Formulation of Washing Detergent Powder

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Formulation of Washing Detergent

The ingredients required for making Formulation of Washing Detergent Powder are
Soda Ash, Global Salt, Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulphonic Acid (LABSA), Sodium Tri Poly
Phosphate (STPP), Triple Super Phosphate (TSP) , Sodium Hydroxide Solution (Lye),
Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS), Silky, Optical Brightener, Enzyme, NANSA Powder,
Colored Granules, Fragrance.

Formulation of Washing Detergent Powder

Soda Ash 67 %

Global Salt 2%

Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulphonic Acid (LABSA) 18 %

Sodium Tri Poly Phosphate 3%

Triple Super Phosphate 2%

Sodium Hydroxide 2%

Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS) 1%

Silky 0.5%

Optical Brightener 1%

Enzyme 0.5%

Sulphonic acid Powder 2%

Colored Granules 1%

Fragrance ~
Equipments Needed:
1. Drum/Container/Vessel (in which all materials are going to be mixed)
2. Container for making Sodium Hydroxide Solution (Lye).
3. Mass balance
4. Seive for making final product powdery

Manufacturing Steps:
The manufacturing process used in the Formulation of Washing Detergent Powder
requires special intentions to avoid contact with your hands so wearing gloves,
masks and goggles is must. The process is simple and involves proper mixing of
soda ash with sulphonic acid and then addition of Lye to maintain the pH level in
alkaline nature. This product is formed by the reaction of Acid and Base. The Main
Active Ingredients in this formulation works very well in each aspect of cleaning. The
manufacturing procedure is following:

1. First, take Soda Ash in mixing machine. Then add Linear Alkyl Benzene
Sulphonic Acid slowly to prevent agglomeration.
2. While mixing of the Soda Ash, take another container to make Sodium
Hydroxide Solution. For this, take Sodium Hydroxide and same amount of
water. Stir the mixture for few minutes and leave it to get cool.
3. Add the Lye Solution made in step 2 in the mixing container.
4. Now add Global Salt.
5. Add Sodium Tri Poly Phosphate
6. Add Triple Super Phosphate
7. Add Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS)
8. Add Silky
9. Add Optical Brightener
10. Add Enzyme
11. Add NANSA Powder
12. Add Colored Granules
13. Add your desired Fragrance


 Wear Gloves, Mask and Goggles for safety.

 Use sieve for making final product powdery.
 Pour all the ingredients very carefully so that no smoke is produced.

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