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Pakistan is meeting a great challenge in the.field of energy and electricity as it is still

an unresolved issue. Although Pakistan has the ability to overtake these crises but it
requires a serious consideration. Around 140 million Pakistanis are suffering
excessively 13 hours of load..shedding daily. The government.of Pakistan
should..have to fix these crises. It will take a long time but with immediate effect,
people must use more energy efficient appliances to reduce these crises and use
electricity more efficiently.

The average.shortfall in the power sectors is 9,000..MW and almost 130 million cubic
ft per day (Dawn news, 2018) in natural..gas sector. As per calculation, this short fall
can raise up to around as 7,000 or 33% of complete demands for electricity. If we.had
used our major cost cumulated about last ten..years for the production of more
electricity, we may have increased up to 20,000 MW to power grids. Because of the
long term power shortage, due to load shedding, costed the loss of Rs.14.0 billion
(7.1% of GDP) in 2015. .In past fivesyears, Pakistani economy has been hit of Rs.146
billion..per year because of the losses in transmission and distribution as they are
inefficient. Decrease in investment has dropped to 0.72% of the GDP in conclusive
10.years that was as 1.51% during..1980s to 1990s. (Dawn News, 2018).

National..Transmission and Dispatch.Company..(NTDC)..has stacked and stoop

Indicatives..Formation..Capacity..Expansion Plan (IGCEP)
Electric Power..Regulatory.Authority (NEPRA),. the electricity governer. This project
is a part of the Integrated Energy Plan, that will involve power, petroleum demand
and supply plans till 2047. Such evince based policy documents and instruments are
momentus achievement for the entire power sectors of Pakistan. Amid July - March
FY2019, installed quantity of electricity reached 34,283 MW, which was 33,432 MW
in corresponding period finale year, thus, noting a growth of 2.6 percent. Although
electricity generation varies due to inputs and other constraints, the generation
increased from 82,012 GWh to 84,690 GWh, posting a growth of 2.2 percent during
the period under the discussion. (Pakistan.Economic Survey.2018-19).


Figure 1.1: Installed capacity and maximum demand for electricity

Pakistani households are expending approximately Rs.30 billion on battery and UPS
chargers. More than half of the Pakistani..home appliances use some models of UPS
for a backup source for.sack of tabbed appliances for the time load shedding. It is a
temporary solution and being inefficient, it is wasteful. Although the higher authority
is working to increase to reduce the power..shortage. It willl holds observe the improvement. Another convenient way to solve this problem is
using the energy efficiency. Around 67% of domestic electricity wastes because of
inefficient appliances. Another solution is to use the renewable contours of energy
like solar panels and wind power. From wind generation, there is adequacy of

potential to supply all of Pakistan and fulfil the nation’s requirement (NDTC,”Power
System Statistics 2015).

Figure 1.2: energy efficient accessories

In Pakistan, there.are about 1.2 million irrigation pumps inaugurated and around 90%
of them uses diesel either directly or indirectly. Instead of using diesel pumps, solar

pumps for agricultural purpose can be used as it will save the consumption of diesel
up to 27%.

Figure 1.3: solar energy and wind energy projects of CPEC

The China Pakistan.Economic Corridor is also a way for Pakistan to get over this
power crises as China is leading the world in total renewable energy installed either
wind or solar power, producing about 14,001 MW. Punjab have got to the leader in
this. enterprises as. this province. is the..largest population province of the country
and consumes most of the electricity. Punjab also has the largest number of tube wells
among all the provinces of Pakistan as 90% of the total tube wells of Pakistan is in

Punjab. According to the “Raftaar” report; the greatest opportunity and responsibility
beguiles with the..province to overture the efficiency & sustentation in agriculture,
conjunction with businesses & households (Zahid Javid,, 2018).


Energy.analysis is hinge on primarily on the Basically, it

is used to calculate efficiency. Energy..efficiencies are usually distracting
in not contributes in a practically the performance..of a
system. advent ideally. It is necessary for any plant to analyse the utilization of energy
so that energy must be utilize in efficient way because the unit production amount of
energy is too high.

Exergy Analysis permits this shortcoming of energy analysis and is hinged on the It is helpful in distinguishing the.causes, location and
magnitude of processsinefficiencies. It the energy cannot be razed or
created that it can be acknowledged in quality. The analysis of the exergy is the
process of evaluating different stages of the plant where energy interchange it’s form,
through the evaluation of different stages, the highest energy loss processes and
components can be identified.


Since energy is the key input for all industrial production, it is very important to
ensure that the supply of energy to the industry is misinterpreted and sustainable.
Thermodynamicss playss a strict the analysiss.of systems,. processes and
devices in is transferred andd energy conversions take place. The
effects of thermodynamics are hostile touching and applications.spell the variety of
human. creativity. On alll accounts technologicall. history, capability to yoke energy.
and adopt it for the society’s necessities hass enhanced. The industriall.revolution was
powered through the discovery that how to coup energy on a huge scale and howwto
changee.heat intoowork. Natureepermits the transformation offwork totally intooheat,
butt.heat may completely converteddinto work, and doingg so needs a device
(e.g., a cycliccengine). Enginesstry tooenhance the conversionnof heat into workk
(PA,Owusu, 2016).

