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Bowel Cancer Specialist Screening Practitioner

Professional & Academic Portfolio
Andreea Bejan
The roll out of the National Bowel Cancer Screening Programme (BCSP) to men and women aged 60-69 years commenced in
2006 and was completed in 2010. The programme is now extending the age group invited to 75 years and also introducing an
additional and complementary one off flexible sigmoidoscopy to men and women at age 55 years. The Specialist Screening
Practitioner (SSP) role is proving pivotal to the Programme’s successful delivery and, as is usual with roles within continuingly
developing services, it is creating new education and training requirements. To reflect the continuing development of this role
and its educational needs this document has been developed to include an explicit competency assessment framework.

The assessments define and describe the underpinning knowledge and skills that all individuals undertaking the role of SSP,
whether on a sessional or full time basis, must possess in order to deliver a quality service. They encompass all aspects of the
patient’s screening journey: assessment, the safe supply of bowel preparation, the care of the patient in endoscopy, the
communication of results in the post investigation/telephone clinic and, where necessary, the breaking of bad news.

This portfolio will demonstrate SSP lifelong learning and development contribute to the SSP annual appraisal and facilitate
professional revalidation.

Page 2
Post Holders Name Andreea Bejan

Post Holders Name Andreea Bejan

E-mail address A.Bejan@ljmu.ac.uk

SSP commencement date 15/05/2017

NMC/HCPC PIN number 14E0574C

Post Holders / LJMU Student ID PN817529

Electronic signature Click here to enter text

Bethan Williams
St. George’s Hospital, NHS Foundation Trust
Bowel Cancer Screening Centre, South West London
Lead SSP & contact details
Lead SSP
Tel - 02087254920

Lead SSP NMC/HCPC PIN number

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Electronic signature

Marjorie Frias
St George’s Hospital, NHS Foundation Trust
Bowel Cancer Screening Centre, South West London
Induction mentor & contact details
Tel - 02087254920

Induction mentor NMC/HCPC PIN number

Click here to enter text
Electronic signature

LJMU sign off mentor & contact details Ms Sue Baker, Module Leader, Senior lecturer
E-mail s.c.baker@ljmu.ac.uk

Page 3
Tel – 0151 231 4096
Room 3.37 3rd Floor Henry Cotton Building
15-21 Webster Street
Liverpool L3 2ER

LJMU sign off mentor NMC/HCPC PIN number

Electronic signature

Professor Paul O’Toole

Director of Mercey Scholl of Endoscopy & Consultant
LJMU associate mentor & contact details
North West Regional Quality Assurance Consultant for the BCSP
Tel – 0151.529.8387 or 0151.706.2806
Email – paul.otoole@rlbuht.nhs.uk

LJMU associate mentor NMC/HCPC PIN

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number Electronic signature

Page 4

Section 1: Who am I? Bowel Cancer Specialist Screening Practitioner.................................................................................................6

Section 2: INDUCTION AND ORIENTATION FRAMEWORK Bowel Cancer Specialist Screening Practitioner........................................8

Section 3: Skills for Health Competencies Bowel Cancer Specialist Screening Practitioner...............................................................25

Section 4: Log of Learning Activities Bowel Cancer Specialist Screening Practitioner........................................................................54

Section 5: Reflection Bowel Cancer Specialist Screening Practitioner................................................................................................56

Section 6: Direct Observation of Practice Bowel Cancer Specialist Screening Practitioner..............................................................67

Section 7: Supporting Evidence Bowel Cancer Specialist Screening Practitioner..............................................................................81

Section 7.1: LJMU Academic Case Study Bowel Cancer Specialist Screening Practitioner................................................................82

Section 7.2: Professional Feedback Bowel Cancer Specialist Screening Practitioner........................................................................85

Section 7.3: Certificates......................................................................................................................................................................87

Section 7.4: Other Evidence................................................................................................................................................................89

Section 8: Appraisal Bowel Cancer Specialist Screening Practitioner.................................................................................................91

Section 9: Revalidation Evidence Bowel Cancer Specialist Screening Practitioner...........................................................................96

Page 4
Section 1: Who am I?
Bowel Cancer Specialist Screening Practitioner

Page 6
Student Self- Assessment Profile -Reflection & Actions Planning

Existing professional qualifications Registered General Nurse since 2008

Existing academic qualifications Nursing Batchelor Degree

Previous, relevant experience (social The nurse started the nursing career in March 2010, functioning in a
and/or professional) private professional environment, at Arcadia Medical Center. This
health centre is one of the highest standardized and demanding
private radiologic clinic within north-east of Romania, being headed
by the National Medical Director of Romanian Radiology Consultants
Association. Earlier the nurse actuality endorsed at Computed
Tomography Department, she launched her work experience as a
Client Operator indoors the same company. As a customer service
worker, she required direct and face to face impact to the
population investigated at Arcadia Medical Center. This comprises
very noble communication skills, constant inter-personal assistances,
respectable looking for all clients, up to date trained and informed
as regards all facilities provided within the private clinic.
Furthermore, the position necessary includes management abilities
between consumer requirements, mandatory daily paperwork’s,
online activity and telephone line available during the shift hours.
One year and four months existed the time for this position,
followed by registered general nurse subsequently, at CT scan. At
this point, the nurse responsibilities grow into patient centred care.
The new clinical environment and medical team, stayed as real pilots
for her career development. Fronting cancerous patients, clearing up
the procedure herself, administrating intravenous medication, taking
parts of the human body scans and concluding in medical records,
remained part of day to day duties. In 2014, the nurse appearance
for a fresh challenge in her nursing career and underway to work to
an international level. She continuing to acquire and exercise new
abilities in a private residential dementia care home, located within
south London area. One year and three months, the nurse
knowledgeable how to deal with dementia patients, from the
simplest cases up to very demanded. In 2015, one of her dreams
come to be true, when she procured a position of band 5 at
Endoscopy Unit, within one of the most important NHS Foundation
Trust in UK, at St. George’s Hospital. Part of her day to day duties
converted into abilities of supporting doctors during diagnostic and
therapeutic endoscopic procedures, receiving training as: how to use
a biopsy forceps, polypectomy involvement, Endoscopic Mucosal
Resection, Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography,

Page 6
Endoscopic submucosal dissection, bronchoscopy and cystoscopy
assistance. Two years, the life in Endoscopy make her more
confident in her profession and well trained for the department, up
until an innovative trial came up. The nurse was efficaciously then
during the interview for Specialist Screening Practitioner, position 6,
for Bowel Cancer Screening, within the same NHS Trust.

Utilising this information, go to section 5 and reflect on what transferable skills have you brought to this new role
of an SSP.

Complete the LJMU distance learning activity, “How do I learn”. Utilise this information to help plan your individual learning

Page 7
Matiti and Cotrel-Gibbons (2006) - SWOT analysis
In your role as an SSP, consider your personal strengths and weakness. In recognising your personal strengths and weakness you
can start to plan your individual professional and academic learning and development needs.

What opportunities or threats do you envisage will hinder your engagement in this learning opportunity? Identification of the
above will help you develop your individual personal action plans.

Please complete the following sections.

Strengths Weakness

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Click here to enter text

Opportunities Threats

Click here to enter text

Click here to enter text

Reflection & Actions Planning

Complete the LJMU distance learning activity, “What is critical reflection”. Utilising this information, go to section 5 and reflect
on how this SWOT analysis will aid your development as an SSP.

Page 8
Bowel Cancer Specialist Screening Practitioner

Page 9
Role of the Specialist Screening Practitioner
The role of the Specialist Screening Practitioner (SSP) has been developed to meet the needs of individuals who are screened by
the NHS National Bowel Cancer Screening Programme (BCSP). Participants who have a positive result from faecal occult blood
testing (FOBt) are sent for further investigation without a medical referral. The SSP takes responsibility for their case
management throughout these further investigations until a diagnosis is confirmed and an appropriate medical consultant
accepts responsibility for their ongoing care, or until they are referred back to the screening programme. The extension to the
programme of a one off flexible sigmoidoscopy (Bowel Scope) will also require a ‘responsible’ SSP to ensure that participants
taking up the invitation are appropriately managed along the pathway, although this may involve less face to face contact.

Safe and competent practice is fundamental to the success of the BCSP; in order to maintain consistency across the National
Programme it is essential that all SSPs follow a common development programme in the early stages of their employment in the
post. Original work to define the role and development needs of post holders was undertaken on behalf of the BCSP under the
leadership of Annette Keen, National Commissioner for Endoscopy Training, with input from the endoscopy training community
and the staff of the colorectal cancer screening pilot site in Rugby. The formal educational programme has been developed by
Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) and staff of the National Endoscopy Training Centre at the Mersey School of Endoscopy
with input from Annette Keen and the endoscopy training community. This most recent review of the induction requirements
and competency assessments has again been undertaken by experienced SSPs working within the programme together with the
senior lecturer at Liverpool John Moores University and is considered to accurately reflect the evolving educational needs of the

A competency framework originally developed by the SSPs at South of Tyne Bowel Cancer Screening Centre has been adopted
by the National Programme for inclusion in the induction programme. The criteria against which the practitioners are measured
are matched to the core competencies of the National Workforce Competency statements developed by Skills for Health
www.skillsforhealth.org.uk and will be presented within this guide.

It is recognised within the Programme that there are some individuals working as SSPs who are not directly employed as such.
This may be on a temporary basis to cover the duties of a core member of the team who has left or is sick or unexpectedly
absent. All individuals who undertake the role of SSP must have demonstrable knowledge and skills as outlined in this
document. They must complete the induction programme and the competencies relevant to the elements of the role they are

Outline job profiles have been developed and agreed nationally by NHS employers. These can be found at
www.nhsemployers.org (click on Pay and conditions>>Agenda for Change>>National job profiles>> Health science services).

A locally agreed job description should be developed for each post holder that reflects the needs of the screening centre. As part
of your learning activities you will be required to review and reflect on your job description. If possible it may be beneficial to
upload your job description within this portfolio.

Further information
Detailed information and supporting documents about the BCSP can be found on its website (www.bcsp.nhs.uk). These include
the Guide Book for Programme Hubs and Screening Centres (Version 1 July 2006, Version 2 March 2007, and Version 3 March
2008). The SSP should be familiar with all of these: Version 1 gives an overview of the BCSP, including the role of programme
hubs, Version 2 includes more detailed guidance on setting up and running screening centres and Version 3 has within its text
highlighted areas of particular importance to the successful implementation and management of the service.

The BCSP website also includes more detailed information about the national IT system (the Bowel Cancer Screening System
(BCSS)). This includes the latest BCSS newsletter as well as the BCSS User Guide.

All SSPs should register on the website and will be sent a user ID and password. The site is a valuable resource for resolving
queries and should be regularly checked for updates, programme developments and the latest guidance.

PDF files of patient information leaflets are available on the NHS Cancer Screening programmes website

Queries that are not resolved on the BCSP website can be addressed to the national office of NHS Cancer Screening
Programmes. Contact details appear in the BCSP contacts directory on the BCSP website (www.bcsp.nhs.uk).

