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A Correlational Study on

Job Satisfaction and Employee Motivation of the

Senior High School Faculty in Manila Tytana Colleges



Background of the Study

Dr. Srivastava, R. (2016) defined motivation of employees as one function that every
manager has to perform along with other managerial functions and a manager has to function as
a friend and motivator of his subordinates. She described it as a very important role of a manager
that needs to be handled in every management process also because doing business all over the
world is very challenging, there are factors she mentioned that a management have to cope first
and prioritizing employee motivation is one of that factors, it can increase their ‘motive’ to do a
much more effort of finishing their job and doing their assigned job effectively and efficiently.
As a psychologist, Dr. Srivastava stated there an information about the psychological factors
motivating the people’s behavior that how some of the different incentives or encouragement to
an employee is important to have more advantage to perform more and even include some
aspects that encourage employee’s motivation like belief in employees strengths, treating
employees with respect, regular communication about factors important to employees, feedback,
and training from managers and leaders, etc. She also pointed out that many bosses really just
want their employees to make the best performance they could and just let their talents out but all
employees are just human too, that we also experience having ups and downs in life and it’s not
just all good performance for that reason they would need some break, some motivation to
continue on working better and for the manager or boss “to best understand how motivation
impact on employee’s performance one must understand human nature.”

Seppala, E. (2016) focused on three things that a leader must do well in order to motivate
its employees. First thing is inspiration, she said that having inspiration at work is essential
especially to people who have a goal or something that they’re working on and needs to be done,
also that leaders really take a big part of being an inspiration himself/herself to their employees
just by “acting selflessly, proving to their employees that they’re much more important than
themselves, and lastly being fair is enough itself cause when the leader is fair to all of its
employees there would be no conflict between the employees and it would also inspire them.”
Second is kindness, all employees should be considered as the leaders’ people also and that is
already a consideration of being kind to your employees, a factor that can motivate them in doing
a proficient job. Seppala stated that even just asking personally your employees how they’re
doing and really listening to their answer is way good enough, like when your employee is
seriously sick or has experienced a loss, you need to immediately show them you really care
about them and contact them, let them feel your sympathy and warmth just in the meantime and
ask if what can you and an organization do to support him/her. And last is self-care, encouraging
your employees to take care of themselves can really help them perform better in their workplace
because having especially a good health make both your body and mind to work cooperatively,
she concluded that “well-rested staff is a happier and higher-performing one, and mentioned that
numerous studies including one on U.S. Air Force pilots that sleep deprivation significantly
impairs cognitive and motor skills, therefore I conclude that being an inspiration, being kind and
caring for the health of your employees are things that can achieve a motivated employee in
every organization.

Syptak, M. J., MD, Marsland, D. W., MD and Ulmer D., Ph.D (1999) stated that “the key
to having a possibility that you and your employees to be happy on the job is to know how to
handle these two factors: ‘hygiene’ and motivation.” And that all satisfied employees tend to be
more productive, creative and committed to their employers, I coincide with this for the reason
that of course if you are happy enough /satisfied you perform even better, better than you usually
do and that can be a big help to an organization. They mentioned Herzberg’s theory about the
two dimensions of employee satisfaction/job satisfaction, according to Herzberg you cannot
motivate employees but can minimize dissatisfaction, if handled properly. The two dimensions
are “hygiene issues” (dissatisfiers) and the “motivators”(satisfiers). Under hygiene issues is first,
company and administrative policies, it says there that employees will never feel a great sense of
motivation or satisfaction due to the policies but you can decrease dissatisfaction in this area by
making it fair and apply equally to all. Second is Supervision, in order to decrease
dissatisfaction, you have to correctly appoint an employee that can make a good supervisor cause
of the reason that a role of being a supervisor is absolutely difficult. The third is salary, they
aligned this under hygiene issues because they addressed it as not a motivator for employees but
they just want to be paid fairly, if not they would be unhappy working for you. Fourth,
interpersonal relations, you as a leader should communicate well especially to your employees to
build up a good relationship between you and your employees. And last is working conditions, it
is important to acknowledge your employees working environment, to make their environment
more alluring to work with their job. And under motivators are work itself, achievement,
recognition, responsibility, and advancement.