5 is an multifaced engineering science acquire to do with the safe,
efficient, environmental confiding and economical extraction, transportation, stock,
conversion and use of energy, targeted towards yielding high efficiency and
protecting from the side effects on human being, environment and on the nature.
Engineering applicationssof energy processesmare wide ranging and involves power
plants to produce electricity,eengines for running the automobilessandaaircraft,
refrigerationnsystem and aircconditioning systems, and others. In a hhydroelectric
power plants, the potentialeenergy of water from some height is converteddinto
mechanical energy by means of a hydraulictturbine..The mechanicallenergy is then
changed into electricall energy by means of an electricggenerator coupledd to the
shaft.. In a steamppower stations, the chemicaloor nuclear energy is reformed intoo
the thermallenergy in a reactor oroboiler. The energyiiis transmitted toowater, that
vaporizesswater intoothe steam.yThe energyoof theesteam is utilized toorun a.steam
tturbine, and the obtained mechanicaleenergy is useddto run aagenerator shaft to
produceeelectric energy. Thessteam escaping from thetturbine is goes for
condensation, and theccondensate is pumpeddis used to back to thebboiler to
terminate theecycle. Breedervreactors exert uranium-2355 as aafuel ssource and there
can be extended production of fuellinnthepprocess. Aasolar powernplant runsssolar
concentratorsstohheat up a workinggfluid in aareceiver that is locateddon aatower
whereaa hot fluiddexpands inna turbo generator, justtas inna conventionalppower
house. In a sparkkignitionninternallcombustioneengine, chemicalkenergy offfuel is
converteddinto mechanicalkenergy work.. Annair–fuelmmixture.isccompressed and
ccombustion is originated by assparkkdevice. TheCcombustion gases expands and
drivesxagainst appiston,.that outcomes in therrotation.ofnaccrankshaft. Gasyturbine
enginess usually useddin aircraftppropulsion, converttthe chemicalEenergy ofFfuel
intoOthermal energyVthat is usedTto drive theEturbine of plant. The turbineeis
directlyccoupled totoa compressorrthat is used to supply the air needful for
combustionoof mixture. The exhaustggases, .on expandingginnnozzle, creation of
thrustttake place. For the sack of powerhgeneration, thenturbine is coupledvto an
electricngenerator that drivesstheccompressor anddturbo generator. Theseeare onlyya
fewnof the several engineeringbapplications. tThermodynamics issanalogous tooa
more widernrangeeof applications anddprocesses notoonly intengineering, butyalso
insscience. A well understandingGof thisdtopic issrequired too advance theddesign
andpperformance offenergy..transferssystems (MA Rosen, 2012).
Exergyyis thenmaximum conceivable available workkthat a system can brought byya
systemnduring any thermodynamic process that cause a system to be in equilibrium
state with a heat source. The exergyyof assystem can be defined as the
maximumnshaft workkthat is performed by.the compositeyof thessystem.and setted
referenceuenvironment. The referenceuenvironment is expected tobbe countless,.
inuequilibrium, and to encircle alllthe otherrsystems. Usually, environmenttis
assigned over expressing its temperature,vpressure,bandvchemical configuration.
Exergyuiscnot only a thermodynamicvproperty; it issa propertyoof bothca specific
systemnand referencevenvironment. Exergy has thee characteristicxthat it can be
comfited onlyywhenball processes are performed in the environment andassystemaare

Exergyyisddestroyed only when the processs is ann irreversible. Exergyvanalysis isna

methoddin which theeconservationnof energy anddconservationnof masspprinciples,
simultaneously the SeconddLaw oftThermodynamics, forrthe designing purpose,
analysing, anddsweetening offenergy and all otherssystems.. tThe exergyymethod
isaa suitable toollfor promoting theeobjective offadditional efficienttenergyyresource
consumption, foruit aids theetypes, locationsoand magnitudesoof wastesband the
lossesnto beediscovered and significant efficienciesstoobe find out.

Certain significant Characteristicss offExergy areedemonstrated asffollows:

(01) When assystem is in completeeequilibrium with respect to itseenvironment then

systemndoes nottcontain anyeexergy. Noochange seems innpressure,ttemperature,
concentrationn and onwards, so thereeis nondynamic force in anypprocess.

(02) Theeexergyoof any systemsrises the further it diverges fromnitseenvironment.

For example, anspecified amount of heated waterhhas the highernexergy capacity
throughout the winterothan onnany hottsummer day. Aablock ofbice transmits minute
exergyyinvwinter as it cannhave signifying exergy during summer.

(03) Whennenergy losses itsvquality,eexergy is devastated. Exergyyissthe formoof

energyxthat is valuable; consequently, it hass significant effect on value of economy.

(04) Exergyeefficiencies areea degree offmethodology to iideality. Thissis false for

energyyefficiencies, that are usually nmisleading. An intense mineral posit ccontrasts

withhthe environmentoand so that it contains exergy. tThis exergy rise anddcontrast
according to the concentration0of the mineral.wWhen this mineral is excavated the
exergy capacity of the mineral is recollected, anddif itt goes through process of
purification, the exergy contenttrises. A pitiable qualitynmineral deposition occupies
fewer exergyaand that can be simultaneously exploited in huge amount inputoof
externallexergy. Todayythis transposition ofeexergy mostly results frombexergy
formss such as oil anddcoal. Whenvconcentratedfmineral is detached therexergy then
contenttis reduced (E Sciubba, 2017).


