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OTDR Report generator


1. Summary........................................................................................................................ 3
1.1 Requirement ................................................................................................................................... 3

2. Specification ................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Install ............................................................................................................................................. 4
2.2 Top Window .................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2.1 Components ............................................................................................................................. 4
2.2.2 File Tree & File List ................................................................................................................ 4
2.2.3 Menu & Tool Bar ..................................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Setting Dialog................................................................................................................................. 5

3. Other functions .............................................................................................................. 8

3.1 Drag & Drop ................................................................................................................................... 8
3.2 Multilingual ................................................................................................................................... 8

4. Limitations..................................................................................................................... 8
1. Summary
This application is PDF report generater from AQ7280 SOR file.

1.1 Requirement

Table 1 Application Requirement

Item Description Note

OS Windows 7/8/8.1/10 32bit and 64bit
Screen size 1024x768 and more
RAM 1024 Mbyte and more
Storage 1Gbyte space
2. Specification
2.1 Install
Run the install wizard, and follow the prompt.

2.2 Top Window

2.2.1 Components

Figure 1 is the application top screen.


(1) (2)

Figure 1 Top Window

Table 2 Top Window Components

No. Name Description

(1) File Tree Folder structure of PC(see 2.2.2)
(2) File List File list of selected folder(see 2.2.2)
(3) Menu Bar see 2.2.3
(4) Tool Bar see 2.2.3

2.2.2 File Tree & File List

 File Tree
To search SOR files, you can select from folder structure.
 File List
File list of selected folder.It is shown only SOR/SMP files. To check the checkbox, you can
select SOR/SMP files that you want to convert to PDF report file.To click the checkbox that
located left of "Name" column bar , it is toggled check all and clear all.
Figure 2 FileList

2.2.3 Menu & Tool Bar

Table 3 Menu

Menu Sub Menu Description Note

File Make Report File Convert to PDF report file from
selected SOR/SMP file.
Print Print out the report to default Not supported
printer. print dialog.Can
not select printer.
Exit Close this application
View Tool Bar Show the tool bar or not.
Status Bar Show the status bar or not.
Theme Change the application look &
Setup Report Show report setting dialog.
Language Change application language
and report language.
Help About Show Version Dialog

Table 4 Tool bar items

Item Icon Description Note

Make Report File Convert to PDF report file
from selected SOR/SMP
Print Print out the report to default
Settings Show report setting dialog.

About Show Version Dialog

2.3 Setting Dialog

You can see the setting dialog (Figure 3), when you select "Settings" button or "Report"
menu.Application remenber these settings, and restore settings when you launch this application
next time.
Figure 3 Setting Dialog

Table 5 Setting Items

Group Item Value Description

Unnamed Preset1/Preset2 Application can
remenber 2 settings.You
can select settings of
"Preset1" or "Preset2".
Report Format Format 1Trace/2Trace Same as AQ7280 setting
Order Date/File Same as AQ7280 setting
ID Position Bottom/Top Same as AQ7280 setting
Sort Order A->Z/Z->A Same as AQ7280 setting
Event List Event No. On/Off Same as AQ7280 setting
Distance On/Off Same as AQ7280 setting
Section On/Off Same as AQ7280 setting
Splice Loss On/Off Same as AQ7280 setting
Return Loss On/Off Same as AQ7280 setting
Cumul-Loss On/Off Same as AQ7280 setting
dB/km On/Off Same as AQ7280 setting
Event type On/Off Same as AQ7280 setting
Section IOR On/Off Same as AQ7280 setting
Page Layout (1)Job Information On/Off Same as AQ7280 setting
(2)Link Summary On/Off Same as AQ7280 setting
(3)Fiber Surface Image On/Off Same as AQ7280 setting
(4)Map On/Off Same as AQ7280 setting
(5)Trace On/Off Same as AQ7280 setting
(6)Marker Information On/Off Same as AQ7280 setting
(7)Measure Conditions On/Off Same as AQ7280 setting
(8)Overview On/Off Same as AQ7280 setting
(9)Event Search Conditions On/Off Same as AQ7280 setting
(10)Pass Fail Judgement On/Off Same as AQ7280 setting
(11)Event List On/Off Same as AQ7280 setting
File Dest. Folder Folder path
Job Information Use SOR/SMP file data On/Off If checked, use job
information in SOR/SMP
file, and the other use
Label free text Same as AQ7280 setting
Company Name free text Same as AQ7280 setting
Name free text Same as AQ7280 setting
Fiber ID free text Same as AQ7280 setting
Fiber Type 652:Conventional Same as AQ7280 setting
Shifted SMF/
654:Cut-Off Shifted
Dispersion Shifted
656:NZDSF for
Optimized SMF/
Cable ID free text Same as AQ7280 setting
Cable Code free text Same as AQ7280 setting
Reporting Date free text Same as AQ7280 setting
Originatin Loc free text Same as AQ7280 setting
Terminating Loc free text Same as AQ7280 setting
Current Data Flag BUILT(BC)/ Same as AQ7280 setting
Default Set default settings to
selected preset.
Save Save settings to
specified file.
Load Load settings from
speficied file.
Do not show this dialog when ON/OFF
program starts.
3. Other functions
3.1 Drag & Drop
To drag & drop the SOR/SMP file on the Report Generator application icon, this application make
PDF report file in the specified folder in the setting dialog.

3.2 Multilingual
You can select language from Chinese, English, Japanse and Korean.It makes menu string to
selected language, and it change the report file language.
You can set local string to every textbox.

4. Limitations

 Application Language
Supported languages are English, Japanese, Chinese and Korean only.
 PDF Language
Supported languages are English, Japanese, Chinese and Korean only.
It depens application language.
 2trace format not supported, when drag & drop the SOR/SMP file to Report Generator icon.

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