App Inventor Assignment 1

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2 Computer Literacy
Coding with App Inventor 2 - Assignment 1

Make an app to show a “Quote of the day” to users.

1. Name your project as “QOTD_​class​_c
​ lass no”​ , using your actual class and class number.

e.g. if you are 2H no. 34, your project name should be “QOTD_2H_34”

2. Modify the title of the screen to show your ​class​, ​class no.​ and ​name​.
( Change it ​under the ​Properties ​pane of ​Screen1​ )

3. Name the components meaningfully

(Change the defaults names like Button1, Label1, etc into more meaningful names that reflect
their functions)

4. Submit the source code ​(.aia)​ file of your project.

A project is auto-saved in the cloud. You can share your app in an executable form (.apk) that
can be installed on a device, or in source code form (.aia) that can be loaded into App
Inventor and remixed. ​All assignments you submitted should be in source code (.aia)
format​. (See the screenshot at the end of this document.)

From App Inventor Menu, choose​ Project ​> ​Export selected project to my computer​, please
upload the exported QOTD​_​class​_​class no​.aia​ file to eClass as your assignment
Design considerations:

● What are the user interactions? Can the user see another quote if the user wants?
(Should the user click a button or do something before the quote is shown? Consider
components that capture user actions)

Task​: For the following questions, list out the possibilities and take a poll in the class to decide on the
one to use for the whole class.

● How should the quote be shown?

(Consider the components that can show text, and decide on the appearance of the text like
font size, color, its position on the screen, etc)

Task​: Try to control a component that can show text and changes its text according to user action.

● How many different quotes to include?

( how to store the quotes inside the app? )

Task​: Try to randomly show ~2 to 3 different words first.

● What quotes to use?

( Lots of resources on the Internet! )

Task​: Google for meaningful quotes

Useful elements for the task:

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