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Name: _______________________________________ Hour:_________ 

Perspective Notes 

Things to Remember while working with Perspective: 

_________________: ​Always use a __________, pencil and a good eraser for perspective 

Draw ______________: ​You will need to erase part of your drawing so do ______ press too 
hard with your pencil! 

_________________________: ​Perspective is one of the more difficult concepts in Intro to 


Have _________________:​ Keep trying and _____________, practice, practice! It takes a 

long time to understand this concept! 

________________ Line:​ An imaginary horizontal line, sometimes referred to as eye level, 
which divides your paper from ________ and ______________. 
__________________________: T ​ he point on the horizon line where all of your angular 
perspective lines will come together. Items that are closer to the vanishing point will be 
______________ and items farthest away from the vanishing point will be _______________. 
___________________ Lines:​ Straight lines, drawn at an angle from the edges of objects, 
back into space, until they finally come together at the vanishing point on the horizon. Also can be 
called ________________________________. 
_________________ Lines: ​a line that goes _______________ up and down. 
_________________ Lines: ​Any line _______________ to the horizon line. A line that lays 
flat and goes from left to right. 
_________________ Lines:​ Lines are always the same distance apart and ______________ 

What is Perspective? 
• A graphic system that creates the illusion of _____________ and volume on a  
________________________________ surface. 

• Perspective is created by ________________________, size variations, placement, detail, 

color and ______________________________. 

Julian ______________​ is an English __________________________ who's famous 
for his art on the pavements of England, France, Germany, Australia and Belgium. His unique 
quality? His art deforms into incredible “____________________________” when viewed 
from the correct angles. 

• Remember that each of his drawings is actually a ________________________ picture. 

One-Point Perspective Practice: 

Two-Point Perspective Practice: 

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