A-4 Fire and Explosion Hazards

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National Safety Council, India

RIVISED IS 14489 -2018



National Safety Council, India


Sub Elements (13)
1. Organizational setup for fire fighting

2. Built in safety in civil design and construction

3. Built in Safety in Electric Circuits and Equipment

4. Explosive substances

5. Fire safety in handling flammable and explosive



National Safety Council, India


6. Fire detection and alarm system

7. Passive and active fire protection system

8. Fixed fire extinguishing system

9. Portable Fire Extinguishing System

10. Firefighting equipment and facilities

11. Fire drill

12. Firefighting training

13. Static electricity and lightning

National Safety Council, India

1.Organizational setup for fire fighting

Under Factory Act Section 38 many states Fire protection

sub rules talk about fire organization for example MP factory
Rules 72. Fire Protection. Sub rule (12) )Specify that
(a) Personnel in charge of fire, shall be a trained responsible
(b) Sufficient number of persons shall be trained in handling of
firefighting equipment (c) to ensure that adequate number of
persons are available for firefighting

In Oil industry which follows Oil industry safety directors

Standards it requirement under OISD STD . 116 to have full-
fledged Fire Protection / Fighting organization manned by
personnel having suitable professional qualification & training

4 ,


National Safety Council, India

1.Organizational setup for fire fighting

NBC codes chapter 4 related fires have been adopted by
many state governments and rules are also made and
enforced, in these rules requirements of fire officer and trained
staff is insisted for certain types of occupancies
a) High rise buildings (30 M),
b) All hotels, identified under classification three star and above
and all hotels above 15 m. in height with 150 beds capacity or
more without star category.
c) All hospital building of 15 m. and above or having number of
beds exceeding 100.
d) Underground shopping complex where covered area
exceeds 1000 sq m.
e) All high hazard industries.

National Safety Council, India

2.Built in safety in civil design and

◼ In factory act section 38. Clear reference is made related to
means of escape /exits and states factory rules list down more
20 sub rules related civil design
◼ Separations distances between combustible / flammable
materials storage building and other is also specified factory
◼ Access routes for firefighting operations;
◼ Factory rules many states have spelled out rules for this for
example rule of Maharashtra factory 70 (2)
◼ Oil industry safety stander(118) insist for Alternative access
shall be provided for each facility so that it can be approached
for fire fighting in the event of blockage on one route width also
◼ As per NBC code all around the building a free space of 6 meter
must be kept for fire truck and ambulance movement.


National Safety Council, India

2.Built in safety in civil design and

NBC Code also insist for certain fire resistance rating structures in
the building
1. Walls of lift enclosures shall have a fire rating of two hours.
2. Landing door in lift enclosures &Lift car door shall have a fire
resistance rating of 1 hour
3. Service duct shall be enclosed by walls and door, if any, of 2
hours fire rating
4. The electric distribution cables/wiring shall be laid in a separate
duct shall be sealed at every floor with non-combustible material
having the same fire resistance as that of the duct
5. Fire/smoke dampers(for smoke extraction shafts) for building
more than 24 m. in height.
6. The boilers if it in the building it should be periphery of the
basement it must installed in a fire resisting room of 4 hours

National Safety Council, India

2.Built in safety in civil design and

Buildings shall be planned, designed and constructed to ensure
fire safety and this sha1l be done in accordance with part IV Fire
Protection of National Building Code of India, the building schemes
shall also be cleared by the Chief Fire Officer

EXPLOSIVES RULES, 2008: gives guidance for storage of

explosives including construction and operating instruction CCOE
approval and authorization for , storage of explosives required


National Safety Council, India


◼ Electrical equipment in farmable atmospheres

• Electricity being one major source of Ignition in Hazardous area . In India, the
standard IS-5572: 2009 deals with the hazardous area classification
(HAC)auditor has check this ensure compliance

◼ CEA regulations 2010 must be referred for compliance all electrical

equipment safety (dealt in previous session) The IS code 2309 1989 can be
referred for details of design and protection requirements.

