The Career That I Aspire in The Future : Week No. 2 Activity No.1 Irish G. Dueñas Score: 12-Faraday 10/16/20

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Irish G. Dueñas Score:
12-Faraday 10/16/20
UCSP Sir Arnold S. Mabalda

The career that I aspire in the future …

I want to be an aspiring nurse in the future because I observed that

the number of nurses has decreased due to the pandemic that we are
experiencing and also most of my aunties and cousins are in this line of

Nursing has a lot of opportunities especially there is a major

shortage of nurses in our world, many private and public hospitals are
hiring for nurses. If I will be a nurse someday, it doesn't matter what
race, gender, economic status or social status the patient is as long as I
can serve and help them in a good way.

Irish G. Dueñas Score:
12-Faraday 10/16/20

Elements in the picture Related institution

1. Signage Media/Politics

2. Face mask Health/Politics

3. Buses Economy
What are the functions of the people mentioned above (including those who made the object you

1. Signage is from the mayor of the city and an outdoor media to let people be reminded on the protocols
about social distancing.

2. Face mask representing manufacturers and is utilized to prevent the spread of disease and for health to
be safety.

3. Buses representing the manufacturers and is essential to the economy.

Describe how these elements work together to maintain order and stability of the source.

-These elements work together to maintain order and stability by its individual functions in the society.
The manufacturers build buses for transportation of the people and the people wears face mask in buses or
outside the house to keep the health away from viruses, and the signage helps to remind people to do
social distancing.

Irish G. Dueñas Score:
12-Faraday 10/16/20

1. What resources
could these
people be competing for?
 The resources people are competing for is the public transportation and face mask.

2. Is power inflicted among the people to behave the way they do? Who has the
power and who obeys the powerful?
 Yes, the government has the power like in the signage it is from the city mayor and the

people need to obey to prevent infection of the COVID and getting punished by the


3. Do you see any representation of inequality (as describe by Karl Marx)?

 -Yes, the people lack resources such as public transportation. The rich have their own
vehicle to ride on while the average citizens need to ride on public transportation to reach
their destinations. They are inequal in terms of social status.

Irish G. Dueñas Score:
12-Faraday 10/16/20

1.People are lining up at the side walk. What could this situation mean among residents of
Quezon City? What does this situation symbolize?
 -This situation could mean that people are lining up waiting for a transportation and this
symbolize that people are going off to work or going home.

2.What does the street sign symbolize for the current lifestyle that the residents of Quezon City

 Street sign symbolize as a reminder to the people of the protocols that the city implemented.

3. The wearing of face mask is the new normal due to the pandemic. Other than virus protection,
what do face masks symbolize to those people in the picture?

 Face masks also symbolize as a protection on going to jail and getting punished by the authorities
because authorities are task to arrest people not wearing face masks outside the vicinity of the

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