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chenizzle productions
Urban Twist
Scene 1: Prison Cell
The doors slammed shut in front of Paris. Paris ran towards the cell door and started banging
at the door violently. Paris broke down in tears and fell back towards the wall and slid down the
wall slowly as if she was hoping that something or someone would save her. She pulled her legs
towards her and began rocking herself backwards and forwards in a fast pace rhythm. Knowing
that that no one was coming back, Paris began gouging at her face until blood started oozing and
trickling down from the fresh scratches she made on her face; she paused momentarily and
began to cry into her hands hysterically.
“It wasn’t meant to happen like this!” she continued to sob angrily into her hands.

Scene 2: College
“Class is nearly over, so now I’m going to set you all an assignment, which will be due in two
weeks time from now, the assignment, will be to research and base your opinion on why Romeo
and Juliet would take their own lives just to be together. However your assignment will be slightly
different, because I would like you all to work in pairs preferably male and female so you can see
the opposite sex point of view. So could you all find your partners please?” The English tutor said
to the class.
Everybody got up and began finding someone to work with. However a slim and slender, light
skinned black girl with dark brown squinting eyes and a soft and gentle smile sat alone slightly
day dreaming.
“Err excuse me, would you like to be my partner?” a tall, light skinned black boy, with a an
attractive baby face but small lips, which he would bite softly when he prepared to smile, stood
next to the girl while she was day dreaming.
“Oh sorry, err, yeah that’s fine.” The girl said snapping back to reality. The boy smiled and bit his
lip gently.
“Cool, your name is Latisha, am I right?” the boy questioned.
“Yeah you right, and yours is…” Latisha paused trying to think of the boy’s name.
“It’s Taishae.” He laughed. Latisha tried to cover up her embarrassment by turning to look at the
ground as if she wasn’t fazed. Taishae pulled out the chair beside Latisha and sat next to her and
studied her face expression.
“Are you sure you’re cool with us two working together?” Taishae raised his eye brow slightly,
and his face expression softened and made him look vulnerable to rejection.
“Its fine, I just find it strange that’s all, like you never acknowledged me when you see me on
road, but all of a sudden an assignment comes up and you want to chat to me as if we’ve been
speaking for time.” Latisha explained but stared forward so she didn’t see Taishae’s reaction.
“Latisha it isn’t like that at all, I’ve wanted to speak to you for time but like I didn’t know how to
approach you, and when this assignment came up, I thought it was a good chance for me to get
to know you.” Taishae looked down, then looked back up at Latisha and put his hand firmly on
Latisha’s shoulder. Latisha turned and looked at him.
“So are you going to be my partner in crime then?” Taishae joked.
“Yeah okay Taishae.” Latisha said and began smiling.
“Could I have your number Latisha?” Taishae paused for a second. “Only so I can call you later
and like we can arrange to meet later, and I’ll give you my number and address.” Taishae
continued to explain. Latisha beamed and pulled out her phone and Taishae pulled out his and
they both swapped numbers and addresses.
“Class dismissed, oh and by the way don’t forget the question why Romeo and Juliet would
take their own lives, just to be together?” the tutor said to the class as they left the room.
“Bye Latisha, I’ll call you later.” Taishae winked then smirked.
“Okay boo bye.” Latisha giggled.

Scene 3: Trouble
“Paris I need you to help me sort out some business for me okay.” Dominique said.
“What do you mean? What type of business needs to get sorted out?” Paris questioned.
“All you need to know is that some boy called Dejontâe owes me money and he hasn’t paid up
so he has to deal with the consequences.” Dominique replied.
“And what do I have to do to help you then?” Paris asked suspiciously.
“Well I’m going to drive up to his house and all you have to do is disguise yourself and knock
the door so he can get what’s coming to him.” Dominique explained.
“This sounds too easy Dom, what if the boy don’t answer the door and someone else does?”
Pairs enquired.
“That’s why we have to wait until his brother Taishae leaves the house at some point.”
“But that could be all day or night.” Paris moaned.
“That’s business, now hurry up and get ready so we can get things over and done with.”
Dominique grinned eerily.

Scene 4: Taishae and Dejontâe’s house

Taishae dialled in Latisha’s number and waited for a few rings before she answered.
“Hello” Latisha said down the phone.
“Yo Latisha you cool bee? It‘s me Taishae.”
“I know it’s you, I saw your number, but yeah I’m fine.” she laughed.
“Cool cool, I was wondering if you wanted to link up at my yard to work on the assignment.”
“Yeah that’s fine hun, I got the directions to your house in my pocket, err what time do you want
me there?”
“Be at mine at half seven.”
“Yeah that’s fine Taishae; I’ll see you later then Mister.” Latisha said softly down the phone.
“Bye babe.” Taishae said and hung up the phone.
It turned eight and Taishae was leaving to go to shops since Latisha hadn’t arrived at his house
yet. Taishae told his brother Dejontâe that if Latisha came to house, while he was gone then
Dejontâe had to welcome her in and he had to be polite to her when she was there. Then Taishae
left the house to go to the shops.
Five minutes later Latisha knocked the door. Dejontâe answered
“Hello sexy” Dejontâe grinned widely at the pretty face girl.
“Is Taishae there please?” Latisha asked politely.
“Nah, he went to the shops, are you Latisha?” Dejontâe asked slightly raising his eyebrow.
“Yeah, that’s me” Latisha smiled sweetly.
“Oh your that bum gal that I’m meant to invite in, I’m Dejontâe.” Dejontâe said introducing
himself, while opening the door wider to let Latisha in. Latisha walked into the living room and
studied the room; it was quite clean and well looked after. It seemed too clean for Dejontâe and
Taishae to be living in.
“It’s rude for a guest to stand up in my house; I hope you’ve wiped your shoes before you
entered.” Dejontâe joked cheekily. Latisha’s body froze as she knew she didn’t wipe her feet.
“I’m joking girl, just sit down and chill.” Dejontâe sniggered loudly. Latisha glared at Dejontâe,
then began to sit down on the settee elegantly, but was still on edge.
“So I take it you go to Taishae’s college then?” Dejontâe asked.
“Yeah I do.” she told Dejontâe.
“Cool, what course do you do then?” Dejontâe enquired.
“Err, Law, Psychology and English with Taishae.” she replied.
“Really?” Wow I’m impressed, solving crime and that like CSI.” Dejontâe joked.
“Law ain’t really got anything to do with CSI; CSI is investigating using forensic science. And
you need biology to do that.” Latisha explained sophistically. Dejontâe stared blankly at Latisha.
“Skeen, would you like a drink anyways?” Dejontâe said quickly changing the subject.
“Yes okay then, thanks.” Latisha replied. Dejontâe smiled at Latisha and left the living room for
the kitchen. Dejontâe leaned into the fridge and got two cans of Pepsi’s in the fridge. Thud! Thud!
Thud! The door pounded loudly. Latisha and Dejontâe jumped. Latisha looked through the
window and saw a tallish figure, wearing dark blue tracksuit bottoms and a dark blue Adidas
hoody running towards a black, blacked out BMW. Then she saw Dejontâe come through the
living room leaving the cans on the table.
“Who’s banging on my door like suh?” Dejontâe cussed. Before he gave Latisha a chance to
explain what she saw Dejontâe left the living room and opened his front door. When Dejontâe
opened his door he saw no one at the door. He opened the door a bit more and still didn’t see
anyone. Dejontâe came through the front door and walked onto the garden path to see if he could
spot the prankster. The streets were empty; he couldn’t see anyone walking up or down it. But he
did notice the black, tinted window BMW across the road, which was strange because he
recognised all the cars that live on the street unless someone was visiting. The BMW gave
Dejontâe a shiver down his spine it seemed like an animal waiting to pounce on its prey. It
seemed deceiving. Dejontâe couldn’t take his eyes off the car, and all of a sudden saw the tinted
window wind down slowly, but he still couldn’t see who was inside. Suspicion got the better of
Dejontâe and he opened his garden gate to walk over to the BMW. Then all of a sudden, Bang!
Bang! Dejontâe plunged to the floor. Taishae was just coming round the corner when he heard
the gun shot and began darting round the corner, to see a black BMW screech its wheels and
speed off down the street. Latisha ran hurried from the house to check what the noise was and
saw Dejontâe lay on the floor motionless.
“Oh my god!” Latisha broke down in hysterics. Taishae heard screaming and had a sickening
feeling in his stomach. Taishae ran towards his house and unexpectedly stopped in horror by his
front gate. He stared at his brother’s body which lay unmoving. Taishae kneeled over to his
brother’s aid.
“What the fuck did they do to you bro?” Taishae couldn’t say his words out properly and began
weeping furiously over Dejontâe’s body. Taishae saw the gun shot wound in his brother’s
shoulder. Taishae took off his expensive jacket and enfolded it round Dejontâe’s shoulder
carefully. Dejontâe began breathing heavily, as if he was trying to save every last breath in him.
Then Taishae noticed Dejontâe covering up something. Taishae moved his hand slowly away and
saw a deep hole in Dejontâe’s chest. The wound was deep and began to clot. Taishae took off his
shirt and pressed the clothing against Dejontâe’s chest. Dejontâe winced at the pain. Taishae
looked about and saw a few people standing on the door step, or spying through their windows.
Taishae looked up at his house and saw Latisha standing mortified.
“Yo, phone the ambulance now!” Taishae yelled frantically. Latisha searched all in her pockets to
find her phone. And when she found her phone dialled 999. Taishae looked back at his brother.
“You’re going to be fine likkle bro, don’t you worry, everything is going to be okay.” Taishae said
reassuringly. He moved Dejontâe’s body closer to his to keep him warm, and began rocking him
in his arms gently.
“Taishae, I didn’t wanna get involved.” Dejontâe murmured slowly. Taishae looked at his dying
brother in puzzlement.
“What do you mean bro?” Taishae questioned while trying to hold back more tears. Red froth
began coming out of Dejontâe’s mouth, he began to cough and splutter.
“Don’t hate me, I’ve always looked up to you and never succeeded to be as good as you... I
was forced bro!” Dejontâe began to cry in Taishae’s arms.
“I don’t hate you, I could never hate you, Please Dejontâe tell me what you mean” Taishae
began to cry uncontrollably, grasping hold tightly of his baby brother.
“Aayisha and Pa… Par…” then Dejontâe coughed out and spluttered out a clump of blood and
then the darkness enveloped on Dejontâe and he rolled his eyes back slowly.
“Bro? Bro! Please wake up Dejontâe!” Taishae couldn’t hold back the tears any longer and they
flowed like a river down his face. He pulled his brother in tight to him and kissed his forehead
softly. And put his hands over Dejontâe’s face and closed his eyes. The sirens of the ambulance
began to blare in the background.