Analysiss of energy is anaold method offfinding the path energy is utilized during any
operation having different chemical and physical processing and interconversion of
energy. It involves energy balances, depending upon FLT (FirsttLawvoff
Thermodynamicsm) and calculating theeefficiency ofhenergy. This balance issused
too find and reduce thee wastage off exergy emissions like losses in the phase of heat.

The analysis of exergy has taken over the limitationssofithe..firstllawoof

tthermodynamics. Its defination is founded on bothh first4law as well as
secondtlaw.offthermodynamics. As the energy analysiss argues theeposition
ofeenergy degradationntherefore it leads towards the improved technology.. Exergy
analysis can also be done to measure theqquality of theeheat inna wasteysteam. The
mainn purpose offdoing exergyxcanalysis issto find the exergyeefficiency, exergy
losses anddits reasons to happen. Now, it is important to differentiate between energy
and exergy to clarify the misperception with old method analysis of thermal system.
Energy flow in and energy flow out of the system, transfer of heat and work
interactions. Energy remain constant, in the line with FLT, Exergy is diverse. It is the
measure of useful amount of energy or material substance. In simple.words, we can
say that exergy is the measured capability of doing work (A. Folorunso1C.J Diji,
IOSR-.MJCE, 2019).


A combinedccycleppowernplant use bothhgas turbine andssteam turbine added

together to producee up to 51 percent to greater extent in electricity fromothe same
fuellthen a traditionalysimpleycycle plant. In combineddcycleupowernplant, add

another turbine cycle for the sake of consuming exhaust gases heat of a gas turbine
which is called steamn turbine. This power plant is called combine gas vapour cycle
because in this plant, two cycles are used.TOne is called Braytonecycle (gas turbine)
andd other onec is called Rankineycyclee(steam cycle). It has higher thermal
efficiency if these both cycles would be installed individually. The combine gas
vapour power plant is economical and it rises the efficiency without increase in the
initial cost at greater level. Gas turbine.cycle usually operates at higher temperature
then steam cycle. The diagram of combine gas vapour power plant in the figure. An
examplesof combine cycle viewing the Braytonycyclee(gasyturbine) combustion
turbine andd Rankineycycle (steameturbine) on TS diagrammas expressed in a figure.
Theearea inserted by the Rankineycycle is withinn theyarea which represent theyheat
eliminated from Braytonecycle thus., the Rankine cycle areay shows the heatedenergy
which is transferred too profitable mechanicalyenergy thatowould also be passed up
to they atmosphere increasing the overall cycle efficiency.

Its mechanism is in such a way that the hot heated gas with highlypressure and
temperatureypasses throughothe gas turbine, then they low pressure and temperature
exhaust gases are entered to vaporize water and pass steam through the steam turbine
of other cycle called Rankine cycle. Commonly, the temperatureoand pressure utilize
in the Rankineycyclecportion off the Rankine cycleyplant aree practically lowere than
these feeded in conventionalyRankineycycle pplants. tThe HSRG uses the heat from
combustion turbine exhaust to efficiently convert this heat into useable mechanical
energy in a steamnturbine. This alsoo increasessthe efficiency of theeoverall cycle, by
using available heat in the exhaust (Youns, A Cengel, 2001).

fFigure 1.4: Schematicadiagram of Combine CyclesPoweryPlant

fFigure 1.5: Combine Cycle (Rankine Cycle and Brayton Cycle)


There are many problems that can be occurred in the plant, Such as low power output
due to the losses in the plant components, most exergyydestruction forythe
components that aree involved inothe combine cycle power plant and variation in the
operating conditions.


1) To determine the powersoutput off combine cyclecpowersplant.

2) Tooidentify the mostsdestruction innthe various componentsoof the power

pplant due to thee inefficiencies off processes.

3) To amend theyEnergy anddExergy efficiencyyof theyplant through theee

Energy and Exergy Analysis.


This thesis is consisting of five chapters. The chapter one is the introductory chapter.
Chapter two provides the background of the previous work. Chapter three defines the
methodology and mathematical modelling. In chapter four, we discuss the results
while in chapter five, there is conclusion and futureswork that cannbe performed on




This chapter will give the review from previous research i.e. closely related to the
exergy. And energy analysisnof thermal powers plants. Innthe research offthe thermal
system, huge work is done one the thermal power plant to get the maximum output
from it. In this literature, the work on exergy and. energy analysissof combinedycycle
powersplant to determine theelosses. In addition to this, we have simulated
mathematical model and validate them on EES software to the results all the
techniques studied from the literature found in the research of the thermodynamic


The exergy analysis preferred for analysing, designing, improving and evaluating
energy systems. It also gives you a way of presenting performance to assess
performance. Exergy analysis allows you to overcome many energy analysis
detections. Thermodynamics allows you to describe the behaviour, performance and
efficiency of energy phase conversion systems from one form to another.
Conventional thermodynamic analysis depends primarily on the First Law of
Thermodynamics (FLT), which expresses the principle of energy transformation.
Exergy analysis, moving away from the second law of thermodynamics, is helpful in
explaining the causes, size and location of process failure. Exergy related to the
amount of energy is a quantitative estimate of its usefulness.

The exergy analysis, which can be considered as a score of the use of energy and
material resources, allows us to obtain information on how sufficient the process is to
preserve natural resources. Industrial heating processes are very weak considering the
second law ... of thermodynamics. This is due to the fact that the exergy value of heat
is too lower than the value of energy. (A Hepbasli, 2008).

