Coca Cola ERG Theory

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 Relatedness

 Existence

 Growth


The Coca-Cola Company, incorporated on September 5, 1919, is
a beverage company. The Company owns or licenses and
markets non-alcoholic beverage brands, primarily sparkling
beverages and a range of still beverages, such as waters,
flavored waters and enhanced waters, juices and juice drinks,
ready-to-drink teas and coffees, sports drinks, dairy and energy
drinks. The Company's segments include Europe, Middle East
and Africa; Latin America; North America; Asia Pacific;
Bottling Investments, and Corporate. The Company owns and
markets a range of non-alcoholic sparkling beverage brands,
including Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Fanta and Sprite. As of
December 31, 2016, the Company owned or licensed and
marketed over 500 non-alcoholic beverage brands. The
Company markets, manufactures and sells beverage
concentrates, which are referred to as beverage bases, and
syrups, including fountain syrups (concentrate business or
concentrate operations), and finished sparkling and still
beverages (finished product business or finished product
operations). The Company makes its beverage products
available to consumers across the world through its network of
Company-owned or -controlled bottling and distribution
operations, as well as bottling partners, distributors, wholesalers
and retailers
Our Roadmap starts with our mission, which is enduring. It
declares our purpose as a company and serves as the standard
against which we weigh our actions and decisions.
• To refresh the world...
• To inspire moments of optimism and happiness...
• To create value and make a difference.
Our vision serves as the framework for our Roadmap and guides
every aspect of our business by describing what we need to
accomplish in order to continue achieving sustainable, quality
•People: Be a great place to work where people are inspired to
be the best they can be.
•Portfolio: Bring to the world a portfolio of quality beverage
brands that anticipate and satisfy people's desires and needs.
•Partners: Nurture a winning network of customers and
suppliers, together we create mutual, enduring value.
•Planet: Be a responsible citizen that makes a difference by
helping build and support sustainable communities.
•Profit: Maximize long-term return to shareowners while being
mindful of our overall responsibilities.
•Productivity: Be a highly effective, lean and fast-moving
Alderfer further developed Maslow's hierarchy of needs by
categorizing the hierarchy into his ERG theory (Existence,
Relatedness and Growth). The existence group is concerned
with providing the basic material existence requirements of
humans. They include the items that Maslow considered to be
physiological and safety needs. The second group of needs is
those of relatedness – the desire people have for maintaining
important interpersonal relationships. These social and status
desires require interaction with others if they are to be satisfied,
and they align with Maslow's social need and the external
component of Maslow's esteem classification. Finally, Alderfer
isolates growth needs: an intrinsic desire for personal
development. These include the intrinsic component from
Maslow's esteem category and the characteristics included under



Coca Cola is one of the most successful of the beverage of

industry all over the world. Nowadays in every successful
business they must have a good way to motivate their staff. In
Coca Cola one of their way to motivate staff is through the
working performance of employee, since if employee is hard to
work, the company could motivate them by improving their
occupational opportunities and awarding them. These methods
can make a key role to create working environment where it can
stimulate not just engagement but also achievement. Awarding
and occupational opportunities can inspire workers so that it
could strengthen their team spire, their skill of leading, decision
making, communication between staff and it can gain much
more commitment to the company and motivation.
The existence needs of the employees within The Coca-Cola
Company be defined as those needs that have a desired
physiological effect on the employees within the company. In
addition, it could be the material well-being of the organization
itself. In order for there to be harmony within the company, the
employees must have a sense of stability in their current
position, as well as a potential for growth within the company.
Remembering that employees have the desire to be satisfied
within the company in which they work, The Coca-Cola
Company has many different programs in place in order to assist
with this process. For example, the company offers cultural
awareness programs and employee forums; these forums consist
of employees that share similar interest or backgrounds. The
individuals within these forums provide both professional and
personal growth to one another. The Coca-Cola Company
motivates their employees with incentives and occupational
opportunities on a daily basis. The material well-being of The
Coca-Cola Company is being achieved each day. The company
uses innovative means in order to reach the younger generation
of today.
The next part of the ERG Theory is the relatedness
needs.The Coca-Cola Company prides themselves on
establishing relationships between both employer and
employee. The organization is able to connect with the
employee and produce a relationship that can benefit both
of them. For example, The Coca-Cola Company uses the
one-on-one approach between management leaders and
employees. Once a month, the employee speaks with a
team leader, or supervisor, about any problems at home or
in the workplace. This creates a positive environment
where both parties can start to build a trusting
relationship with one another. As a result, this could help
them improve productivity because they are able to
express personal needs that could affect their performance
at work.
Another reason why The Coca-Cola Company uses the
relatedness need is to build meaningful relationships
between co-workers. If an individual likes who he or she is
working with, they tend to be more motivated to continue
to come to work for the personal relationship and
networking. The human need is easily satisfied in the
simplest form.
The growth need, which Schermerhorn, Jr., Hunt, and
Osborn (2002) state as the desire for continued personal
growth and development (p. 156). This need alone can
motivate each and every employee to do better within
themselves, as well as within the job. Knowing that some
of the choices made at work can help you advance, is
something that helps reassure an individual that
advancement is up to him or her. The Coca-Cola Company
tries to create an environment where promotions are
encouraged to come from within the organization.
Furthermore, they implement training programs which
encourages an individual to move ahead in the company if,
and when, the opportunity exists. The company also
practices several incentive and reward programs to help
motivate the employees to continuously improve


Motivation can emanate from with an employee with a passion
and desire to work and produce results. This kind of motivation
is self-driven by an employee in order to elevate his feelings to
accomplish. However, in extrinsic motivation, an external factor
such as a reward is used to boost the employee’s moral and
desire to work. As is a normal case, employees work in
exchange for compensation for their hard labour but how far
they go depends on how motivated they are. According to Perry
and Hondeghem (1999), the individuals desire to perform, and
provide services to customers, with the mandate to do good is
enough factor to motivate. Performance at work is related to the
employees pay of which the employee may not have control of
that reward as it is external. Apart from rewards, there are other
factors that are external such as promotion at work, security of
the job, salary increment that may give meaning to employees
motivation. Therefore, for organizations to continue existing and
retaining its workforce, they must keep on working on strategies
that can help in motivating its employees. Motivated employees
have a sense of belonging and loyalty to the organization and
always work hard to be associated with the results of their
labour. Motivation have effect on employees as individuals to
achieve and as well as ability to be innovative because they
believe in themselves which will benefit the organization to
succeed (Yang Jie, 2010). A motivated worker is easy to be
retained hence saving the organization finances of replacing
workers, also it encourages workers to always achieve more on
daily productions as they are having a sense of security of their
work. Management will have time to attend to other important
issues because their motivated workforce can build teams that
can help with the supervision and production of work.
Motivation is very much needed for employees in an
organization to be productive, and management or leadership
style has an important role to play. Motivation is not always
based on financial rewards, but non-financial rewards methods
can also be used to derive the best out of employees. In terms of
empowering workforce, employees should be encouraged and
given a platform to voice out their concerns on how they can be
motivated. Rewards and promotions following performance
appraisals maybe used to boost employee’s moral as well as
feedback. In some organizations, workers perform their duties in
an assembly whereby if a certain section of employees is
affected it will affect the whole plant. Employees perform their
duties diligently if they are inspired and motivated as the results
will always be positive with efficient production. Organizations
which are results oriented will go all the way to motivate their
employees for them to reach their goals.

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