Scene 5: The shocking truth

“What the fuck? Where did you get that gun from?” Paris asked in a panic as Dominique
dashed the gun to passenger seat next to her and sped down the road from the scene.
“I told you it’s a business thing okay, and Paris if there’s a chance that the police does catch
us, which I don’t think they will, but if they do your gonna have to take the bait.” Dominique said
tensely while continuing to speed down the road.
“You what! Why?” Paris shouted in alarm.
“Calm down, it’s just that I kind of made out to the boy that me and my acquaintance were you
and your friend Aayisha. So if he still alive then he might blame you for shooting him and like I’ll
sort him out once your arrested and everything has settled down.
“That’s bullshit, why would you do that; me and my friend could go down for your
carelessness.” Paris began to cry uncontrollably in the back of the car.
“Shut up Paris and be a woman, its business I know some people inside jail that would look
after you, I’m a very important person, and if I get locked up then a lot of people would get upset.”
Dominique explained slyly. Paris had a ball of anger throbbing through her thoughts she had
plenty of questions in her head but all she could do was come up with the same answer, so she
took the chance to sort out all her questions and relieve the anger. She leaned slowly forward,
put her hands forward and pounced on Dominique trying to choke her to death from the back
seat, Dominique was steering out of control and had no choice but to let go of the steering wheel
to stop Paris from strangling her to death. Dominique tried to get Paris’s hands off her neck while
kicking her feet about, Dominique began to feel light headed and was getting weaker and then
Dominique’s foot hit down onto the brake and the car jilted forward making Paris jerk forward into
the front head rest of Dominique and colliding back towards her own seat and luckily Dominique’s
airbag saved her from going through the windscreen. After a few moments of silence Dominique
started rubbing her neck from the whiplash she just had and then turned around to check if Paris
was okay, even though Paris tried to kill her.
“Paris can you hear me?” Dominique questioned slightly worried. But all Paris did was groan
slightly, blood was trickling from her nose and she had a split lip and blood was seeping from the
fresh cut from her lip. Dominique clambered through to the back of the car and began to shake
Paris aggressively. Dominique grabbed Paris around the scruff of her hoody.
“You listen to me you conniving bitch you ever dare do that to me again I will make sure that you
will have your coffin next to Dejontâe’s, have I made myself clear?” Dominique threatened. Paris
groaned again and nodded her head slowly.
“Good, now we need to get our story straight, and this is what you are going to have to tell
Aayisha.” Dominique eyes slightly glinted and the site of an evil plan coming into mind.

Scene 6: Few days after Dejontâe’s Death

“How’s Taishae holding, Latisha?” the tutor questioned, while everyone was working on their
“I don’t know I ain’t seen him since that day.” Latisha said gently.
“You do know you can take some days off as well, if you want to get your head around things.”
the tutor comforted Latisha.
“I think it’s best that I just keep my mind off that subject.” she replied
“Okay then, let me know if you need someone to talk to.” the tutor said while leaving her to be
alone with her thoughts. Latisha stared blankly and had the same words ‘Aayisha told me to…’
kept playing over and over in her head she felt like she was hypnotized with the same words, her
mind was playing like a carnival ride. Latisha looked for where the tutor was and saw he was
dealing with some other students. Latisha pulled out her phone and searched for Taishae’s
number and called it. The phone just kept ringing for a few minutes then switching over to
voicemail. Latisha felt worried. Ten minutes later the tutor released the class out for the end of the
lesson, Latisha decided to go to Taishae’s to check if he was alright.
Latisha walked along Taishae’s path cautiously she felt sick in the stomach, she kept thinking
just a few days ago Dejontâe got shot here. She felt terrible and began wishing she didn’t bother
coming back, but she felt she had to for Taishae. She finally reached Taishae’s door, which felt
like forever, and knocked the door wearily. Latisha felt like she was waiting for ages and was just
about to turn back round to walk back down the dreaded path until the door opened. Latisha
turned round slowly to see Taishae staring at her but he looked different, he had heavy bags
under his eyes, bits of his hair stuck up like he had been lying on one side of his head for ages.
Taishae wore his baggy boxers and black string vest. He seemed lost, groggy and alone.
“What do you want?” Taishae seemed lost. His eyes seemed full of anger, his face expression
seemed drained and he seemed like he hadn’t had sleep for ages. Latisha stood at the door
confused, she seemed lost with words.
“I thought we could talk that’s all” Latisha explained. Taishae just stared blankly at Latisha like
how Dejontâe would.
“What do you mean we’re talking right now aren’t we?” Taishae questioned sarcastically.
“You know what Taishae I only came here to check how you was and you basically go spit that
back in my face, so you can go fuck yourself.” Latisha cussed. She turned round and began to
walk down the path, with her head held up high. Taishae watched Latisha walk down the path and
wasn’t sure what to do with himself.
“Latisha wait!” Taishae shouted as he began to chase her down the path. Latisha hurried her
pace in walking until she felt restricted and felt a pain through her arm that made her wince. She
looked at her arm and saw Taishae’s nails digging through her jacket.
“Taishae you’re hurting me.” Latisha tried to struggle free from Taishae’s grip, but he kept
digging his nails in the more she tried to fight him off.
“Come back to my house please, I’m sorry, come on lets just talk then.” Taishae begged.
Latisha was just about to tell Taishae ‘No’ then saw his face expression, she saw the hatred and
bitterness he had, and she saw how he lost his sensitive side just in a few days. She pitied him.
“Okay Taishae I will, just let go of my arm, but I’m only staying for five minutes.” She said calmly
to Taishae. He nodded his head and let go of Latisha’s arm, and began walking back towards his
house while she followed behind him.
“Do you want a drink?” Taishae asked while Latisha settled on the sofa. Latisha thought back to
when Dejontâe asked her the same question.”
“No, I don’t but thank you anyway.” Latisha said to Taishae and looked down on the floor.
Latisha had quick flashbacks to that day with the shooting and Dejontâe.
“Err Taishae have the police found any more evidence about the shooting?” Latisha asked
without trying to upset Taishae.
“They’re trying to track down the car, and starting to question people, have they interviewed you
yet?” Taishae asked while looking down to the floor.
“Yeah, it was only brief though there going to question me on a later date. I told them about
Dejontâe talking about Aayisha.” Latisha explained.
“Huh, why the fuck did you do that for?” Taishae demanded.
“I thought it would help them to more likely find the killer.” Latisha said.
“You have messed everything up, if police know that Aayisha got anything to do with it, then she
won’t say anything, or else she might get shot!” Taishae shouted. Latisha glared at Taishae
angrily “What ever Taishae!” Latisha yelled and walked out of Taishae’s house without looking
back; Latisha walks down the street trying to wipe away tears and goes down the street.
(Fades to black and says week after Dejontâe’s funeral and sad music plays.)

