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Course Name: Business Communication (BUS340)

Semester: Summer 2019

Section: 01
Submitted by:

Group Members Name ID

Iftekhar-Ul Islam Chowdhury 183004402
Sharjil Rahaman 183005502
Fahim Mahmood 183006502
Mohammad Irfanul Hoque 192000502

Submitted to:
Dewan Mehrab Ashrafi
School of Business Administration
East Delta University

2 An Analytical Review of Management | The City Bank Limited

Letter of Transmittal
22 August, 2019

Dewan Mehrab Ashrafi


School of Business Administration

East Delta University

Subject: Submitting an analytical review of management, a case study on The City Bank

Dear Sir,

We would like to thank you for giving us the opportunity of doing this project on this subject to
prepare the Report. This task has been given us the opportunity to explore important
management aspects of The City Bank Ltd. This report contains a comprehensive study on
various managerial functions, services, portfolio, and general aspects of The City Bank Ltd. It
was an immense pleasure for us to have the opportunity to work on the above-mentioned subject.
We’ve delivered our best to come out with a good one. Please feel free to contact with us if you
have any queries. We hope you find this report useful and find our hard work and dedication
while evaluating the report.


Iftekhar-Ul Islam Chowdhury

Sharjil Rahaman

Fahim Mahmood

Mohammad Irfanul Hoque

3 An Analytical Review of Management | The City Bank Limited


Through this project we have gathered vast experience and knowledge of managarial functions
which very remarkable, from last two weeks while preparing for this report. First and foremost, we
would like to give all gratitude to the almighty Allah for giving us the ability to work hard.
The report titled, as “an analytical review of management, a case study on The City Bank
Ltd”. We’re very much fortunate that we’ve received almost and sincere guidance, supervision
and co-operation from all the group members while compiling this report.

First of all, I would like to thank my academic Supervisor of the report ‘Dewan Mehrab Ashrafi,
Lecturer, EDU School of Business Administration’ for giving us the opportunity to prepare this
report & effortful supervision. He also provided us some important advice and guidance for
preparing this report. Without his help this report could not have been a comprehensive one.

Secondly, I also indebted to thanks all the employee of “The City Bank Limited”. Specially
Assistant Manager Md. Mazharul Islam Mazumder (Citygem Piority Banking) who has given
us his valuable time in providing the information and sources of that information of this report.

We’re also showing our gratuity to all those people who have given at least minimum
effort and contribution to complete this report. We feel so much lucky to get all of the
group members’ co-operation.

4 An Analytical Review of Management | The City Bank Limited

Table of Contents
1. Introduction to the Manager and the Manager’s Company/Department............................................... 6
1.1 Introduction to the Manager ................................................................................................................ 6
1.2 Brief History of the Company............................................................................................................. 6
1.2.1 Services ..................................................................................................................................... 7
1.2.2 Vision ........................................................................................................................................ 7
1.2.3 Mission...................................................................................................................................... 7
1.3 Citygem Piority Banking (Department) .............................................................................................. 8
1.3.1 Chain of Command ................................................................................................................... 8
1.4 ORGANOGRAM of the City Bank Limited ...................................................................................... 9
2. Major functions of the manager .......................................................................................................... 10
2.1 Actual functions varies from formal descriptions ............................................................................. 11
2.2 Roles that play managers .................................................................................................................. 11
2.3 Skills those help managers ................................................................................................................ 12
3. SWOT Analysis, Organizational Culture and Technological Approach ............................................ 13
3.1 SWOT Analysis ................................................................................................................................ 13
3.1.1 Strength .................................................................................................................................. 13
3.1.2 Weakness ............................................................................................................................... 13
3.1.3 Opportunity ............................................................................................................................ 14
3.1.4 Threats.................................................................................................................................... 14
3.2 Organization Culture ......................................................................................................................... 15
3.3 Technology Used in Manager’s Job.................................................................................................. 15
4. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) .............................................................................................. 16
4.1 Ethical Issues .................................................................................................................................... 16
4.2 Planning ............................................................................................................................................ 17
4.3 Manager’s strategy ............................................................................................................................ 17
4.4 Solving problems .............................................................................................................................. 17
4.5 Communication ................................................................................................................................. 18
4.6 Motivation ......................................................................................................................................... 18
4.7 Resolving conflicts............................................................................................................................ 19
4.8 Organizational changes ..................................................................................................................... 19
4.9 Monitoring and Controlling .............................................................................................................. 20
4.9.1 Some Additional Aspects of Monitor and Control ................................................................ 20
5. Recommendation for Manager............................................................................................................ 21
Conclusion .............................................................................................................................................. 21
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................................... 22

