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Checklist and EMP for Minor Civil Works for

Pupil-Student Hostel Podgorica  “Old building No.1”in Podgorica


Country Montenegro
Project title Higher Education and Research for Innovation and Competitiveness Project (HERIC)
Scope of project HERIC Project is placed within the overarching framework of the Government of
and activity Montenegro’s strategies for European integration in the areas of science and research
and its Strategy for Higher Education. Within the Component 2.1 (Improving the
Support for Students and Scholars Mobility), one of the planned activities is the
adaptation of existing students' hostels, which will be organized by the Ministry of

This document is a part of the Main Design for renovation of thePupil-Student Hostel
Podgorica  “Old building No.1”in Podgorica. The planned activities are: adaptation
of toilets, replacing all electrical installations, replacing the complete exterior joinery,
replacement of wooden doors in the rooms.
Institutional WB Project Management Local Counterpart and/or
arrangements (Project Team Leader) Recipient
(Name and Director of the HERIC
contacts) Roberta Malee Bassett Project: Darko Petrušić Ministry of Education Manager of the Project: Manager of the Hostel:
Vladimir Đurković Radoslav Jovanović
Environment Consultant:
Ilinka Beatović Nikić

Implementation Safeguard Supervision Local Counterpart Local Contractor

arrangements WB Environment Expert: Supervision Inspectorate
(Name and Amy Evans Supervision Will be
contacts) Aevans1@worldbank.or Will be contracted. contracted.
g Environment
Environment Consultant: Construction
Ilinka Beatović Nikić inspectorate Communal
Name of site Pupil-Student Hostel Podgorica  “Old building No.1”, Svetozara Markovića Street,
Describe site Pupil-Student Hostel Podgorica “Old building Attachment 1: Site Map [ ]Y
location No.1” is located in the center of Podgorica near the [x] N
two-Students' dormitories and student centers. Home
is located in a residential neighborhood. At a distance
of about 100m from home are PS "Sutjeska" and the
Basic Court in Podgorica.
Who owns the Ministry of Education
Geographic Svetozara Markovića Street, Podgorica
Identify national The Main Project Design is developed in accordance with the Law on Spatial Planning
& local and Construction (OG of Montenegro No 51/08, 40/10, 34/11, 47/11, 35/13, 39/13),
legislation & The Rolebook on the Conditions and the Manner of Adaptation of the Facilities for the
permits that apply Persons with Reduced Mobility (OG of Montenegro No 10/09), with the Rolebook on
to project activity the design and the content of technical documentation (OG of Republic of Montenegro
No 22/02) and with The Rulebook on Forms That are Used in the Construction
Procedures (Official Gazette of Montenegro No 47/13).

Considering that it is a project of adaptation, the project does not require a building
permit, but the work should be reported to the competent authority.

The opinion of the Environment Protection Agency is obtained which confirms that
Environmental Assessment is not needed for planned activities (02 No UPI 1293/2
dated October 21 2013).

Environmental regulation that are applicable on planned activities are:

The Law on Environment (OG of Mne No 48/08, 40/10, 40/11)
The Law on Nature Protection (OG of Mne No 51/08, 21/09 and 40/11)
The Law on Waste Management (OG of Mne No 64/11)
The Law on Protection from Noice in the Environment (OG of Mne No 28/11)
The Law on Air Protection (OG of Mne No 25/10,40/11)