◼ Factory act/Rules lighting arrestor Protection from lightning shall be

provided for- (a) Building in which explosives or highly flammable substances
(b) Storage tanks containing oils, paints or other flammable liquids;(c) Grain
elevators;(d) Buildings, tall chimneys or stacks where flammable gases, fumes,
dust or lint are likely to be present; and (e) Sub-station buildings and outdoor
transformers and switch yards.

National Safety Council, India


◼ NBC code chapter 8 deals with electrical safety in building this should
be referred while auditing key issues are
◼ A stand by electric generator shall be installed to supply power to
staircase and corridor lighting circuits, lifts detection system, fire
pumps, pressurization fans and bowlers, P..A system, exit sign, smoke
extraction system,
Electric sub-station safety measures
◼ The sub-station must not be located below the 1st basement and
above the ground floor.
◼ Electric sub station enclosure must be completely segregated with 4-
hours fire rating wall from remaining part.
◼ Oil filled transformers shall be protected with high velocity water spray
system / Nitrogen Injection System Carbon Dioxide total flooding
system. preferably have oil less dry transformer in building
◼ Exits from basement electric substation shall have self-closing fire
smoke check doors of 2-hours fire rating near entry to ramp



National Safety Council, India

4.Explosive substances
Indian Explosive rules underwent major revision in year 2008 and it now
covers following , Plastic explosives mines/rock blasting explosives , crackers,
etc., any storage of these types explosive more than 15 kgs requires license
from CCOE Nagpur .key safety issue are
• Provision for Safety Management System as per International norms for High
Explosives Factories made (Rules 26&27).
• Provision for employment of Competent Persons for supervision of Explosives
Manufacturing made (Rule 11).
• Procedures for granting recognition to Competent Persons (including foreman
and short firer) made along with specific formats of certificate for each
activities. (Sub Rules (5) & (6) of Rule 107).
• Accountability in transaction of explosives provided (Rule 77).
• Every consignment of explosives transported under licence(Rule 47 )
◼ Rule 6 (6) Restriction on smoking and articles likely to cause fire or dangerous
◼ Rule 12. Protection from lightning and thunderstorm.-
◼ Rule 22. Use of electrical equipment.—
◼ Rule 70. Fire extinguishers to be provided


National Safety Council, India

5.Fire safety in handling flammable and explosive

Flammable materials handling covered under CCOE rules such as
The Petroleum Rules 2002 -loading and unloading of products
◼ Rule 31. Prohibition of smoking, fires, lights. –
◼ Rule 32. Restriction on loading and unloading by night. –
◼ Rule 48. Fire-extinguishing appliances to be ready for use. –
◼ Rule 72. Means of extinguishing fire.
◼ Rule 78. Precautions against static charges. –
earthling and bonding of pipelines, tankers during un loading /loading is requirement
◼ Rule 101. Reports of fire or major leakage.
The Petroleum Rules 2002 -chapter v : storage of petroleum requiring
◼ Rule 117. Precautions against fire. –Rule 174 Prevention of danger from
static electricity.



National Safety Council, India

5.Fire safety in handling flammable and

explosive materials
The Petroleum Rules 2002 ;chapter viii : refining of
◼ Rule 170. Fire and Smoking
◼ Rule 171. Permits to carry out maintenance and
repair work.
◼ Rule 172 Fire Control.
◼ Rule 179. Report of Fire
Factories act /Maharashtra Factory Rule 73-C
◼ Safety measures in factories where equipment or
pipeline containing inflammable materials are


National Safety Council, India

5.Fire safety in handling flammable

and explosive materials
Factories act and model rule 68
◼ Sub rule 1, Distance & requirement
◼ Sub rule 2, Access for fire fighting
◼ Sub rule 3, Protection against lighting
◼ Sub rule 4, Precautions against ignition(Static Charge)
◼ Sub rule 5, Spontaneous ignition.
◼ Sub rule 6 ; gas cylinder
◼ Sub rule 7, Storage of flammable liquids
◼ Sub rule 8. Accumulation of flammable dust, gas,
◼ Sub rule 9 : Fire Exits