Lane, K. D. (2016) talked about the importance of Job Satisfaction and mentioned some
variables that have been linked to job satisfaction including performance, absenteeism and
turnover. Employee Performance, he discussed that it has a long and controversial history. That
satisfaction and performance link between is first made through Hawthorne studies (Naidu,
1996) where they critically examined the idea that “a happy worker is a productive worker”.
Employee absenteeism in this aspect, it is not really a big issue between satisfaction and
absenteeism simply because as lane stated if an employee is satisfied enough, it would go to
work even if he/she has a cold and would still attend work but if not, even if he/she is really well
enough to go to work he/she would still call sick if he is not satisfied or happy with his work.
And last is Employee turnover, discussed as how the unsatisfied employees may not have other
employment opportunities or satisfied employees are forced to resign due to illness or relocation.
And the importance of Job Satisfaction to employee retention, how the job satisfaction could
affect the employee retention, the employers should know the factors that would satisfy their
own employees and that would make them happy in their job to perform better and keep their
job. He stated that human resources managers would find this kind of operational area the most
difficult because you have to know why the employees leave an organization and what do you
have to do to retain them and I do agree because human resource managers are responsible for
managing well the people of an organization in every aspect of what they are involved to.

Adina, A. (2015) stated that fresh graduates in the Philippines posted the highest
satisfaction rating which is 79 percent followed by junior executives with 70 percent and
supervisors with 66 percent, said Jobstreet Philippines Marketing Director Yoda Buyco during a
recent press conference in Makati City. Adina mentioned “The basics are the ones that make you
happy at first” Buyco explained. ”And then you yearn for more, in terms of your contribution to
the company and the opportunity to perform,” she added. Also, that Philippines was followed by
Thailand with 59 percent, and Singapore with 51 percent. “Salary, company benefits and
incentives” was claimed that are the top reasons for employees’ satisfaction with 64 percent.
Stating that only 19 percent of the employees said they improved employee satisfaction through
“camaraderie-boosting programs” like team-building activities or sports fests. But then after all
this “big majority of Filipino employees were said to be satisfied with their jobs of course many
of them would still look for career shift, I think that was a fact because if you’re a fresh graduate
yourself, if you think you can perform better with other works or career you would continue to
improve and learn more.

According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, motivation can be defined as "the act or

process of giving someone a reason for doing something." Employees are the most essential part
of an organization but the most difficult asset to the company to manage. It is indeed true that the
people in an organization are the most difficult asset to the organization to handle since
employees have their own minds and organizations don’t have direct control over their actions.
What the management needs to do is to figure out how they can motivate their employees for
them to work efficiently. Employees are always the management’s concern since it is very rare to
find an employee who is willing to stay in a company even if there is another great opportunity
waiting for them outside the country. The employee's contribution in labor and decision-making
affects the organization big time. (Osabiya, 2015)

Employee motivation can also be a problem in a company especially when mishandled

by the management ("Employee Motivation", n.d.). Unsatisfied employee produces an
unsatisfactory result due to the fact that performance is a product of ability and level of
motivation. For this reason, the management could prevent this from happening by giving
rewards, benefits, and promotion.(Osabiya,2015) Job satisfaction is one of the factors that affect
the total performance of the whole organization. To achieve a high rate of job satisfaction, most
business organizations provide “motivators” to their employees.