Identify when The Report on public consultation is in the Annex 1.
/where the public
process took
Will there be any [ x] N or [ ]Y if Yes, Attachment 2 includes the capacity building program
Will the site activity Activity Status Additional references
include/involve any A. Building rehabilitation [ X] Yes [ ] No See Section B below
of the following: B. New construction [ ] Yes [ X] No See Section B below
C. Individual wastewater treatment system [ ] Yes [X ] No See Section C below
D. Historic building(s) and districts [ ] Yes [X ] No See Section D below
E. Acquisition of land1 [ ] Yes [X ] No See Section E below
F. Hazardous or toxic materials2 [ X] Yes [ ] No See Section F below
G. Impacts on forests and/or protected areas [ ] Yes [X ] No See Section G below
H. Handling/management of medical waste [ ] Yes [ X] No See Section H below
I. Traffic and Pedestrian Safety [X ] Yes [ ] No See Section I below
A. General Notification and Worker Safety (a) The Communal Police (local inspection), the relevant building local authority (which shall
Conditions notify the Building Inspection) and Inspection Directorate (Environmental and Labor
inspection) have been notified of upcoming activities
(b) The public has been notified of the works through appropriate notification in the media and/or at publicly
accessible sites (including the site of the works)
(c) All legally required permits have been acquired for construction and/or rehabilitation
(d) All work will be carried out in a safe and disciplined manner designed to minimize impacts on neighboring
residents and environment.
(e) Workers’ PPE will comply with international good practice (always hardhats, as needed masks and safety
glasses, harnesses and safety boots)
(f) Appropriate signposting of the sites will inform workers of key rules and regulations to follow.
B. General Air Quality (a) During interior demolition use debris-chutes above the first floor
Rehabilitation (b) Keep demolition debris in controlled area and spray with water mist to reduce debris dust
and /or (c) Suppress dust during pneumatic drilling/wall destruction by ongoing water spraying and/or installing
Construction dust screen enclosures at site
Activities (d) Keep surrounding environment (side walks, roads) free of debris to minimize dust
(e) There will be no open burning of construction/waste material at the site
(f) There will be no excessive idling of construction vehicles at sites
Noise (a) Construction noise will be limited to restricted times agreed to in the permit
(b) During operations the engine covers of generators, air compressors and other powered mechanical
equipment should be closed, and equipment placed as far away from residential areas as possible
Water Quality (a) The site will establish appropriate erosion and sediment control measures such as e.g. hay bales and/or
silt fences to prevent sediment from moving off site and causing excessive turbidity in nearby streams and

Land acquisitions includes displacement of people, change of livelihood encroachment on private property this is to land that is purchased/transferred and
affects people who are living and/or squatters and/or operate a business (kiosks) on land that is being acquired.
Toxic / hazardous material includes and is not limited to asbestos, toxic paints, removal of lead paint, etc.
Waste management (a) Waste collection and disposal pathways and sites will be identified for all major waste types expected
from demolition and construction activities.
(b) Mineral construction and demolition wastes will be separated from general refuse, organic, liquid and
chemical wastes by on-site sorting and stored in appropriate containers.
(c) Construction waste will be collected and disposed properly by licensed collectors
(d) The records of waste disposal will be maintained as proof for proper management as designed.
(e) Whenever feasible the contractor will reuse and recycle appropriate and viable materials (except
C. Individual Water Quality (a) The approach to handling sanitary wastes and wastewater from building sites (installation or reconstruction)
wastewater must be approved by the local authorities
treatment system (b) Before being discharged into receiving waters, effluents from individual wastewater systems must be treated in
order to meet the minimal quality criteria set out by national guidelines on effluent quality and wastewater
(c) Monitoring of new wastewater systems (before/after) will be carried out
D. Historic Cultural Heritage (a) If the building is a designated historic structure, very close to such a structure, or located in a designated historic
building(s) district, notify and obtain approval/permits from local authorities and address all construction activities in line
with local and national legislation
(b) Ensure that provisions are put in place so that artifacts or other possible “chance finds” encountered in
excavation or construction are noted, officials contacted, and works activities delayed or modified to account for
such finds.
E. Acquisition of Land Acquisition Plan/Framework (a) If expropriation of land was not expected and is required, or if loss of access to income of legal or illegal users
land of land was not expected but may occur, that the bank task Team Leader is consulted.
(b) The approved Land Acquisition Plan/Framework (if required by the project) will be implemented
F. Toxic Materials Asbestos management (a) If asbestos is located on the project site, mark clearly as hazardous material
(b) When possible the asbestos will be appropriately contained and sealed to minimize exposure
(c) The asbestos prior to removal (if removal is necessary) will be treated with a wetting agent to minimize
asbestos dust
(d) Asbestos will be handled and disposed by skilled & experienced professionals
(e) If asbestos material is be stored temporarily, the wastes should be securely enclosed inside closed
containments and marked appropriately
(f) The removed asbestos will not be reused
Toxic/hazardous waste (a) Temporarily storage on site of all hazardous or toxic substances will be in safe containers labeled with
management details of composition, properties and handling information
(b) The containers of hazardous substances should be placed in an leak-proof container to prevent spillage
and leaching
(c) The wastes are transported by specially licensed carriers and disposed in a licensed facility.
(d) Paints with toxic ingredients or solvents or lead-based paints will not be used
G. Affects forests Protection (a) All recognized natural habitats and protected areas in the immediate vicinity of the activity will not be damaged
and/or protected or exploited, all staff will be strictly prohibited from hunting, foraging, logging or other damaging activities.
areas (b) For large trees in the vicinity of the activity, mark and cordon off with a fence large tress and protect root system
and avoid any damage to the trees
(c) Adjacent wetlands and streams will be protected, from construction site run-off, with appropriate erosion and
sediment control feature to include by not limited to hay bales, silt fences
(d) There will be no unlicensed borrow pits, quarries or waste dumps in adjacent areas, especially not in protected
H. Disposal of Infrastructure for medical waste (a) In compliance with national regulations the contractor will insure that newly constructed and/or rehabilitated
medical waste management health care facilities include sufficient infrastructure for medical waste handling and disposal; this includes and
not limited to:
 Special facilities for segregated healthcare waste (including soiled instruments “sharps”, and human tissue
or fluids) from other waste disposal; and
 Appropriate storage facilities for medical waste are in place; and
 If the activity includes facility-based treatment, appropriate disposal options are in place and operational
I Traffic and Direct or indirect hazards to (b) In compliance with national regulations the contractor will insure that the construction site is properly
Pedestrian Safety public traffic and pedestrians by secured and construction related traffic regulated. This includes but is not limited to
construction activities  Signposting, warning signs, barriers and traffic diversions: site will be clearly visible and the public
warned of all potential hazards
 Traffic management system and staff training, especially for site access and near-site heavy traffic.
Provision of safe passages and crossings for pedestrians where construction traffic interferes.
 Adjustment of working hours to local traffic patterns, e.g. avoiding major transport activities during
rush hours or times of livestock movement
 Active traffic management by trained and visible staff at the site, if required for safe and convenient
passage for the public.
 Ensuring safe and continuous access to office facilities, shops and residences during renovation
activities, if the buildings stay open for the public.
What Where How When Why Cost Who
Phase (Is the parameter to (Is the parameter to (Is the parameter to (Define the frequency (Is the parameter (if not included in (Is responsible for
be monitored?) be monitored?) be monitored?) / or continuous?) being monitored?) project budget) monitoring?)
During activity Appropriate On the site Review of the site Before starting To ensure safety Included in Contractor and
preparation marking and site works and security project budget supervision
before starting
Control Control of During the
contractor’s documentation procurements Environment
Quality control of documentation (specification of Consultant
construction related to the materials) Because of
materials procurement of compliance with the
(especially paints, materials materials in project
solvents, design
chemicals) documentation and Negligible costs,
to control if there Included in
are illicit substances project budget
in the materials (in

