Basic First Aid

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Name: Kristine T.


Last September 3, 2018 we had our seminar about the basic first aid. I have

learned in the whole duration of the seminar is that the life of every person is very

essential and every second counts. At its most basic, first aid is the initial assistance

given to a victim of injury or illness. Comprised of relatively simple techniques that can

be performed with rudimentary equipment, first aid is usually carried out by a layperson

until professional medical assistance arrives.

In connection to that, if an accident happens in the workplace, I cannot be a

helpless witness, since simply standing by can potentially worsen the situation. It is very

important to at least know the basic steps of first aid because it can really help a person

and save life. For example, a person had cardiac arrest, the Cardiopulmonary

resuscitation (CPR) is the most important medical procedure of all to apply. If a person

is in cardiac arrest the heart is no longer pumping blood and CPR is not performed, that

person will die. On the other hand, performing CPR or using an automated external

defibrillator (AED) could save a life.

Moreover, accidents will always happen. Because of this, properly-trained

individuals and the right first aid equipment help ensure better safety for everyone.

Without the proper first aid, a simple injury could turn into something much more severe.

Many fatalities resulting from accidents and emergency situations result from lack of

immediate medical treatment. First aid doesn’t just facilitate recovery. It helps save


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