Scene 7: Paris’s and Aayisha’s talk

“You what!” Aayisha yelled confused.
“I was like that too, but Dominique told me I should go along with her using our names.” Paris
tried to sound convincing.
“I can’t believe that bitch set us up, what is she playing at?” Aayisha continued to yell angrily.
“Don’t call her a bitch; before I’ll make you, your own funeral, you just got to do what she says.
And we should get through this then.” Paris explained.
“Why do I have to be dragged into this shit then?” Aayisha questioned.
“I don’t know Aayisha.” Paris tried to hold back any tears as she understood how Aayisha was
“So what’s the plan then?” Aayisha asked unimpressed with the situation Paris smiled softly.
“We’re going to have to go to Dejontâe’s funeral and make it out as if we were good friends of
Dejontâe’s.” Paris explained.
“I hardly knew that boy, I only know him as Taishae’s brother.” Aayisha said slightly confused
“I can get information from different people and I can even ask Dominique if she can give us
any information on him.” Paris continued to explain.
“Why are you suggesting her when she was the one who got us in this mess.” Aayisha scowled.
“You know why I am, and she is helping us get out of the mess.” Paris said.
“Oh okay but this plan better work because I refuse to go to jail for her.” Aayisha complained.
“Yeah yeah it will don’t worry.” Paris reassured.

Scene 8: Week after Dejontâe’s funeral

“Class dismissed,” the tutor said as the class left the room. Latisha was the last to leave the
classroom and was walking along the corridor alone, as Taishae still hadn’t come back to college
since his brother’s death. Latisha was just walking slowly and thinking, then she noticed a gang of
girls whispering to each other and slightly pointing towards her. Then Latisha muttered under her
breath “T.D.B.” The group of girls walked towards Latisha, they were all staring hard at her.
Latisha’s heart was thumping vigorously, she was unsure of what they were going to do next.
Paris smirked at Latisha and boxed the books out of Latisha’s hand and they all fell to the floor
thudding after one another. Latisha stared hard at Paris and then looked to floor and picked up
her books. Paris and the T.D.B started laughing, while Latisha picked up her books and they
walked off. All except Aayisha who stood there watching Latisha pick up the books, Aayisha
picked up one book and gave it to Latisha, and Latisha smiled softly and said “Thanks.” Aayisha
gave Latisha a reassuring smile.
“Aayisha what the fuck are you doing? Paris yelled. Aayisha gave Latisha a quick smile and
hurried off towards the group and left. Latisha stood up slowly and watched Aayisha leave, her
face slowly turned to confusion. “Aayisha.” she whispered trying to get the name to click properly
into her mind. Latisha kept repeating ‘Aayisha’ in her head, then it was like a penny dropped in
Latisha’s head and she remembered what Dejontâe said before he died she had a clear flash
back “Aayisha and Pa…” Latisha quickly snapped out her flashback, and she bent down to pick
up the rest of the books, then a young looking half caste boy bent down to help Latisha.
“Thanks.” Latisha said as she looked up at the boy. The boy studied Latisha for a moment.
“You’re that girl that Taishae had a crush on innit? I‘ve seen what them girls done to you, well
what Paris did to you... If I was you I would just stay away from them.” the boy warned.
“I don’t start trouble it comes to me okay.” Latisha quickly snapped.
“Nah I’m just saying, and there is no need to have a go at me, I’m Omari by the way, the only
reason Paris is gwarning like that is because she knows Taishae liked you before, she’s just
jealous even though she’s checking Taishae now.” Omari explained. Latisha looked hurt
“When did they start seeing each other then?” Latisha asked trying to put on a brave face.
“Since the funeral, she was basically Taishae’s shoulder to cry on, to be fair I think she took
advantage of Taishae at his weakest point.” Omari told Latisha.
“Okay,” Latisha stared softly at Omari and she looked to the floor, she couldn’t say anything
more, it was a lot to take in for one day. Omari saw Latisha’s face expression turn slightly upset.
He grabbed hold of her hand so she would look him in the face.
“Where are you going now then?” Omari questioned.
“Home, I got a lot to think about.” she muttered slowly. Latisha tried to hold back any tears that
was about to appear.
“I’ll walk you home then.” Omari smiled sweetly. And they headed out of the college and walked
towards Latisha’s house, and they began speaking about Aayisha and Paris.
While Latisha and Omari were walking to Latisha’s house, Taishae was walking up the other
side of the road to head towards Latisha’s house. Taishae was preparing how to say sorry to
Latisha. He was well cleaned since the last time he saw Latisha, his face was full of life and he
was holding a bunch of flowers and a box of malteasers. He briefly looked up the top of the road
and saw two figures walking and talking and they were coming down the road. Taishae instantly
recognised the figures heading towards him, it was Omari with Latisha, Taishae’s jaw dropped in
shock and confusion, and he ran and hid behind a hedge next to Latisha’s house. And he looked
over the hedge to check that his eyes weren‘t deceiving him. As the figures got really close he
knew for sure that it was Omari and Latisha, Taishae didn’t know what to do he felt to jump out of
the bushes but instead he just waited like a tiger waiting for its prey. When Latisha and Omari
finally reached Latisha’s path,
Taishae watched them carefully like a hawk, but it wasn’t clear to him, what they’re saying so he
leaned a bit more into the hedge and heard Omari saying,
“I’m here for you Latisha and I will always be here whenever you need it.” Taishae slowly clawed
opened the hedge open to see if he could see anything through the twisted branches, he watched
Omari lean over to Latisha and kiss her softly on the cheek, as soon as Omari done that it was
like Taishae’s world shattered all over again, Taishae crushed the box of chocolates and flowers
in his hands tightly. The flowers tilted over in his hands and the box of malteasers started to
crumple, Taishae waited for Omari to leave Latisha, and once Omari walked back down the street
and Latisha was in her house, Taishae stood up and wiped all the dirt off his knees and began to
run and run far away from the house.

