Science 9 Electricity Quiz

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Bexson______________________________________________ Name:_______________________


Multiple Choice & Numerical Response

Use the following information to answer the next question

Some descriptions of objects
1. A balloon gets static-y from rubbing it on hair
2. A piece of silicon yields an electric current of 1.0 A
3. A piece of aluminum yields an electric current of 100 A
4. A ceramic tube heats up and slows down current in a circuit

Numerical Response
1. Match the descriptions from the list above with the appropriate terms below.

Answer: ________ _________ _________ _________

Insulator Fair Conductor Semiconductor Resistor

(Record your 4-digit answer in the numerical response section on the answer sheet)

Use the following information to answer the next two questions

A circuit was built in a grade 9 science classroom. The circuit contained a battery, a voltmeter,
and a switch in series. It also contained an ammeter in parallel with 1 lamp and in series with
another lamp. The voltmeter read a voltage of 135 V and the ammeter measured a current of
60 A.

Numerical Response
2. Calculate the resistance of the circuit containing the ammeter above : (D2.6k)

(Record your 4-digit answer in the numerical response section on the answer sheet)

Written Response

1. Draw a circuit diagram for the above circuit. Use appropriate symbols for each device. (3 marks)
Mr. Bexson______________________________________________ Name:_______________________

Multiple Choice

1. In every electric system, while both are dangerous, it is the ____i____ that is dangerous
from its tendency to cause arcing and it is the ___ii____ that can be fatal from even the
slightest amount of it. (D2.1k)

Row i ii
A. voltage current
B. voltage resistance
C. current voltage
D. current static

2. Complete the sentence: The current flowing through a copper strip will be _________ the
current flowing through a wooden pencil. (D2.3k)
A. lower than
B. equal to
C. higher than
D. None of the above

Use the following information to answer the next 2 questions

When static electricity builds up in the atmosphere it eventually comes down to the earth in the
form of lightning. This causes quite a violent reaction and creates a sound that can be heard
from miles away. Similarly, when a student touches a running van de Graff machine, they also
develop static electricity.

3. Based on the information above, what will happen when a student that is touching a van
de Graff machine touches another student? (D2.2k)
A. Electric charge
B. Electric discharge
C. Static charge
D. Shock

4. In both of these situations, in order to complete the circuits, the lightning and the student
need to be ___i____ and the result is ____ii____ electricity. (D2.2k)

Row i ii
A. charged current
B. discharged static
C. grounded current
D. ionized static
Mr. Bexson______________________________________________ Name:_______________________

5. Ohm’s law explains the relationship between which 3 variables? (D2.5k/D2.6k)

A. Current, voltage and charge
B. Energy, voltage and resistance
C. Resistance, charge and potential difference
D. Resistance, voltage and current

Use the following diagram to answer the next question

6. In the circuit diagram above, how many switches need to be closed in order to light at
least one bulb? (D2.4k)
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four

Use the following diagram to answer the next two questions

7. In the above circuit diagram, where would the current be the lowest? (D2.4k)

A. Between the resistors and the light bulb

B. In between the resistors
C. Immediately before the positive side of the battery
D. At the light bulb

8. At the point where the current is the lowest, what can be said about the resistance of that
point compared to spot immediately after the negative side of the battery? (D2.4k)

A. It will be much higher

B. It will be much lower
C. It will not be affected at all
D. The resistances in question will become equal
Mr. Bexson______________________________________________ Name:_______________________

Use the following information to answer the next 3 questions

A science 9 teacher placed a copper strip and a zinc strip into a glass of lemon juice. He
connects two wires to the metal strips and connects them to a voltmeter.

9. The above is an example of a(n): (D1.3k)

A. Battery
B. Electrode
C. Electrolyte
D. Electrochemical cell

10. The copper and zinc are the ____i____ and the lemon juice acts as the ____ii_____:

Row i ii
A. Anode and cathode electrode
B. Anode and cathode electrolyte
C. electrolyte Anode and cathode
D. metals Anode and cathode

11. What would happen to the voltmeter if you were to suddenly change the lemon juice to
concentrated sulfuric acid? (D1.3k)
A. It would decrease the voltage reading
B. It would increase the voltage reading
C. It would do nothing
D. It would go to zero since concentrated sulfuric acid is not an electrolyte

12. What kind of energy comes out of a 120 V wall socket? (D1.1k)
A. Electrical
B. Chemical
C. Gravitational potential
D. Mechanical

13. What kind of energy does a battery contain when it is not connected to anything? (D1.1k)
A. Electrical
B. Chemical
C. Gravitational potential
D. Mechanical

14. What kind of energy is emitted when electrical current goes through a resistor? (D1.1k)
A. Electrical
B. Light
C. Heat
D. Chemical
Mr. Bexson______________________________________________ Name:_______________________

Use the following information to answer the next 2 questions

A bigger part of the electrical energy we get in Southern Alberta is from wind farms. Those
wind farms use big windmills to use Southern Alberta wind to turn a big fan which in turn,
provides energy to a generator to produce usable electrical energy.

15. The energy transformation above is most accurately depicted by which of the following?
A. Wind – Mechanical - Electrical
B. Wind – Electrical - Mechanical
C. Gravitational potential – electrical – mechanical
D. Gravitational potential – wind - electrical

16. If the energy from the windmills was used to light a city, what types of energy would be
created from that energy conversion? (D1.2k)
A. Light and sound
B. Electrical and light
C. Light and heat
D. Electrical and heat

Use the following information to answer the next question

Certain particles in the atom
1. Electron
2. Proton
3. Neutron

17. Which of the above is the primary source of electricity? (D2.2k)

A. Electron
B. Proton
C. Neutron
D. All of the above

18. What feature of a river is the best analogy for the resistance in an electric circuit? (D2.5k)
A. A beaver dam
B. The volume of water that moves past a particular point in a given time
C. The depth of the river
D. The size of a waterfall

Numerical Response
3. Calculate the current in a 9 V battery if the resistance is measured to be 16 Ω. Round
your answer to the nearest hundredth. (D2.6k)

(Record your 4-digit answer in the numerical response section on the answer sheet)
Mr. Bexson______________________________________________ Name:_______________________

Numerical Response
4. Calculate the voltage of a 111 A current that has a resistance of 0.5 Ω. (D2.6k)

(Record your 4-digit answer in the numerical response section on the answer sheet)

19. Which of the following statements about parallel circuits is most correct? (D2.7k)
A. the electricity does not follow the same path around the circuit
B. the electricity does follow one path around the circuit
C. The brightness of bulbs within the circuit depends on how close the bulb is to the
D. The brightness of the bulbs depends on how many there are

20. Electrical devices within the circuit of a house are most often connected in what type of
circuit? (D2.8k)
A. simple circuit
B. resistance circuit
C. series circuit
D. parallel circuit

Written Response

2. Draw a circuit diagram for a functional circuit. Label each part of the diagram and explain its
purpose in the circuit. (5 marks) (D2.7k/D2.8k)

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