Job satisfaction, on the other hand, is the level of contentment employees feel about their
work, which can affect performance. (“Boundless”, n.d.) Not only does it affect the performance
of the employees but it also affects the overall success of the company. Keeping the employees
satisfied is the main job of the Human Resource managers to help build a strong and stable work
environment for every employee. Satisfied employees bring success into an organization’s

This research’s focal point is the relationship between employee motivation and job
satisfaction and how they affect each other. The researchers selected the senior high school
faculty members of Manila Tytana Colleges to determine the credibility of the study. It provides
a brief explanation on how the organization can maintain the trust and efficient performance of
their employees by enumerating the different kinds of motivators that would satisfy their

Statement of the Problem:

• The researchers seek to examine the relationship between Job Satisfaction and Employee

• The researchers seek to identify the effectiveness of Employee Motivation in Job Satisfaction.

• The researchers seek to find if there is a significant difference between Employee Motivation
and Job Satisfaction.

• The researchers seek to determine if Job Satisfaction will or will not yield Employee

Hypothesis of the Study.

The researchers hypothesize that employee motivation and its factors affect the
satisfaction of the employees on their job.

Significance of the Study

The result of the study will cover the effects of Employee Motivation to their Job
Satisfaction. Considering that the finding of the study is about the relationship of the said two
variables. Therefore, an organization would be mindful of the things to consider in improving
their job satisfaction rate.
For employees. The study aims to determine how the company manages their employees in
using Employee Motivation to achieve Job Satisfaction. Moreover, the application of the
acquired information can be considered as a favorable deal between the employee and the

For the students. The study aims to show the importance of the students for the employee
motivation. Students are one of the factors that can motivate the employee to perform well and it
will lead to job satisfaction. Therefore, the study aims to let the students be aware of how they
affect the job satisfaction of the employees.

For the Future Researchers. The study aims to help other researchers to furtherly investigate
the correlation between employee motivation and job satisfaction. This study can serve as a basis
of their own research and conduct their conclusion.

Conceptual Framework

Figure1.1 Conceptual Framework

In his research, Cong (2013) conducted a descriptive survey in order to comprehend the

relationship between the two variables (Employee Motivation and Job Satisfaction). The

researchers conduct surveys and review related studies that would help in developing the

concepts that are associated with the study. Cong aimed to identify the factors that motivate the

employees then consequently analyze if those factors affect the employees’ job satisfaction. In

conducting surveys, the researcher will prepare sets of questionnaires and let the chosen

respondents answer the specific questions needed according to their experience. In conducting

related studies, the researcher seeks to find data that are connected to the study. Furthermore, this

framework shows on how the researchers will come up with that specific output in engaging in

those processes.

Scope and Limitations

The researchers solely focus on the Senior High School faculty and staff of Manila
Tytana Colleges. There will be maximum 50 randomly selected respondents that will answer the
prepared questionnaires made by the researchers. The respondents must have these following

 The respondent must be a Senior High School department faculty member of

Manila Tytana Colleges
 The respondent must have at least 1-year working experience in Manila Tytana
 The respondent must be a regularized employee residing in Manila Tytana
Definition of Terms

Employee - The most essential part of an organization.

Employee Motivation - they do much more effort of finishing their job and doing their assigned
job efficiently and effectively. (Srivastava, 2016)

Extrinsic Motivation - Motivate to perform a behavior or engage in activity to earn a reward or

to avoid punishment.

Intrinsic Motivation - Involves engaging behavior as personally rewarding; performing an

activity for its own sake rather than the desire for some external reward.

Job satisfaction - level of contentment a person feels regarding his/her job (Lane, 2016)
Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

This chapter consists of the related literature and related studies which will be utilized by
the researchers to conduct and gather data for the configuration of the study.


Defining Employee Motivation

Lai, L. (2017) discussed motivating employees that’s not actually about carrots and sticks
which carrots mean as a reward for compliance and the sticks which mean as a consequence for
noncompliance. Employees do usually get motivated because of rewards they could get after
doing such great job and yes, got motivated also by their fear of the consequence that might
happen if they didn’t comply but in this article, it’s not all about that, employees do really get
motivated other than those two.

