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24 April 2017

Robotics & AI

i. ​What is intelligence?
➔ The ability to evaluate and judge.
➔ The ability to make decisions.
➔ The ability to react based on instinctiveness and intuition.
➔ To be self-aware; to know that you exist.

Turing test:​ A common pathway to differentiate between a computer and a human. If there is
communication between a human and a robot, and the human does not recognize the robot, then the robot
would be considered intelligent.

Natural language:​ Language that has evolved naturally in humans through use and repetition without
conscious planning.

Natural language processing: ​The part of computer science concerned with Human-Computer
interaction and in particular dealing with computers’ processing of human language.

Brute force searching:​ To be able to think ahead, i.e: 20 moves ahead in Chess.

Bugs in computers may hinder their performance.

Deep blue:​ A computer AI.

4 steps for AI:

1. Observe
2. Interpret
3. Evaluate
4. Decide
Benefits Concerns

1. Doesn’t tire in the same way as humans 1. Extensive investments and time have to be
do. put in order to create successfully
2. If smarter than humans, it can solve functioning AI/CI.
problems that otherwise were deemed 2. Risk of conscious?
impossible. 3. Bugs may cause the system to not
3. Absence of biological restraints, i.e: function as intended, which could be life
Won’t contract illnesses that will prevent threatening as a result of complete
it from working to it’s full potential. dependency.
4. Learn from experience and only get better
as time goes on.

3 Types of AI:
1. Narrow AI (Expert systems/Decision trees): AI that is limited to one particular field.
2. Artificial general intelligence (Strong AI/Computational intelligence): AI systems that can think
for themselves, approximately 30 years away. (Recursive Self-Improvement)
3. Artificial Super intelligence: AI that succeeds human intelligence, ability and potential.

Expert system:
1. GUI
2. Knowledge base: A database that contains both facts and a set of rules for determining and
changing the relationship between those facts.
3. Inference engine: The processing engine in a computer system, uses the knowledge base to make
evaluations and decisions. ​Based on rules
4. Domain: The narrow but deep knowledge base of an expert system.

Fuzzy logic:
When there is no direct conclusion to a particular situation; debate is evident.

Benefits Concerns

● Provides numerous possibilities or ● May be mentally stressing in situations,

answers to a particular situation with particularly with patients and in the
accordingly changing certainties. medical field.
● Assesses a situation without a definitive ● The first time encountering something
answer which can prevent inappropriate new could have adverse impacts.
or rash decisions from being carried out.

Provides multiple answers with varying certainty. However, this certainty, such as in the medical field,
may not sit well with patients and cause further stress and anxiety.

Neural networks:
A computer system modelled on the human brain and nervous system.

Uses the idea of fuzzy logic to make decisions. It is a newly introduced concept which replaces the
traditional computer systems to make them perform better.

Allows the connections to a decision to be made stronger or weaker depending on the outcome or result of
the decision, which means the system is more flexible, and superior to traditional AI.

Reason for robots:

● Dangerous environments
● Repetitive (precision)
● Not possible for humans

Parallel processing: Using multiple processors to divide a task.

Domestic robots: Some robots such as the one initiative by LG can assist with basic tasks such as cutting
vegetables and fruit.

Types of sensors:
● Pressure sensor
● Sound sensor
● Light sensor
● Infrared sensor
● Ultraviolet
● Proximity sensor or Sonar sensor

Internet of Things:
Makes everyday objects connected to the internet.

Pros Cons

● Helps with everyday, repetitive tasks ● Privacy concerns: inappropriate photos

● Can be controlled through the internet of may be taken and processed
things ● Security concerns: hacking of these expert
● Reduction of human deaths systems
● Aids in production and manufacturing of ● Question of data integrity. How do we
goods, and make tasks overall more know the knowledge base is credible?
efficient. ● Constantly charge them for optimal
● Assist disabled, for instance, those who’re function
legally blind. ● Disregard to human morals
● May cause some people to be left
● Replaces the fundamentals of war, and,
for instance, cause innocent deaths.
Input > Process (memory) > Output

Output devices:
● Speakers
● Wheels
● Clamps
● Screens
● Light
● Motors

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