Unit 9 - Delivering Technical Presentations

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What makes a bad presentation and what makes a good presentation?

Good presentation Bad presentation

Good presentations informs the audience Bad presentations are unclear and
It is presented in a clear and effective

How can we get our message across clearly and effectively?

Plenty of practice by speaking loudly and clearly

Connect with the Audience and maintain eye contact

Be confident, enthusiastic, and energetic

What are some common mistakes that you should avoid during presentations?

Turning your back to the audience

Loosing eye contact with audience

Reading from a script

Relying to speak with the presentations

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What are some effective presentation skills?

Be aware of your voice and delivery

Vary your volume and intonation

Keep the attention of the audience

Highlight some points mentioned in the interviews with professors that you think are important.

Prepare well and know more about the topic

Being confident

Knowing the audience and adjusting to communicate with them

Practice a lot and present to a ‘lay’ person

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