Induction and orientation framework

This framework sets out good practice for the induction, orientation and assessment of competency of Specialist Screening
Practitioners (SSPs) in the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme (BCSP). It has been developed to ensure that the needs of
SSPs are met, bearing in mind that they may be new to

the employing organisation

the bowel cancer screening programme
the endoscopy department
the SSP role
The framework covers induction and orientation activities to be undertaken within the first four to eight weeks of employment
as well as areas for continued professional and personal development for the role during the first six months in post. Use of the
assessment frameworks will help to determine the level of competence of the practitioner and, of equal importance, identify
training needs from which an action plan can be developed. This framework is designed to be prescriptive and timely, as most
SSPs will be expected to undertake the essential elements of the role within weeks of taking up post. It is therefore crucial that
there is some measure of competence and evidence of assessment before independent practice can begin.

In order to undertake independent practice all SSPs have to achieve a minimum of level 3 throughout, with
an agreed action plan in place to facilitate progression to level 4.
This framework is not intended to cover the local induction and orientation requirements within the employing organisation. In
this respect, the normal Trust-wide induction and orientation policies and procedures should be followed.

The assessments within this document are designed to interface with the formal educational programmes that SSPs will need to
be completed as part of their role. When complete they will be validated as a component of the LJMU course. These formal
educational programmes are determined by the BCSP and will focus on the specialist dimensions for the Key Skills Framework
(KSF) role profile. The core dimensions for the KSF role profile are the focus of the induction and orientation framework, with
one exception: Core 1 (communication skills). This has been included in the formal education module because enhancing
knowledge and skills in this area of practice is of particular importance for the role of the SSP. However study skills material will
be made available once enrolled onto the LJMU to support this element of practice.

Individuals working as SSPs on a temporary or bank contract or sessional basis

Any practitioner undertaking any aspect of the role of SSP, whether employed directly to do so or not, must have completed the
relevant education and training. The level of education and training needed will depend on how long she or he is expecting to
carry out the role and the aspects of the role involved. Regular progress interviews will allow the expected length of time in the
role to be re-evaluated.

1. Individuals practicing as SSPs for < 3 months are expected to complete the induction and orientation for the first 4-8 weeks
and have successfully completed the competencies relevant for the aspects of the role they will be undertaking before
commencing independent practice.
2. Individuals practicing as SSPs for < 6-12 months are expected to complete the full induction and orientation package and
have successfully completed the competencies relevant for the aspects of the role they will be undertaking before
commencing independent practice. Temporary / bank nurse (6 months) contracts should attend the BCSS IT training at
Open Exeter.
3. Individuals practicing as SSPs for >12 months are expected to complete the full induction and orientation package, have
successfully completed the competencies relevant for the aspects of the role they are undertaking and to have enrolled on
the education module at Liverpool John Moores University.
4. Individuals working as ‘lead nurse’ or ‘lead SSP’ and undertaking any aspect of the role of SSP must complete education and
training to the stipulated level, dependent on length of time in the role.

In each case, the time frame outlined need not be of continuous practice but may include practice spanning these periods.

Record of progress
It should be noted that:

 The details of signatories to the process have been formalised to support the QA processes for the BCSP
 All competencies need to be completed before the SSP runs clinics independently; this excludes those marked with an
asterisk * which should be completed within six months of coming into post
 Evidence is required of completion of local Trust induction.

Progression through the framework

In order to undertake independent practice the SSP should aim to complete A1 and A2 within four to eight weeks of assuming
the role. This will be recorded by signing off the individual elements within the learning objectives and by documenting
progress, issues and future actions (including timescales) at review interviews. Signing off is most appropriately done by
individuals with expertise in the area concerned; it is likely that this will be someone other than the mentor/line manager.
Documenting progress, issues and future actions (including timescales) should be done at review interviews. It is recommended
that these are held one month, two months, four months and six months after appointment. However where the mentor/line
manager and SSP both agree that induction and orientation are proceeding satisfactorily, the review at two months should be
used a preparatory interview to assess the SSP’s ability to work independently. Equally the SSP and mentor/line manager may
feel the need to hold additional reviews. These should not replace the reviews set out in this framework, however, which
provide the BCSP with formal documentation for its quality assurance processes.

At the first review interview at one month a date should be agreed for enrolment onto the formal education course at
John Moores University Liverpool to begin within twelve months of commencement in post. The Nurse Advisors are to
be informed if enrolment is expected to be delayed beyond twelve months.

Prior to each review, SSPs are expected to have undertaken reflective work to demonstrate their personal and
professional development. This reflective work will form part of ongoing professional development and link into the
formal education course at LJMU (see Appendix B). They should also take responsibility for asking their mentor/line
manager to plan time for progress interviews.

This guide to education and training needs is a live document that will be revised periodically to reflect the changing educational
needs of the evolving SSP role. Feedback is welcome and should be directed to the national nurse adviser

Helen Griffiths (helen.griffiths1@nhs.net)

A1 - Key departments and services to locate
Completion within the first 4 – 8 weeks

Learning objectives(s)
To have located and know how to access the following departments/services:

Evidence of learning
Demonstrates the ability to direct self and others to locate/access these departments/ services to meet needs both from a
professional and patient focused perspective, as appropriate to the BCSP.

Demonstrates clear and appropriate methods for communicating this information.

 Provide a critical reflection on how local demographics impact on the SSP’s role, consider the specific local
challenges your service face.
 In recognition of these specific local challenges, provide a critical reflection on how this impacts on your team
and your SSP role.
 Consider what cultural competence and transcultural care is.

Department or service Achieved

Physical location where clinic(s) will take place ☒

Endoscopy unit /s (multi-site centre) ☒

Imaging services (x-ray and radiology) ☒

Pathology laboratory ☒

Physical location where multidisciplinary team (MDT) meeting(s) will be held ☒

BCSP programme hub ☒

Colorectal nurses ☒

IBD nurses ☒

Pharmacy ☒

GI medical and surgical wards ☒

*Dietitians ☒

*Public health department : identify demographics of the local population ☒

*Health promotion department (where applicable) ☒

*Patient advice and liaison service (PALS) ☒

*Patient support or interest groups ☒

Trust Library ☒

Commence distance learning activities from LJMU ☒

Other (please state)

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Date Induction mentor electronic signature 00I2207E

Date SSP electronic signature Click here to enter text

A2 - Key aspects of clinical care
Completion within the first 4 – 8 weeks

All elements to be completed prior to seeing first patients in clinic

(*These elements link to LJMU competencies as indicated. Evidence provided here will be assessed as part of the formal
education programme)

Learning objective(s)
To know/understand:

Care focus Achieved

Faecal occult blood test (FOBt) *End 2 (4) ☒

The process for call and recall for testing

How to use FOBt kits and how to explain the significance of the results

Invitation process to Bowelscope programme including inclusion and possible exclusion criteria. ☒

Bowel preparation *End 5 (4) ☒

Pharmacology: indications and contra indications for use (oral and enema preparations)

Pre-endoscopy documentation *End 5 (6) ☒

Rationale behind documentation and criteria for determining fitness for colonoscopy, bowel scope or
alternative investigations

Intra procedure documentation *End 18 (3&4) ☒

Rationale behind the intra procedural dataset

Consent *End 7 (5) ☒

Information-giving aspects of consent

Requirements for valid consent and accountability issues for the role of SSP

Sedation * End 2 (4) ☒

How to explain sedation, options, identify risks factors for safe sedation and support patient choice

The principles of safe sedation and management of complications

Other (please state) ☐

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Date Induction mentor electronic signature 00I2207E

Date SSP electronic signature Click here to enter text

Evidence of learning
Utilising this information, go to section 5 and reflect on what transferable skills have you brought to this new role
of an SSP.

In preparation for the formal educational programme short reflective pieces should be used to capture examples, which
demonstrate the development of knowledge and communication skills in each of these areas.

 FOB testing and bowel scope test. The practitioner has visited an established hub and is knowledgeable about call and
recall processes, invitation processes and the function of the helpline. Has evidence of learning (having shadowed this part
of the pathway in an established screening centre) and has identified patient focused perspectives on this part of the
 Bowel preparation (oral and enema preparations). The practitioner has shadowed this part of the pathway for both
symptomatic and screening patients (in an established screening centre) and can identify patient focused perspectives on
this part of the pathway. Has delivered a micro teaching session on ‘How to take and make your bowel preparation
effectively’ for staff and patients. Understands and complies with local polices and procedures regarding relevant group
directives for the administration of medicines to meet the needs of patients for the BCSP.
 Endoscopy documentation. The practitioner is able to complete a holistic health, social and psychological care assessment
to identify factors which may have an adverse impact on the care pathway. Able to complete the pre, post and intra
procedural documentation and use locally agreed and BCSP systems for documenting information in order to meet both the
patient’s care needs and dataset requirements for the BCSP.
 Consent. The practitioner has shadowed this part of the pathway in an established screening centre and can identify
patient focused perspectives on this part of the pathway. Applies local Trust policy on consent and complies with Trust
policy with regards to her/his part in the consent process. Undertakes formal training in accordance with relevant local Trust
policy if delegated consent is to be undertaken as part of the role.
 Sedation including entonox. The practitioner has shadowed this part of the pathway for both symptomatic and screening
patients in an established screening centre and can identify patient focused perspectives on this part of the pathway.
Applies Trust policy on administration of medicines and complies with Trust policy.
 Bowel Scope Programme vs Bowel Cancer Screening Programme

Utilising this information, go to section 5 and reflect on what transferable skills have you brought to this new role
of an SSP.

 Do a critical reflection comparing the Bowel Scope Programme to that of the Bowel Cancer Screening Programme. Consider
the following issue:
 The difference between the client groups invited to participate in both programme?
 What are the invitation process for both programmes?
 What are your local screening uptake statistics in relation to both programmes and how do they compare to the
national average?
 In the Bowel Scope programme the participants have no pre assessment. What potential problems could this
 Between both programmes what are the differences in levels of support /information giving pre/peri and post
 How the SSP role differs including working with new groups of practitioners (SP/ASP).
 What is the potential psychosocial impact on participants who go straight to test Vs FOBt
 Communication needs do they differ between both groups? If so how and what is the implication to the SSP?

A3 - Key personnel to meet
Completion within the first 4 – 8 weeks

(*These elements link to LJMU competencies as indicated. Evidence provided here will be assessed as part of the formal
education programme)

Learning objective(s)
To have met key personnel within these services and gained an understanding of their work/roles and how this interfaces with
the BCSP and patient pathway

To know the key contacts and how to communicate effectively with them.

Evidence of learning
 Demonstrate that they have identified key contacts and can name contacts as appropriate to the BCSP
 Demonstrate that they have established an understanding of how these roles support the patient pathway in the
BCSP and demonstrate that they have both clear contact details and organised methods for communicating.