Current authors have observed methodologies for exergy analysis and applied them to
industrial systems (for example, Rosencand Scott, 1998; Rosencand Horazak, 1995;
Rosencand Dincer, 2003, 2004; Rosenvand Etele, 2004.; Rosen et al., 2005), thermal

energybstorage (Dincerand rRosen, 2002; rRosen et al., 2004) and environmental
effect assessment. (Craneeet al., 1992; Rosencand Dincer, 1998, 1999; gGunnewiek
andrRosen, 1998). Manyy other researchersshave used the exergy analysisxtool to
evaluate, optimize and improve thermalssystems.

Yunis Khan, R.S Mishra (2018) made researchh on the exergy and energy analysiscof
CCPP to improve exergetic and. energetic. efficiencies by integrations of the ORC,
They have determined that exergetic and energetic efficiencies are improved 4.09%
and 3.32% more with ORC (Yunis Khan, R.S Mishra, 2018). Awaludin Martin (2016)
has done exergy analysis on the gas turbine of 20MW, identified the most exergy
destruction component as combustion chamber up to 71.03% while the lowest exergy
destruction occurs in the compressor up to 12.33% and also found the exergy
efficiency of plant was 33.77%, exergy efficiency was 32.77% (Awaludin Martin and
at all, 2016). A.G Kaviri, M.N.M. Jaafar (2012) have..worked on the exergy analysis
of SPS and terminated that they boiler contains they greatest exergyesdestruction
among the components of power plant which is 201.37MW while condenser has
value of 33M.They also investigated that increasing the number of feed water heaters
increases the efficiency of the first and second laws. (A.G. Kaviria and at all, 2012).
Yusuf Siahaya (2009) have studied on exergy analysissoffgas turbinespower
plantsand distinguishes theccreal thermodynamics inefficiency by reason of
irreversibility within the gas turbine power plant system. In this document, gas turbine
power plant systems are investigated through energy analysis, exercise and
thermoeconomics. Thermoeconomics is a very powerful tool for the intellection of the
interconnection between thermodynamics and economics. (Yusuf Siahaya, 2009).
A.L. Polyzakis, C. Koroneos and G. Xydis (2007) studied about the optimumngas
turbinescycle for combinedncycle of the powernplant. The gas turbine-basednpower
planttis characterizeddby a lowwcost offcapital equipped with the steamspowersplant.
This document optimizes the combined cycle of the power plant that describes and
matches four distinct gassturbine cycles. The resulting exposure cycle plant would
produce 302 MW of (203 MW of the gas turbine section, 100 MW of the steam
turbine section). Therefore, the result obtained that the superheated gas turbine is the
most suitable in general, mainly due to its high temperature of the turbine exhaust
gases and obtaining a high thermallefficiency offthe bottoming steamscycle.
(A.L.pPolyzakis, C.kKoroneos and gG.Xydis, .2007). Muhammad Ameri, pPouria

Ahmediiand ArmitaaHamidi (2008) has observed the exergy, energy and
exergoeconomic..analysis on the steamspower plant..tThey determined thatt the
maximumnenergyslosses are innthe condenserr70.5% of total losses and secondly
energy losses in the boiler system 15.5%. They calculated the exergy destruction
about 81% in the boiler of overall exergyndestruction, hhowever 5% exergy losses iin
the condenser. Theynalso..observed the impact of load variation and the
ambientstemperature and they concluded through the exergoeconomic analysis that
boiler and turbine have high level exergy destruction cost than other components cost
(Mohammad Ameri, Pouria Ahmedi and Armita Hamidi, 2008). Ahmet Cihan, Kamil
Kahveci (2005) study reveals that optimization of the HRSG includes right selection
of the parameters such as pressure levels, mass flow ratio, inlet temperature of HRSG
section. They identifies the most energy loss in the chimney through energy analysis
and more exergyllosses occurs innthe combustionschamber, gassturbine of plant and
HRSG respectively. They also recommended as to make increase in the efficiency oof
the whole plant, hhigher the inletttemperature of gas turbine employing special super
alloys in the gas turbine parts of high temperature. (Ahmet Cihan andd at all, 2005).
Farrukh Khalid, Marc A.Rosen (2014) uses the biomass and solar integrated system
for multi generation of outputs. This paper shows the compression of the biomass and
solar energy and found total energyyand exergyyefficiencies 66.5% andd39.7%.
However the energy and exergy..efficiencies for operation of only biomass system are
64.5% and 37.6% while the energyyand exergyyefficiencies for operation off only
solarysystem as 27.3% and 44.3% (Farrukh Khalid, Marc A.Rosen, 2014).

2.3 Parametric Based study

Vinay0Kumar (2017) conducted an exergy-based parametricvstudy on an 82 MW

power plant in India. He determined energy losses and exergy destruction for each

element of the power plants andvall parts of the boiler (VinayoKumar,..Bhargav

Pandyayand VijaysMatawala, 2017). Nikhil Dev and Rajesh Attri (2015) studied on

CCPP India, evaluated that the destruction of exergy in each component of the

combined cycle is significantly affected by the overall pressure ratio, turbine inlet

temperature and pressure losssin an air filter.