Act 2: Scene 1: The meet up

Omari picked up his phone and dialled a few numbers in his phone; it only rang twice before
someone answered.
“Wagwarn blood!” the voice yelled.
“Wagwarn Theo!” Omari yelled back.
“Yo hold on, let me add the others to the convo.” Theo told Omari.
“Yeah that’s kriss bro.” as Omari waited for his other two bredrins to come into the conversation.
“Safe!” another boy yelled down the phone.
“You cool Adrian?” Omari asked
“Yeah I’m fine Theo just told me he is adding Daniel to the convo.” Theo said.
“Yeah he is I wonder what’s taking him so long to add him.” Omari wondered.
“Safe killers!” Daniel hyped down the line.
“What took you so long to answer?” Theo questioned.
“Oh I was chatting to some gal innit, just trying to sort out when I’m going to link her and that.”
Daniel said coolly.
“Is that you though” Theo joked. All the boys laughed down the phone like a bunch of hyenas.
“Yo my boy, what are we doing today then before the party?” Theo questioned.
“We’re going to go into town for a bit, I want to look for someone.” Omari told Theo.
“Are you going to fight someone or something?” Adrian questioned suspiciously.
“Nah nah, it’s just a bit of business, I’ll explain later.”
“Ain’t Taishae coming with us then?” Daniel asked.
“Cha man! About Taishae, don’t even speak about that stupid boy, ditching us for that hoe of
his.” Omari cussed down the phone. The boys were all silent momentarily.
“So what time are we meeting then?” Theo asked changing the subject.
“Err, soon as we are all ready to hit the road.” Omari said.
“Oh that’s cool then, I’ll call you later then blud.” Theo said.
“Bye!” they all said to each other and locked off the phone to each other.

Omari and his friends all met up on a street called Broad Street, and before they headed
towards town they went to the chip shop to get chicken and chips and they started to talk about
random things.
“So why is it so important for us to go town then?” Adrian asked.
“I just want to get to know one of the girls from the True Dedicated Bitches and I know at this
time there all going to be by Mc Donald’s.” Omari explained.
“Yo them gal are lethal blud, look what that Paris done to Taishae, fucked up his head and that!”
Daniel shouted as if he was protesting. Everybody in the chip shop briefly looked at him and then
continued with there business.
“It ain’t like that, I want to get to know Aayisha she knows something and I can’t find anyone
else that knows anything so the only way I can get information is through her.” Omari explained.
“And who told you she’s the only link to whatever information?” Adrian questioned.
“Someone, it’s a secret my boy, you don’t need to know everything.” Omari told Adrian. Adrian
stared at Omari expressionlessly briefly. Omari smirked slyly. After the boys eaten, they left the
shop and headed into town to Mc Donald’s
“So where‘s these bitches then?” Theo asked, as they got closer to Mc Donald’s.
“I don’t know yano; they usually hang about here, looks like I got the wrong information.” Omari
kissed his teeth.
“Nah nah, there they are.” Daniel said pointing over to the group of girls that were standing just
outside Mc Donald’s entrance.
“I don’t see Aayisha.” Omari began to start frowning.
“Yo I don’t know if you need glasses or something but she’s right next to Paris, you ediat” Daniel
said sarcastically. Omari looked a bit harder through the crowds of people and then noticed
Aayisha, he began grinning widely.
“That gal is bum!” Omari nudged at Theo. Theo looked at Omari hard to check that Omari wasn‘t
going crazy.
“Tack her then, if you think she bum.” Theo said, getting slightly fed up.
“Nah man, I don’t wanna get rejected in front of you lot and her crew, which would just shame up
my reputation innit.” Omari enlightened the group.
“Just do it man, your wasting my precious time, I could of linked next gal and come back and
you still wouldn‘t of tacked her!” Daniel said sarcastically. Omari looked at him and kissed his
teeth after Daniel and began to walk over to the group of girls.
“Omari we’re going footlocker!” Adrian yelled. Omari nodded and continued to walk towards the
gang of girls.
“Yo Aayisha, come here!” Omari yelled towards the group. Aayisha looked up slightly stunned
that she just got called out of the group. Paris stared at Aayisha hard looking slightly vex that
Omari didn’t call her. Aayisha walked out from the group and walked towards Omari.
”Err, I’ve seen you about and that and I would like your number if that’s alright so we can link,
that‘s if your cool with that.” Omari slightly stuttered his words.
“Yeah that’s cool.” Aayisha smiled at Omari. He pulled out his phone and Aayisha dialled in her
“So…?” Omari was just going to ask Aayisha something but then got interrupted.
“Hey Omari!” Paris said in her high pitch girly tone. Aayisha glared at Paris then cut her eye and
kissed her teeth. Paris gave Aayisha a fixed stare.
“Who the hell do you think you’re kissing your teeth after? I‘m only saying hey to Omari” Paris
said in her high girly tone. Aayisha stood there in silence and just looked ahead without saying
anything. Paris strutted off wiggling her hips side to side. Then muttered,
“Fucking hoe.” Aayisha turned round sharply to Paris.
“What the fuck did you just say you scrawny bitch!” Aayisha demanded. Aayisha was about to
run to grab Paris by her hair but she felt restricted as Omari grabbed hold of her tightly, and
pulled her away from Paris.
“Calm down girl, come with me!” Omari said trying to calm Aayisha down. After Aayisha finally
calmed down she walked with Omari to footlocker.
When Paris walked back to her True Dedicated Bitches crew they were telling her how Aayisha
was going to pull out her hair.
“If she carries on, she might have to get dealt with.” Paris mumbled slowly smirking to herself.

“Ignore that stupid bitch” Daniel told Aayisha after her and Omari explained the story.
“I know what will cheer you up; do you wanna come to a Rave?” Theo asked.
“Yeah yeah, okay then what is it called then?” Aayisha questioned.
“Shock Vibe” Theo told her. Aayisha stared hard at Theo.
“T.D.B are going, I was going to go with them .to do a dance off against some unknown rivals”
Aayisha explained. Theo looked at the other boys and they were all thinking briefly.
“Really, we were meant to go against you lot, this is a joke isn’t it?” Adrian laughed.
“You’re lying, I didn’t know you lot were entered for the dance battle.” Aayisha said, in dismay.
“We didn’t know that we were meant to go against T.D.B in the competition.” Daniel said. “I didn’t
even know you lot entered.” he continued.
“Well durr, Sherlock, it’s a secret.” Aayisha said sarcastically. Daniel glared at Aayisha hard, he
never liked when people made fun of him. He just cut his eye off Aayisha and stood in silence.
“Well anyway I’ll call my friend, I would like you to meet her, she’s really cool and that, and I’m
sure you two would really get on while me and my bredrins do the dance off.” Omari explained.
Aayisha smiled at Omari.
“Okay then.” she continued to smile softly. Omari grinned at Aayisha and got his phone out and
began to search in his phonebook for Latisha’s number and phoned her. A few rings later she
“Hello.” she said down the phone.
“Cool boo, you wanna come to the dance Rave, Shock Vibe, there’s someone here I want you to
meet.” Omari said, while winking at Aayisha.
“Why should I come, what have you got planned?”
“Come and find out for yourself, now get ready, me and my bredrins will come and meet you
later at your house and then we will go to the Rave.” Omari explained.
“Okay then, I’m gonna go now to get ready bye.” Latisha said.
“Bye I’ll call you later.” Omari said, and then he hung up,