Therefore Lai created a new dialogue that embraces the key concept that motivation is
less about employees doing great work and more about employees feeling great about their work.
These are the ways she made up to achieve it, first is “share context and provide relevance,
meaning that employees do appreciate it more and is motivated when their work has relevance
and as an employer, you need to share context about the work you’re asking them to do. Second
is “anticipate roadblocks to enable progress”, your employees would be motivated when they can
make progress without unnecessary interruption ad undue burdens. The third is “recognize
contributions and show appreciation”, employees are motivated when they feel appreciated and
recognized for their contributions. And lastly “check-in to assess your own motivation”,
employees feel motivated when their leaders are motivated.

Employee Motivation Factors

According to Mooney L. (n.d) small businesses’ employers should strive to increase job
satisfaction so employee motivation will also improve, resulting in better job performance and
increased efficiency and that they concentrate on creating enthusiasm, optimism, contentment
and feelings of teamwork. In this article that she made, there are some factors that is related to
both employee motivation and job satisfaction. Commitment is one of the factors that says when
your business achieved motivation and job satisfaction it would result to commitment when it
comes to the employees, they would work hard and perform their very best in your organization.
Varied approaches, thinking of new different ways on making your company work efficiently
would definitely allow your employees to work motivated and inspired enough to follow your
actions as an employer of the company. Feelings of worth, definitely it can change your
employees’ perspective on working for your business and it can absolutely boost your employees
will to finish their job effectively. And last is optimism, having a positive attitude towards your
employees as an employer could reflect to the environment of your company, could reflect of
how you handle problems, challenges and difficult circumstances, so it would clearly link
between employee motivation and job satisfaction because in employee motivation you should
show your employees yourself as a positive person in order for them to be positive as well and
get motivated, and in job satisfaction being an optimist owner reflects to the environment of your
company which means job satisfaction could also be achieved through the situation of their
workplace or environment itself to reach satisfaction.

According to Susan M. Heathfield, (2017) employee motivation is the combination of

fulfilling the employee's needs and expectations from work and the workplace, factors that
enable employee motivation or not. The employers need to provide a work environment that
creates motivation in the people but many employers fail to understand the importance of
motivation to accomplish their mission and vision due to their lack of skills and knowledge to
provide a work environment that encourages the employees. Heathfield gave 10 factors to
encourage motivation that many employees can find it as motivation. (1) Management and
leadership actions that empower employees. (2) Transparent and regular communication about
factors important to employees. (3) Treating employees with respect. (4) Involving employees in
decisions about their work and job. (5) Minimizing the number of rules and policies in an
environment that demonstrate trust for employees and treats employees like adults. (6) Providing
regular employee recognition. (7) Feedback and coaching from managers and leaders. (8) Above
industry average benefits and compensation. (9) Providing employee perks and company
activities. (10) Positively managing employees within a success framework of goals,
measurements, and clear expectations. And she also said that the first step in creating a
motivating work environment is to minimize rules and policies for employee motivation to
identify and take actions that will motivate people.

Good Leadership

Good leadership gives everyone in the company the confidence that they are under the
guidance of someone who is credible and knowledgeable. Leadership inspires people to try new
concepts and venture into unknown territories that will develop both their personal and
professional skills. By giving the team proper guidance, you will gain their trust and loyalty.
(Gray, 2015) Having a good leader can also mean that the management is properly guided and
well managed. Simple words from a team leader can either destroy or boost his or her
subordinate. Praise and recognition may serve as a motivation to employees to do well on their
work. However, pressure and indirect insults can easily take a poll on the employee’s hearts and
take it personally.