(Nikhil Dev anddat all, 2015). A.KtTiwari, M.M.Hassan,..Muhd.Islamn(2013)
research paper is based on the exergy analysis of CCPP, NTPC Dahri, India. They
optimized thatttmore exergyllosses taken place innthe combustionschamber which is
34% of totals exergyslosses spell in theyother differentscomponents arey between
7.1% and 21.2% and considered the impact of pressure and pressure drop in the CC
and inletttemperature of turbine and HRSG onnexergy losses inn plant (A.K Tiwari
and at all, 2013). Mohamad Javed Ebadi (2005) has studied on the 116MW gas
turbine based power plant, evaluated that’sthe Exergetic efficiency andeexergy
destructionsare effected with changing theeinlet temperature of turbinee(Mohamad
Javed Ebadi, Mofid Gorji-Bandpy, 2005). Sanjay (2007) wrote a research paper that
relates to parametric studies on energy analysis and exercise of the combined gas
vapour reheat cycle. He has resolved that the efficiency of the plant increases to a
point with the ratio of superheat pressure because the air pressure at the outlet of the
air compressor increases the temperature at the outlet of the turbine, respectively.
(Y.Sanjay and at all, 2007). Hadi Ghaebi and Majid Amidpour (2011) taken
observation on the exergy, energy, thermoeconomics analysis of CCHP with the gas
turbine prime mover, presented that the HRSG and absorption chiller merged with the
gas turbine willybe extremely efficientt due to theyflue gases of gassturbine utilized
as heating source forrprocess theysteam and this steam used to feed absorptionichiller.
These analysis concluded that some effects occurs by varying certain parameters as
increasing air compressor pressure ratio, increasing hinge temperatureeinlLP,HP
evaporator offHRSG and increasing pressureein LPp,HP evaporator offHRSG (Hadi
Ghaebi and at all, 2011). Jin (2007) has made the comparison of two powersplants by
employing methodology ofvgraphical exergyyanalysis and point out in efficient
segmentss defects inn CCPP and shown that higher exergy losses are in the mixing
chamber and higher exergy waste from HRSG and higherlyexergy lossesinnthe
bottomingscycle so improving the efficiency of plant we should have to decrease the
exergy losses. Ibhraim el in (2017) has studied on the parameters which will influence
the performance of CCPP. These parameters are the peak temperature, compression
and air to fuel ratios and isentropic compression efficiency of the equipments. In this
paper, he has reached to a point that with decreasing the compressionsratio besides by
increasing they inlet temperatures of turbine, the total power..output increases and it
can be realized that overallyefficiency increaseseswith theecompression ratiooat
eminent inlet temperature of the turbine (Thamir K. Ibrahim and at all, 2017).



In beginning of this chapter, we discover a research methodology where the

representation of whole work is given, then developed the mathematical model for
analysis of plant. In this respect first we discover the physical model of our thesis in
which whole work is concluded. In the other portion of mathematical model, we first
make the assumptions and then modelled to achieve the objectives.

It is essential to recognize the plant, on which we are going to work. On this account
that the true reorganization of all the processes convoluted in the operation will help
to know the problems involved during processes and to get more suitable results. The
mathematical modelling involves the formation of equations that are used to achieve
the results of required functions. These functions and equations are baseddon tthe
conservation ofeenergy, mass..and exergyywith uses mostly twoolaws of
thermodynamics for analysis. Energy balance or lawwof conservationsof eenergy is
carry out too sort out the work consumed, work produced, heat gained or heat losses
during the processes in a system by correlating the quantities. Finally we found the
energy loss and exergyydestruction in.system, because of the entropyygeneration and
the irreversibilities during any processes. All the results of modelling truly based upon
assumptions which are made just before of mathematical modelling.


In this section, the basic methodology for exergy and energy..analysis are presented
for whole the power plant. It is physical model of wholeythesis works from beginning
to the end of thesis. It was initiated withlythe data collectionsfrom theepoweryplant
with the literaturesreview offfconcerned study and visited FFC, Mirpur Mathelo plant
for data collection and take the values at operating conditions, then by receiving data
from the plant with the knowledge of energetic and exergetic analysis and finally
developed the mathematical model of our study according to our work requirement
objectives. By successful developing mathematical model, we had executed the data

in the mathematical model and performed energy, exergy and parametric analysis
with the help of EES software. Finally we got required results and concluded our
thesis. The researchemethodology offour whole thesis is down in the flowediagram....

Figures 3.1: Blocksdiagram off ResearchesMethodology


FFC (Fauji Fertilizer Company) was established in 2000. FFC is fertilizer (Urea)
Producer Company. Its head quarter is in Islamabad. Its branches are in Karachi,
Mirpur Mathelo and other. We have worked on the 22MW combine cycle power plant
(CCPP) FFC which is located in Mirpur Mathelo, district Ghotki. The power plant
produces 12MW power for plant and society out of which gas turbine produces 8MW
and the steam turbine produces the power of 4MW by utilizing the heatedfromsthe
outlet of gassturbine. tThe maximum capacity of ggas turbine to produced power of
15MW anddthe ssteam turbine produces with maximum power of 7MW. lHeat
recovery steamngenerators(HRSG) originates the steams 30 ton/hr and 4 ton of steam
operate turbine to produce 1MW. The extra steam after producing the power is
utilized to heat the boiler feed water to produce unit area.