Act 2 Scene 2: 3 hours later

‘Bang bang!’
Omari knocked the door with his fist. He waited for a moment which felt like ages while his
friends and Aayisha waited down the bottom of the path. Finally Latisha answered the door,
“Why did you knock my door like that? There is a doorbell I suggest you use it next time.”
Latisha snapped at Omari. Omari just looked at Latisha dumbfounded because her attitude to
things changed slightly, but as well she looked different, at that moment he could see why
Taishae liked her before.
“Well sorry, next time I will kick down your door.” Omari joked sarcastically. Latisha’s slight
vexation turned to a small gentle smile.
“Yeah if you did that, I would have to push your big head through the letterbox.” she joked back.
Omari began to laugh and watched Latisha shut the door behind her as she was leaving her
“So where’s this person I’m meant to be meeting then?” she asked curiously. Omari pointed over
to Aayisha who gave an unsure smile towards Latisha.
“Hmm, okay, hello.” Latisha said slightly studying Aayisha.
“Hey, Err I’m sorry about the books and that, Paris can be such a bitch.” Aayisha explained.
“Hmm, well you hang round with her.”
“Not anymore she doesn’t.” Daniel intruded into the conversation. Aayisha and Latisha both
looked at Daniel, Daniel’s eyes darted to both of them.
“Sorry, I thought everyone was included in this conversation.” Daniel said slightly feeling small.
Latisha and Aayisha stopped glaring at Daniel and continued with their interrupted conversation.
“So why don’t you hang with her anymore?” Latisha asked, while everyone began walking
towards the party.
“She’s always in my business, always getting me into trouble and when I was with her she
wouldn’t let me be friends with anyone she didn’t like.” Aayisha explained.
“But why doesn’t she like me?” Latisha pretended not to know.
“Oh, because Taishae likes you.” Aayisha told her.
“Huh? Hold on I thought he stopped liking me when he got with Paris.” Latisha said slightly
“As if, you can tell that boy is still crazy about you, he always talks about you, even when he’s
with Paris, he’s always mentioning your name not a bad word about you.” Aayisha explained.
“Oh my, to be honest I never even knew he liked me, and after Dejontâe died he never spoke to
me again, I still see him around but he just looks ahead.” Latisha told Aayisha. But Aayisha
looked slightly ashamed when Latisha mentioned Dejontâe’s death.
“Well I don’t know whether to tell you this but Taishae went to your house like the other day or
something and apparently you was kissing Omari, Taishae told his friend in my Media class and I
kind of over heard it” Aayisha said looking to the floor slightly.
“You what! Omari kissed me on the cheek it was only a friendly kiss, nothing more!” Latisha
began to cuss.
“The thing is Taishae brought you gifts to give you so he could apologize about some argument
you two must have had.” Aayisha carried on. Latisha sighed softly.
“I think I should say sorry to him.” Latisha said continuing to sigh. Aayisha put her arm round
Latisha and gave her a comforting hug.
When the group finally reached the party they were in a queue just talking about random things.
As Aayisha and Latisha were getting along and talking, Taishae, Paris and the T.D.B came
walking past. Paris stared at Aayisha and began whispering to one of the girls in the crew and
they began to whisper to the rest of the group as Paris walked over to Aayisha and Latisha.
“Oh I see you’re proving what you are!” Paris said sarcastically in her high pitch voice towards
Aayisha. The True Dedicated Bitches all smiled. And they all chorused “Dirtz!” and began to laugh
like hyenas. Aayisha felt her hands clenching tightly but Omari held her arm firmly.
“Leave her Paris.” Omari warned. Paris smirked eerily.
“Anyway let’s get this party started!” she shouted as if it was her party, and walked off with her
crew and Taishae, and entered the building. When Latisha, Aayisha, Omari, Theo, Adrian and
Daniel finally got into the party it was live, and the throbbing fusion of Bashment vibrated across
the floor. They all walked over to a boy called Damien who arranged the Dance Bash and was
standing next to the refreshment bar, watching everybody dancing.
“Wagwarn Damien!” Theo yelled over the music. Damien turned to look at the person who said
his name.
“Safe blud.” Damien touched his fist with Theo. And he nodded at everybody else there.
“You ready for your dance battle I’ll get the DJ set up for the tunes and meet me down the
middle of the dance floor in ten minutes.” he explained to Theo.
“Okay cool, I’ll speak to you later then.” Theo said and touched Damien’s fist with his again and
then Damien left the refreshment bar.
“Do you want a drink?” Omari asked Latisha and Aayisha. The girls thought for a moment.
“Yeah!” they shouted over the music together. Omari nodded and leaned over the refreshment
bar and ordered two coca colas and gave the man the exact money. The waiter behind the bar
poured out the drinks, from the glass bottle into plastic cups and passed the drinks to Omari.
“Here you go ladies.” he smiled. The girls smiled back at Omari and took the drinks off him and
began sipping at it.
“Shall we move down onto the dance floor?” Adrian asked over the Bashment music. Omari
nodded to show his approval. They all moved slowly down to the dance floor trying to avoid being
trampled. And Omari grabbed Aayisha by her arm and pulled her towards him and began dancing
in front of her while grinning at her. Aayisha began to laugh and started dancing with Omari,
Latisha stood still, and she didn’t know what to do with herself, so she began to sway side to side
flaying her arms like tree branches in a breeze. All of a sudden she felt someone tap her on her
shoulder. Latisha quickly turned to the person behind her.
“You look like a right idiot dancing by yourself.” Paris giggled, while the rest of the crew started
to copy her giggle behind her like parrots. Latisha stood still and was unsure what to do with
herself. Theo who was talking to Adrian noticed Latisha’s predicament paused his conversation
and walked over to where Latisha was.
“Latisha, dance with me, and I won‘t take no for an answer” Theo yelled over the music…
Latisha grinned at Theo and before she danced with him; she turned round to Paris and gave a
wide false grin.
“That fucking bitch, I will do her something by the end of tonight, trust me on that.” Paris stated
to her crew. Taishae who was also with them looked down to his feet in wonderment to question
himself ‘Why did he ditch his friends and Latisha for Paris.’

“Everyone gather round the middle of the dance floor, the dance battle will begin, on the right
side it’s the True Dedicated Bitches, with Paris, Rebecca, Siobhan, Tia and Christine. And on the
left side of the dance floor is Fusion with Omari, Theo, Daniel and Adrian, both dance crews have
30 seconds each, you both will do it three times.” Damien said through his microphone on the DJ
stand, everybody cheered loudly when Fusion name was called out. Paris cut her eye off the
crowd and glared into Omari’s face. Damien walked from the DJ stand with the microphone onto
the dance floor and put the microphone into Paris’s face.
“Anything you got to say to that?” Damien asked, as his grin began to widen.
“Yeah me and my crew are going to mash you up Fusion; you’re not even going to wanna dance
again when we finished with you.” Paris spat the words out with distaste; Damien furrowed his
eyebrow slightly at Paris and moved to the other side to Omari’s crew.
“What have you got to say to that Fusion, Damien asked hoping they would say something
“Girl, shut your stinking mouth, were going to murk you, and you will never wanna show your
face again pon road again, when we have mashed you up” Omari spat back. The crowed began
shouting excitedly at Omari’s words. Damien grinned at Omari for not saying something stupid.
“Let the Dance Rave begin!” Damien shouted into the microphone so then it began to make the
stereo system vibrate the floor slightly. The DJ began to spin at his turn tables and the Bashment
music played most people in the crowd was chanting ‘Go Fusion, go fusion, go fusion.”
True Dedicated Bitches was first and it was going alright for them for there first 30 seconds.
Then Fusion came up and Omari was body popping while the others were doing some type of
freestyle, and the crowd encouraged them with louder chanting. But on the second round for True
Dedicated Bitches the dance fell apart because they were missing Aayisha. The girls tried to lift
and flip Paris and one of the girls lost grip and they all fell to the floor. They all of a sudden looked
around the dance floor unsure of what to do next. The crowds chanting died down to complete
silence but the DJ kept playing the music unaware of the stillness of the party. All of a sudden,
“HAHA, HAHA, HAHA!” Aayisha and Latisha began to laugh in hysterics keeling over. Everybody
looked at them briefly and some people in the crowd broke out into smiles and then began
laughing as well. People started to point and laugh at the T.D.B crew. Some people in the crowds
mostly the boys began to chant “Shame on you!” Even Fusion started keeling over each other
laughing at Paris and her crew. Paris didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, she just wanted the
world to swallow her whole. The DJ finally noticed that no one was dancing and paused the music
“This ain’t fair, we didn’t have time to practice, and one of the members quit last minute!” Paris
stated in her squeamish girly tone, while getting herself up from the floor. Aayisha’s eyes began to
dart from different people to check no one was looking at her and noticing she was the one that
quit. Damien quickly walked over and whispered something to Omari, and Omari nodded his
head for agreement to something then Damien walked over to Paris.
“You’re right this ain’t right, you know what I’ll do?” Damien rhetorically asked Pairs.
“No, but I got a feeling you’re going to tell me.” Paris said sulkily
“It’s Omari’s birthday next week, and it shall be held at the Urban Undergrounds. I’m giving you
a week to practice you can add new members if you want and it’s a dance battle, first part of the
dance battle you will have a one minute routine then the second part of the battle is free styling,
so both you and Street Breakers will show the crowd what you’ve got!” Damien announced on the
microphone. The crowd began to shout wildly.
“So are you dancing crews ready for your re-match next week?” Damien questioned loudly.
Damien put the microphone to Paris’s mouth.
“Yeah.” she muttered into the microphone. Then Damien moved back towards Omari.
“What about you?” Damien questioned briefly.
“We thrashed them once, it would be easy to murk them again so you know, and plus we’ll be
better then before.” Omari said proudly.
“Okay then, everybody begin with your rave because this battle is finished till next week at the
Urban Undergrounds.” Damien repeated just in case anyone didn’t hear him the first time.
Everyone split up to continue dancing. Paris, Taishae and the T.D.B walked up to the toilets.
“I’m going to freshen up babes.” Paris said to Taishae and kissed him on his lips gently. “Come
on girls we’ll sort our ladies business inside while my man waits.” she smiled at Taishae and then
went to the toilets.
Taishae looked around the party and saw Latisha looking at him. She smiled softly towards him
and waved. He waved back and was unsure whether to walk over to her or wait for Paris. He
thought briefly, and began to walk over to Latisha.

