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Bug (noum) : [bʌɡ]:an insect having sucking mouthparts and thickened, leathery wings in front. Someone left the window open so that now we have a lot of bugs in our room.

Bulky(adj) /ˈbʌ / 'too big and taking up too much space'. She carried a very bulky package on the bus. [ES voluminoso, abultado].

Bullfight (n.) /ˈbo͝olˌfīt/ 'A public spectacle, particularly in Spain, Portugal, and Latin America, at which a bull is baited in a highly stylized manner and
then usually killed'. My first idea was to breed bulls for bullfights in Spain, but then I thought: why not make wine instead? [ES tauromaquia]

Bullying (n) /ˈbʊliɪŋ/ Actions as a bully. 'I'm sick and tired of Ashley's bullying' [ES acoso, intimidación]
Burger (n.) /ˈbəːɡə/ 'a flat round cake of minced beef that is fried or grilled and typically served in a bread roll; a hamburger'. There will be a grill area
for burgers, hot dogs and fries as well as a pizza oven. [ES hamburguesa]

Bury (verb) /ˈbɛri/
'Place (a dead body) in the earth or in a tomb, usually with funeral rites.' 'Put or hide underground.' he was buried in St John's
churchyard. he buried the box in the back garden. [ES Enterrar, Sepultar]

bus (n.) /bʌs/ 'A large motor vehicle carrying passengers by road, typically one serving the public on a fixed route and for a fare'. a bus
service [ES bus]

businessman (n.) /ˈbɪznɪsmən/ 'A man who works in commerce, especially at executive level'. He has been working hard in his company to become
such a great businessman. [ES empresario]

Busy. adjective. /ˈbɪzi/ 1.having a great deal to do. "he had been too busy to enjoy himself" / 2.excessively detailed or decorated."the lavish set designs are a little too busy". / [
ES 1.ocupado / 2.concurrido]

butter (n.) /ˈbʌtə(r)/ [uncountable] 'a soft yellow food made from cream, used in cooking and for spreading on bread'. Do you want butter or
margarine on your toast? [ES mantequilla, manteca]

buying habits
buying habits (n.) /ˈbaɪɪŋ ˈhæbɪts/ 'the products that particularcustomers usually buy'.A new surveytracks the buyinghabits of 10,000 consumers. [ES hábitos
de consumo]

By heart
by heart (Idiom) 'to learn something in such a way that you can say it from memory'. The teacher wanted us to learn the irregular verbs by heart for
the next exam. [ES de memoria]

By mistake
By mistake (phrase) /baɪmɪs'teɪk/ 'To identify wrongly as something or someone else, accidentally.' I set off the alarm by mistake. [ES por error, accidentalmente]

bystander n.
1. a person present but not involved; onlooker: [ES: testigo]

Cable (n.) /ˈ
keɪbl/ 'a strong rope made of strands of metal wire, used to support bridges, etc.' The cables holding up a suspension bridge. [ES cable]
camera (i) (n) /ˈkam(ə)rə/ 'A device for recording visual images in the form of photographs, film, or video signals.' Film from CCTV cameras in the club has been taken away as part of
the police inquiry.[ES: cámara]

Campaign(n.) / kæmˈpeɪn/ 'A planned group of especially political, business, or military activities that are intended to achieve a particular aim'. The protests were part of the
campaign against the proposed building development in the area. [ES campaña]

Can (n) /kæn/ tin: metal container. Pass me that can of peas. [ES lata, bote]

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