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Applying Design Thinking (DT) Process; prepare the following deliverables to be uploaded in

preparation to your final DT presentation.

Team Name :MotoTech (say your name and your role)

Thagave Justine Navalta- Project Manager(the Hustler)

Miranda Reimond- Programmer(the Hacker)

Espino Amos- Designer(the Hipster​)

Problem Challenge Statement

“How might we help the riders and other people to be aware of their surroundings for
them to avoid unwanted incidents”

Empathize - User Stories, POV, Persona

Motorist POV
:*riding on a motorcycle with unfamiliar road*

:*saw the signage but it was blurry and not very visible, and another tree branch blocked
the signage*

Rider ​:

:Oh no!!! It's a Sharp Curve!! I almost got hit by a truck!!

: thankfully I was is the inners side of the curve

Pedestrian POV

:*walking in the street besides the burnham park*

:*sees people doing zumba and decides to take a picture*

Mond :ow wow! Nice sana all can dance haha!

:i should post it on my feed

:*brings out phone*

;suddenly he heard a loud Beep sound and he realize that he is in the middle of the
pedestrian crossing
;he walks forward along with his reddish face

Define - How Might We (List of possible Solution)

● Inform them about their surrounding - for them to be alert

● Give them warning on what lies ahead - to make them prepare
● Give them some advice - so that they will know what to do

“Once a Rider, Always a Rider”. We Riders tend to be alert all the time to keep our safety to the
highest because one little distraction can lead to unwanted incidents. Even if they are not riding
or even if you are not a rider we should all be alert to our surroundings. So we came up with a
project that will help us to know what lies ahead of us.


Clairvoyance ​is a mobile application that gives warnings to the user this application is
dedicated for Riders but it can also be used by pedestrians.

Clairvoyance ​is a warning system that needs a sensor device. The sensor device will detect
the smartphone of the user with the use of Bluetooth, as soon as the sensor gets the SSID of
the user’s smartphone it will now send data to the applications. This data is the warnings and
the location of the sensor device. This application can also be used as a tracker because it
stores the savepoint or the location of the sensor device in the history of the application.


This screen will show where the user visited the most and what warnings that they usually

Log System / history

In this , the warning that the smartphone receive will be stored here along with its time and

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