“Hey, how are you?” he asked, when he got to Latisha.

“I’m fine, how are you?” Latisha asked back.
“I could be better, so how’s your man?” Taishae questioned, Latisha’s soft looking face turned to
“I’m not checking Omari if that’s what you think. Don’t jump to conclusions Taishae!” Latisha
yelled at Taishae. He stood still in shock of her reaction and then he looked down to his feet and
looked her in the eyes and put the puppy dog face on. Her anger faded away and she stared at
him which felt like forever.
“I was just asking generally if you had a man.” Taishae said, trying not to upset Latisha again.
“Oh well, I haven’t.” She told him.
Taishae leaned towards her and kissed her on her lips gently. It was brief but enough so she
would get his point.
“Sorry, I finally realised I’m in love with you, I can’t stop thinking about you, and I want you as my
girl.” Taishae whispered into Latisha’s ear softly, as Latisha strained to listen over the music.
Latisha pulled away.
“I don’t know how I feel about you Taishae, I’m so confused, and I don’t even understand why
you’re with Paris.” She told Taishae. Taishae looked at Latisha long enough to have clear eye
“I only got with her because she was like nice when I first met her at Dejontâe‘s funeral, she was
just comfort and it kind of got out of hand, Latisha I’ve lost my bredrins, I’ve lost peoples respect, I
don’t want to go on losing you.” Taishae held Latisha’s hand tightly and kept looking into her eyes
and staring at her beauty which he wish he hadn’t lost in the first place. She turned away not
looking into his face any longer and trying to hold back any tears which was to come trickling
down her face.
“Why was she at Dejontâe’s funeral?”
“She said she was a good friend of Dejontâe.” Taishae explained. Latisha thought trying to
trigger something off in her head.
“Don’t you find it odd, that just before Dejontâe died he mentioned Aayisha who was one of
Paris’s best friends, was Aayisha at the funeral?” Latisha questioned suspiciously.
“Yeah yeah, she was, if you‘re wondering I did ask Aayisha about what Dejontâe was saying but
she kept saying he was good friend of Paris and her.” Taishae clarified, then like shot of a bullet
the penny dropped into Latisha‘s head.
“Before Dejontâe died he tried to mention someone else, if I have calculated right in my head it
should be Paris.”
“Why do you think that?” Taishae asked confused.
“Because Dejontâe said Aayisha and Pa…”
“Paris.” Taishae said finishing Aayisha’s sentence. Latisha looked into Taishae’s face and saw
the anger in his eyes. “How could I be so stupid?” Taishae continued. Latisha held Taishae’s hand
for support, he pulled Latisha close to him using the hand she was holding and kissed her again.
Latisha pulled back quickly.
“Taishae, I like you, but you’re still seeing Paris, I can‘t risk being with you.” Latisha stated
harshly to make things clear to him; she pulled her hand away and began looking everywhere
else to avoid eye contact.
“I will finish with Paris as soon as I can, just give me time.” Taishae explained. Latisha nodded
just then Aayisha appeared.
“Are you okay Latisha?” Aayisha asked slightly concerned. Latisha nodded and asked Aayisha
to her give her a few minutes, Aayisha just smiled and walked back over to Omari.
“I’ll leave you to carry on your raving, and me and you are going to sort out everything don‘t
worry” Taishae said, and he pulled her towards him again and gave her a huge comforting hug.

Just then Paris and the T.D.B came through the door returning from the toilets.
“Where’s Taishae?” Paris asked hoping she would get an answer.
“How would we know we were with you?” Tia explained without being sarcastic.
“Who the hell you are talking to, someone was meant to stay out with Taishae to keep him
company.” Paris told them.
“No, you told us to come with you.” Tia explained. Paris turned around sharply, and boxed Tia in
the mouth, Siobhan quickly grabbed Tia so she didn’t fall.
“Don’t speak to me like I’m dumb before I lick off your head, silly bitch.” Paris scowled. Tia
touched her mouth and felt blood discharging out her fresh wound. Siobhan held Tia tightly, so
she didn’t do anything stupid.
“We’ll look for him.” Siobhan told Paris.
“No you won’t I’ll look for him, you all are useless and pathetic.” Paris spat. Paris stormed off
leaving her crew members to stand by the toilets. Paris only had to walk a bit and she noticed
Taishae’s t-shirt.
She walked up behind to sneakily surprise him. Not knowing he was with someone, well not
knowing he was even hugging someone. Paris placed her hands over his eyes so he didn’t know
who it was.
“Guess who boo?” She said trying to change her accent to a lower voice, so he didn’t recognise
it. Taishae jumped and let go of Latisha and turned round so he could see who it was without
“Err, hey boo.” Taishae said nervously and began to get agitated. Paris noticed Taishae’s
agitation and then noticed Latisha in front of him.
“Why are you with that?” Paris questioned with distaste to her voice.
“I’m going now Taishae bye.” Latisha said quickly walking off to any avoid trouble. Paris quickly
looked at Taishae who looked awkward and distant and she ran and grabbed Latisha by her hair.
“Keep away from my man you dirty sket.” Paris yelled and kneed Latisha in her stomach enough
to wind her and make her keel over to the floor in knots. The bouncers came to see what the
trouble was and began to drag Paris off Latisha. Paris began kicking and screaming legs and
arms flaying about everywhere.
“What the fuck are you doing with her?” Paris demanded, while she was getting dragged back.
Taishae shrugged his shoulders unsure what to say. Paris’s temper rose and she quickly
squirmed out of the grip of the bouncers slapped Taishae in the face with such a force that his
face began to bruise quickly.
“I hate you Taishae Daniels! And that scheming bitch of yours, she needs to watch herself,
because this ain‘t over!” Paris screamed as the bouncers grabbed Paris again this time tighter so
she couldn’t get out of there grip and they escorted her out of the party, while everyone stopped
dancing and began crowding round Latisha to see what was going on. Taishae stood still
dumbfounded at what just happened and began to chase after Paris. Taishae left Aayisha and
Fusion, to help comfort Latisha.

Act 2: Scene 3: Paris’s set up

Once the bouncers kicked Paris out of the Rave she got her phone out and began searching
through her phonebook and began calling Dominique. She waited for awhile before someone
picked up.
“What’s up Paris?” Dominique asked as soon as she answered the phone.
“Taishae left me and went with that Latisha girl, and now that me and Aayisha are not talking to
each other I feel like I have no one.” Paris began to weep down the phone.
“What has that got to do with me sis?” Dominique said annoyed.
“I want you to do something about that Latisha girl.” Paris snarled.
“Why should I?” Dominique asked slightly confused
“I took the bait for you, so you could at least sort her out.” Paris spat in disgust
“Okay I will sort her out, but are you sure about this?” Dominique asked with uncertainty.
“Yes I am.” Paris said blankly down the phone with a straight face…
“Paris!” a familiar voice shouted towards her. Paris hung up the phone and quickly wiped away
any tears still on her face and turned round to see Taishae running up to her.
“I think we need to talk Paris.” Taishae said panting once he got to Paris.
“I know we do.” Paris said with a poker face.