Employee Empowerment and Open Communication

Leaders must practice employee empowerment in order for the employees to develop
their skills, such as creativity and critical thinking, and gain their loyalty and trust. Employee
empowerment must be practiced in the organization to have an open and transparent
communication with your employees. Hassel (n.d.) stated that poor communication and the
resulting erosion of trust lead to a reluctance to share ideas. Good ideas that stem from the
individuals who know an organization most intimately—the employees—are the lifeblood of any
business. To lose the steady flow of insights and innovations unique to your business is a sure
path to static, or worse, arrested growth. Employees must learn to voice out their thoughts and
opinions not only to feel comfortable with the whole team but also to turn their share their ideas.
Together in employee empowerment, managers are to involve the employees in decision-
making. They have the right to know anything that involves their job. Bringing employees
onboard when making decisions about the company's future, helps strengthen your relationship
with each employee. You'll gain respect from your employees and instill a sense of responsibility
in your workforce when you let your employees voice their opinions. (Miksen, n.d)
Respect is when you feel admiration and deep regard for an individual. You believe that
the person is worthy of your regard and admiration because of the good qualities and capabilities
that they bring to your workplace (Heathfield, ibid). Employees recognize respect when their
colleagues and managers treat them with politeness and courtesy. Every person in the
organization must be treated with equal respect regardless of their position. Being treated with
respect can affect an employee’s view on the organization itself, if he or she feels respected, an
employee will treat his or her colleagues and managers with the equal amount of respect she got.

The goal of coaching is to work with the employee to solve performance problems and
improve the work of the employee, the team, and the department. (Heathfield, ibid) Giving
negative or positive feedback is already included in coaching. The feedback of an employee’s
superior would serve as their guide on whether they are doing the right thing with their job. Any
employee would want to work in an environment that they can develop their skills.

Benefits and Compensations

Aside from the basic salary that an employee receives, benefits and compensations are
the additional payment for their extra effort. High compensation provides employees with a
sense of satisfaction from their job and incentivizes them to perform better especially when
compensation is directly related to job performance. (Sharp, 2016) Company activities are also a
form of employee perks and benefits. Employees look forward to outings and fun activities to
recover their stress from all the work, thus, increasing their job satisfaction.

According to the Labor Code of the Philippines Book IV, Healthy, Safety and Social
Welfare Benefits Article 199, Earned benefits, income benefits shall, with respect to any period
of disability, be payable in accordance with this title to an employee who is entitled to receive
wages, salaries or allowances for holidays, vacation or sick leaves and any other award of benefit
under a collective bargaining or other agreement.

Under Article 199, it is stated that employees are to receive payment or cash allowances
even during vacation or sick leaves and in holidays. Payments during these days and other
additional benefits should be given to entitled employees.
In other words, rewards and benefits are given to employees seeing that they have the
right to receive the said benefits. It is also one of the first things employees are looking for in a
company. Employees search for an organization that is able to provide them good benefits that
they deserve. Rewards and benefits serve as a motivation to the employees, therefore helping
them to have a common goal and work for it as an organization. The rewards and benefits affect
the employee motivation and job satisfaction in the workplace to do their tasks effectively and

Minimizing Rules and Policies

Every organization has its own rules and policies that they follow as one group. However,
organizations have different ways of implementing their rules. Some are very strict when it
comes to their rules but to some other organizations, rules are given only when employees need a
reminding. According to Sarvadi (2005), with the right number and types of policies and
practices that are focused on a primary goal--improving individual performance in the
workplace. For every company, there is a different type of management style that is best suited
for them; therefore companies must know the right number and types of policies to implement
for best results.

Clear Goals and Expectations

Having a clear goal in mind creates an open and transparent relationship with your
employees. Goals promote planning to determine how goals will be achieved. Employees often
set goals in order to satisfy a need; thus, goals can be motivational and increase performance.
(Feliciano, 2008) There is a specific reason why jobs are made and that is to achieve that specific
goal. Clear expectations lets an employee know what they are doing their job for and how they
are contributing to the company’s success.