The project is named as B008, whose contents contains proprietary data of

Turbomach S.A Switzerland. The type of turbine is Titan 130 (T130), generator
manufacturer is Leroy Somer in which generator nominal power is 1700KVA at 40C
having frequency of 40Hz and generator voltage 6300V. As this plant has maximum
power generation of 22MW that works on the combine cycle in which gas based
turbine vworks on Braytonocycle and steam based turbine vworks on Rankineocycle.
It uses natural gas (CH4) as a primary fuel with lower heating value 50,500kJ/kg. In
the power plant, multistage axial flow compressor is..used in which air enters at
pressure 101KPa and temperature 28C.There are fourteen number of stages in
compressor and compression ratio is 16:1. The pressurized air enters in annular type
of combustion chamber and methane (CH4) is flowed through flow lines for
combustion purpose. The fuellignites airsand the very hotyflue gasess at temperature
between 800C-900C that expand throughout the stages of gasesturbine that is joined
withythe electrical generator. tThe exhaust gases coming from gas turbine outlet have
enough potential for power generation. So, the gasessare passed within theyheat
recoveryssteam generators(HRSG) where it transfer heats at different portions and

then the exhaustedyinto theystack. The watersfrom theyfeed water pump directlysgoes
intoothe HRSGssection. In HRSGg the condensed water passes through various
sections then the steam is produced, the steam enters in steam turbine at pressure
4000KPa and temperature 480C then produces the power of 4MW. In last, the
exhaustededsteam is used too condensate in theycondenser atePressure 12KPa and
temperature 40C. The condenseder water is pumped againrby feed water pumpu to
increase pressure and temperature then the cycle repeats.



Numerous simplified assumptions have been builted for analysis to make the work
easy, simple and effective which are shown below.

01. Air Compressor (AC)

Negligible effects of kinetic and potential energies and efficiency is 65%.

02. Combustion Chamber (CC)

Steady flow, negligible effect of potential energy and complete combustion.

03. Gas Turbine (GT)

Steady flow, negligible effect of potential energy and isentropic efficiency is 38%.

04. Overall CCPP

Steady flow, negligible effect of potential energy and efficiency is 51%.


05. Dead state pressure is 101.325KPa and temperature 25C

06. There is no heat transfer in the components of they system.

fFigure 3.2 SchematicsDiagram offthe 22MW FFC Mirpur Mathelo


Now we model the plant by using mathematical equations of various quantities or

functions and considered the assumptions which we made above.

Starting with Brayton (gas) cycle. Gas Cycle

01. Air Compressor
The power consumption of the air compressor by utilizing the energy relation is given
W ac =ṁ1 . t 1 .C pa . γ pa
C pa=1018.9−0.1378 t a +1.9843× 10−4 t 2a +4.2399 ×10−7 t 3a −3..7632 ×10−10 t 4a

γ a−1
γp −1 t 1 +t 2 p2
γa , t a= , γ p= , γ =1.4
γ pa= 2 p1 a

And the exergy destruction respectively will be

t2 p2
X des , ac=ṁ 2 t o (C pa ln ()
−R a ln
)( )
02. Combustion Chamber

Q cc

And the corresponding exergy destruction will be

Ẋ des , cc= Ẋ 2 + Ẋ f − X˙ 3

03. Gas Turbine
Work acquired by the gas turbine is
Ẇ ¿ =ṁ3 . C pa . ( t 3−t 4 ) . η¿ . γ pg

Net poweredoutput generated fromnthe gasesturbine will be

Ẇ net ,¿=Ẇ ¿ −Ẇ ac

Exergy destruction by applying second law of thermodynamics is applied as

Ẋ des, =¿

t3 p3
s gen ,¿ =c pa . ln ()
−R .. ln ⁡( )

Now the thermallyefficiency offthe gasesturbine would be

𝜂𝑡ℎ,𝑔𝑡 =
𝑄𝑐𝑐 SteamsCycle
04. HeatedRecovery SteamedGenerator

Heat available to HRSGs is

Q̇ hrsg =ṁ 5 (c pg ,i . t 4−c pg ,e . t 6)

Where Cpg is temperature dependent as can be seen in the relation

𝐶𝑝𝑔 = 1.8083 − 2.3127×10−3. 𝑡 + 4.045×10−6𝑡2 − 1.7363×10−9. 𝑡3

And the exergy destruction in HRSG is

05. FeedeWatersPump
The work has been consumed through theyfeed waterspump to pressurize the water
from the condenser outlet to inlet of HRSG is given by
Ẇ fwp=ṁ7 . v̇ 7 .( p8− p7 )

06. Condenser
The heat rejected fromsthe ccondenser towards theycooling watersis disposed byy the
energy balance as
Q̇ cond =ṁ 7 .¿ )

Where ṁ11 + ṁ(makeup water )=ṁ7

And the corresponding exergy balance is

Ẋ des , cond=m˙11 . X 11˙ − Qcond


07. SteamsTurbine
Thee worksoutput acquired by the steamsturbine will be givensas

Ẇ st =ṁ10 . ( h10−h11 )

The destruction of exergy inuthe steamsturbine will be

Ẋ des , st =( ṁ10 . Ẋ 10−ṁ11 . Ẋ 11 )−Ẇ st

08. Overall Energyyand ExergyyEfficiency

The overall thermal energyeand exergyeefficiencies could be calculated ass

Ẇ total ,net
ηenergy =

Ẇ total ,net
ηexergy ¿
E X˙ fuel


Innthisschapter, we will discuss theeresults oof energy and exergy analysis by using
number of relations that we have discussed in earlier chapter. Energyyand eexergy
analysiss to eache one components offthe powersplant was done individually. We also
found the impacts of operatingvparameters onnthe total power output and also the
overall efficiencyyof the power pplant. All results have been discussed in detail for



To find the power consumption, we develop different thermodynamic relations. We

also got the power produced and power consumed at different..plant components
through these relations. Steam and gas turbine produce power which were also found.

