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Jacomilla, Michale B.


Plans Percentage (%) Employee's Plans fo
Not work for pay at all 29 50
Start own business 10
Work full time 7 35
Work part time 46

Don't know 3 25
Other 5
b. Which graphical method do you think is best to portray these data? 5
Answer: 0
Not work for pay Start own Work full time W
at all business
For me, it's the bar graph portrays the best upon the
data. pLANS
It's easy to pinpoint who got highest percentage upto
lowest one. Unlike to pie graph, we still have to look
the legend for clearer understanding--which actually
takes time. Though both graphs are good depending
on the intention and preference of the users, the bar
graph above presents well as it is more obvious than
pie graph.

Reasons for Failure Frequency Percentage Cumulative Percentage
Order not received 52 23% 23%
Frequency 47 21% 44%
Dose 23 10% 54%
Duplicate order entry 22 10% 64%
Omission 21 9% 74%
Additional Instructions 16 7% 81%
Drug 14 6% 87%
Order not discontinued when received 12 5% 92%
Other 8 4% 96%
Patient 5 2% 98%
Route 4 2% 100%
224 100%

a. Construct a Pareto diagram.

b. Discuss the vital few and trivial many reasons for the root causes of pharmacy errors.

answer: The root causesof pharmacy errors that belongs in "vital few" category under Pareto
Principle are:(a) Order not received, (b) Frequency, (c) Dose, (d) Duplicate Order Entry, and the
(e) ommision. This is because these errors produce the most frequent amount of errors that the
pharmacy must heed on in order to enhance the quality of service and earn more profit.
Knowing that these failures are material, it must be corrected/in action as soon as possible.

Meanwhile under "trivial many" category, errors that belongs to it are: (a) additional
instructions, (b) Drugs, (c) Order not Discontinued when received, (d) patients, (e) routes, and
lastly, the (f) other reasons. This is because these errors are not as frequent and recurring as to
"vital few" errors. Their percentages only contributed only small in commulative percentages,
which means it won't have a huge impact to the business. Moreover, reducing these errors are
still crucial for.greater benefits of the business. Of course, under Pareto Principle, the
pharmacy has to prioritize the errors under "vital few" errors than "trivial many" as it creates
more major impact in the business.
Bar graph

ployee's Plans for Retirement




Start own Work full time Work part time Don't know Other
business 7%


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Pie graph

Not work for pay at all
Start own business
Work full time
Work part time
Don't know
46% Other


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