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1) Docket the Application by filling out the Application Number shown in the upper right corner of
the Evaluation Form. We will start at Application No. 1019-2020
2) On the Evaluation Form, require the surety agent to write his mobile number
3) Inspect the surety papers submitted by the surety agent
4) The surety papers must contain the following:
a. Policy issued by the Surety Company
b. Certification of Accreditation and Authority
c. Certificate of Compliance
d. Insurance Certificate issued by the Insurance Commissioner
e. 2x2 photograph of the Accused showing the left, front and right profile of the accused (3
photos each angle)
f. Certificate of Detention only if accused is still in the custody of the PNP or PDEA
g. Copy of the Information
h. Certificate of Residency of the Accused issued by the Punong Barangay
i. Sketch Map of the Address of Accused
j. Community Tax Certificate of Accused
k. Affidavit of Undertaking by the Accused and the Surety Agent or the Bond Manager

5) On the bottom portion of the Evaluation Form, see to it the correct name of the Judge of the
concerned branch is written
6) Atty. Brainard J. Morales should still be the signatory. The one processing should put their
initials below his name
7) If you’re finish inspecting the surety papers, you may now issue the Receipts

Issuing of Receipts (2 Receipts only)

1) Fill out the Legal Fees Form
2) Issue a JDF RECEIPT in the amount of P300.00 (See sample copy of the Receipt)
3) Issue a SAJ RECEIPT in the amount of P200.00 (See sample copy of the Receipt)
4) Staple these 2 Receipts to the Legal Fees Form and give it to the surety agent
5) Get one set of the Requirements for our file copy. The original set and the rest should be given
back to the surety agent
6) The surety agent will then submit the Original copy to the concerned Branch.

a) Unlike in cash bail, we only issue 2 kinds of Receipts in surety bail – JDF and SAJ only, and the
total amount should only be P500.00. No other amounts should be collected in surety bail bond
b) No FIDUCIARY RECEIPT should be issued
c) Please be careful in issuing Receipts
d) Be sure not to skip a page
e) Use of Correction tape is not allowed, just strikethrough the wrong text using a horizontal line
f) Count the money, twice, if possible, thrice!
g) Sanitize your hands every now and then

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