National Safety Council, India

5.Fire safety in handling flammable

and explosive materials5
The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016
◼ Rule14. Prohibition of smoking, fire, light and
dangerous substances
◼ Rule 18. Handling and use cylinders
Rule 21. Storage of cylinders
◼ Rule 22. Electrical installations near cylinders
◼ Rule 24. Cylinder subjected to the action of fire.-
Factory act and model rule 68
◼ Sub rule 6, Cylinders containing compressed gas


National Safety Council, India

5.Fire safety in handling flammable and

explosive materials
The Static and Mobile Pressure Vessel Rules,
◼ Rule 21. General. Requirements
◼ Rule 22. Location of pressure vessels.
◼ Rule 26. Fire protection
◼ Rule 27. Loading and unloading facilities.
◼ Rule 31. Electrical apparatus and installations.
◼ Rule 32A& B Classification of hazardous area for
flammable gases



National Safety Council, India

6.Fire Detector and Alarm System

Power requirements for fire alarm and signaling systems are specified
in the NBC code requires a system to have either two sources of power
(primary and secondary) or a single Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS).
IS2189 -2008 6.3 siting of detectors must be referred during audit
key provisions are
◼ Detectors shall not be mounted within 500 mm of any walls,
◼ Detectors shall not be mounted within I m of any air inlet (supply air
inlets of HVAC system) or a forced ventilation system.
◼ Detector siting shall be such that a clear space of 500 mm is
maintained below each detector.
◼ All stairwells, lift shafts, other utility shafts, etc, shall have a detector
at the top.
◼ All unenclosed staircase shall have one detector at each main landing
within the staircase Lift machine rooms shall be provided with a


National Safety Council, India

6.Fire Detector and Alarm System

◼ The detector shall also be provided in cable tunnels, ducts, false
floors, AC and AHU room, long AC return ducts and distribution
◼ No detector shall be subjected to any interior decoration treatment,
that is, painting, alteration of exterior cover, etc,
◼ Every enclosure (that is, room or cabin) shall have a detector at
ceiling level
◼ Voidsas in false ceiling/flooring more than 800 mm shall be protected
with detectors with spacing like in normal installation
◼ Smoke detectors for heights between 7 m and 10 m – room is ok
Beyond 10m height - Only beam detectors or aspirating type
detection systems to be used
◼ there is at least one smoke detector for every 100 m2



National Safety Council, India

6.Fire Detector and Alarm System

◼ 6.3.8 Siting of Manual Call Points key point
◼ Manual call points shall be so located that, no person has to travel
distance of more than 30 m to reach them.
◼ Call points shall be fixed at a height of 1.4 m above the surrounding
floor level, at easily accessible, well illuminated and conspicuous
positions, which are free of obstructions.
◼ Manual call point shall be located preferably near entry to staircases
at various levels.
◼ Linear heat sensing cables
◼ These cables are used for detecting fire and overheating in certain
specific occupancies such as:
a) cables tunnels, trays and vaults;
b) material conveyors;
c) bulk storage multi-racked areas;
d) rim seals offloating rooftanks storing hazardous chemicals; and
e) a few other special occupancies.

National Safety Council, India

6.Fire Detector and Alarm System

◼Inspection and testing to be done as follows

 OEM requirements.

 IS:2189:2008

➢ Initial Installation Tests

➢ Maintenance Schedules

➢ Daily by User : Panel indications / faults

➢ Weekly : Operate one device. (complete all zones in 13 weeks),

battery checks.

➢ Yearly : operation of at least 20% devices in year.



National Safety Council, India

7.Passive fire protection system

◼ Types of Passive fire protection –check where these
are provided

❖ Fire Proofing of structural members (referee issues

discuses item 2.)

❖ Fire Separation Walls in concealed

space/Electrical Substation // transformer yard/bays/
cable galleries.

❖ Fire Seals in underground sewer system / Flare Knock

out Drums


National Safety Council, India

7.Passive fire protection system

• Pressurization of Enclosure

• Fire retardant coatings and tapes for cables

• Flame proof and flame resistant electrical enclosure.