On the site (in By direct checking Before work start Contractor and
manufacturer’s Supervision

During activity Control of working

implementation time (only day shift To reduce the Negligible costs,
Level of the noise On the site is allowed) Daily impact of the noise Included in Contractor and
on workers and project budget Supervision
Control if the neighbourhood)
equipment is right
and used properly)
Air quality (dust On the site Visually Daily To reduce the Negligible costs,
emission) impact of the dust Included in Contractor and
on workers and project budget Supervision
management On the site Control of the Daily To prevent mixing
(including separation and of hazardous and
hazardous and temporary storage non hazardous
non-hazardous of the waste waste and improper
waste, construction storage and disposal Included in Contractor and
waste, paints, of the waste project budget Supervision
chemicals) When needed, ie
Control of records whenever the
of lasting waste waste is
disposal transported from
the site
Worker’s safety On the site Control of using of Daily Because of security Negligible costs, Contractor and
PPE and safety of Included in Supervision
workers project budget
Traffic and On the site and Control if the site is
pedestrian safety around the site marked properly During the works Because of security Negligible costs,
and if the traffic execution and and safety of Included in Contractor and
regulation is transportation of pedestrians and project budget Supervision
implemented materials and other participants in
during waste traffic
transportation of
materials and waste
During activity During supervision Preparation of the At least once a Supervision
supervision activity it is report on EMP month
necessary to implementation
control the
implementation of
the measures in the To control the Included in
Sections A. On the site implementation of project budget
General the EMP
Conditions, B.
Rehabilitation and
/or Construction By direct
Activities, F. observation and
Toxic Materials, control of
and I. Traffic and documentation Once a week Environment
Pedestrian Safety Consultant
Annex 1


on the Checklist and EMP for Minor Civil Works for

Pupil-Student Hostel Podgorica - “Old building” No. 1


Notices, dates, locations and identified stakeholders for public consultations

Following the World Bank's requirements, the public consultations on the Checklist and
EMP for Minor Civil Works for Pupil-Student Hostel Podgorica - “Old building” No. 1
were held from 21- 28 February 2014.