Key personnel Achieved

Screening centre director ☒

Screening centre radiology lead ☒

Screening centre pathology lead ☒

Endoscopy multidisciplinary (MDT) team ☒

Treatment services MDT coordinators ☒

MDT members (e.g. surgery, oncology, pharmacy, colorectal/stoma nurse specialists, ward managers, GI, ☐
medical and surgical wards)

Trust ‘fast track’ 31/62 day cancer target lead ☒

* QA lead SSP ☒

* Public health contact on screening centre planning/implementation team ☒

* Health promotion contact on screening centre planning/implementation team ☒

*Trust communications contact on screening centre planning/implementation team ☒

Other (please state) ☐

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Induction mentor electronic signature 00I2207E

Date SSP electronic signature Click here to enter text

A 4.1 - Key areas for professional and personal development
Completion within the first 4 – 8 weeks

All elements to be completed prior to seeing first patients in clinic

Learning objective(s)
 To develop insight into priority areas for clinical governance and quality assurance within the BCSP and endoscopy services

Priority area Achieved

Understands the process for accreditation of screening endoscopists ☒

Understands the function of flexible endoscopes and is aware of the process for their decontamination ☒

Understands the endoscopy Global Rating Scale (GRS) ☒

Aware of how programme hub freephone BCSP helpline for patients is organised and accessed ☒

Undertakes training in use of IT systems in Trusts within screening centre to facilitate access to BCSS web ☒

Aware of nationally produced patient information leaflets, online resources and information for primary ☒
care and how to obtain supplies

Is booked onto and undertakes user training for the BCSS ☒

Aware of how BCSS helpdesk service is organised and accessed ☒

Aware of the role of the NHS Cancer Screening Programmes press office ☒

Understands the BCSP incident reporting system ☒

Is enrolled to undertake formal education module at Liverpool John Moores University ☒

Other (please state) ☐

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Induction mentor electronic signature 00I2207E

Date SSP electronic signature Click here to enter text

Evidence of learning
Utilising this information, go to section 5 and reflect on what transferable skills have you brought to this new role
of an SSP.

In preparation for the formal educational programme short reflective pieces should be used to capture examples which
demonstrate the development of knowledge and understanding of clinical governance and quality assurance issues in
each of these areas.
Accreditation of screening endoscopists. The practitioner has read BCSP guidance. Has read BSG quality and safety indicators
guidance. Has discussed the process with an accredited screening colonoscopist and bowel scope screener. Knows who the
locally accredited endoscopists are and understands the operational processes for covering screening endoscopy lists. Is able to
describe how these factors relate to the overall quality assurance and improving outcomes agenda within the BCSP.
Decontamination. The practitioner is aware of and can describe the principles of safe practice in endoscope decontamination.
GRS. The practitioner has read GRS. Can describe the role of the GRS in the process of accrediting units for BCSP. Can
demonstrate understanding of the structure and purpose of the domains items and measures and understands how to use the
Knowledge Management System (KMS). Knows the GRS lead(s) for each of the screening endoscopy units and can describe how
her/his role feeds into the biannual census.
Freephone telephone helpline. The practitioner can describe the role of the helpline and demonstrate how the SSP role
supports the helpline function.
Patient information leaflets and GP packs. The practitioner understands the importance of the national BCSP patient
information leaflets, GP packs and other information materials. Knows how to obtain them and how to use them.
BCSS user training. The practitioner has undertaken user training for the BCSS. Can describe how the system is used to book SSP
clinics and how to enter colonoscopy data. Can describe how the data and audit processes contribute to overall quality
assurance and the improving outcomes agenda within the BCSP.
BCSS helpdesk. The practitioner can describe role of the helpdesk and demonstrate knowledge of when and how to access it.
BCSP press office. The practitioner is knowledgeable about the remit of the NHS Cancer Screening Programmes press office;
understands local and national BCSP policies and procedures for dealing with external enquiries including those made under the
Freedom of Information Act.
Adverse incident reporting within the BCSP. The practitioner is familiar with the process for reporting adverse incidents within
the programme, can locate the AI form on the BCSP website, know what constitutes an adverse incident within the programme.
Education module John Moores University: Is enrolled onto the course within 12 months of commencement in post and is
familiar with course aims and objectives and any preparatory learning.

A 4.2 - Understanding the patient care pathway and areas for shared learning and
ongoing links
Completion within the first 4 – 8 weeks

(*These elements link to LJMU competencies as indicated. Evidence provided here will be assessed as part of the formal
education programme)

Learning objective(s)
 To understand the patient care pathway for the BCSP and the contribution of the SSP in enabling effective and
timely patient care.
 To have undertaken (or fixed dates for) placements, identifying areas of pathways, clinics and groups that can serve
as opportunities for shared clinical, professional and patient focused learning.

It is acknowledged that some newly appointed SSPs may have previously undertaken a Nurse Specialist role in which they
have provided nurse led patient care or clinics. Shadowing at nurse led clinics is therefore left to the discretion of the SSP;
However, any prior experience should be evidenced.

Evidence of learning
 Demonstrates clear understanding of the BCSP patient care pathway and can convey this information using
methods which are suitable for both work colleagues and patients.
 Produces specific evidence from placements demonstrating areas of learning and implications for working practice.
 Produces specific evidence demonstrating the development of personal insight into patient focused perspectives
on care processes and staff interactions.
 It is recommended that in preparation for the formal educational programme a learning log is kept to capture
examples which demonstrate the development of knowledge and communication skills in these areas.

Networks/groups or teams Achieved

Shadows colleagues in an established screening centre, following each step of the patient journey in the ☒
BCSP pathway [colonoscopy/bowel scope should be observed within the local endoscopy setting(s)]

Attends nurse led colorectal /IBD clinics ☒

*Understands the remit/terms of reference for the Trust’s advanced practitioner group/SHA QA group ☒

*Understands the work/focus of patient led/specialist interest group(s) ☒

(please state)

*Understands the work/focus for community/local authority groups representing or working with those with ☒
ethnic minority interests or health inequalities

Other (please state) ☐

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Induction mentor electronic signature 00I2207E

Date SSP electronic signature Click here to enter text

A5 - Additional areas for professional and personal development
Completion within the first six months

Development of your identified personal/professional skills is far more likely to be achieved if you write them down and state
how you will know when they have been achieved. Try using a framework for your thinking which considers any gaps between
your current skills and those required for the role, and then define your personal aims in terms of what will close this gap. It can
be very useful to state what you might want to ‘feel’, ‘see’, ‘hear’ or ‘think’ in order to know that you are doing something

Utilising this information, go to section 5 and reflect on what transferable skills have you brought to this new role
of an SSP.

Example: In preparation for the LJMU course you may wish to reflect on the academic skills you will need to undertake the

 Using the library

 Conducting a literature search.
 Presentation skills
 Reflection and writing skills

This will contribute to your portfolio of learning.

Learning objective(s)
Individual to develop own learning objectives

Evidence of learning
The post holder should be able to describe personal objectives, and how they have achieved them and successfully applied them
in the role.
The post holder will need to provide evidence from the working environment to demonstrate that aims have been achieved.

Insert your local induction programme here
Click here to enter text

Insert your local Patient Group Directive (PGD) training here.

Support this with evidence of competency in each medication identified within your PGD training.
Click here to enter text

Insert your local consent training documentation here
Click here to enter text

Timeframes for Induction and Orientation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 Local Trust Induction

2 Initial meeting with induction & orientation mentor

3 4 week review meeting with induction & orientation

4 Enrolled on LJMU BCSP programme

5 Local Trust consent training

6 Local Trust Patient Group Directives training

7 A1, A 2, A3, A 4.1, A 4.2 completed

8 Direct Observation Of Practice

D2, D3, D4, D5, D6
9 A5 Individual learning needs

Initial interview with induction & orientation mentor (within the first week)

Outcome from meeting:



Student signature: Click here to enter text

Mentor signature: 00I2207E

Tips on objective setting and action planning

1. Ensure the objectives reflect the main areas of activity for your job.
2. State each objective clearly. For example:
What do you want to do better?
What will you see, feel, or hear to help you and your mentor judge when you can do something better than before?
What actions do you need to take in order to do a particular part of your work better?
3. Use actions to break your objectives into more manageable ‘bite-sized pieces’.
4. Be realistic. Bear in mind how much time you have before your next progress review but, at the same time, give yourself a challenge. (Adopt ‘SMART’ objective setting: specific,
measurable, action based, realistic, and time bound.)

Action Plan
Timeframe for Supporting Evidence
Objectives Steps to be taken Completion date
completion Location within the portfolio

Click here to enter text 1. Click here to enter text Click here to enter text
2. Click here to enter text
3. Click here to enter text

Timeframe for Supporting Evidence

Objectives Steps to be taken Completion date
completion Location within the portfolio

Click here to enter text 1. Click here to enter text Click here to enter text
2. Click here to enter text
3. Click here to enter text

Timeframe for Supporting Evidence

Objectives Steps to be taken Completion date
completion Location within the portfolio

Click here to enter text 1. Click here to enter text Click here to enter text
2. Click here to enter text
3. Click here to enter text

4 Week review interview with induction & orientation mentor
Outcome from meeting:

Click here to enter text

Based on the outcome of this meeting update your action plan in section 2


Student signature: Click here to enter text

Mentor signature: Click here to enter text

6 Weeks review interview with induction & orientation mentor (Optional)
Outcome from meeting:

Click here to enter text

Based on the outcome of this meeting update your action plan in section 2


Student signature: Click here to enter text

Mentor signature: Click here to enter text

8 Week review interview with induction & orientation mentor
Outcome from meeting:

Click here to enter text

Based on the outcome of this meeting update your action plan in section 2


Student signature: Click here to enter text

Mentor signature: Click here to enter text

4 - 6 month review interview with induction & orientation mentor
Outcome from meeting:

Click here to enter text

Based on the outcome of this meeting update your action plan in section 2


Student signature: Click here to enter text

Mentor signature: Click here to enter text

Overall reflection of your SSP induction and orientation & consideration of future
developmental needs.

Taking Stock
What knowledge and
skills have I developed
during my SSP orientation
and induction?

Planning Reflection
How can I take my What do I need to know
learning further? for safe practice as a

Feedback / evaluation
How much and how well
do I understand the role,
responsibility, conditions
and clinical management
of patients in my care?

Section 3: Skills for Health Competencies
Bowel Cancer Specialist Screening Practitioner
Matiti and Cotrel-Gibbons (2006 - SWOT analysis)
You have now completed your local Trust and the national BCSP orientation and induction programme. On commencement of
your LJMU academic programme please review and reflect on your strengths and areas for further development.

What opportunities or threats do you envisage will hinder your engagement with the LJMU academic programme?
Identification of the above will help you develop your individual action plans.

Please complete the SWOT analysis below.

Strengths Weakness

Click here to enter text

Click here to enter text

Opportunities Threats

Click here to enter text

Click here to enter text

Reflection & Actions Planning

Complete the LJMU distance learning activity, “What is critical reflection”. Utilising this information, go to section 5 and reflect
on how this SWOT analysis will aid your development as an SSP.

This section contains the performance criteria where they are common across more than one competency.