Defining Job Satisfaction

According to Davis et al (1985), Job satisfaction is attractive feeling that “results from
the perception that one’s job fulfills or, allows for the fulfillment of one’s key job values.” This
definition reflects three important aspects of job satisfaction. First, job satisfaction is a function
of values defined as “what a person consciously or unconsciously desires to obtain.” Second, job
satisfaction represents a combination of positive or negative feelings that workers have towards
their work. Meanwhile, when a worker employed in a business organization, brings with it the
needs, desires, and experiences which determinate expectations that he has dismissed. Job
satisfaction represents the extent to which expectations are and match the real honor. Job
satisfaction is closely related to the individual's behavior in the workplace.

High job satisfaction rate help bring lower turnover, higher productivity, increased profits
and loyalty. (Bisk, n.d.) Retaining workers creates a better opportunity for the organization to
have a healthy working environment which results in satisfaction among the employees. When
job satisfaction is met, it tends to achieve higher productivity and better job performance. When
employees perform well on their work, the company also flourish which leads to increased
profits. Loyalty is the next best thing you can get next to increased profit considering that other
than they perform efficiently, they also eye the same goal together with its company. Their
actions are not forced but are voluntary because they feel as if the organization is their family
and want to perform well for the overall success of the company. The bottom line is satisfied
employees are much less likely to leave. (Bisk, ibid)


Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivations

The intrinsic motivation dimension refers to an increase in motivation corresponding with

meaningful and stimulating work, flexible structures and procedures, and an adequate level of
autonomy. Praise and recognition seem to be valued more by senior employees. This represents
the affirmation of an individual’s self-worth, which is also represented by the positive
relationship between position and status as motivators and the experience of job satisfaction. The
extrinsic motivation dimension is represented by aspects such as the need for financial reward,
positive promotion prospects, and position and status. Extrinsic rewards provided by an
organization are those that are tangible and visible to others. From the foregoing, it is clear that
the realization of personal and job-related characteristics that motivate an individual is related to
increased job satisfaction. It was therefore hypothesized that the different dimensions of
motivation representing these characteristics are positively related to job satisfaction. (Roos &
Eeden, 2008)
Importance of Job Satisfaction

Salanova (2010) stated that there are important reasons why companies should be
concerned with employee job satisfaction, which can be classified according to the focus on the
employee or the organization. First, the humanitarian perspective is that people deserve to be
treated fairly and with respect. Job satisfaction is the reflection of a good treatment. It also can be
considered as an indicator of emotional well-being or psychological health. Second, the
utilitarian perspective is that job satisfaction can lead to behavior by an employee that affects
organizational functioning. In both humanitarian and utilitarian perspective, job satisfaction
serves as a necessity in every organization for them to be successful. “Good treatment” can be
considered as one of the employee motivators. An employee must feel satisfied in order to
strengthen an organization.

Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction

Unutmaz, S. (2014) conducted a study on Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction of

Employees in a Public Institution. In this study, there are two divided main groups as the-the
determinant factors of job satisfaction: environmental factors and personal factors according to
the study of Spector (1997). Environmental factors consist of work conditions, self-
improvement, rewards, supervision, co-workers, and communication. Work Conditions, people
want to work in a comfortable, safe environment, a clean, modern and enough equipped
environment (Sun, 2002) and work in good conditions such as appropriate temperature, lighting,
and noise (Green, 2000). Self-Improvement, if workers are satisfied on self-improvement
opportunities, their overall job satisfaction level increases. Reward, rewards are related to the
employee’s desire, and it motivates employees. It shows what an employee wants after
performing a certain task (Kalleberg, 1977). Supervision, employee job satisfaction have
positively affected by supervisors’ support and recognition of employees (Yang, et al., 2011).
Since the supervisors are representative for the institution, if they are supportive and helpful,
employees perceive the organization as the same (Emhan, et al., 2014). Co-worker, employees
that have a better relationship with their co-workers are more likely to be satisfied with their job
(Yang, et al., 2011). And last is communication, communication within the workplace is
essential for organizations in terms of job satisfaction.
Personal factors consist of gender, educational level, and seniority. Gender, gender
differences is an unending issue for both men and women in the world. Like for example, if the
expectancy levels of each gender, in which expectancy of women are relatively less than men
are, so, women can be satisfied with more (Besiktas, 2009, & Spector, 1997). Educational level,
in the literature, most researchers indicate that as the level of education increases, job satisfaction
may decrease. Highly educated workers may be dissatisfied with their work if it requires
performing the repetitive tasks (Green, 2000). And last is seniority, it is defined as how long
employees have been working on their jobs within the same organization. Some of the studies
state that as the age, seniority is also expected to contribute in increasing of the job satisfaction
due to the familiarity with work content and work environment.

