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CANDLE (noun) /'kændl/ "a round stick of wax with a piece of string through the middle which is lit to give litght as it burns” The room was lit by candles. [ ES vela ]

canoe (n.) /kəˈnuː/ 'a light, narrow boat with pointed ends and no keel, propelled with a paddle or paddles'. On both lakes you can rent rowing boats and Canadian canoes, and
spend the day on the water, fishing. [ES canoa, piragua]

Cap (n.) /cap/ 'a close-fitting covering for the head, usually having no brim.' Every water bottle has a cap so that the water could be kept inside. [ES
tapa, tapón]

captain (n.) /ˈkæptɪn/ 'The leader of a group of people, especially a sports team '. The captain of the hockey team is not a good person. [ES capitán,
líder, comandante]

Car (noun): /kɑː(r)/ 'a road vehicle with an engine and four wheels that can carry a small number of passengers' [ES: Coche]


Career (n.) /kəˈrɪr/ ' an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a

person's life and with opportunities for progress'. He seemed destined for a

career as an engineer like his father. [ES profesión, carrera].

Carefully : adverb /ˈkɛəf(ə)li/ in a way that deliberately avoids harm or errors; cautiously. "they must be carefully handled and stored". [ ES :1.cuidadosamente
/ 2. con cuidado]

Carton (n.) /ˈkɑːt(ə)n/
small, light box or container in which drinks or foodstuffs are packaged. Ex: a carton of milk. [ES: cartón]

Cartoon (n.) /kɑːtˈuːn/ 'A film using animation techniques to photograph a sequence of drawings rather than real people or objects.' We watched Yogi Bear cartoons on TV. [ES dibujo

Cash (noun) /kæʃ/ 1. "Money in the form of coins or notes/bills." The thieves stole 500€ in cash. [ES efectivo]

cash machine(n.) /ˈ kæʃ məˌʃiːn/ (Another term for automated teller machine) 'A machine that dispenses cash or performs other banking services
when an account holder inserts a bank card'. Temple and his researchers have come up with film of a man "having a hissy fit because the cash
machine has broken down". [ES cajero automático]

Casino (n.) /kəˈsiːnəʊ/ 'apublic room or building where gambling games are played'. Various states have opened casinos as a way of attracting
tourists. [ES casino]

casual (adj.) /ˈkaʒjʊəl/ 1. 'not regular or permanent'. 'A casual worker'.2.'relaxed and unconcerned'. 'A casual attitude to life'. 3. 'happening by
chance; accidental'. 'He pretended it was a casual meeting'. 4. 'without formality of style or manner, in particular (of clothing) suitable for everyday
wear rather than formal occasions'. 'An ideal coat for casual occasions'. [ES casual, temporal]

Catch (v.) /katʃ/ Intercept and hold (something which has been thrown, propelled, or dropped) 'she threw the bottle into the air and caught it again' [ES coger]
Cater (v.) /ˈkeɪ·t̬ ər / 'to provide food and drinks for an occasion or event'. Who catered your party? [ES encargarse del servicio de comida y

Cattle(noum);/ˈkæt l/; cows, etc. kept for meat, dairy; My uncle´s farmer has a cattle; (ganado)

CCTV (i) /ˌsiːsiːtiːˈviː/: 'abbreviation of 'closed circuit television'.Online closed circuit televisioncameras, although an expensive solution, are also
being employed to increase buyer. [ES Televisión por circuito cerrado]

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