The Ministry of Education announced an invitation for public consultations for the
interested public, bodies and organisations through various media, as follows:

- In Daily Newspaper "Pobjeda", on February 21 2014 (Attachment 1);

- On web-site of the HERIC project, on February 20 2014:
management-plans-student-hostels-renovation (Attachment 2);
- On web-site of the Ministry of Education, on February 24 2014,
STUDENTSKIH-DOMOVA.html (Attachment 3);

Checklists and Environmental Management Plans for all Students' Hostels were published
on the web-site of the HERIC project – Section: ABOUT THE PROJECT/ENVIRONMENTAL

The notifications were sent to the following institutions and NGO (on February 20
- The Environmental Protection Agency (by mail and fax);
- The Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism (by mail and fax);
- The Capital Podgorica - Department for Planning and Spatial Regulation and
Environment Protection (by mail and fax);
- Aarhus Center Podgorica (by mail and fax);
- NGO “Green Home” Podgorica (by e-mail);

Aarhus center published the invitation for public consultation on their web-site:, (Attachment 4);
Interested parties had been able to get insight into the hard copies of the Checklist and
Environmental Management Plan every working days from February 21 to February 28,
2014 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. as follows:

- In HERIC Office in Podgorica, Rimski trg 19, first floor, the public insight into the
Environmental Management Plans was provided for all Hostels.

- In Pupil-Student Hostel Podgorica - “Plavi dvor” in Podgorica, Svetozara Markovica

87, in the Manager Office, the public insight into Checklist and EMP for Minor Civil
Works for Pupil-Student Hostel Podgorica - “Old building” No. 1 was provided.

Nobody has got insigt into the hard copy of the the Checklist and EMP for Minor Civil
Works for Pupil-Student Hostel Podgorica - “Old building” No. 1 and there were not
collected comments in the student hostel. (List of records is in the Attachment 5).


Collected written comments and objections and the manner of their treatment

Interested parties had been able to submit all comments and opinions to the HERIC
Project Office address, to address of the Pupil-Student Hostel Podgorica -“Old building”
No. 1, and to the e-mail address: by March 3, 2014.

Written comments on Checklist and EMP for Minor Civil Works for Pupil-Student Hostel
Podgorica - “Old building” No. 1, collected during the public consultations have been
from The Capital Podgorica - Department for Planning and Spatial Regulation and
Environment Protection, submitted by mail. (Attachment 6).

They conclude that possible negative impacts are identified for planned activities with
adequate prevention/mitigation measures (air and noise protection, waste
management), as well as monitoring and reporting.

The objection is related to Part II of the EMP – Activity A, aiming to add: “Informed The
Communal Police about the planned activities”, considering that it performs inspection
in transport and waste disposal, maintenance of public areas and protection against the
noise in the environment. The objection is accepted.

Some objections submitted by Department for Spatial Regulation and Environment

Protection of Municipality of Niksić are accepted and inserted the changes in the
Checklist and EMP for Minor Civil Works for Pupil-Student Hostel Podgorica - “Old
building” No. 1, as follows:

The Law on Nature Protection (Official Gazette of Montenegro No 51/08, 21/09 and
40/11) will be added to Environmental regulation that are applicable on planned
activities, considering that it prescribes the general measures of protection and
conservation of nature; protection of natural goods; sustainable use of natural
resources and natural goods and the control of their usage etc.

The Rulebook on Forms That are Used in the Construction Procedures (Official Gazette
of Montenegro No 47/13) will be added to legislation that are applicable on planned

In the Part II of the EMP – Activity A. General Conditions, the following clause is
replased: “The local construction and environment inspectorates and communities have
been notified of upcoming activities”, with: “The Communal Police (local inspection),
the relevant building local authority (which shall notify the Building Inspection) and
Inspection Directorate (Environmental and Labor inspection) have been notified of
upcoming activities”. This is because there are not local inspection authorities, except
the Communal Police. This comment partly corresponds with the objection submitted
by Department for Planning and Spatial Regulation and Environment Protection of the
Capital Podgorica.

Comments and objections collected during the public consultation are reflected in the
Checklist and Environmental Management Plan for Pupil-Student Hostel Podgorica -
“Old building” No. 1, as indicated above.

Finalized document will be reposted on the web-site of the HERIC project:
Attachment 1
Attachment 2
Attachment 3
Attachment 4
Attachment 5
Attachment 6

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