Anyango (2011) according to the findings of her research, she revealed that employees
were often dissatisfied with the remuneration and benefits given by the company and should be
rewarded according to the performances, qualification, and experience the working environment
also affects one's productivity. The research identified the factors affecting job satisfaction. This
concern is together with the equipment used in the organization, the level of ease the employee
feels whenever she/he is at work, the culture of the company and its management style. In
addition, employee recognition from the boss could help a lot when motivating employees
because the research established that most of the managers do not give feedback to their
employees. It is in human nature that wants to be rewarded for whatever they do. Knowing how
to use a positive work environment can help reduce the employee turnover.

Nderitu (2013) asserts that the financial incentives strongly influence the employee's job
satisfaction. Back at 1911, Frederick Winslow Taylor and his scientific management described
that money is the most important factor in motivating employees to achieve greater productivity.
Premuzic (2013) stated that the meaning of money is subjective and the company should know
the variability of job satisfaction. He also concluded that the manager's personality has a
significant impact on motivating the employees. The outcome of the research will definitely be
depending on his/her employees. In addition, his research concluded that job training is also a
significant factor that leads to job satisfaction since an employee's familiarization strengthens
his/her job performance and with that, the employee is likely more satisfied and loyal to the
Xesha Et Al (2014) highlight the importance of employer-employee relationship and the
role of this two towards the growth of the business. Majority of his respondents agreed that their
loyalty to the business grew stronger due to the positive relationship between the manager and
his/her employees. The employees need to understand and to be well informed about what is
happening in the business. The feeling of being cared and given importance plays a big role
towards the employees’ job satisfaction. Employees who are more likely satisfied with their
relationship towards their employer are inspired to work harder and produce better results. Their
research concluded that an organization should never allow a negative relationship between the
two because the employees are the ones who have a direct contact with the customers who have
a really big contribution to the success of the business. Business owners must learn human skills
to easily motivate their employees because this is a great factor in creating a positive atmosphere
in the business.

Correlation between Employee Motivation and Job Satisfaction

According to Scheers and Botha (2014), there is a positive correlation between job
satisfaction and employee motivation, they mentioned that if the employee is highly satisfied in
his/her job the more it is motivated. In order to improve the satisfaction of the employees the
manager should give them the opportunity to speak their opinions about how they feel on their
job. They also said that “motivation directly affects the amount of input that an employee is
willing to put towards an organizational goal.” In other words, if the employee is highly
motivated in his/her job the higher the possibility that he/she will work better towards to the
company’s goal.

Singh, S.K and Tiwari, V. (2015) also stated in their study that there is a strong positive
correlation between employee motivation and job satisfaction and the functional relationship
between these two variables indicates that if the value of motivation increases, the value of job
satisfaction will increase also and vice-versa. In other words, if the employee is motivated in
his/her job he/she is also satisfied. They also mentioned the most and least important factor the
affects the level of satisfaction of the employees. The most important factor affecting the level of
satisfaction is the compensation package these are the basic pay and other benefits that are given
to employees, the management should give them a higher salary or benefits and allowances that
can help them to be motivated in their job and be satisfied, and the least important factor that
affects the level of satisfaction is the self-actualization.