• Fire doors

• Fire retardant paints

• Spark Arresters
◼ The Fire dampers can be consider as one of passive fire
protection as it prevent the spread of fire through heating,
ventilation, and AC ducts, which helps to stop a fire from
spreading throughout the rest of the building



National Safety Council, India

8.Fixed fire fighting systems

◼ Fire water storage
◼ Factory rules (MFR)71-B. -2 for water supply gives a formula for
calculation sub rule (6) Water-supply should be for at least 100
minutes. Or 4,50,000 liters
◼ NBC also gives guideline for water storage different building and
occupancy table 7 chapter 4 –fire section
◼ OISD -116 gives water storage requirement as 4 hrs of pumping
◼ TAC norms specify the requirement as per hazard classification for
light hazard it is Not less than 1 hr aggregate pumping capacity with
minimum of 135,000 liters/Ordinary Hazard Not less than 2 hr /High
Hazard “A” Not less than 3 hr /High High HazardNot less than 4 hr
aggregate pumping capacity


National Safety Council, India

8.Fixed fire fighting systems

◼ Fire pumps
◼ Factory rules (MFR)71-B. - (6) Water pump capacity of 4500lpm -Sub
rule 11; fire water and pump requirements
◼ NBC also gives guideline for water pump different building and
occupancy table 7 chapter 4 –fire section
◼ OISD -116 The capacity and number of main fire water pumps shall be
fixed based on design fire water rate, worked out on the basis of
design criteria
◼ TAC norms specify the pumps and capacity requirement as per hazard
classification and number of hydrants
◼ Hydrant s
◼ Tac norms gives hydrant distance based on the hazard classification
high hazard every 30 meters /medium 45/light 60 hazards and it also
other requirement
◼ OISD 116 /117 gives hydrant requirements lay out and type etc.



National Safety Council, India

8. Fixed fire extinguishing system

◼ Fixed water spray system(asper oil industry practice)
➢ Class ‘A’ Petroleum storage in above ground tanks Class 'B' Petroleum storage
tanks - Floating roof 30 M. and - Fixed roof tanks 20 M.

➢ Un-insulated vessels having capacity larger than 50 m3 and containing class A

or B flammable liquid.

➢ Pumps handling petroleum products class 'A' under pipe racks.

➢ Air fin coolers in hydrocarbon service

➢ Oil loading/unloading Tank Truck &Tank Wagon Gantries

➢ Automatic water spray system for pressurized storage of hydrocarbons such as

LPG, Propane, Hydrogen etc.

➢ As Per CEA Regulation 44(2)(ix) all transformers having oil more than 2000
liters must be provided fixed water spray system.

➢ Also water spray system are provided in electrical cable gallery ,


National Safety Council, India

8. Fixed fire extinguishing system

Sprinkler systems are used for fire extinguishment when the hazards
located inside buildings. Some of the examples being:

a) Car parking in basement

b) Building/sheds storing combustible and flammable materials.

c) Office building

Note: IS 15105 code gives details on fixed auto sprinkler system for all
types of occupancies auditors must refer this code.

IS 3844: 1989 code of practice for installation and maintenance of internal

fire hydrant & hose reels
IS 15105 Design and Installation of Fixed Automatic Sprinkler Fire
Extinguishing Systems - Code of Practice
Factory model rule 68 Sub rule 13 fire sprinklers and hydrants
requirement is coverd



National Safety Council, India


◼ IS 2190 -2010 selection, installation and maintenance of first-aid fire
extinguishers should be referred by auditor
◼ The Model rules(factory rules) framed under Sections 38 & 41 of The
Factories Act,1948 Rule 68 Fire protection. Sub rule 10 ;First aid fire
fighting equipment, requirement ,placement testing etc And Schedule I- First
Aid Fire fighting Equipment and Schedule II – equipment's to be provided
with trailer pump cover entire requirement of the fire fighting equipment's
which include the extinguishers . CEA regulation petroleum rules also specify
about placement extinguisher
◼ Few key points
The Extinguishers should be mounted at 1mts from the ground level./It is
necessary to construct suitable shades to protect the extinguishers/The
location where the extinguishers are installed should be clearly marked with
proper sign/Extinguishers should be sited in such a way that it is not
necessary to travel more than 15 metres from the fire to reach the
◼ For extinguisher auditor must check Inspection Records//Maintenance
Record/History Card/CCE Certificate in case of Carbon dioxide extinguisher.
/Minimum stock of extinguisher available./hydrotest records