This allows single assessment and sign off but evidence must meet the performance criteria for each relevant company

Core Competencies

Supporting evidence Portfolio location

Performance indicator
Initial Midway Final

1. Respect the individual’s rights and wishes relating to their consent, 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
privacy, beliefs and dignity. enter text
END1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 18

2. Discuss the amount and type of information which the individual 3 4 No concerns regarding gathering patient information,
Choose a Grade Click here to
requires, or has already accessed in order to: evidence to be provided/observed that patient enter text
a. Make informed decisions relating to the endoscopic procedure. assessment and information given is correct.
b. Find out the individual’s level of knowledge about their
condition and any misconceptions they might have. GEN14
c. Provide sufficient information to assist them to understand any
issues that have emerged along with the proposed management
plan for the condition. END18
d. Assess what information the individual wants to know and
whether or not they wish to be informed of significant news at
this time. CHS48

3. Discuss with the individual the role and responsibilities of the service 2 4 Provide evidence that the SSP is aware of the local
Choose a Grade Click here to
and practitioners and the individual and their carers. END1, GEN14, trusts policy on confidentiality and record keeping. All enter text
CHS118. employees undertake Information Governance

Including the organisation’s policy on confidentiality and record training.
keeping. GEN14, CHS118

4. Provide support to the individuals and the carers they specify to enable 3 3 Advanced communication training required in order to
Choose a Grade Click here to
them to make informed choices throughout the: have theory behind ‘breaking bad news’ – training enter text
 The referral process END3 booked August 2018.
 Agreement process for the endoscopic procedure. END5 Focus on type of advanced communication skills
 The preparation for the endoscopic procedure END7 gained through patient clinics, during procedures and
 Discussion on the results of the endoscopic procedure. END18 discharges.
 Delivery of care to individuals with bowel conditions. CH61

5. Enable the individual to ask questions and to seek clarification on any 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
issues relating to the Endoscopic procedure. END1 & END7 enter text

6. Ensure that the environment for communications is suitable for the 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
purpose of the communication. END1 enter text

An environment, which will ensure privacy and freedom from

interruptions. CHS48

7. Keep accurate, legible and complete records and comply with all the 4 4 Click here to enter text Click here to
relevant legal, professional and organisational requirements and enter text
END 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 18, CH61, CHS48, CHS118,

Date Insert SSP name has clearly achieved all of the performance indicators identified for Sign off mentor electronic signature
END 1 core competencies. Click here to enter text

I verify that the supporting evidence and signatories presented within this electronic
portfolio are reliable, valid, accurate and authentic.

Date I confirm that the supporting evidence and signatories presented within this SSP electronic signature
electronic portfolio are reliable, valid, accurate and authentic. Click here to enter text

Final version approved June 2010 © copyright Skills For Health, For competence management tools visit tools.skillsforhealth.org.uk

Core Competencies
END 1 Communication and Relate to Individuals During Endoscopic Procedures
KSF Dimension Core 1: Communication – Level 3
KSF Dimension Core 6: Equality and Diversity – Level 2

Supporting evidence Portfolio location

Performance indicator
Initial Midway Final

Identify any communication difficulties with the individual, and agree the 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
use of communication aids if required. enter text

Ensure the interaction is appropriate to the individual, the purpose of the 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
communication, and any communication difficulties. enter text

Establish a rapport with the individual, and respond sensitively and 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
honestly to any issues raised. enter text

Identify any signs of distress or anxiety from the individual and their carers 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
that have the potential to escalate into violent or disruptive behaviour and enter text
take appropriate action.

Provide clear and accurate information on organisational procedures and 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
how to contact the service to obtain assistance if required. enter text

Agree the most appropriate communication methods to maintain contact 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
with the individual. enter text

Date has clearly achieved all of the performance indicators identified for END 1 core Sign off mentor electronic signature
competencies. Click here to enter text

I verify that the supporting evidence and signatories presented within this electronic
portfolio are reliable, valid, accurate and authentic.

Date I confirm that the supporting evidence and signatories presented within this SSP electronic signature
electronic portfolio are reliable, valid, accurate and authentic. Click here to enter text

Final version approved June 2010 © copyright Skills For Health, For competence management tools visit tools.skillsforhealth.org.uk

Core Competencies
END 2 Provide Information on Endoscopic Procedures to Individuals
KSF Dimension Core 1: Communication – Level 3

Performance indicator Assessment Supporting evidence Portfolio location

Initial Midway Final

Establish the extent to which the individual requires any carers to be involved 3 4 Provide written evidence that this has been
Choose a Grade Click here to
during the provision of information. discussed at clinic or procedure with enter text

Discuss the amount and type of information which the individual requires, or has 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
already accessed, to make informed decisions relating to the endoscopic enter text

Provide information that is relevant to the individual’s requirements, and ensure it 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
is as accurate as possible within the context of what is known about their enter text

Use a range of information giving methods to present information to the 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
individual. enter text

Answer honestly any questions raised by the individual and refer any questions 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
that cannot be immediately answered to the appropriate person. enter text

Identify other sources of information and information resources that the 3 3 Provide evidence of information resources
Choose a Grade Click here to
individual can access to clarify their situation. and where to access. enter text

Provide sufficient opportunity for the individual to reflect on the information. 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
enter text

Date Insert SSP name has clearly achieved all of the performance indicators identified for END 2 core Sign off mentor electronic signature
competencies. Click here to enter text

I verify that the supporting evidence and signatories presented within this electronic portfolio
are reliable, valid, accurate and authentic.

Date I confirm that the supporting evidence and signatories presented within this electronic portfolio SSP electronic signature
are reliable, valid, accurate and authentic. Click here to enter text

Final version approved June 2010 © copyright Skills For Health, For competence management tools visit tools.skillsforhealth.org.uk

Core Competencies

END 3 Refer Individuals for Endoscopic Procedures

KSF Dimension Core 1: Communication – Level 3

KSF Dimension HWB2: Assessment and Care Planning to Meet Health and Wellbeing Needs – Level 3

Performance indicator Assessment Supporting evidence Portfolio location

Initial Midway Final

Review the individual’s symptoms, co-morbidities and other relevant factors. 3 4 To be observed in clinic.
Choose a Grade Click here to
enter text

Provide advice to the individual on the options for managing their condition, and 3 3 Provide evidence of understanding CTC
Choose a Grade Click here to
agree with them whether to proceed with a referral. referral process. Plan for IRMER training enter text
2018, with view to requests CTCs for BCS

Refer the individual for an endoscopic procedure according to the established 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
referral criteria. enter text

Collate referral information that is relevant to the individual and their condition. 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
enter text

Provide referral information to other practitioners and services in accordance with 3 4 To be observed referring to other services.
Choose a Grade Click here to
any guidelines or requirements stated by those receiving the referral. enter text

Identify the priority of the individual’s requirements in the referral information. 3 4 As above
Choose a Grade Click here to
enter text

Ensure that the referral information is processed effectively according to 3 4 As above

Choose a Grade Click here to
organisational procedures enter text

Date Insert SSP name has clearly achieved all of the performance indicators identified for END 3 core Sign off mentor electronic signature
competencies. Click here to enter text
I verify that the supporting evidence and signatories presented within this electronic portfolio
are reliable, valid, accurate and authentic.

Date I confirm that the supporting evidence and signatories presented within this electronic portfolio SSP electronic signature
are reliable, valid, accurate and authentic. Click here to enter text

Final version approved June 2010 © copyright Skills For Health, For competence management tools visit tools.skillsforhealth.org.uk

Core Competencies

END 5 Agree Endoscopic Procedures for Individuals

KSF Dimension HWB6: Assessment and Treatment Planning – Level 4

Performance indicator Assessment Supporting evidence Portfolio location

Initial Midway Final

1. Provide guidance to other practitioners and services on the important referral 2 3 To observe and participate with Cancer
Choose a Grade Click here to
information that is required from them. Dataset audit and be observed in enter text
referrals being made.

2. Obtain and review all relevant referral information and physiological measurements 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
relating to the individual. enter text

3. Determine the clinical objectives and priorities for the endoscopic procedure. 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
enter text

4. Determine from the available information whether the individual is in an 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
appropriate condition to undergo the endoscopic procedure. enter text

5. Select the endoscopic procedure which takes account of the needs of the individual 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
and all other relevant factors. enter text

6. Ensure that the appropriate practitioners are capable of undertaking the endoscopic 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
procedure. enter text

7. Agree with colleagues the methods for reviewing the outcomes and reports of the 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
endoscopic procedure. enter text

8. Ensure that the scheduling of the endoscopic procedure to the clinical objectives 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
and priorities and takes account of the needs of the individual. enter text

Date (insert SSP name) has clearly achieved all of the performance indicators identified for END 5 core Sign off mentor electronic signature
competencies. Click here to enter text

I verify that the supporting evidence and signatories presented within this electronic portfolio are
reliable, valid, accurate and authentic.

Date I confirm that the supporting evidence and signatories presented within this electronic portfolio are SSP electronic signature
reliable, valid, accurate and authentic. Click here to enter text

Final version approved June 2010 © copyright Skills For Health, For competence management tools visit tools.skillsforhealth.org.uk

Core Competencies
END 7 Prepare Individuals for Endoscopic Procedures
KSF Dimension Core 3: Health and Safety Security – Level 2

KSF Dimension HWB6: Assessment and Treatment Planning – Level 2

Performance indicator Assessment Supporting evidence Portfolio location

Initial Midway Final

1. Ensure health and safety measures are implemented at all 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
times when preparing the individual. enter text

2. Confirm that the individual’s identity and any other relevant 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
information is consistent with the available records. enter text

3. Ensure that the individual has provided the necessary consent 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
for the procedure and that it is correctly recorded. enter text

4. Check that the individual has complied with any preparation 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
instructions. enter text

5. Prepare the individual correctly according to the requirements 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
of the endoscopic procedure being carried out. enter text

6. Provide assistance to the individual to prepare for the endoscopic procedure if 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
requested. enter text

7. Ensure that personal articles are secured safely during the endoscopic procedure. 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
enter text

8. Take prompt, appropriate action in response to any problems which occur during the 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
preparations. enter text

Date Insert SSP name has clearly achieved all of the performance indicators identified for END 7 core Sign off mentor electronic signature
competencies. Click here to enter text

I verify that the supporting evidence and signatories presented within this electronic portfolio are
reliable, valid, accurate and authentic.

Date I confirm that the supporting evidence and signatories presented within this electronic portfolio are SSP electronic signature
reliable, valid, accurate and authentic. Click here to enter text

Final version approved June 2010 © copyright Skills For Health, For competence management tools visit tools.skillsforhealth.org.uk

Core Competencies

END 18 – Review the Results of Endoscopic Procedures

KSF Dimension HWB7: Interventions and Treatments – Level 4

KSF Dimension HWB8: Biomedical Investigation and Intervention – Level 4

Performance indicator Assessment Supporting evidence Portfolio location

Initial Midway Final

1. Review the information obtained from the endoscopic procedure along with other 3 4 Provide evidence of learning from
Choose a Grade Click here to
relevant information on the individual. pathology. enter text

2. Utilise the results of the endoscopic procedure to inform the diagnostic process. 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
enter text

3. Decide whether further diagnostic or therapeutic procedures could be required. 3 4 Seeks guidance from senior colleagues,
Choose a Grade Click here to
to review BCS pathways. enter text

4. Determine an appropriate management plan for the individual’s condition. 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
enter text

Date Insert SSP name has clearly achieved all of the performance indicators identified for END 18 core Sign off mentor electronic signature
competencies. Click here to enter text

I verify that the supporting evidence and signatories presented within this electronic portfolio are
reliable, valid, accurate and authentic.

