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Question paper for Control System and Simulation Lab External Exam

1) Conduct suitable experiment on an electro transducer and plot the Rotor angular
position vs 3-phase voltages of the stator.

2) Conduct suitable experiment to control AC load currents with a small DC magnetizing

currents and plot series connected load winding currents vs control current

3) Conduct suitable experiment and plot speed-torque characteristics of an AC motor

used in precise position control systems.

4) Conduct suitable experiment to control speed of a DC motor used in precise position

control systems.

5) Write a Matlab program for transforming given classical transfer function G( s) to the
state space model.
−1.2596 s 4−56.4218 s3 −749.4062 s2−2578.6819 s
G ( s )= 6
s +41.3728 s +466.3606 s 4 +1018.1659 s3 +6729.8343 s2

+4509.30158 s+21414.3562

6) Develop a Matlab Program for design of phase-lead compensator for the system

G ( s )= , such that the steady-state error is less than 0.2 for a unit ramp input
s ( s+1 )( s+ 4)

and a percentage overshoot less than 25%.

7) Design and simulate the P, PI controller for the standard second order system

Y (s) ω 2n
G ( s )= =
U (s) s2 +2 . ξ . ω n . s +ω2n
For given ξ=0. 2 and ω n=1.
Your design should satisfy the following specifications:
i) Percentage overshoot < 10%.
ii) Settling time < 500 msec. Zero steady-state error to a step input.

8) Develop a Matlab Program for design of phase-leag compensator for the system

G ( s )= , such that the steady-state error is less than 0.2 for a unit ramp input
s ( s+ 2 )(s +3)

and a percentage overshoot less than 25%.

9) Conduct suitable experiment on magnetic amplifier connected in such a way that

exhibiting maximum load current at zero DC magnetizing current and plot I c vs I L.

10) Simulate the time response (transient and steady state response) of a second
order system for the case of under damped, over damped and critically damped
systems, and determine the time-domain specifications from the response.

11) Conduct suitable experiment on a electro mechanical transducer to transmit

angular information from one point to another without mechanical linkages. Plot the
respective characteristics.

12) Write a Matlab program for transforming given state space model to the
classical transfer function G(s).
0 1 0 0
System matrix A= 0 0
−6 −11 −6 ] []
input matrix B= 0
Output matrix C=[ 1 0 0 ]

13) Design and simulate the PID controller for the standard second order system
Y (s) ω 2n
G ( s )= =
U (s) s2 +2 . ξ . ω n . s +ω2n

For given ξ=0. 2 and ω n=1.

Your design should satisfy the following specifications:
1. Percentage overshoot < 5%.
2. Settling time < 250 msec. Zero steady-state error to a step input.

14) Conduct suitable experiment on magnetic amplifier connected in such a way

that exhibit initial load current for zero DC magnetizing current, plot its

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