In conclusion with this chapter, employee motivation and job satisfaction have been
defined by various researchers. All definitions are different in some part; however, every
definition is connected with each other and has the same similarity. Motivation is the internal
drive that causes an individual to decide to take action (Heathfield, ibid). It is not about the level
of performance the employees are doing but the satisfaction they feel while doing their job.
There are numerous factors that may affect the motivation of an employee according to various
resources; it is divided into categories which are, intrinsic and extrinsic factors. The intrinsic
factors are the internal drive that motivates the employees such as praise and recognition from
the managers, respect, employee empowerment, guidance from their superior, clear and
transparent goals, and implementation of the appropriate policies and management style.
Extrinsic motivation on the other hand is the monetary value that the employees receive from
their company. Whether it is the basic salary they receive every month or the benefits and
compensations their company provides. Company outings and activities like Christmas parties
are included in the extrinsic motivation.

According to the related studies, intrinsic factors are far more effective type of motivation
compared to the extrinsic factors. It was said that praise and recognition has a greater impact on
the level of contentment of the employee for they feel the sense of belonging and they would
want to remain in their company.

Job satisfaction on the other hand is the feeling of contentment an employee feels in his
or her workplace. Similar to employee motivation, job satisfaction also has several factors and it
is divided in environmental factors and personal factors. The related literatures and studies
prove that the two variables, employee motivation and job satisfaction have a positive correlation
seeing that the different factors of motivation directly affects the amount of input that an
employee is willing to put towards an organizational goal which means if the employee is
motivated, the value of job satisfaction also increases and vice-versa.


This chapter discusses the methods and procedures used by the researchers in order to
determine the outcome of the problem of the study.

3.1 Research Design

To address the problems of the study, the researchers generated insightful information on
the factors that may affect the employee motivation and job satisfaction of the Senior High
School Department faculty members in Manila Tytana Colleges. Descriptive-correlational survey
was utilized to determine the relationship of Employee Motivation (X) and Job Satisfaction (Y),
whether their relationship is perfect, high, moderate or low relationship.

3.2 Sample Size

The total population of the Senior High School Department faculty members is 84 while
the numbers who qualify according to our restrictions are 73 faculty members from different

3.3 Sample Designs and Techniques

For Sampling Design the researchers use Scientific Sampling which is Restricted
Random Sampling. The respondents of this research involve some restriction regarding the
professors of student in Manila Tytana Colleges. The professors should be regularized Senior
High School Faculty Members in Manila Tytana Colleges with at least 1year working experience

3.4 The Subjects

The respondents of the study are the 50 randomly selected regularized Senior High
School faculty members of Manila Tytana Colleges. The subjects must have at least 1 year
experience in Manila Tytana Colleges. Characteristics may include gender, age level, and subject

3.5 Research Instrument

In order to gather information regarding the correlation between employee motivation

and job satisfaction in Manila Tytana Colleges, The researcher will use questionnaires as their
research instrument for this study. The questions that are used by the researcher are from theses,
journals, articles, and interviews. The questionnaire is divided into two parts, the first part is the
personal information of the respondent this include the name, age, sex and etc. and the second
part includes the questions that are related to the study.

3.6 Validation of Instrument

In order to ensure that the questionnaire is valid and reliable, the researcher consults their
adviser about the questions they had made. The researcher asked their adviser for some
suggestions and corrections for them to improve the instrument they made.

3.7 Data Gathering Procedure

The data from this study were accumulated using a survey questionnaire. The questions
employed were modified from theses, journals, articles, and interviews. The survey was made up
of 10 questions that can help the study identify the correlation between employee motivation and
job satisfaction. After the questionnaire has been approved, the researcher distributed the survey
questionnaire to a number of 50 employees of Manila Tytana Colleges. The respondents are
given a time to answer according to what they have been truly experienced and to what are their
own opinion about this matter.

3.8 Statistical Treatment

The researchers will use the average mean as the statistical tool to determine the
frequency of the respondents’ answer

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