In the section of plant description, we have seen that there are total 14 states of
working fluid when we useoone gassturbine and other onessteam turbinesunit. Every
state has its unique value of different parameters. These values are given in tabulated
form below which shows the parametric values of pressure, temperature, enthalpy,
and mass flow rate. Each value is observed on the operating conditions. The state
condition is also shown in the other column.

Table 4.1 Properties at various states in the plant

S.N Dryness ṁm. Pressure Temperature Enthalpy
O Friction (kg/s)s. (kPa)t.. (K)p.. (h)e
01 Atmospheric 18.2 101.3 301.15 301.6
02 Compressed 18.2 1400 523.15 527.2
03 Hot flue 25.4 1400 1173.15 1573
04 Expanded 25.4 3.5 763.15 764.6
flue gases
05 Expanded 25.4 3.4 760.26 761.2
flue gases
06 At stack 25.4 2 408.15 409.3
07 Saturated 8.33 12 310.15 309.9
08 Compressed 8.33 7000 393.15 352
09 Compressed 8.33 4000 384 282
10 Superheated 8.33 4000 753.15 4030
11 Saturated 2.83 12 313.5 2471
12 Compressed 8.33 3950 250.35 1087
13 Saturated 8.33 3945 240 1076.3
14 Superheated 2.83 4000 750.16 4025


After this, the actual and simulated values of power output is compared. The total
power produced of the plant as modelled is 12.6 megawatts from which 8.2
megawatts of power is generated by gas turbine and 4.4 megawatts is produced by
steam turbine. The actual power output as operating parameter is 12 megawatts. All

the auxiliary components, including feed water pump, air compressor consumed
power about 4.1 megawatts and give total power output of the plant about 4.3






Actual Modelled

Figure 4.1 Model and Actual TotallyPower Outputedof theyPlant



Exergy and Energy efficiencys offthe actual and model are compared. It was
concluded that energyyanddexergy efficiency oftthe plantyare 40.42%aand 35.30%.
They energy and exergyy efficiency offthe model arey found to be 41.98% and


36.00% 35.30%



Overall thermal efficiency(%) Exergy efficiency (%)

Actual Modeled

Figure 4.2 Actual Energy and ExergysEfficiency offthe Plant anddModel


Theyexergetic eefficiency that nmeasures they performanceyof any the thermaltplant
systemnfrom a thermodynamicsprospective. The exergyyanalysis confied in the
qualityoof energyy therefore typesof fuel and product are essential toobe described.
The exergetic efficiency also defines how much amount could be obtained fromythe
maximumnavailable ywork, On other side thermallyefficiency indicates howumuch
amount works done could be derived fromaa specifiedlinput of fuel. Anyhow, the
exergeticyefficiency shows the relationship between theyratio offtotal exergyloutput
and totallyexergy inputoof developededexergy to fuel exergy providedtoo thesystem.(
Abdulrahman Almutairi, 2015).

We found the exergy destruction at different components of plant. It was identified

thatythe combustionschamber follows theymaximum destruction of exergy about
32.24 megawatts, after that Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) having 9.64
megawatts, gas turbine with 8.84 megawatts, steam turbine with 0.92 megawatts, air
compressor with 0.53 megawatts and the condenser with 0.065 megawatts. Since the
exergy destruction in the pump was low, so we neglected it. The total exergy at
different components was found 52.23 megawatts and exergyiicdestruction ratesfor
eache one components offthe plant iss shown inn pie chart given below

Chart Title
1.76% 1.01% 0.12%
Combustion chamber
Gas turbine
Steam turbine
Air compressor
61.72% Condenser

Figure 4.33 ExergyYDestruction Rate ofFthe Components


90 87

70 68








Figure 4.44Exergy Efficiencies offthe CCPP,,Componentss

Table 4.2 The destruction of exergy in various doComponents

Exergy Destruction (MW)

Combustion Chamber 32.24
HRSG 9.64
Gas Turbine 8.84
Steam Turbine 0.92
Air Compressor 0.53
Condenser 0.065
Total 52.23


Parametric analysis is done by observing the performance parameter at varying values

of operating parameter. The performance parameters are its overall efficiency η o, the
total power output of the plant Wtotal,net. The operatinggparameters are temperature at
the inlet of gasesturbine, air compressor inlettpressure, pressure ratiooand inlet
temperature of steam turbine. These parameters are varied and their effects on other
parameters and performance of the plant can be seen in the graphs. After the analysis
of these graphs, we can optimize the working of plant by selecting the suitable
operating conditions which leads in increasinglithe efficiencyoof plant. Their results
arey discussed as under.