Act 2 Scene 4: Next Day at Latisha’s house

The door knocked loudly and Latisha hurried down the stairs only in a towel as she just got
out of the bath. “Wait a minute!” she yelled hoping the person would give her a few minutes to
come downstairs. Finally Latisha opened the door and saw Taishae standing there slightly looking
down to the floor. He had his hands behind his back and he looked slightly upset.
“Oh, it’s you.” Latisha said with no emotion.
“Err hey, I’ve brought you something.” Taishae slightly smiled, and pulled from behind his back,
some dark red velvet roses. Latisha smiled at him to show she appreciated the thought and took
the roses from him.
“Thanks.” She told him, and then shut the door in his face. Taishae looked at the door slightly
confused at what just happened. He knocked the door again. Latisha opened the door looking
slightly annoyed.
“What do you want now?” she asked.
“Could I come in, so we can talk?” Taishae hesitated slightly.
“Err let me think,” she thought briefly. “We’re talking now aren’t we?” hinting back to when
Taishae sarcastically said that to her.
“I’m sorry Latisha, just give me five minutes and if you want me to go I will.” he pleaded. Latisha
smiled and then it slightly turned to a grin.
“I was only joking peanut head.” she began to laugh and dragged Taishae by the ruff of his shirt
into her house.
Taishae sat on the sofa while Latisha ran back upstairs to get dressed, he waited patiently
while she sorted her self out. Once she done which felt like half an hour to Taishae, she sat
beside Taishae getting herself comfortable.
“Latisha I’m sorry about last night, I’ve finished with Paris, I love you not her.”
“Taishae, why would you get with her if you didn’t even like her?” Latisha wasn’t going to be
tricked so easily.
“To be honest, when I saw Paris at Dejontâe’s funeral I was slightly shocked and she was also
with Aayisha, so I thought I would get with Paris to get to chat to Aayisha, but Paris was nearly
always watching my every move.” Taishae explained.
“I get it now, so you would track the information about Dejontâe from Aayisha and when Aayisha
left the T.D.B you knew there was no chance of speaking to her, so technically you used Paris.”
Latisha made clear for herself.
“Technically I didn’t use Paris, I just needed some comfort and getting information about my bro
was just a bargain with it.” Taishae grinned.
“Oh I see did you and Omari plan this by the way?” Latisha asked.
“Yeah me and the Fusion crew did but it kind of went wrong when Paris became too clingy so
they basically ditched me, how did you know anyway?” Taishae furrowed.
“Omari told me and actually he continued to try and help you actually and that’s why he is linking
Aayisha.” Latisha clarified.
“It makes sense now, I don’t know what I would do without you lot, I’m going to call Omari and
tell him I’m sorry for being a prick.” Taishae explained.
“Why don’t you come with me, because I’m going to youth club to dance with them and you can
say sorry to Omari then.” Latisha suggested. Taishae nodded then slowly smiled and bit his lip
softly and leaned towards Latisha and kissed her on her lips gently and pulled back. Latisha’s
heart began thumping vigorously.
“Sorry I couldn’t help myself.” Taishae laughed, you look so beautiful,” He paused momentarily.
“Will you go out with me Latisha?” Taishae asked shyly preparing for any rejection.
“Err, I’m not sure Taishae, I’m not ready for Paris to come hunt me down.” Latisha admitted
trying to laugh it off.
“Okay we can link then, but it would only be you and me that knows, maybe we could tell a few
close friends that’s all.” Taishae tried convincing Latisha. Latisha looked around her room unsure
of what to say so she thought silently.
“Yeah okay then Taishae but we tell only a few people that we are close to.” She said. Taishae
nodded in agreement and cuddled Latisha in his arms and then moments later it turned more

After half an hour of cuddling and kissing and more, Latisha and Taishae finally left her house
and walked up towards youth club. It was quarter to seven and they were already fifteen minutes
late but they didn’t care.
“Where have you been?” Aayisha demanded.
“I was trying to find the right outfit for dance.” Latisha lied.
“Whatever I can tell by how your hair is slightly messed up what you two have been up to,
what’s he doing here anyway after he left you for that bitch.” Aayisha looked Taishae up and down
then kissed her teeth.
“I already said sorry to Latisha, anyway me and that Bitch have finished so you don’t have to
worry.” Taishae explained.
“Hmmm, Skeen.” Aayisha said cutting the conversation short.
“Where’s Omari by the way?” Taishae asked before Aayisha turned to walk off.
“He’s in the dance hall. I’ll get him for you.” Aayisha smiled and walked off to the dance hall
while Latisha kissed Taishae quickly on the cheek and followed after Aayisha. A minute later
Omari came walking from the dance room and walked over towards Taishae.
“What do you want?” Omari asked with a slight tone of attitude.
“Sorry, I left you lot for Paris, I was just all confused and that, I won’t leave you lot for a girl
again you lot are like my brothers.” Taishae put his head down and waited for Omari’s response.
Omari stared around the youth club unsure of what to say.
“Umm, that’s okay bro,” Omari tried to sound cool about it but he still had that hint of being
slightly annoyed.
“So are we cool then?” Taishae asked. Omari smiled and nodded, they both clenched fists and
touched there fist together.
“Are you coming back to Dance in Fusion then?” Omari asked.
“Yeah if you want me to.” Taishae replied.
“I‘m fine with that, you‘re just going to have to put in extra effort.” Omari joked.
“I always do anyway.” Taishae laughed. Omari and Taishae walked into the dance hall and Theo
switched on the DJ system and started counting down for people to get ready for the beat to drop
in. When everyone was dancing Taishae was memorising the dance moves and Omari was
explaining how he would fit into the dance sequence. While Taishae was memorising the dance
moves he realised that Latisha was really talented at a lot of things and he glad he had her.
“When did you realise Latisha was good enough to dance?” Taishae asked.
“That gyal is multi-talented, dancing would be nothing to her, I just asked her to freestyle for the
auditions and oh man, she is so sick!” Theo stated proudly.
“Really is she that good?” Taishae asked with a hint of surprise.
“Let me demonstrate, Yo Latisha, freestyle for me!” Theo yelled over the music, Omari ran over
to the DJ system and switched the song. All of a sudden everybody backed away from Latisha,
running to either sides of the dance hall. All of a sudden when the music beat dropped Latisha
started dancing in a fast pace rhythm then she whined and grinded on the dance floor, Fusion
began chanting Aayisha’s name as she showed off her talented moves to the class. Once she
finished everyone applauded.
“Latisha that was great!” Taishae applauded while walking over to her.”
“Thanks.” she smiled shyly, but she had a slight glow to her face.
“Where did you hide this talent?” Taishae rhetorically joked, when he walked over to her and he
hugged her tightly. “Watching you just inspires me to do better in life babes.” Taishae smiled.

After dance finished Taishae, Latisha, Omari and Aayisha walked along the street talking
about Paris.
“So you definitely split up with Paris then?” Aayisha asked curiously.
“Yeah why ask?” Taishae questioned.
“Oh I was just wondering that’s all.” Aayisha said.
“Hmmm, Skeen I suggest you wonder out my business.” Taishae snapped. Omari quickly
glared at him, as Latisha stared at Taishae in slight shock of how he quickly changed.
“What’s up with you, bro?” Omari tried to sound calm.
“Sorry but I have to speak my mind,” Taishae stated.
“So what’s on your mind then?” Aayisha asked trying not to cause an argument
“My brother that you killed is on my mind!” Taishae yelled at her. Aayisha stood still
dumbfounded at what Taishae just shouted at her.
“Are you out of your mind Taishae?” Latisha snapped.
“What the fuck is up with you, you can’t go accusing people randomly.” Omari yelled. Aayisha
began bursting out into tears, Latisha looked at Taishae infuriated at what he just said and
hugged Aayisha to comfort her.
“If she was so innocent why would she be crying, she is doing that for attention.” Taishae
snarled. Omari looked down and looked back up and punched Taishae in his face. Taishae fell
backwards on the floor with a look of horror on his face at what just happened.
“Don’t you dare chat about my girl like that again, or else I’ll do worst to you.” Omari spat.
Omari turned round to check if Aayisha was okay but as he was doing that, Taishae got up slowly
and charged at Omari like a rugby player and put him to floor with such a force that Omari got the
breath knocked out of him.
“What’s wrong with you?” Latisha screamed at Taishae, and turned to run home, Taishae got
off Omari quickly and chased Latisha down the road. And he left Aayisha to attend Omari’s aid.