Date I confirm that the supporting evidence and signatories presented within this electronic portfolio are SSP electronic signature
reliable, valid, accurate and authentic. Click here to enter text

a date.
Final version approved June 2010 © copyright Skills For Health, For competence management tools visit tools.skillsforhealth.org.uk
Core Competencies

CH61: Coordinate the Care of Individuals with Bowel Conditions

KSF Dimension & Level Health and Wellbeing

HWB2: Assessment and Care Planning to Meet People’s Health and Wellbeing Needs

Level 4: Assess Complex Health and Wellbeing Needs and Develop, Monitor and Review Care Plans to Meet Those Needs

Performance indicator Assessment Supporting evidence Portfolio location

Initial Midway Final

1. Work in partnership with other practitioners and agencies to agree roles and 3 4 Learning Disabilities SOP and clinic pack
Choose a Grade Click here to
responsibilities for meeting the health and well-being needs of the individual. to be reviewed. enter text

2. Confirm the health and well-being needs of the individual. 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
enter text

3. Identify the options available from service providers for addressing the health and 3 4 Health promotion.
Choose a Grade Click here to
well-being needs of the individual. enter text

4. Plan the most effective use of resources to achieve the health and well-being of the 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
individual. enter text

5. Ensure that individuals are provided with details of who is responsible for delivering 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
care and who to contact when there are problems. enter text

6. Ensure that all relevant people are informed of the actions that they need to take 3 4 Provide written evidence
Choose a Grade Click here to
and the resources and timescales they have to achieve them. (communication log book) enter text

7. Ensure that all relevant health and safety measures are undertaken. 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
enter text

8. Determine the methods and timing for the review of the individual’s care. 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
enter text

9. Provide relevant and timely feedback on the care being provided to all appropriate 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
people. enter text

10.Review the effects and outcomes of the care in relation to the expectations agreed 2 3 Reflective practice, to provide evidence
Choose a Grade Click here to
with the individuals. of reflection and learning. enter text

11. Identify any problems with the care being provided and identify solutions. 2 3 On-going learning objective.
Choose a Grade Click here to
enter text

Date Insert SSP name has clearly achieved all of the performance indicators identified for CH 61 core Sign off mentor electronic signature
competencies. Click here to enter text

I verify that the supporting evidence and signatories presented within this electronic portfolio are
reliable, valid, accurate and authentic.

Date I confirm that the supporting evidence and signatories presented within this electronic portfolio are SSP electronic signature
reliable, valid, accurate and authentic. Click here to enter text

Final version approved June 2010 © copyright Skills For Health, For competence management tools visit tools.skillsforhealth.org.uk

Core Competencies

CHS48: Communicate Significant News to Individuals

KSF Dimension and Level
Core 1: Communication
Level 3: Develop and Maintain Communication with People about Difficult Matters and/or Difficult Situations
Performance indicator Assessment Supporting evidence Portfolio location
Initial Midway Final

1. Review the individual’s notes and all supporting information and consult with 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
colleagues so that you clearly understand the individual’s current situation. enter text

2. Ensure that the individual and/or key person understand their right to choose and 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
support them in making an informed choice, as appropriate. enter text

3. Ensure you have time to complete the communication session. 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
enter text

4. Make the individual aware of the purpose of the communication session and the 3 4 To be observed in clinic
Choose a Grade Click here to
option of having another person present, including a translator/ interpreter if enter text
5. Arrange the seating to support communication between yourself and the individual. 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
enter text

6. Greet, accurately identify the individual and introduce yourself and any colleagues 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
present to the individual and/ or key person. enter text

7. Explore the individual’s perception and feelings about their current situation and 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
their expectations for the future, encouraging them to tell their story. enter text

8. Use questions to assess what information the individual wants to know and whether 3 3 Advanced communication training.
Choose a Grade Click here to
or not they wish to be informed of significant news at this time. enter text

9. Inform the individual and/or key person openly and honestly of the current situation 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
at an appropriate level and pace. enter text

10. Explain in language which the individual will understand the treatment and/ or care 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
options and answer questions honestly and accurately. enter text

11. Establish the degree of the individual’s and/or key person’s understanding of the 3 3 Advanced communication training
Choose a Grade Click here to
imparted information using appropriate questioning techniques. enter text

12. Summarise the information using different words, phrases or expressions to assist 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
the individual’s understanding. enter text

13. Provide opportunities for the individual and/ or key person to ask questions and 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
express their concerns and emotions. enter text

14. Discuss options with the individual and agree the next steps within an agreed time 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
frame. enter text

Date Insert SSP name has clearly achieved all of the performance indicators identified for CHS48 18 core Sign off mentor electronic signature
competencies. Click here to enter text

I verify that the supporting evidence and signatories presented within this electronic portfolio are
reliable, valid, accurate and authentic.

Date I confirm that the supporting evidence and signatories presented within this electronic portfolio are SSP electronic signature
reliable, valid, accurate and authentic. Click here to enter text

a date.
Final version approved June 2010 © copyright Skills For Health, For competence management tools visit tools.skillsforhealth.org.uk

Core Competencies

CHS118 Forms a professional judgement of an individual’s health condition

KSF Dimension and Level

Health and Wellbeing HWB6:

Assessment and Treatment Planning Level 3: Assess Physiological and Psychological Functioning and Develop, Monitor and Review Related Treatment Plans
Performance indicator Assessment Supporting evidence Portfolio location

Initial Midway Final

1. Ensure that all relevant information is available to inform your judgement. 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
enter text

2. Clarify and confirm with the appropriate people: 3 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
1. Any unclear, confounding or unusual aspects of the individual’s health enter text
symptoms, health status or general well-being
2. Any changes in the individual’s health status relative to the last recorded
3. Any issues which may influence health status.

4. Ensure that any additional assessment and investigation procedures are undertaken 3 4 Provide evidence
Choose a Grade Click here to
and results made available with suitable degree of urgency enter text

5. Develop an accurate and justifiable judgement of the individual’s health condition, 3 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
noting the nature and severity of any symptoms presented or described enter text

6. Balance any additional or unusual aspects identified against the overall presentation 3 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
enter text

of the individual, taking account of current evidence-based best practice

7. Record any potential contra-indications or other risks associated with health care 3 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
treatments that may be indicated as a result of your evaluation enter text

8. Initiate relevant follow-up action promptly in line with your judgement of priorities 3 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
to meet the individuals needs for treatment enter text

9. Communicate with the individual and carer(s) where relevant in an appropriate 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
manner, confirming their understanding of an agreement to the next steps and enter text
providing explanation and reassurance in respect of their concerns.

Date Insert SSP name has clearly achieved all of the performance indicators identified for CHS118 core Sign off mentor electronic signature
competencies. Click here to enter text

I verify that the supporting evidence and signatories presented within this electronic portfolio are
reliable, valid, accurate and authentic.

Date I confirm that the supporting evidence and signatories presented within this electronic portfolio are SSP electronic signature
reliable, valid, accurate and authentic. Click here to enter text

Final version approved June 2010 © copyright Skills For Health, For competence management tools visit tools.skillsforhealth.org.uk

Core Competencies

GEN 14: Provide Advice and Information to Individuals On How to Manage Their Own Condition

KSF Dimension and Level - Health and Wellbeing HWB4:

Enablement to Address Specific Needs In Relation To Health and Wellbeing

Performance indicator Assessment Supporting evidence Portfolio location

Initial Midway Final

1. Find out about the individual’s lifestyle and make a general assessment of whether 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
and how their lifestyle could be adapted to enable them to manage their own enter text

2. Enable individuals to express their requirements for advice and information. 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
enter text

3. Find out the individual’s level of knowledge about their condition and any 3 4 Observe in clinic
Choose a Grade Click here to
misconceptions that they may have. enter text

4. Explain the benefits that adapting their lifestyle may have on their conditions. 3 4 As above
Choose a Grade Click here to
enter text

5. Demonstrate respect for people as individuals when interacting with them and 3 4 As above
Choose a Grade Click here to
acknowledge their cultural and religious needs and their rights to make their own enter text
decisions in the context of their own lives.

6. Refer the individual to alternative or additional sources of advice and information as 2 4 As above
Choose a Grade Click here to
appropriate to meet their needs. enter text

1. 10. Recognise and respond to situations and enquiries where your competence and 4 4 Click here to enter text
Choose a Grade Click here to
authority to provide advice and information is exceeded by: enter text

2. a) seeking appropriate advice and guidance from the relevant person

b) referring people to alternative sources of advice and information.

3. 11. Respond appropriately to any concerns the individual may have about adapting their 3 4 Observe in clinic
Choose a Grade Click here to
lifestyle. enter text

4. 12. Agree with the individual achievable targets for optimising their health and 3 4 As above
Choose a Grade Click here to
wellbeing. enter text

13. Help the individual develop plans to adapt their lifestyle. 3 4 As above
Choose a Grade Click here to
enter text

14. Agree date to review the individual’s progress and requirements. 3 4 As above
Choose a Grade Click here to
enter text

Date Insert SSP name has clearly achieved all of the performance indicators identified for GEN14. Sign off mentor electronic signature
Click here to enter text

I verify that the supporting evidence and signatories presented within this electronic portfolio are
reliable, valid, accurate and authentic.

Date I confirm that the supporting evidence and signatories presented within this electronic portfolio are SSP electronic signature
reliable, valid, accurate and authentic. Click here to enter text

Final version approved June 2010 © copyright Skills For Health, For competence management tools visit tools.skillsforhealth.org.uk

Initial interview with LJMU sign off mentor

Outcome from meeting:

Andreea has made a good and proactive start to their SSP role. There are some areas that require evidence and observation
in order to give a final sign off as competent. There are no immediate concerns.

Based on the outcome of this meeting update your action plan in section 2


Student signature: Click here to enter text.

Sign off mentor signature: 00I2207E

Midway interview with LJMU sign off mentor
Outcome from meeting:

Andreea has made significant progress clinically since our first meeting. Dates have been arranged for observation of
Andreea in clinic, during procedures and patient discharges. Advanced communication training has been booked for 7-8 th
August 2018, however, Andreea is already putting into practice elements of advanced communication, during all interactions
with patients, the course will assist in consolidating current knowledge and provide further guidance for future practice.

Based on the outcome of this meeting update your action plan in section 2


Student signature: Click here to enter text.

Sign off mentor signature: 00I2207E

Final interview with LJMU sign off mentor

Outcome from meeting:

Click here to enter text.

Based on the outcome of this meeting update your action plan in section 2


Student signature: Click here to enter text.

