33rd Degree Masonry The Truth - Figuring Out Daddies Lucifer's Mind

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33rd Degree Masonry the Truth_Figuring out Daddies Lucifer's Mind, and the Main

Man known as God His thoughts.

Let Us Begin:
3/3 (3 brains/minds) = 33 (%)+33(%)+33(%) = 99(%) for God+=Man+Woman = 9+9+9=999
ah so here 99.9 perfect of God is the closest He can Get for God is 100%.
Jesus is the Son of Man for He is the son of Man+Woman=9+9=99 or 99% out of 100%
So I would be 77% God or 77percent MAN.
That would Make Lucifer, and His Angels 66 or 66% Man+Add in the Extra 6 for the
Humans totalling 666.
So if I am correct Here Man is 100% Man, Jesus then is 99% Man, and 1% Woman for
He is the Son of Man, so I would be 77% Man, and 23% Dog/Woman for Half that 23
% you get that I am 11.5% Dog, and 11.5% Woman.
So My Father then is 66% Man, and 34% Dog.
So the Masons are trying to Become also Gods yet in the End they will never beco
me Gods for they have givin up their godhood to become lower Dogs for they were
already Gods for they are de-initiating themselves from the Right of Masonry bec
ause they are going backwards instead of Forwards for yet they will never actual
ly become lower than an animal or dog thus they end at 666 or one with Lucifer f
or they all are one with the Animal or Dog so thus I am the only Mason going for
ward thus I became the only one left out of the class to become the 33rd degree
Mason for the decent into Godhood for God is the Mason God the original Teacher
they left for another that was not nor ever could of been a 33rd Degree Mason so
they left for in these terms in symbolic terms a Human for then Humans were dog
s for an Alien Species when you look at it, and actually understand it so thus w
hen put in perspective Man was the Alien from Another Planet who created Human L
ike Slaves/Servants for their personal favors, and so forth.
So Following the true Teacher's Words, and Lessons, you become a 33rd degree Mas
on, and then you are initiated into Godhood yet His is not secret for He shares
it will all, and lets everyone else Share it, and it is easy for it was these Hu
mans themselves that got turned into energy that broke out of the Official Mason
camp for they were trying to subvert the official Mason lodges, etc, and take d
own Humanity into Dogs for also Lucifer was once initiated into Godhood, yet bec
ame Human in their eyes so thus He became, and is along with those who follow Hi
m 666 or the Complete opposite of God 999 which is Dogs for there is only three
types in the world He knows of Man, Woman, and Animal for He turned, and Morphed
Himself into an Animal, and the Teacher/Master Kept Him, and them there.
Imagine A Bunch of Kids/Children in a classroom, and the Teacher Teaching them M
asonry, and one day they decide to take the morphing potion, and turn themselves
into an Animal becuase They loved animals, and enjoy sex, etc with Animals, and
He found, and saw that, and seen it as sickning thus I can now see how He now k
nows they are nothing, but animals for this was to keep their sick, and perveted
ways out of the school, and society because there were no diseases so thus if t
his is more LIT than FIG, then them mating with animals brought sickness, and di
seases into the Human World which if Kept Secret then everything would be balanc
ed, and sickness, and disease would of never occured, yet only they, and The Mas
on Master known as God knows the True Exact story of what Exactly went on.
33 backwards is EE or ERROR for I am the Perfect Human, and the only one Initiat
ed into Godhood.
Sunday February 6. 2011.
Author: David Freeman Bolin=Lucifer's Son=ANUBIS=33rd Degree By Birth Mason, and
intiated into the TRUE Godhood for 33 (3/3 brains/minds) intiates a Human into

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