National Safety Council, India

10. Firefighting other equipment and facilities

◼ Hose Pipes and Nozzles
◼ Monitors
◼ BA sets
◼ Foam equipment's
◼ Fire suits other PPE
◼ Fire trucks
◼ Communication facilities
◼ Fire control room
◼ Fire equipment stores



National Safety Council, India

11. Fire drill

◼ There shall be regular mock fire drills, once a month.
The record of such drills shall be maintained.
◼ As per NBC Code Part IV Fire drill - at least once in
every 3 months for existing bldg during the first 2 yrs.
Thereafter at least once in every 6 months.
◼ Under factory act Model rule 68 (c) Fire fighting drills
shall be held as often as necessary and at least once
in every period of 2 months


National Safety Council, India

12.Fire fighting training

◼ Under factory act Model rule 68 (b) Sufficient
number of persons shall be trained in the proper
handling of fire fighting equipment ,adequate number
of persons are available for fire fighting both by
means of first-aid fire fighting equipment and others.



National Safety Council, India

13. Static electricity and lightning arrestor

The Petroleum Rules 2002 -loading and unloading
of products
◼ Rule 78. Precautions against static charges. –
earthling and bonding of pipelines, tankers during un loading /loading
is requirement
◼ Rule 174 Prevention of danger from static electricity.
◼ Factory act /model rule 68 Sub rule 3, Protection against
lighting Sub rule 4, Precautions against ignition(Static Charge)


National Safety Council, India

What auditor should check

a) What is the total strength of fire station and fire crew
b) How many fire crews are available in each shift?
c) Is there fire squad identified in each shift?
d) Standing fire order is available with latest revision
e) How is the communication with fire station?
f) Does fire safety inspections carried out?
g) Does emergency procedure available for leakage or flammables?
h) What measures are available to control the fire load in the plant area?
j) Whether technical knowledge and skills of the manager and staff
responsible for overall fire safety of the plant is adequate?
k) How many major and minor incidents / fires during the last five years?
m) all the fires / incidents been investigated and corrective actions taken?
n) Resources: 1) Adequacy of protective clothing (coat, trouser, gloves, boots
and helmets); 2) Availability of SCBA and spare cylinders (at least 2 for each
SCBA); 3) Adequacy of hose, nozzles, ladders, lighting equipment and pumps;
and4) Communication facility at fire station, walkie talkie sets during firefighting



National Safety Council, India

What auditor should check

2.Built in Safety in Civil Design and Construction
a) Whether the two safe means of escape available? Are they in separate
b) Is emergency exits provided to the building handling flammables?
c) Whether emergency lights are provided?
d) Whether fire / smoke detectors are installed in fire prone areas?
e) Whether fire call points are provided in different areas?
f) Whether Fire hydrants are provided near the buildings?
g) Is ventilation system in plant handling flammables is adequate to prevent
formation of flammable mixtures?
h) Is adequate separation is provided between combustible / flammable
materials and other material to restrict the fire growth?
i) Access routes for fire fighting operations is available for areas having high
fire load
j) Whether building changes interferes with fire detection and / or fire
suppression systems?
k) Whether building changes cause unreasonable fire loading / openings in
the fire rated walls?


National Safety Council, India

What auditor should check

.3 Built in Safety in Electric Circuits and Equipment
a) Are the electrical equipment in areas where flammables mixture is likely to
be present of flame-proof type?
b) Are lightning arrestors are provided to the buildings / structures storing
flammable materials?
c) Whether adequate bonding and grounding of electrical equipment /
pipelines provided?
4 Explosive Substances
a) Whether necessary license / approval take
b) Whether systems for explosion suppression, high speed fire detection with
deluge, sprinklers, explosion venting etc. are provided?
c) Whether explosion resistant walls or barricades are provided around
explosive storage?
d) Whether explosive substance storage areas are restricted for entry?
e) Whether only trained persons are handling explosive substances?
f) Whether explosive substances are stored and transported in approved
containers only?



