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R Dhaker, Lecturer, PCNMS 1


R Dhaker, Lecturer, PCNMS 2

What is Assessment?
•The word ‘assess’ comes from the Latin verb
‘assidere’ meaning ‘to sit with’.
•In assessment one is supposed to sit with the
learner. This implies it is something we do ‘with’
and ‘for’ students and not ‘to’ students
(Green, 1999).
R Dhaker, Lecturer, PCNMS 3
• Assessment can focus on the individual
learner, the learning community (class,
workshop, or other organized group of
learners), the institution, or the
educational system.

R Dhaker, Lecturer, PCNMS 4

• Assessment is the process of
documenting, usually in measurable
terms, knowledge, skill, attitudes,
and beliefs.

R Dhaker, Lecturer, PCNMS 5

Assessment in education is the process of
gathering, interpreting, recording, and
using information about pupils’ responses to
an educational task.
(Harlen, Gipps, Broadfoot, Nuttal,1992)

R Dhaker, Lecturer, PCNMS 6

Assessment should:

1. Relate to regular performance

2. Gather from interdisciplinary sources

3. Consider all aspects of the student's life

• Gathers information to assist in decision

•Monitoring students' progress.

• Assigning grades or ranks

•Determining one's own instructional effectiveness.

R Dhaker, Lecturer, PCNMS 8
Cont… Purpose

• Clarifying teachers' instructional intentions.

R Dhaker, Lecturer, PCNMS 9

Type of Assessment

• Formative

• Summative

R Dhaker, Lecturer, PCNMS 10

Formative assessment
• The goal of formative assessment is to monitor
student learning to provide ongoing feedback
that can be used by instructors to improve their
teaching and by students to improve their

R Dhaker, Lecturer, PCNMS 11

• formative assessments:
– help students identify their strengths and
weaknesses and target areas that need work

– help faculty recognize where students are

struggling and address problems immediately

R Dhaker, Lecturer, PCNMS 12

Summative assessment
• The goal of summative assessment is to evaluate
student learning at the end of an instructional
unit by comparing it against some standard or

R Dhaker, Lecturer, PCNMS 13

• Examples of summative assessments
– a midterm exam

– a final project

– a paper

– a senior recital

R Dhaker, Lecturer, PCNMS 14

R Dhaker, Lecturer, PCNMS 15
• Evaluation is part of life, in our life we need to make
evaluation frequently

– like which dress you want to wear in marriage

– What you want to given in gift to your friend.

• In educational scenario evaluation have important

role in judging student progress to know up to what
extent student have achieved the desired set goal.
R Dhaker, Lecturer, PCNMS 16

• Evaluation implies a systematic, continuous,

process based upon certain criteria process and
emp-hasises the broader personality change.

• Evaluation is an act or process that allows one to

make a judgment about the desirability or value of
a measure.

R Dhaker, Lecturer, PCNMS 17

• Evaluation is a systematic process of collecting
evidence about students’ progress and
achievement in both cognitive and non cognitive
areas of learning on the basis of which judgment
are formed and decisions are made.

R Dhaker, Lecturer, PCNMS 18

Scope of Evaluation
• Value judgment
• Effectiveness of appraisal
• Provide baseline for guidance and counseling
• Placement and promotions in jobs.
• Development of attitude, interest, capability,
creativity, originality, knowledge and skill etc.
• Development of tool and techniques.
R Dhaker, Lecturer, PCNMS 19
Cont…Scope of Evaluation

• Development of curriculum and for its revision

• Helpful for curriculum planning and administers

to improve the curriculum pattern.

R Dhaker, Lecturer, PCNMS 20


It is a process involving the assigning of a number

to an individuals characteristics.

R Dhaker, Lecturer, PCNMS 21

Measurement Vs evaluation

• Quantitative • Qualitative
• Objective & impersonal • Personal & subjective
• Precise & scientific • Interpretative &
• Not a continues philosophical
process, occasional
• Continues process

R Dhaker, Lecturer, PCNMS 22

Purposes of evaluation
• Facilitate learning

• Diagnose problems

• Make decisions

• Improve products

• Judge effectiveness

R Dhaker, Lecturer, PCNMS 23


• Administrative
– Grading student performance
– Selecting & Recruiting
– Promotional of personal

• Education
– Feedback to educational program
– Improve the instruction, measurement and measuring
– Curriculum revision
R Dhaker, Lecturer, PCNMS 24
• Monitoring and motivational
– Student progress
– Bring out the inherent capability of student
– Continuous & regular watch on pupil development

• Diagnosis and guidance

– Hard sports or gaps of learning
– Healthy competitive spirit among student
– Weakness of student
R Dhaker, Lecturer, PCNMS 25
Types of evaluation

• Based on time

• Based on manner in which one interpret the result

of the learner performance

R Dhaker, Lecturer, PCNMS 26

Cont…Types of evaluation

Based on time



R Dhaker, Lecturer, PCNMS 27

Cont…Types of evaluation

Based on manner in which one interpret

the result of the learner performance

– Criterion reference

– Norm reference

R Dhaker, Lecturer, PCNMS 28

Summative Evaluation
• M sriven in 1967 coined the term summative and
formative evaluation.

• Summative evaluation is the commonly known

type of evaluation.

• It comes at the end of the term, course or

programme of teaching.
R Dhaker, Lecturer, PCNMS 29

• Annual examination and half yearly examination

in school, public examination are the example of
such evaluation.

• Summative evaluation is done at the end of any

program or instruction.

R Dhaker, Lecturer, PCNMS 30

Summative evaluation- vertical dimension

First Second Third Fourth

Year Year Year Year



R Dhaker, Lecturer, PCNMS 31

• It is vertical dimension seeing whether the
student has achieved educational objective and
how much he has achieved.

• Help to grade, rank, select the students

• It help in curriculum evaluation.

R Dhaker, Lecturer, PCNMS 32

Formative Evaluation
• On going, continuous evaluation

• According to AJ Nikto “it is concerned with

judgment made during the design and during the
development of program and are toward the
modifying, forming and improving the program
before it is completed”.
R Dhaker, Lecturer, PCNMS 33
• It Help in:
– Motivation

– Prediction

– Diagnosis

– Guidance

R Dhaker, Lecturer, PCNMS 34

evaluation- vertical dimension

Third Fourth
First Second
Year Year Year

R Dhaker, Lecturer, PCNMS 35

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