Act 2: Scene 4: Latisha’s house

‘Thud, Thud, Thud’
“Latisha answer the door, please!” Taishae begged stepping away from the door he banged
and he shouted up at the window. Latisha opened the top window of her house,
“I am not speaking to you ever again you psycho, and you have a screw loose in your head.”
she shouted back down to him.
“Latisha I’m really sorry, it’s just that Paris told me that Aayisha was the one who killed my
brother, when I was finishing with her, that‘s why I sort of lashed out” Taishae explained..
“You know what Taishae?” Latisha said continuing to shout from her window.
“What?” Taishae questioned.
“I don’t care no more, I hate you!” and she slammed the window shut.
“Please Latisha don’t be like that, open the door!” Taishae kept shouting up at the window.
“Open the fucking door are you deaf,” then Taishae ran to the door and started kicking at it hard.
Latisha swung open her window again and slightly leaned out of her window.
“If you don’t stop kicking my door, I’ll phone the police, now leave me alone.” she screamed at
Taishae, as she was trying to wipe off the tears. Taishae paused and looked up at her, and he
saw how she was frightened by the tone of her voice. Taishae looked at the door one more time
and then turned around and walked away from the house without saying a word. Once Taishae
left and Latisha was positive he wasn’t coming back she called Aayisha’s number.
“Hello.” Aayisha said.
“Hey Aayisha, we need to talk, I suggest you come to my house A.S.A.P.” Latisha said sternly.
“Okay, I’m just at Omari’s house because he really isn’t feeling well, he was proper winded, but
as soon as he is settled, I’ll be at yours.” Aayisha explained.
“Okay then, but hurry please.” Latisha slightly pleaded.
“I will bye.” Aayisha said
“Bye.” Latisha said then hung up the phone.

‘Bang bang.’
“Aayisha is that you?” Latisha asked shouting through the window once she opened it.
“Yeah yeah, why are you taking your time to answer the door.” Aayisha asked.
“Taishae has been trying to kick my door through and I’m so scared, I need company and I
think we should talk.”
“Okay then, hurry up.” Aayisha said slightly panicked. Latisha rushed down her stairs and
opened the door to let Aayisha and welcomed Aayisha into the living room.
“So what’s up, what do we need to talk about then?” Aayisha questioned.
“Well when Taishae said that you killed his brother, don’t take this personally, but did you?
Because before Dejontâe died he did mention your name.” Latisha explained casually.
“I didn’t have anything to do with Dejontâe’s death!” Aayisha denied, while raising her voice.
“Why are you shouting I asked a question and if you didn’t kill him, why did he mention your
name?” Latisha said quizzically trying not to raise her voice. Aayisha stared at Latisha blankly and
began to burst into tears hysterically...
“Paris’s sister killed him okay!” Aayisha blurted then gasped as she realised what she just said.
“What!” Latisha breathed in deeply. “How do you know?” Latisha pointed her finger in Aayisha’s
face like it was a weapon.
“Paris told me and the T.D.B what she was going to do to Dejontâe … Well Dejontâe owed her
some money because like she was his dealer and he promised to pay her back but he didn’t, so
like he had to pay by his life.” Aayisha stammered. Latisha had a quick flashback to when she
saw the person in a boy’s tracksuit running towards a black BMW. She then quickly snapped back
“But I saw a boy running from the house in a tracksuit”
“That was Paris she had to disguise herself so no one could identify her.” Aayisha bowed her
head down in shame. “If I grassed on Paris or her sister, Paris said she’ll make her sister do to
me what she done to Dejontâe.” Aayisha broke down crying again. Latisha looked around unsure
what to do, and then she went into her pockets and shuffled through and pulled out her phone
and began dialling three numbers.
“What are you doing?” Aayisha sniffed.
“Calling the police you am just as bad as Paris, and that girl has messed up Taishae.” Latisha
said angrily. Aayisha in a quick panic snatched Latisha’s phone out of her hand.
“What the fuck… are you mad then me and you will be lying next to Dejontâe in our own
coffins.” Aayisha snapped.
“What are we going to do then?” Latisha questioned.
“Don’t worry I got a plan to catch that bitch out.” Aayisha’s teary faced turned to an eerie grin.

Act 2: Scene 5: Day before Urban Undergrounds

“Latisha you haven’t spoken to me the same way since I snapped at Aayisha, and I have
said sorry so many times.” Taishae said to Latisha, while they were sitting in her house.
“Nothing Taishae, I ain’t been feeling well for the past few days.” Latisha slightly muttered.
“Why not, have you caught a bug or something?” Taishae asked while feeling Latisha’s forehead
to check if she had a temperature.
“Get off me Taishae!” Latish snapped while taking Taishae’s hand off her head.
“What the fuck is a matter? I‘m only want to know if you‘re alright!” Taishae snapped back.
Latisha looked at Taishae angrily and quickly looked away hiding the tears that were beginning to
trickle down her face.
“Come on Latisha what’s up; just tell me, I’m here for you.” Taishae said calmly so he didn’t
upset her again.
“I’m pregnant!” Latisha yelled at Taishae.
“How the fuck did that happen, I’m sure we were protected.” Taishae shrieked in dismay.
“Well it is possible, the only person I’ve been with is you, I ain’t them
dutty hoes yano.” Latisha scowled. Taishae put his head in his hands with questions buzzing
round his head. “I suggest you leave my yard if your going to act like this.” Latisha told him.
Taishae looked at Latisha and smiled softly, and began to chuckle to himself.
“What’s so funny Taishae?” Latisha questioned’ not amused as she felt there was no joke to the
situation. Taishae took hold of Latisha’s hand gently and smiled at her again.
“I’m happy, me, you and the baby, it’s a new clean slate for us, and I can‘t wait for him or her to
be born.” Taishae explained. Latisha smiled widely at Taishae and got up slowly.
“I love you Taishae Daniels.” Latisha said and leaned over to Taishae and kissed him.
“I love you too Latisha Lewis.” and he pulled her on top of him and started kissing and cuddling
her. “I’m going to be here for you no matter what, and I’m going to be here for the baby too.”

Act 2: Scene 6: Urban Undergrounds (The final)

“Latisha I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to continue to dance when your pregnant.” Taishae
whispered slightly worried.
“Taishae I’ll be fine, this will be the last time I dance now, I want to enjoy myself hun.” Latisha
replied to Taishae’s anxiety. Taishae nodded and agreed and hugged her tight.
“Yes yes people, we are all here again but this time for Omari’s birthday,” Damien shouted as
the crowd was shouting and began screaming for Omari. “We have the re- match of T.D.B versus
Fusion at the Urban Undergrounds, hopefully T.D.B have practiced a little more and have the right
amount of people to complete there dance routine.” Damien stated sarcastically while the True
Dedicated Bitches stood slightly embarrassed but looked at Damien vexed. “ As I said before both
dance crews have 30 seconds each, you both will do it three times and also after this you will
have freestyle battles and whoever wins this gets an Urban Undergrounds dance Trophy. so let
me introduce you to Fusion with Omari, Daniel, Theo, Aayisha and Latisha, and let me now
introduce you to the T.D.B with Paris, Rebecca, Siobhan, Tia and Dominique.” Damien
introduced. The crowd was roaring loudly at Fusion and the True Dedicated bitches. “Let the
dance battle begin, DJ spin them tables.” Damien yelled down the microphone.

The DJ nodded at Damien and began spinning his turn tables and began playing the music
and let the music vibrate through the room. fusion started First and they were doing very well with
no mistakes they were working well as a team and some of them back flipped or started body
popping., after there 30 seconds was up, Paris, Dominique and the rest of the True Dedicated
Bitches began there dance routine, they were working as a good team and Dominique and Paris
were crip walking and dancing in slow motion while wearing there white masks and black ties.
And body popping like robots.

chenizzle productions

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