Sign off mentor signature: Click here to enter text.

Section 4: Log of Learning Activities
Bowel Cancer Specialist Screening Practitioner

Log of Learning Activities
Date & No. of No. of Method Learning activity
Location hours participatory

hours hours method What was the key points of this learning activity?  Prioritise people
Click here to enter text.  Practise effectively
 Preserve safety
What did you learn from the CPD activity?  Promote professionalism
Click here to enter text. and trust

How did you change or improve your practice as a result?

Click here to enter text.

hours hours method What was the key points of this learning activity?  Prioritise people
Click here to enter text.  Practise effectively
 Preserve safety
What did you learn from the CPD activity?  Promote professionalism
Click here to enter text. and trust

How did you change or improve your practice as a result?

Click here to enter text.

Section 5: Reflection
Bowel Cancer Specialist Screening Practitioner

Reflection is generally outlined as an activity which allows practitioners to analyse the way in which a situation was managed,
challenging underlying individual assumptions to enable learning and change in future similar situations. The personal and
professional development which can take place as a result of reflection has promoted its use within multi-professional practice
and as a requirement for Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and Health & Care Professional Council (HCPC) revalidation.

Reflection involves:
Being self-aware, accepting that there may be other ways of thinking about or practising your role and being honest in how a
significant event affected them as an individual and the impact that had within the practice setting.

Giving a description where the individual comprehensively describes all components of the significant event.

Critically analysing the description by involving identifying existing knowledge and theories which influenced what happened in
the significant event and exploring and challenging any assumptions made and concluding with suggested alternatives for the

Evaluating in order to develop a new perspective on the significant event. It is through developing a new perspective that
learning takes place. The new perspective is developed from the critical analysis and the acknowledgement of how the individual
would adopt different practices in the future.

It strives to facilitate practitioner change from the unconscious incompetence to unconscious competence

Please complete the LJMU distance learning activity, “What is critical reflection” and “What is self-awareness” to help
you consider the following:
 What is reflection?
 What do you feel a new SSP needs to reflect on?
 What models of reflection are available?
 What is the rationale for your chosen reflective model?

Conscious Competence Learning Model

Courtesy of Will Taylor, Chair, Department of Homeopathic Medicine, National College of Natural Medicine, Portland, Oregon, USA,
March 2007. http://www.businessballs.com/consciouscompetencelearningmodel.htm

Reflective account 1: Induction & orientation reflection - transferable skills

Utilizing a reflective model critically reflect on an aspect of professional development.

Click here to enter text.

What did you learn?

Click here to enter text.

How did you change or improve your practice as a result?

Click here to enter text.

How is this relevant to the SSP Core Competencies?

Click here to enter text.

How is this relevant to the NMC Code?

Select one or more themes:
Prioritise people | Practise effectively | Preserve safety | Promote professionalism and trust

Click here to enter text.

Reflective account 2: Induction & orientation reflection – how do I learn?

Utilizing a reflective model critically reflect on an aspect of professional development.

Click here to enter text.

What did you learn?

Click here to enter text.

How did you change or improve your practice as a result?

Click here to enter text.

How is this relevant to the SSP Core Competencies?

Click here to enter text.

How is this relevant to the NMC Code?

Select one or more themes:
Prioritise people | Practise effectively | Preserve safety | Promote professionalism and trust

Click here to enter text.

Reflective account 3: Induction & orientation reflection – SWOT analysis

Utilizing a reflective model critically reflect on an aspect of professional development.

Click here to enter text.
What did you learn?
Click here to enter text.

How did you change or improve your practice as a result?

Click here to enter text.

How is this relevant to the SSP Core Competencies?

Click here to enter text.

How is this relevant to the NMC Code?

Select one or more themes:
Prioritise people | Practise effectively | Preserve safety | Promote professionalism and trust

Click here to enter text.

Reflective account 4: Induction & orientation reflection – outcomes from micro- teaching.
“How to take and make your bowel preparation effectively”

Utilizing a reflective model critically reflect on an aspect of professional development.

Click here to enter text.

What did you learn?

Click here to enter text.

How did you change or improve your practice as a result?

Click here to enter text.

How is this relevant to the SSP Core Competencies?

Click here to enter text.

How is this relevant to the NMC Code?

Select one or more themes:
Prioritise people | Practise effectively | Preserve safety | Promote professionalism and trust

Click here to enter text.

Reflective account 5: Induction & orientation reflection – Comparison between the Bowel Scope Programme and the Bowel
Cancer Screening Programme.

Utilizing a reflective model critically reflect on an aspect of professional development.

Click here to enter text.

What did you learn?

Click here to enter text.

How did you change or improve your practice as a result?
Click here to enter text.

How is this relevant to the SSP Core Competencies?

Click here to enter text.

How is this relevant to the NMC Code?

Select one or more themes:
Prioritise people | Practise effectively | Preserve safety | Promote professionalism and trust

Click here to enter text.

Reflective account 6: Induction & orientation reflection – Trust consent training

Utilizing a reflective model critically reflect on an aspect of professional development.

Click here to enter text.

What did you learn?

Click here to enter text.

How did you change or improve your practice as a result?

Click here to enter text.

How is this relevant to the SSP Core Competencies?

Click here to enter text.

How is this relevant to the NMC Code?

Select one or more themes:
Prioritise people | Practise effectively | Preserve safety | Promote professionalism and trust

Click here to enter text.

Reflective account 7: Induction & orientation reflection – Decontamination

Utilizing a reflective model critically reflect on an aspect of professional development.

Click here to enter text.

What did you learn?

Click here to enter text.

How did you change or improve your practice as a result?

Click here to enter text.

How is this relevant to the SSP Core Competencies?

Click here to enter text.

How is this relevant to the NMC Code?
Select one or more themes:
Prioritise people | Practise effectively | Preserve safety | Promote professionalism and trust

Click here to enter text.

Reflective account 8 : Induction & orientation reflection – Trust specific Patient Group Directives (PGD) Training

Utilizing a reflective model critically reflect on an aspect of professional development.

Click here to enter text.

What did you learn?

Click here to enter text.

How did you change or improve your practice as a result?

Click here to enter text.

How is this relevant to the SSP Core Competencies?

Click here to enter text.

How is this relevant to the NMC Code?

Select one or more themes:
Prioritise people | Practise effectively | Preserve safety | Promote professionalism and trust

Click here to enter text.

Reflective account 9: What is critical reflection ?

Utilizing a reflective model critically reflect on an aspect of professional development.

Click here to enter text.

What did you learn?

Click here to enter text.

How did you change or improve your practice as a result?

Click here to enter text.

How is this relevant to the SSP Core Competencies?

Click here to enter text.

How is this relevant to the NMC Code?

Select one or more themes:
Prioritise people | Practise effectively | Preserve safety | Promote professionalism and trust

Click here to enter text.

Reflective account 10: What is self & self-awareness?

Utilizing a reflective model critically reflect on an aspect of professional development.

Click here to enter text.

What did you learn?

Click here to enter text.

How did you change or improve your practice as a result?

Click here to enter text.

How is this relevant to the SSP Core Competencies?

Click here to enter text.

How is this relevant to the NMC Code?

Select one or more themes:
Prioritise people | Practise effectively | Preserve safety | Promote professionalism and trust

Click here to enter text.

Reflective account 11: What is the local demographics of the service and what are the uptake statistics for this service ?

Utilizing a reflective model critically reflect on an aspect of professional development.

Click here to enter text.

What did you learn?

Click here to enter text.

How did you change or improve your practice as a result?

Click here to enter text.

How is this relevant to the SSP Core Competencies?

Click here to enter text.

How is this relevant to the NMC Code?

Select one or more themes:
Prioritise people | Practise effectively | Preserve safety | Promote professionalism and trust

Click here to enter text.

Reflective account : 12 How does the demographics impact on my role as a SSP? How does this link to cultural competence?

Utilizing a reflective model critically reflect on an aspect of professional development.

Click here to enter text.

What did you learn?

Click here to enter text.

How did you change or improve your practice as a result?

Click here to enter text.

How is this relevant to the SSP Core Competencies?

Click here to enter text.

How is this relevant to the NMC Code?

Select one or more themes:
Prioritise people | Practise effectively | Preserve safety | Promote professionalism and trust

Click here to enter text.

Reflective account: Click here to enter text.

Utilizing a reflective model critically reflect on an aspect of professional development.

Click here to enter text.

What did you learn?

Click here to enter text.

How did you change or improve your practice as a result?

Click here to enter text.

How is this relevant to the SSP Core Competencies?

Click here to enter text.

How is this relevant to the NMC Code?

Select one or more themes:
Prioritise people | Practise effectively | Preserve safety | Promote professionalism and trust

Click here to enter text.

Overall reflection of your SSP training and consideration of future developmental needs.
Click here to enter text.

Section 6: Direct Observation of Practice
Bowel Cancer Specialist Screening Practitioner

D2 - Direct observation of Specialist Screening Practitioner in positive assessment clinic
1. Minimal knowledge and understanding about how the competence relates to practice
2. Needs supervision to effectively carry out the range of skills with competence
3. Performs some skills within the competence effectively without supervision
4. Confident of knowledge and ability to perform all the identified skills within the competence effectively

Assessment criteria Grade (1-4)

Ensures that communication takes place in a suitable environment END 1 Choose a Grade

Identifies any communication difficulties and uses communication aids if required END 1 Choose a Grade

Identifies any signs of distress and anxiety and takes appropriate action END 1 Choose a Grade

Undertakes a full patient assessment, takes a full medical history and determines patient’s END 2 Choose a Grade
fitness to undergo colonoscopy examination END 3

Assesses patient’s current medication and identifies any contraindications for colonoscopy END 5 Choose a Grade

Manages patient’s medication according to current protocols (Warfarin, insulin etc.) END 5 Choose a Grade

Discusses patient’s social circumstances and assesses the need for carers to be involved END 2 Choose a Grade

Discusses patient’s bowel habit and any symptoms END 3 Choose a Grade

Discusses any family history of bowel conditions or bowel cancer END 5 Choose a Grade

Identifies any alerts for colonoscopy according to current protocols END 3 Choose a Grade

Assesses patient’s previous knowledge and fully explains the colonoscopy procedure and END 2 Choose a Grade
bowel preparation, enabling patients to make an informed choice END 5

Discusses with the individual the role and responsibilities of the service, practitioners, the END 1 Choose a Grade
individual and their carers END 2

Fully explains therapeutic techniques performed during colonoscopy (polypectomy, biopsies, END 3 Choose a Grade
dye spray) to allow patients to make an informed choice END 5

Respects the individual’s rights and wishes relating to their consent. Explains the risks and END 1 Choose a Grade

complications associated with colonoscopy (e.g. bleeding, perforation) and starts the END 2
consent process END 3

Allows the individual time to reflect on the information, to ask questions and to seek END 1 Choose a Grade
clarification on any issues relating to the colonoscopy END 2

Provides support, answers honestly any questions asked, and refers any questions she/ he END 2 Choose a Grade
cannot answer to the appropriate person END 3

Takes into account the individual’s needs when scheduling endoscopic procedures (morning/ END 5 Choose a Grade
afternoon, inpatient/outpatient) and agrees an appointment date and time with the patient
for colonoscopy

Provides clear information on how to contact the service to obtain assistance if required, END 1 Choose a Grade
agrees the most appropriate communication method to maintain contact with the individual END 7
GEN 14

Liaises with other practitioners and services when necessary (eg community nurses, diabetic END 3 Choose a Grade
specialist nurse) CHS61

Where appropriate, and based on assessment undertaken, engages the patient with advice GEN 14 Choose a Grade
on specific symptom awareness and healthy living

Keeps accurate, legible and complete records END 1 Choose a Grade


Summary of this case

Click here to enter text.

