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BLAYA, Phranxies Jean L.

BSED IV – Bio Sci

Module 5 – The Teacher as a Professional

Lesson 2: Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers

a. The test of a good teacher is not how many questions he can ask
his pupils that they will answer readily, but how many questions
he inspires them to ask him which he finds it hard to answer.
---Alice Wellington Rollins

This quote appeals very accurate to me. The educators in my

regular learning experience have not really been “teachers” in the
principal request, yet they pertain to be individuals with oozing love for
learning and inquiring. They have been the infectious and irresistible
ones. They are those teachers you learn from because they seem to
be on the state of constant learning and exploration themselves. You
learn from them because of the fact that they are learning, and not
because they are teaching. In a teaching paradigm fixated on tests and
exams, holding onto inquiries or questioning as the establishing
premise of instructional method is where transformation and revolution

b. Great teachers are passionate about what they teach and

respectful of those they teach. – Michael Josephson

This quote means that a teacher considers everything that he or

she imparts. Whatever a teacher teaches, he or she takes it with high
regard and not as a joke.

1. Based on your answers above, how do you think a teacher should
behave in the practice of the teaching profession?

A teacher in the practice of the teaching profession must be a

good role model to his or her learners and to the society. He or she
should be considerate when it comes to dealing with his or her
students. He or she should also be able to establish rapport between
his or her learners and be open to their thoughts and ideas. A
professional teacher is able to establish a relationship with students in
a manner wherein she is respected and dignified. He or she should
also be able to facilitate and assist students especially when they are
faced with confusions.
2. How do you feel upon knowing that there are certain behaviors
needed to effectively practice the profession?

Upon knowing the certain behaviors needed to effectively

practice the profession I felt somehow very proud of choosing to
pursue such career or profession. This is because knowing that being a
teacher takes a lot of effort, passion, acknowledgement, and
qualification to be able to educate individuals and shape their lives
predominantly is such an honor to accomplish. Knowing that there are
certain behaviors needed to become an effective educator means that
being a teacher is indeed a noble profession to commit to.

3. What are you going to do to become better if not best in the

practice of the profession?

To become better in the practice of the profession I will sought

help from other professionals who have been in the field for so long
and have already mastered the art of teaching different learners. I will
also make time to engage in activities, training, and seminars/webinars
that will equip me with the necessary skills and knowledge to be
effective in teaching. Furthermore, I will make it a habit to constantly be
open to learning from daily experiences, people I encounters, and
especially from my students whom I impart learning with; having this
willingness to learn and acquire wisdom from others will inspire others
to learn too.

My dear fellow aspiring teacher, to be a professional teacher means

being able to ensure contribution to the development of learners. You should
always be fair in grading or marking your students and base such marks from
their work. To become a professional teacher, you should be respectful and
live with dignity at all times. You should establish cordial relationship with your
students, parents, and co-teachers. And above all, you should always know
God and recognize the deeds He has done for you.

a. Mrs. Abrasado, a secondary school teacher at Spring Valley
College, filed a letter of complaint to the Office of the Principal of
the said school. In her letter, she specified that she has been with
the school for ten years, a LET passer, has conducted several
researches and has been involved in the different community
extension activities of the school. And yet, was surprised upon
given the result of her status prepared and submitted by the
ranking and promotion committee last July 2019. It was reflected
in the document that she had retained her rank as assistant
professor 2 for another two years as recommended by the ranking
and promotion committee. But she has known of one faculty who
was able to move from one rank to at least two ranks higher even
without passing all the other criteria. As the principal, what are
you going to do? Is Mrs. Abrasado’s complaint justifiable? What
provision in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers will
justify the complaint of Mrs. Abrasado? How are you going to
address the issue?

Mrs. Abrasado’s complaint is justifiable. According to the section

5 of Article VI of the Code of Ethics for professional teachers, a teacher
has the right to invoke promotions of teachers and that appointments or
promotions should only be made and based on merit and need of
interest of the service. Also, section 4 of the article VI states that a
teacher, individually or as part of a group, has a right to seek redress
against injustice and discrimination and, to the extent possible, shall
raise his grievances within democratic processes so long as the
welfare of the learners are not compromised or jeopardized. Since the
promotion or the rank was given to someone who is deemed not
worthy of it and lacks the credentials, it is only right for Mrs. Abrasado
to complain. As a principal, I will make an appeal to for the ranking and
promotion committee to reconsider the application of Mrs. Abrasado.
Given the provision under the section 3 of the Article VII that school
officials shall encourage and attend to the professional growth of all
teachers under them such as recommending them for promotion,
giving them due recognition for meritorious performance, and allowing
them to participate in conferences and training program, I will do my
duties as a higher school official for Mrs. Abrasado’s complaint to be
heard and settled.

b. Mr. Domingo, a high school teacher at Spring Valley College,

resigned from his job in the middle of the year due to an
opportunity abroad. Before he leaves the school, he cleaned his
drawer and locker at the faculty room, he deleted all the
necessary information in the computer unit at the faculty room
and brought with him all the records including the results of the
exam, quizzes, school register, and others. When the substitute
teacher came in, she started looking for all the records and the
like for her to start on. The principal thought all the while that the
records are in the faculty room and directed the substitute teacher
to the faculty room. After a while, the substitute teacher reported
that all the records were nowhere to be found, neither in the
locker nor drawer, not even saved in the computer unit at the
faculty room. As a principal, what are you going to do? Is Mr.
Domingo’s act/behavior justifiable? What provision in the code of
Ethics for Professional Teachers did Mr. Domingo violated? As
the principal, how are you going to solve the problem?

Mr. Domingo violated the section 3 and section 4 of the article V

of the code of ethics for professional teachers. His act is unjustifiable
because it is stated in the code that teachers should not remove school
files without proper permissions. Moreover, before leaving his position
he should leave to his successor such records and other data as
necessary to carry on the work; yet he did not bother to do such things
and instead deleted all the data. As a principal, Mr. Domingo should
not be given clearance to leave the school without first turning over the
necessary documents for the substitute teacher to carry on her work.
Mr. Domingo has to face the consequences of his violation to the
school and must accumulate the necessary documents, only then will
he be allowed to leave and accept the other job offer.

c. Today I learned that the code of ethics is important for all who are
practicing the teaching profession so that their rights will be exercised
and protected. Knowing or being aware of the abovementioned
provisions will help a certain teacher be aware of the scope and
limitations of his job, the benefits he or she may enjoy, and to where
and how he or she should address his or her grievances if ever there
happens to be one. The code of ethics for professional teachers allow
a teacher to practice the profession without worries and reluctance.

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