Histology: A Text and Atlas: January 1995

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Histology : A Text and Atlas

Article · January 1995

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Book reviews
the papers deal with fundamental physics Immunoelectrophoresis. Theory, Methods, book is devoted to the diagnosis of res-
of a technique while others are purely Identifications, Interpretation. Second re- piratory virus infections because this is
clinical. The depth in which they discuss vised edition of Primer of Immuno- the field in which they have had the most
the technique is variable, making it diffi- electrophoresis. By Pierre C. experience and where rapid diagnosis
cult to decide what audience the book is Arquembourg. (Pp. viii + 104; 151 could be of greatest benefit to the clinician.
intended to interest. The specialist in any illustrations; Sw. Fr. 61.) Basel: S. Rapid diagnosis is also essential in
one of the fields covered would find the Karger. 1975. rabies and smallpox and, although as the
appropriate papers rather out of date and authors indicate, immunofluorescence
relatively superficial. On the other hand, This book deals mainly with the method- techniques show great promise, consider-
the general oncologist and those on the ology of one particular technique, namely, able skill and experience are required in
fringe of oncology would find the book immunoelectrophoresis, although some the interpretation of the results. The book
interesting, giving a rather broad view of other related methods like the cross-over is clearly written and extremely well
some of the more esoteric techniques. At electrophoresis are discussed as well. Un- illustrated and is strongly recommended
£17-90 few individuals would consider fortunately, the description and discussion for all concerned in the diagnosis of virus
the volume for a permanent place on the are limited and confined to one particular diseases; it will assuredly find a place in
bookshelf. However, it will find a valuable methodology, which by some may not be many laboratories.
place in libraries for those persons who regarded as ideal. Some of the details J. A. DUDGEON
wish to have a brief survey of the more appear unnecessarily complicated, and
novel methods of tackling cancer detec- excellent results can be obtained just as
tion. well without the use of elaborate pro-
V. R. MCCREADY cedures. The nomenclature is rather con-
fusing and at times incorrect. In the Notice
chapter on macroglobulins, for instance, Vinyl Chloride and Angiosarcoma of the
Histology a Text and Atlas. By Johannes a statement that macroglobulins are not Liver
A. G. Rhodin. (Pp. x + 803; illustrated; present in normal serum can be mislead-
£9 00.) London: Oxford University Press. ing. There is a large number of photo- There is increasing evidence, mainly from
1974. graphs of immunoelectrophoretic patterns the United States and Europe, to indicate
of reasonably good quality, and this that past occupational exposure to vinyl
Essentially, this is a book on structure, probably is the main value of the book. chloride may result in skin, bone, and
ultrastructure, and function of mamma- The plates on artefacts encountered in liver changes, the most serious of which is
lian tissues, crammed with excellent black- immunoelectrophoresis can be quite help- angiosarcoma (malignant haemangio-
and-white illustrations aimed at bridging ful for the uninitiated, although 'useful endothelioma, Kupffer cell sarcoma) of
the gap between the light and electron artefacts' is perhaps a somewhat unfortu- the liver. Vinyl chloride is the monomer
microscopes and reflecting Professor nate term. Some of the clinical interpreta- from which the widely used plastic poly-
Rhodin's obviously extensive teaching tions of the immunoelectrophoresis pat- vinyl chloride (PVC) is manufactured.
experience. Its strength lies in its attempt terns are open to criticism. The Employment Medical Advisory
to teach a rational understanding of J. KOHN Service (EMAS) is engaged at present, in
histology rather than placing the onus on addition to prospective epidemiological
the student to remember-irrationally-a Rapid Virus Diagnosis. Application of Im- studies of at risk populations, in a retro-
series of maps; the approach is a d'Arcy munofluorescence. By P. S. Gardner and spective mortality study, the aims of
Thompson one, based on the premise that, J. McQuillin. (Pp. x + 255; illustrated; which are to identify cases of angio-
as in atomic bonds, so in biology function £6-00.) London: Butterworths. 1975. sarcoma, to study their histological
is reflected in structure at the molecular characteristics in detail, and to assess the
level at least. Electron microscopy has This is the first edition of a new mono- role of vinyl chloride by obtaining an oc-
helped to demonstrate the structure and graph devoted entirely to the rapid diag- cupational history of these cases and
elucidate the function of, for example, cell nosis of virus diseases by immuno- matching them with appropriate controls.
organelles, glomeruli, and muscle; this fluorescence, and its publication is a A Panel of Pathologists (P. P. Anthony,
book goes further-it stimulates, at least measure of the technological improve- P. J. Scheuer, and H. K. Weinbren) has
in this reviewer's mind, such questions as ments that have taken place in recent been set up to review the histological
the possible mechanism by which a poly- years. It has been written by two acknow- material. Pathologists are asked to notify
morph may penetrate the capillary base- ledged experts in this particular field of all cases of angiosarcoma of the liver,
ment membrane during inflammation. It diagnostic virology who, from several including suspected cases which they may
also shifts the problem of differentiation years' experience, have encountered, and have come across at any time, to:
from the speculative to a tangible level. in many cases overcome, the many pit- The Director of Medical Services and
One should not look a gift horse in the falls in immunofluorescent techniques. Head of EMAS, Employment Medical
mouth; this book, a labour of love and The object of this monograph is to Advisory Service (EMAS), Baynards
scholarship, is a treasure trove for demonstrate to clinicians the usefulness House, Chepstow Place, London W2.
students, pathologists, biomedical re- of the method and at the same time An approach by EMAS medical staff
search workers, and certainly libraries. provide laboratory staff with additional may then be made requesting details of
Its format is excellent and the price modest technical details. The authors have medical history, post-mortem findings,
-I recommend it warmly. achieved a nice balance between the two. and the loan of histological material in
C. 1. LEVENE Not unnaturally, a great deal of the order to establish a register of cases.
Downloaded from jcp.bmj.com on April 17, 2012 - Published by group.bmj.com

Histology−−a Text and Atlas

C. I. Levene

J Clin Pathol 1976 29: 82

doi: 10.1136/jcp.29.1.82-a

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