National Safety Council, India

What auditor should check

5 Fire Safety in Handling Flammable and Explosive materials
a) Whether emergency procedure is available for control of leakage?
b) Whether emergency measures are displayed locally in case of accidental spillage /
c) Whether facility is provided for safe drainage of combustible or flammable liquids
d) Whether highly flammable liquids are stored under inert atmosphere?
e) Whether flammable storage tanks are provided with flame arrestors?
f) Whether suitable PPEs are provided?
6 Fire Detection and Alarm System
a) What type of fire detection and alarm system provided?
b) Whether all fire prone areas of the plant are covered with fire detection system?
c) Whether fire detection equipment and smoke alarms in good operating condition?
d) Whether the number of fire call points are adequate and free from obstruction?
e) Whether regular inspection / maintenance / testing carried out and records maintained
f) Whether any atmospheric monitoring is carried out for explosive mixture
g) Whether emergency power supplies are provided to fire detection
h) Whether smoke detectors are located considering ventilation pattern?
i) Whether annunciation of fire is local or in the control room or in both places?
j) Whether fire panel is constantly attended?


National Safety Council, India

What auditor should check

.7 Passive and Active Fire Protection System
a) What are the passive fire protection measures available? (barriers, doors,
dampers etc.)
b) Are the areas requiring fire barriers identified?
c) Whether the fire barrier provided is of adequate ratings?
d) Whether ventilation ducts in flammable areas have been provided with isolation
dampers of suitable fire rating?
e) Whether sprinklers / deluge are installed wherever necessary?
f) Whether regular inspection / maintenance / testing of fire protection system
carried out and records maintained?
8 Fixed Fire Extinguishing System
a) What are the sources of firewater and whether they are dedicated to the fire
b) Whether the capacity of dedicated water reservoir is adequate for 2 hr?
c) Whether un-interrupted power supply is provided to the firewater pumps?
d) Whether the extinguishing medium selected is appropriate to the class of fire
e) Whether fire hydrants layout is available?



National Safety Council, India

What auditor should check

f)Whether additional (over minimum requirement) fire hoses, nozzles are
g) Whether the hydrants lines are kept pressurized?
h) Whether regular inspection / maintenance / testing of fixed fire
extinguishing systems carried out and records maintained?
9 Portable Fire Extinguishing System
a) Whether suitable type and numbers of fire extinguishers provided?
b) Whether the fire extinguishers are located at conspicuous position and
easily accessible? Are they fully charged and tagged?
c) Whether fire extinguishers periodically inspected, tested, refilled and
records maintained?
d) Whether defective / unchecked fire extinguishers present at site?
e) Whether additional fire extinguishers are available?


National Safety Council, India

What auditor should check

10 Fire Fighting Equipment and Facilities
a) Whether fire tenders (water / foam) are available?
b) Whether the fire-fighting system and equipment approved, tested and
maintained as per relevant standard?
c) Whether the SCBA / fire suit provided to fire fighting team for immediate
d) What is system for maintenance / recharge of SCBA?
e) Is proper access available for fire fighting equipment?
f) Whether fire hose cabinets are in good condition, easily visible, and
g) Whether drill tower is available? Are fire personnel carrying out regular
fire drill
h) What is the communication facility at fire station? Is it adequate?



National Safety Council, India

What auditor should check

.11 Fire Drill
a) Whether mock fire drills are conducted? What is the frequency of drills?
b) Whether fire drills are also performed in night shift
c) Whether feedback of fire drill is documented?
d) What is the system of mutual-aid scheme?
12 Fire Fighting Training
a) Whether a system of providing firefighting training to plant personnel?
b) What is the frequency and duration of such training? Whether training
records are maintained?
c) Whether fire squads are identified for different areas for first-aid fire
fighting and rescue, and suitably trained?
d) Are all personnel conversant with the fire prevention and protection
e) Whether the fire staff are sent for refresher / advanced training


National Safety Council, India

What auditor should check

13 Static Electricity and Lightning
a) Whether all vessels and pipes are provided with suitable bonding and
b) Whether arrangement has been made for grounding the tanker
containing flammable liquid during loading / unloading?
c) Whether spark resistant tools are provided?
d) Whether lightning protection is provided and is adequate?
e) Whether antistatic clothing, hand gloves and footwear are provided?



National Safety Council, India

Any questions ?

◼ aaraichur@nsc.org.in




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