Assessor’s comments
Click here to enter text.

Learning and development needs identified

Student electronic signature: Click here to enter text

Mentor/ Learning Facilitator: Click here to enter text

Assessment Date:

Review Date:

D3 - Direct observation of specialist screening practitioner’s ability to supply bowel
preparation safely and appropriately
END 05 Agree endoscopic procedures for individuals

1. Minimal knowledge and understanding about how the competence relates to practice
2. Needs supervision to effectively carry out the range of skills with competence
3. Performs some skills within the competence effectively without supervision
4. Confident of knowledge and ability to perform all the identified skills within the competence effectively

Assessment of patient for fitness to take bowel preparation, and handing out prescribed bowel preparation.

Patient care needs - shows consideration of Grade (1-4)

Age Choose a Grade

Mobility Choose a Grade

Access to toilet facilities Choose a Grade

Support at home Choose a Grade

Medication Choose a Grade

Co-morbidity Choose a Grade

Other considerations Choose a Grade

Assessment criteria Grade (1-4)

Checks preparation prescription - N/A if PGD used Choose a Grade

Checks expiry dates Choose a Grade

Instructs patient on how to take preparation Choose a Grade

Gives additional specific written and verbal advice on how and when to take preparation Choose a Grade

Gives additional written and verbal advice specific to co-morbidity (eg supplementary drinks for Choose a Grade
diabetic patients

Other check/instructions (specify) Choose a Grade

Summary of this case

Click here to enter text.

Assessor’s comments
Click here to enter text.

Learning and development needs identified
Click here to enter text.

Student electronic signature: Click here to enter text

Mentor/ Learning Facilitator: Click here to enter text

Assessment Date:

Review Date:

D4 - Direct observation of specialist screening practitioner in endoscopy
Assessment criteria Grade (1-4)

Respects the individual’s rights and wishes relating to their consent, privacy, beliefs and END 01 Choose a Grade

Confirms that the individual’s identity and any other relevant information are consistent End 01 Choose a Grade
with the available records END 07

Ensures that the individual has provided the necessary consent for the procedure and that END 01 Choose a Grade
it is correctly recorded END 07

Checks that the individual has complied with any preparation instructions END 01 Choose a Grade
END 02
END 07

Enables the individual to ask questions and seek clarification on any issues relating to the END 02 Choose a Grade
endoscopic procedure END 03
END 05
END 07
END 18

Establishes a rapport with the individual and responds sensitively and honestly to any END 01 Choose a Grade
issues raised END 07

Ensures that the scheduling of the endoscopic procedure is consistent with clinical CHS61 Choose a Grade
objectives and priorities and takes account of the needs of the individual END 03
END 05
END 07

Ensures that health and safety measures are implemented at all times when preparing the END 07 Choose a Grade

Assists the individual in preparing for the endoscopic procedure if requested END 05 Choose a Grade
END 18

Takes prompt, appropriate action in response to any problems that occur during the END 05 Choose a Grade
preparations END 07

Is able to review information obtained from the endoscopic procedure, along with other END 01 Choose a Grade
relevant information END 18
GEN 14

Ensures safe discharge of patients following an endoscopic procedure END01 Choose a Grade

Works in partnership with the full team and other practitioners/health professionals for CHS61 Choose a Grade
the health and well-being of the individual END 18

Provides patients with enough information to clarify any issues regarding the proposed END 18 Choose a Grade
management plan GEN 14

Where appropriate, engages the patient with advice on specific symptom awareness and GEN 14 Choose a Grade
healthy living

Keeps accurate, legible and complete records and complies with all the relevant legal, END 01 Choose a Grade
professional and organisational requirements/guidelines END 02
END 03
END 05
END 07

Summary of this case

Click here to enter text.

Assessor’s comments
Click here to enter text.

Learning and development needs identified

Click here to enter text.

Student electronic signature: Click here to enter text

Mentor/ Learning Facilitator: Click here to enter text

Assessment Date:

Review Date:

D5 - Direct observation of Specialist Screening Practitioner in results clinic
This component is undertaken as part of the education module at L JMU but can be completed in advance if identified as an
additional area for professional and personal development AND when recognised enhanced/advanced communication skills
training has been undertaken.

(Includes CHS48 communicate significant news to individuals)

1. Minimal knowledge and understanding about how the competence relates to practice
2. Needs supervision to effectively carry out the range of skills with competence
3. Performs some skills within the competence effectively without supervision
4. Confident of knowledge and ability to perform all the identified skills within the competence effectively

Assessment criteria Grade (1-4)

Prepares and secures the environment, removing distractions and preventing interruptions END 01 Choose a Grade

Prepares patient by giving prior warning of what the conversation will entail (ie explains to CHS48 Choose a Grade
the individual and carer that there is something serious to discuss) PSL1

Explains evidence accurately, based on the information available and including any areas of END 18 Choose a Grade
uncertainty which may require further tests CHS118

Patient is given time to ask questions and discuss concerns END 01 Choose a Grade

Confirms the patient's understanding of the information given and corrects any END 01 Choose a Grade
misunderstandings in a manner which shows sensitivity to the individual’s feelings CHS48

Provides written information for the patient and carer about the condition, where GEN 14 Choose a Grade

Agrees the next steps that the patient and the care team will take. CHS61 Choose a Grade

Where appropriate, engages the patient with advice on specific symptom awareness and GEN14 Choose a Grade
healthy living

Makes a clear and accurate record of the information given to the patient which can be CHS61 Choose a Grade
followed by other members of the care team, the individual and the carer CHS118
END 19

Summary of this case

Click here to enter text.
Assessor’s comments
Click here to enter text.

Learning and development needs identified

Click here to enter text.

Student electronic signature: Click here to enter text

Mentor/ Learning Facilitator: Click here to enter text

Assessment Date:

Review Date:

D6 - Direct Observation of Procedural Skill (DOPS):
Specialist screening practitioner undertaking patient consent for colonoscopy (if applicable to role)

In order to be able to undertake consent independently, ten cases where consent is sought by the SSP must be witnessed by

 A “Screening Colonoscopist” is defined as anyone who has passed the required JAG 'driving test' and therefore could be
a medical or non-medical colonoscopist.
 The 10 cases must include DOPS by at least two different Colonoscopist.

This can be undertaken as part of trust consent training where available. Trust liability for independent practice must be sought
and evidenced.

If all scores are 3 or 4 the SSP is accredited for consent.

If any scores of 1 or 2 are obtained further training is required.


1. Poor standard: significant deficiencies – significant further training required

2. Not yet of acceptable standard: major deficiencies – further training required
3. Competent and acceptable with some minor deficiencies
4. Highly competent

Name of Screening Colonoscopist Date Initials NMC/GMC PIN No. Electronic signature

Click here to enter text enter Click here to enter Click here to enter text
initials text

Click here to enter text enter Click here to enter Click here to enter text
initials text

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Date of witnessed consent date. date. date. date. date. date. date. date. date. date.

Obtains consent in a structured ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

fashion giving appropriate
amount of information

Explains indication for procedure ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Explains procedure ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Explains benefits ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Explains risks &complications ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Explains likely level of sedation ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

and possible discomfort

Explains clearly what will happen ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
post procedure

Uses language appropriately and ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

without jargon

Allows patient to ask questions ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

and gives satisfactory answers

Demonstrates respect for ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

patient’s views, dignity and

Was consent acceptable in this ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐


Initials of screening colonoscopist ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Name of BCSP Specialist Screening Practitioner is now competent to obtain informed consent for colonoscopy on Bowel
Cancer Screening patients.

Name of BCSP Specialist Screening Practitioner is not yet competent to obtain informed consent for colonoscopy on Bowel
Cancer Screening patient

Signed Click here to enter text

Print Name: Click here to enter text


D7 - Direct observation of Specialist Screening Practitioners ability to undertake a telephone
consultation in results clinic
This competency is applicable for screening practitioners undertaking telephone consultations with screening participants as
part of post procedure follow up, when assessing individuals’ suitability for procedures and when answering helpline calls.

1. Minimal knowledge and understanding about how the competence relates to practice
2. Needs supervision to effectively carry out the range of skills with competence
3. Performs some skills within the competence effectively without supervision
4. Confident of knowledge and ability to perform all the identified skills within the competence effectively

Assessment criteria Grade (1-4)

Creates a conducive environment with minimal distractions and background noise END 01 Choose a Grade

Ensures use of appropriate equipment to ensure good sound quality END 01 Choose a Grade

Ensures access to all relevant documentation/records ahead of the call END 01 Choose a Grade

Confirms the individual’s identity before discussion and checks that all relevant information END 01 Choose a Grade
is consistent with available records END 07

Confirms with the individual the nature of the call and seeks their permission to proceed. END 01 Choose a Grade

Clarifies with the individual, as appropriate to the nature of the call: Choose a Grade
• The diagnosis
• Current treatment(s)
• Surveillance
• Recent medical intervention(s).
• Problem(s)
• Future appointment(s)

Maintains an empathetic manner including reassurance and reiteration of issues to confirm END 01 Choose a Grade
the individuals concerns and needs END 07

Agrees with and provides sufficient information to individuals to clarify the proposed plan END 01 Choose a Grade
of action END 07

Reviews decisions and closes calls with a clear outline of the proposed plan of action. Choose a Grade

Keeps accurate, legible and complete records and complies with all the relevant legal, END 01 Choose a Grade
professional and organisational requirements/guidelines END 02
END 03
END 05
END 07

Summary of this case

Click here to enter text.
Assessor’s comments
Click here to enter text.

Learning and development needs identified

Click here to enter text.

