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Ricky Thompson

Business Communications

Test Your Knowledge #1 and 3, Apply Your Knowledge #2, Practice Your Skills (Sentences 1,

7, 9, 12, 16, 17, 22, 26, 31, 36, 41, 49, 50, 56, 57 ) Page #97

Chapter 4 Assignment

Chapter 4

7 February 2015
Test Your Knowledge

1. What is meant by the “you” attitude?

The “you” attitude means that a person is speaking and writing in terms of your audience’s

wishes, interests, hopes, and preferences rather than your own. Writing with this kind of attitude

is completely essential to effective communication because it shows your audience that you have

their needs in mind, not just your own.

3. How does an abstract word differ from a concrete word?

An abstract word expresses a concept, quality, or characteristic about something that is not

tangible. Abstract words are usually, broad, encompassing a category of ideas, and are often

intellectual, academic, or philosophical. Love, honor, progress, tradition, and beauty are

examples of abstract words. In contrast, a concrete word refers to something that a person can

touch, see, or visualize. Most concrete words are tangible, and exist in the physical world. Chair,

table, horse, rose, kick, kiss, red, green, and two are concrete words. They are direct, clear, and


Apply Your Knowledge

2. When composing business messages, how can you communicate with an authentic voice

and project your company’s image at the same time?

There are three different things that I can used to communicate with an authentic voice and

project my company’s image at the same time. The first is using bias-free language. Using bias-

free language avoids the pitfalls of offending a particular group of individuals that could be

potential customers. The second way to communicate with an authentic voice is to always
emphasizing the positive. Instead of saying something negative about a situation, say something

positive instead. The last way to communicate with authentic voice is to establish credibility with

the audience. This can be achieved by using different traits such as honesty, objectivity,

awareness of audience needs, credentials, knowledge, expertise, endorsements, performance,

confidence, and sincerity.

Practice Your Skills

Rewrite the following sentences to reflect your audience’s viewpoint.

1. We request that you use the order form supplied in the back of our catalog.

An order form is supplied for you in the back of the catalog.

Revise these sentences to be positive rather than negative.

7. We don’t make refunds on returned merchandise that is soiled.

Refunds are not available for returned merchandise that is soiled.

9. You failed to specify the color of the blouse you ordered.

The blouse you ordered did not have a color specified for it.

Revise the following sentences to replace unflattering terms (in italics) with euphemisms.

12. When you say we’ve doubled our profit level, you are ____ (wrong).

When you say we’ve doubled our profit level, you are mistaken.

Revise the following sentences to make them more courteous.

16. You claim that you mailed your check last Thursday, but we have not received it.

We have not yet received the check that you mailed last Thursday.

17. It is not our policy to exchange sale items, especially after they have been worn.

Items that have been worn are not applicable to our sale items exchange policy.

Rewrite each of the following sentences to eliminate bias.

22. He needs a wheelchair, but he doesn’t let his handicap affect his job performance.

His wheelchair does not affect his job performance.

In the following sentences, replace vague phrases (underlined) with concrete phrases. Make

up any details you might need.

26. We will be opening our new facility sometime this spring.

We will be opening our new facility on March 31st, 2021.

In the following sentences, replace weak terms (in italics) with words that are stronger.

31. The two reporters (ran after) every lead enthusiastically.

The two reporters (chased) every lead enthusiastically.

Rewrite these sentences to replace the clichés with fresh, personal expressions.

36. Being a jack-of-all-trades, Dave worked well in his new selling job.

Dave has experience doing many things, and worked well in his new selling job.

In the following sentences, replace long, complicated words with short, simple one.
41. Management _____ (inaugurated) the recycling policy six months ago.

Management started the recycling policy six months ago.

Rewrite the following sentences, replacing obsolete phrases with up-to-date versions. Write

none if you think there is no appropriate substitute.

49. Attached herewith is a copy of our new contract for your records.

Attached with this letter is a copy of our new contract for your records.

50. Even though it will increase the price of the fence, we have decided to use the redwood

in lieu of the cedar.

Even though it will increase the price of the fence, we have decided to use the redwood instead

of the cedar.

Rewrite the following sentences so that they are active rather than passive.

56. Our computers are serviced by the Santee Company.

Santee Company serviced our computers.

57. The employees were represented by Janet Hogan.

Janet Hogan represented the employees.

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