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Jose AVELINO v. Mariano CUENCO Senator CUENCO took the oath.

The next day, the President of the

Philippines recognized CUENCO as Acting President of the Philippine
FACTS: This case is q quo warranto proceeding where petitioner JOSE Senate.
AVELINO asks the Court to declare him as the rightful President of the
Philippine Senate, and to oust respondent MARIANO CUENCO. Now, in this quo warranto proceeding, AVELINO asks the Court to
declare him as the rightful President of the Philippine Senate, and to
In the Senate session that took place on Feb. 18, 1949, Sen. Lorenzo M. oust CUENCO.
Tañada requested that his right to speak on the next session day, Feb.
21, 1949, be reserved. The purpose was to formulate charges against ISSUE: 1. WON the session of the so-called rump senate was a
the then Senate President Jose AVELINO. His request was approved. continuation of the session validly assembled with 22 senators in
the morning of Feb, 21, 1949. (YES)
On Feb. 21, 1949, hours before the opening of the session, Senators
Tañada and Sanidad filed with the Secretary of the Senate a resolution 2. WON there was a quorum in that session. (YES)
enumerating charges against then Senate President AVELINO and
ordering the investigation thereof. RULING: There is unanimity in the view that the session under Senator
Arranz was a continuation of the morning session. A minority of ten
At 10 AM (appointed time) of the same day, a sufficient number of to senators may not, by leaving the Hall, prevent the other 12 senators
constitute a quorum were already at the session hall. However, Senate from passing a resolution that met with their unanimous endorsement.
President AVELINO delayed his appearance at the session hall until The answer might be different had the resolution been approved only
about 11:35 AM, and once he ascended the rostrum, he did not by ten or less.
immediately open the session. First, AVELINO requested a copy of the
Resolution submitted by Tañada and Sanidad. Then, in the presence of Justices Paras, Feria, Pablo, and Bengzon say that there was a majority
the public, he read it slowly and carefully. Afterwards, he called and required by the Constitution for the transaction of the business of the
conferred with his colleagues, Senators Francisco and Tirona. Senate. First, because the minute say so. Second, because at the
beginning of such session there were at least 14 senators. Third,
Before 12 NN, AVELINO finally called the meeting to order after the because in view of the absence from the country of Senator Tomas
insistent requests of other senators. All the senators were present, Confesor, 12 senators constitute a majority of the Senate of 23
EXCEPT for Senator Sotto who was confined in a hospital, and Senator senators.
Confesor who was in the United States.
When the Constitution declares that a majority of "each House"
From here, a series of delaying tactics were done to prevent Senator shall constitute a quorum, "the House” does not mean "all" the
Tañada from delivering his privilege speech. Tañada repeatedly stood members. Even a majority of all the members constitute "the
up to claim his right to deliver his one-hour privilege speech but House". There is a difference between a majority of "the House",
AVELINO, who was then presiding, continuously ignored Tañada. the latter requiring less number than the first. Therefore, an
absolute majority (12) of all the members of the Senate less one (23),
When Tañada insisted on being recognized by the chair, AVELINO constitutes constitutional majority of the Senate for the purpose of
announced that he would order the arrest of any senator who would a quorum.
speak without being recognized by the chair.
Justice Pablo believes furthermore than even if the 12 did not
Subsequently, some disorderly conduct broke out in the Senate gallery, constitute a quorum, they could have ordered the arrest of one, at
as if by pre-arrangement. Then, Sen. David, after being recognized by least, of the absent members; if one had been so arrested, there would
AVELINO, moved for the adjournment of the session, obviously still in be no doubt that there was a quorum then, and Senator Cuenco would
pursuit of the plan to muzzle Sen. Tañada. have been elected just the same inasmuch as there would be 11 for
Cuenco, one against and one abstained.
Sen. Sanidad opposed to the adjournment of the session, seconded by
respondent CUENCO, who moved that the motion of adjournment be it would be most injudicious to declare AVELINO as the rightful
submitted to a vote. Another commotion ensued. Suddenly, AVELINO President of the Senate, because of the 23 senators who may
banged the gavel, and, abandoning the chair, he walked out of the participate in the Senate deliberations in the days immediately after
session hall, followed by Senators David, Tirona, Francisco, Torres, this decision, 12 senators will support Senator CUENCO and, at most,
Magalona, and Clarin. The rest of the Senators remained. 11 will side with Senator AVELINO.
The present senators thereafter urged Sen. Arranz (Senate President At any session hereafter held with 13 or more senators, in order to
Pro-tempore) to take the chair and proceed with the session. avoid all controversy arising from the divergence of opinion here
about quorum and for the benefit of all concerned, the said 12 senators
Sen. Cabili stood up and asked that it be recorded that the deliberate
who approved the resolutions herein involved could ratify all their acts
abandonment of the chair by AVELINO made incumbent that SP Pro-
and thereby place them beyond the shadow of a doubt.
tempore Arranz and the remaining senators continue with the session
in order not to paralyze the functions of the Senate. Petition was dismissed.
Senate President Pro-tempore Arranz suggested that respondent
Mariano CUENCO be designated to take over the session, which was
carried out unanimously. CUENCO then took the chair. Tañada was able
to deliver his privilege speech.

Sen. Sanidad then introduced Resolution no. 67, entitled “Resolution

declaring vacant the position of the President of the Senate and
designating the Hon. Mariano Jesus Cuenco Acting President of the
Senate”. After being put to a vote, Resolution was unanimously

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