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State universities expect session
to begin in Nov after Puja break
semester examinations, as
S1 1 M •- per earlier schedule W?n t be BENGAL GOVERNMENT'S TAKE possible in the upcomu~g se-
► TIit pemnent his for UG students. Slmlllrty, mester slnce it will begm la•
Kolkata: The University
Grants Commission (UGC) is proposed that for students at
various levels of UG and PG
the,_ an.d ninth
semesters will hive to be
The Bengal government
likely to revise its earlier re-
commendations on starting programmes, the unifflsitles combined In PG programmes is also considering scrapping
the new academic year from will have to amalgamate ► Though students will alJ evaluation methods based
September-October. A panel. or merge semesters. TIit be promoted to the next on the current semester syl-
which was sel up by the UGC second and third semesters semester, they will have labi in the terminal semester.
and headed by Haryana Uni - shall be held together to appear In eumlnatlons Instead, the universities are
versity vice-chancelJor R C and, the fourth and fifth for both the semesters likely to award the best score
Kuhad. is revisiting the gui- semesters will be dubbed successively among the past semesters or
delines issued earlier by the an average percentage recei-
UGC for intermediate and For the intermediate semesters, all ved in the earlier semesters
terminal semester examina- students may be promoted. However, such to the final semester candida-
tions as well. Sources indica- students will have to clear the examination tes In both UG and PG pro-
ted that they would recom- whenever it Is held grammes.
mend scrapping the terminal A VICE-atANCEUOI Sources indicated that the
semester exams. government is keen to alJow
State-run universities in UGC will be placed on Friday, A VC pointed out that be- inte.rested candidates willing
Bengal, however. are looking the guidelines issued earlier ginning the session from No- to appear in the examina-
at starting the academic ses- willhavetoberevised. Weare vember after completing the tions as and when the situa-
sion from November due to readywithourownformulae admission formalities would tion returns to normal and
the pandemic and con- in Ben&al," said a source in have meant curtailing the universities are in a Position
templating closure of all the higher education depart- syllabus. "Now, If the acade- to hold them - a policy adop-
campuses during Durga Puja ment. mic year Is pushed back even ted by Maharashtra.
in October. Vice-chancellors The state government bu further, the.n we must tweak Education minister Part-
are also pointlni at the late already deolded to keep all the syllabus. Till now, there 1s ha Chatterjee had earlier
publication of the state's hig- the government, govern- no clarity on reducing the lo- stressed the need to plan uni-
her se,r-.ondary uamination ment-aided and private edu- ad ~ UG syllabus from tedly, taking into considera-
results as another reason for cational institutes cloaed till UGC," laid the VC. He added, tion the needs or all the stake-
the delay. July Sl The a,iministrative "We will also have to reframe holders while keeping an eye
"Though the panel's re- work and related activitiet the academic calen.dar or the on the steps taken by other
commendatiom before the will continue. :mo-2021 aesslon. Roldingthe states.

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