Student electronic signature: Click here to enter text

Mentor/ Learning Facilitator: Click here to enter text

Assessment Date:

Review Date:

Section 7: Supporting Evidence
Bowel Cancer Specialist Screening Practitioner

Section 7.1: LJMU Academic Case Study
Bowel Cancer Specialist Screening Practitioner

Unit of Competence Ref:

Click here to enter text

Patient Demographics

Identifier (e.g. initials) Click here to enter text

Age Click here to enter text

Sex Click here to enter text

Ethnic group Click here to enter text

Occupation/Social background Click here to enter text

Relevant History

Medical history Click here to enter text

Family history Click here to enter text

Drugs Click here to enter text

Management and outcome

Issues identified Click here to enter text

Arrangements made Click here to enter text

Colonoscopy experience (if relevant) Click here to enter text

Colonoscopy findings (if relevant) Click here to enter text

Issues for post-procedure interview

Click here to enter text
(if relevant)

Method and timing (if relevant) Click here to enter text

Information to other health professionals (if relevant) Click here to enter text

Method and timing (if relevant) Click here to enter text

Insert case study and reference pages
Click here to enter text

Section 7.2: Professional Feedback
Bowel Cancer Specialist Screening Practitioner

Insert your professional feedback here
Click here to enter text

Section 7.3: Certificates
Bowel Cancer Specialist Screening Practitioner

Insert your certificates here
Click here to enter text

Section 7.4: Other Evidence
Bowel Cancer Specialist Screening Practitioner

Insert your Job Description here
Click here to enter text
Section 8: Appraisal
Bowel Cancer Specialist Screening Practitioner

Please upload your Appraisal documentation
Click here to enter text

First progress meeting post LJMU academic programme
Click here to enter text

The date for this meeting will depend on the target date identified at appraisal for completion of actions. It is the responsibility
of the appraisee to ensure that either the appraiser or an identified mentor reviews progress, so that ongoing competence is
maintained and evidenced.

Elements for sign off at this meeting

Click here to enter text

 Have you addressed the areas identified in the action plan formulated at your last appraisal?
 If not why not? Can you identify what the barriers are?
 What are your ongoing development needs? Do you need assistance from your mentor?

Currency of core BSCP competence

You have maintained your professional portfolio and are able to provide the appraiser with evidence of continued core
competence outlined in the attached documents below.

Click here to enter text

Ongoing elements
 Have you agreed areas where you need to undertake additional professional or personal development? Have you
identified your objectives going forward?

Click here to enter text

The criteria against which the practitioners are measured are matched to the core competencies of the National Workforce Competence statements developed by Skills for Health

Title Grade (1-4) Evidence to support currency of competence

Core competencies where the performance criteria are common to more than Choose a Grade Click here to enter text
one competency.

END 01 Communicate and relate to individuals during endoscopic procedures Choose a Grade Click here to enter text

END 02 Provide information on endoscopic procedures to individuals Choose a Grade Click here to enter text

END 03 Refer individuals for endoscopic procedures Choose a Grade Click here to enter text

END 05 Agree endoscopic procedures for individuals Choose a Grade Click here to enter text

END 07 Prepare individuals for endoscopic procedures Choose a Grade Click here to enter text

END 18 Review the results of endoscopic procedures Choose a Grade Click here to enter text

CHS61 Coordinate the care of individuals with long term conditions Choose a Grade Click here to enter text

CHS48 Communicate significant news to individuals Choose a Grade Click here to enter text

CHS118 Form a professional judgement of an individual’s health condition Choose a Grade Click here to enter text

GEN 14 Provide advice and information to individuals on how to manage their own Choose a Grade Click here to enter text

Click here to enter text

Actions required
Click here to enter text

Signature of Appraisee: Click here to enter text Date

Signature and grade of Reviewer: Click here to enter text Date

Section 9: Revalidation Evidence
Bowel Cancer Specialist Screening Practitioner
Matiti and Cotrel-Gibbons (2006)
SWOT analysis
In your role as an SSP, consider your personal strengths and weakness. In recognising this you can start to plan your individual professional
and academic learning and development needs.

What opportunities or threats do you envisage will hinder your engagement in this learning opportunity? Identification of the above will
help you develop your individual action plans.

Strengths Weakness

Click here to enter text

Click here to enter text

Opportunities Threats

Click here to enter text

Click here to enter text

Reflection & Actions Planning

Click here to enter text

Confirmation form

You must use this form to record your confirmation.

To be completed by the nurse or midwife:

Name: Click here to enter text

NMC Pin Click here to enter text

Date of last renewal of registration or joined Click here to enter text

the register:

I have received confirmation from (select applicable):

☐ A line manager who is also an NMC-registered nurse or midwife

☐ A line manager who is not an NMC-registered nurse or midwife

☐ Another NMC-registered nurse or midwife

☐ A regulated healthcare professional

☐ An overseas regulated healthcare professional

☐ Other professional in accordance with the NMC’s online confirmation tool

To be completed by the confirmer:

Name: Click here to enter text

Job title: Click here to enter text

Email address: Click here to enter text

Professional address including postcode: Click here to enter text

Contact number: Click here to enter text

Date of confirmation discussion: Click here to enter text

If you are an NMC-registered nurse or midwife please provide:

NMC Pin: Click here to enter text

If you are a regulated healthcare professional please provide:

Profession: Click here to enter text

Registration number for regulatory body: Click here to enter text

If you are an overseas regulated healthcare professional please provide:

Country: Click here to enter text

Profession: Click here to enter text

Registration number for regulatory body: Click here to enter text

If you are another professional please provide:

Profession: Click here to enter text

Registration number for regulatory body (if Click here to enter text

Confirmation checklist of revalidation requirements

Practice hours
☐ You have seen written evidence that satisfies you that the nurse or midwife has practised the minimum number
of hours required for their registration.

Continuing professional development

☐ You have seen written evidence that satisfies you that the nurse or midwife has undertaken 35 hours of CPD
relevant to their practice as a nurse or midwife

☐ You have seen evidence that at least 20 of the 35 hours include participatory learning relevant to their practice as
a nurse or midwife.

☐ You have seen accurate records of the CPD undertaken.

Practice-related feedback
☐ You are satisfied that the nurse or midwife has obtained five pieces of practice-related feedback.

Written reflective accounts

☐ You have seen five written reflective accounts on the nurse or midwife’s CPD and/or practice-related feedback
and/or an event or experience in their practice and how this relates to the Code, recorded on the NMC form.

Reflective discussion
☐ You have seen a completed and signed form showing that the nurse or midwife has discussed their reflective
accounts with another NMC-registered nurse or midwife (or you are an NMC-registered nurse or midwife who
has discussed these with the nurse or midwife yourself).

I confirm that I have read Information for confirmers, and that the above named NMC-registered nurse or midwife has
demonstrated to me that they have complied with all of the NMC revalidation requirements listed above over the three years
since their registration was last renewed or they joined the register as set out in Information for confirmers.
I agree to be contacted by the NMC to provide further information if necessary for verification purposes. I am aware that if I
do not respond to a request for verification information I may put the nurse or midwife’s revalidation application at risk.

Signature: Click here to enter text


Practice Hours Log Template
Guide to completing practice hours log
To record your hours of practice as a registered nurse and/or midwife, please fill in a page for each of your periods of practice. Please enter your most recent practice first and then any other practice until
you reach 450 hours. You do not necessarily need to record individual practice hours. You can describe your practice hours in terms of standard working days or weeks. For example if you work full time,
please just make one entry of hours. If you have worked in a range of settings please set these out individually. You may need to print additional pages to add more periods of practice. If you are both a
nurse and midwife you will need to provide information to cover 450 hours of practice for each of these registrations.

Work setting … Scope of practice

 Ambulance service  Occupational health  Commissioning

 Care home sector  Police  Consultancy
 Community setting (including district  Policy organisation  Education
nursing and community psychiatric nursing)  Prison  Management
 Consultancy  Private domestic setting  Policy
 Cosmetic or aesthetic sector  Public health organisation  Direct patient care
 Governing body or other leadership  School  Quality assurance or inspection
 GP practice or other primary care  Specialist or other tertiary care including
 Hospital or other secondary care hospice
 Inspectorate or regulator  Telephone or e-health advice Registration
 Insurance or legal  Trade union or professional body
 Maternity unit or birth centre  University or other research facility
 Military  Nurse
 Midwife
 Nurse/SCPHN

(Please add rows as

Dates Name and address of Your work setting Your scope Number Your registration Brief description of your work:
organisation: of practice of hours:
(choose from list): (choose from list):
(choose from

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Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Log Template
Guide to completing CPD record log
Examples of learning method What was the topic? Link to Code

 Online learning Please give a brief outline of the key points of Please identify the part or parts of the Code relevant
 Course attendance the learning activity, how it is linked to your to the CPD.
 Independent learning scope of practice, what you learnt, and how you
have applied what you learnt to your practice.  Prioritise people
 Practise effectively
 Preserve safety
 Promote professionalism and trust

Please provide
the following information for each learning activity, until you reach 35 hours of CPD (of which 20 hours must be participatory). For examples of the types of CPD activities you could undertake, and the types

Dates: Method Topic(s): Link to Code: Number Number of

Please describe the methods you of hours: participatory
used for the activity:

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Total: enter text enter text

Feedback Log Template
Guide to completing a feedback log

Examples of sources of feedback Examples of types of feedback

 Patients or service users  Verbal

 Colleagues – nurses midwives, other healthcare professionals  Letter or card
 Students  Survey
 Annual appraisal  Report
 Team performance reports
 Serious event reviews

Please provide the following information for each of your five pieces of feedback. You should not record any information that might identify an individual, whether that individual is alive or deceased.
Guidance Sheet 1 in How to revalidate with the NMC provides guidance on how to make sure that your notes do not contain any information that might identify an individual.

You might want to think about how your feedback relates to the Code, and how it could be used in your reflective accounts.

Dates: Source of feedback Type of feedback Content of feedback

Where did this feedback come from? How was the feedback received? What was the feedback about and how has it influenced your

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Reflective Accounts Form
You must use this form to record five written reflective accounts on your CPD and/or practice-related feedback and/or an event or
experience in your practice and how this relates to the Code. Please fill in a page for each of your reflective accounts, making sure you do
not include any information that might identify a specific patient, service user or colleague. Please refer to our guidance on preserving
anonymity in Guidance sheet 1 in How to revalidate with the NMC.

Reflective account:

What was the nature of the CPD activity and/or practice-related feedback and/or event or experience in your practice?

Click here to enter text

What did you learn from the CPD activity and/or feedback and/or event or experience in your practice?

Click here to enter text

How did you change or improve your practice as a result?

Click here to enter text

How is this relevant to the Code?

Select one or more themes: Prioritise people | Practise effectively | Preserve safety | Promote professionalism and trust

Click here to enter text

Reflective Discussion Form

You must use this form to record your reflective discussion with another NMC-registered nurse or midwife about your five written reflective
accounts. During your discussion you should not discuss patients, service users or colleagues in a way that could identify them unless they
expressly agree, and in the discussion summary section below make sure you do not include any information that might identify a specific
patient or service user. Please refer to Guidance sheet 1 in How to revalidate with the NMC for further information.

To be completed by the nurse or midwife:

Name: Click here to enter text

NMC Pin: Click here to enter text

To be completed by the nurse or midwife with whom you had the discussion:

Name: Click here to enter text

NMC Pin: Click here to enter text

Email address: Click here to enter text

Professional address including postcode: Click here to enter text

Contact number: Click here to enter text

Date of discussion:

Short summary of discussion: Click here to enter text

I have discussed five written reflective

accounts with the named nurse or midwife as Signature: Click here to enter text
part of a reflective discussion.

I agree to be contacted by the NMC to

provide further information if necessary for
verification purposes.


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