TheE air Lcompressor, which isS inducted in theE combined cycle gas turbines, have
a constant pressure ratio that can be described as the ratio of outlet pressure to the
inlet pressure. It is one of the main parameter on which the performance of the plant

depends. If the pressure att theeoutlet of the air compressorsis increased, theypressure
of flue gases att theyinlet is increased and the output power is also tends to increase,
because of higher expansion of the flue gases. When the ratio of pressure is attended
to iincrease, temperature of air also increased before inserting into combustion
chamber and that will minimize the fuel consumption.

fFigure 4.5 .Effectoof pPressure Ratio onnthe Total PowersOutput


They temperature of the flue gasess at thee inlet of the gas.turbine has most indicative
impact on the turbine poweruoutput. This temperature depends upon certain
parameters such as mass flowsrate of fuel into the combustion chamber,
pressuresdrop, efficiencyoof the combustionschamber and the number of combustor
available for the process of combustion. While the temperature of flue gases is
increased, the gas turbine must expand these gases at a greater pressure difference. So
this leads to increased innthe powersoutput oftthe gasesturbine unit andd

overalleefficiency. Such this can be seen in the graphs. The effect of the flue gases
temperature can be observed between 1000 to 1400kelvin.

Total Power Output (MW)





1000 1100 1200 1300 1400

Gas Turbine Inlet Temperature (K)

fFigure.4.6 Effectsof thee GTIT onnthe Total Power.Output

fFigure.4.7 Effectsof the GTIT onn Overall Plant Efficiency


The temperaturesof any superheated steams at inlet of steam turbine have substantial
effect on performances offcycle. As theytemperature offthe steam is raised atnthe
inletloof turbine, power developed by steamsturbine increases severally that will
increases..the totallypower outputsof theyplant. As result could be seen from the
graphs, the temperature is varied between 720 to 820kelvin.


Total Power Output (MW) 12.9





720 740 760 780 800 820

Steam Turbine Inlet Temperture (K)

fFigure.4.88 Effectsof the STIT onn Total PowersOutput

Figure.4.9 Effectsof they STIT onethe Overall Plant Efficiencyies


The exhaust gases temperaturesat they exit offturbine hasea vital impact onnthe
overally performance of powersplant. tThe effect is ascertained on the gas and steam
individual power..output, total net powersoutput andd on the. exergysand energy
efficienciess from 730 to 810 kelvin. It can be terminated from graphs thatythe exit
temperaturesof the gasesturbine should be as low as possible because the
powersoutput offthe gasesturbine decreases importantly with the increasesin the outlet
ttemperature. Yet, the output power..of the steam turbine increases nut that increment
is not adaptable with the turbine decrement in power. So the total powersoutput offthe
plantsdecreases and so the exergy efficiency and energy efficiency would also be

Total Power Output (MW)





730 750 770 790 810

Gas Turbine Outlet Temperature (K)

fFigure.4.10 Effectsof the GTOT onnthe Total PowersOutput


In they gasesturbine plant cycle,.theyair compressor is essential component which is

used to supply the air under desired pressure to the combustion..chamber of the plant.
The variation in the air temperature of the air pressure inlet effects the life of the

compressor, the performancesof theyplant and powersoutput. As this could be viewed
fromstheygraph given below that the nett power outputt and overall efficiency offthe
plant decrease within the..increasesin inlet air temperatures of compressor. The
efficiency of the compressor is decreased which increase in the inlet air temperature
of theycompressor which can cause variation in they other parameters of the plant.
Inletsairscoolingssystem can be employed fore maintaining they temperature andd
better operation of the gas turbine plant cycle.

fFigure. 4.11 Effectsof the ACIT onethe Total PowersOutput




InNthis thesis work, they performanceSof 22MW Combine Cycle PowersPlant, FFC
Mirpur Mathelo is carried out. Furthermore, the analysis is also done by changing
certain parameters to look theyeffects oof numerous operatingsparameters onethe
execution of the plant. This parametric analysis can be adopted accordingly to
increases theyefficiency offplant and too enhance its working. Theyfollowing
conclusions are given for our whole study,

 The overall the schematic diagram of the plant is divided into 14 stages, each
have distinct conditions and individual values of the operating functions.
 The simulated results provide with the modelled power output of the plant as
12.6MW versus the actual power output of 12MW. So, the error is obtaining
the better results is 6.9%.
 From the total power output, 65.08% of the power gained froms the gas cycle
and the rest of power (34.92%) is exerted from the steam turbines cycle.
 They overallalefficiency oftthe plant is attained as 41.98% through the
modelling and 40.42% as actual.
 The maximumm destruction of exergy was identified innthe combustion
chamber about 61.72%, observed by HRSG 18.46%, gas turbine with 16.92%
and steam turbine with 1.76%.
 The power output of the plant and its efficiency can be improved with various
conditions by considering certain parameters, such as by decreasing the inlet

temperatures of air compressor, increasing theytemperature offthe gases at
inletsof gas turbines and by increasings.temperatures of superheated steams at
inlet of steams turbine.


These recommendations are for the the available work in

futuresstudy. As, thissthesis work manifested potentiallof making andd analysing
energy andd exergy modelsesof a combine cycle plantssystem, yet manynother
chances fore extend in the current work must remain immaculate.

 The can be modernized withh the fewersassumptions

 Different other assumptions techniques could be applied.
 The analysis could be furthermore increased by adding the environmental and
economic analysis to the current work.
 Tri-generation system for the general heating and cooling could be projected.
 The simulation inletsair coolingssystem of air compressor with support of the
tri-generation cooling could be proposed.


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