Assessment knowledge/skills
Estimated Time: 25 min
Instructional Activity Description5.3 Cultural
dissonance and the achievement gap brainstorm take
notes and share comments

Activity Deliverables/Outcomes:
Learners will do brainstorm and write their thoughts

Resources Required:
Notebook or paper

Notes: Key learning outcomes:

Self Brainstorm after brief content delivery about Cultural • Learners will able to identify key points about Cultural
dissonance and the achievement gap dissonance and the achievement gap
Quick writing
Sharing comments to whole class

Key Content Points:

Readings and course presentation
Course title: : A Culturally Responsive Teaching Model
Activity Title: Debrief the unit and conclusion Estimated Time: 10 min
Instructional Activity Description: 6.1 Instructor’s last
points and thoughts
6.2 Students share their thoughts and experiences

Activity Deliverables/Outcomes:
• Asking learners about how they feeling about the
unit and what are their final thoughts.
• Explore their thoughts and understand their
• Summaries the unit by the instructor
• Ask learners to cite a learning point they will take
away with them in an instructional setting.

Resources Required:

• N/A

Notes: Key learning outcomes:

Wrap up for closing the class • Learners will be able to summaries their unit
Taking last comments learning
• Learners will be able to indicate key points about
• Learners will be able to transfer the unit learnings
Key Content Points:
Culturally responsive teaching model/ MALP

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