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Vocabulary Words:

 Algebraic Expression – An expression that consists of a

term or more involving operations of addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division.
 Variable – letters that are used to represent any number.
 Term – is a constant, a variable, or a product or a quotient of
constants and variables.
 Constant – are numbers that have fixed values.
 Exponents – a number that indicates the number of times a
variable or a number is used as a factor.
 Monomial – an algebraic expression that consists of one
 Polynomials – An algebraic expressions where all variables
are expressed with non-negative integer exponents

 Product of Powers: xm . xn = xm+n

 Power of a Power: (xm)n = xmn
 Power of a Product: (ax)m = amxn
Product of Powers

Product of Powers: xm . xn = xm+n

 1. x2 . x3 = x5

 2. b8 . b6 = b14

 3. 5z4 . z3 = 5z7
Power of a Power

Power of a Power: (xm)n = xmn

 1. (x2y3)2
 = x4y6
 2. (h4i5j)6
 = h24i30j6
Power of a Product

Power of a Product: (ax)m = amxn

 1. (2a3b2)5
 = 32a15b10

 2. (5k3l5m10)2
 = 25k6l10m20

 Simplify the following:

 1. x3 . x9
 2. y . y7
 3. (w4z3)5
 4. (uv7w6)9
 5. (6q3r4)3
 6. 3m3 . m9
 7. -3y . 5y7
 8. (w4z3)5
 9. (2uv7w6)9
 10. (-6q3r4)3
The following laws of exponents are used in
multiplying polynomials.

 Product of Powers: xm . xn = xm+n

 Power of a Power: (xm)n = xmn
 Power of a Product: (ax)m = amxn
 To find the product of a monomial and a polynomial,
we use the distributive property and apply the laws
of exponents. If there are similar terms, then we
combine them to simplify the answers.
 Multiply 3m(5m2 + 2m – 4n)

 Answer:
 3m(5m2 + 2m – 4n)
 = (3m.5m2) + (3m.2m) + (3m.-4n)
 =15m3 + 6m2 – 12mn
Your Turn

 Multiply 5a(-2a3 + 4a2 – 2b)

 Multiply (x – 1)(2x + 3)

 Answer:
 (x – 1)(2x + 3) = x(2x + 3) + (-1)(2x + 3)
 = 2x2 + 3x – 2x – 3
 = 2x2 + x – 3

 Or you can use FOIL Method

Your Turn

 Find each product.

 1. (y - 3)(y - 5)

 2. (5x – 2)(x + 3)

 3. (2x2 – 3)(2x + 5)
 Multiply (3m – 2)(-2m2 + 4m – 5n)

 = 3m(-2m2 + 4m – 5n) + (-2)(-2m2 + 4m – 5n)

 = -6m3 + 12m2 – 15mn + 4m2 – 8m + 10n
 = -6m3 + 16m2 – 8m – 15mn + 10n

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