5 An Analytical Review of Management | The City Bank Limited

1. Introduction to the Manager and the Manager’s Company/Department

1.1 Introduction to the Manager

Full Name: Md. Mazharul Islam Mazumder

Designation: Assistant Manager, Customer Service

Citygem Piority Banking

Past: Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (2011-2013)

1.2 Brief History of the Company

City Bank is one of the oldest private Commercial Banks operating in Bangladesh. It is a top
bank among the oldest five Commercial Banks in the country which started their operations
in 1983. The Bank started its journey on 27th March 1983 through opening its first branch at
B. B. Avenue Branch in the capital, Dhaka city. It was the visionary entrepreneurship of
around 13 local businessmen who braved the immense uncertainties and risks with courage
and zeal that made the establishment & forward march of the bank possible. Those sponsor
directors commenced the journey with only Taka 3.4 crore worth of Capital, which now is a
respectable Taka 2311.78 crore as capital & reserve.

City Bank is among the very few local banks which do not follow the traditional,
decentralized, geographically managed, branch based business or profit model. Instead the
bank manages its business and operation vertically from the head office through 5 distinct

6 An Analytical Review of Management | The City Bank Limited

1.2.1 Services

The City Bank Limited provide various kind of services for personal and corporate banking
to make banking experience more enjoyable.

  Retail Banking
  Corporate Banking
  SME Banking
  Islamic Banking
 Online Banking

1.2.2 Vision

The Financial Supermarket with a Winning Culture Offering Enjoyable Experiences

1.2.3 Mission

 Offer wide array of products and services that differentiate and excite all
customer segments

 Be the “Employer of choice” by offering an environment where people excel and
leaders are created

 Continuously challenge processes and platforms to enhance effectiveness and efficiency

 Promote innovation and automation with a view to guaranteeing and
enhancing excellence in service

 Ensure respect for community, good governance and compliance in everything we do

7 An Analytical Review of Management | The City Bank Limited

1.3 Citygem Piority Banking (Department)

Citygem Piority Banking Department is different from other departments in the organization.
The department gives right and quick support to its customers and make all the difference. At
Citygem Priority Banking, department employees understand the importance of active support
and believe that a priority banking service should offer to its customers a level of dedication that
befits customers accomplishments. City Bank feels proud in recognizing the department as a
'Gem' – unique and esteemed. The Priority Banking Service developed for you goes by the name

1.3.1 Chain of Command

City Bank is among the very few local banks which do not follow the traditional, decentralized,
geographically managed, branch based business or profit model. Management is centralized.

8 An Analytical Review of Management | The City Bank Limited

1.4 ORGANOGRAM of the City Bank Limited

9 An Analytical Review of Management | The City Bank Limited

2. Major functions of the manager

According to formal management there exist four major

managerial functions. Such as –

#. Planning

#. Organizing

#. Leading
#. Controlling

For preparing our report we went to Md. Mazharul Islam (Assistant Manager, City bank) he told
us that he has to apply all these four managerial functions according to his job.

Planning: Defining goals, establishing strategies and developing plans to coordinate

activities. He and his Co.have to make plans for both sales revenue and customer services
because his firm’s goals are both providing good customer services and increase sales
revenue. He and his Co. make yearly planning. In Their plans they set revenue target and
what kind of services they are going to provide in that year.
Organizing: Determining what needs to be done, how it will be done and who is to do it.
After planning he and his Co. have to organize systematically to execute those plans.
Such as – for providing good customer services and achieving the target revenue they
need manpower who are well organized. So they recruit new or replace exists.
Leading: Motivating, leading and any other actions involved in dealing with people. It is
the most important role for a manager according to him. People under him may be
nervous by the high goals or not taking the right path in achieving those goals. It is his
duty to motivate people goals may be higher but achievable and leading them by showing
the right path.
Controlling: Monitoring activities to ensure that they are accomplished as planned. In his
opinion it is a common duty for all managers. So he does this.

10 An Analytical Review of Management | The City Bank Limited

2.1 Actual functions varies from formal descriptions

According to Md. Mazharul Islam (Assistant Manager, City bank)

actual functions varies a lot from formal descriptions. By reading these formal descriptions they
think these functions are really easy to execute but they face a lot of problems when they try to
execute those functions.
#. Planning: Defining goals are not that easy. Without any information they cannot define
goals. For setting a revenue target first they research on resources such as manpower, last
year earned revenue etc. They have to establish two or more backup strategies if the main

strategy don’t work out.

#. Organizing: They face a lot of problems during organizing. Such as –they set goals
which need more manpower than they have. Then they have to recruit new or they have

to reset their goals again.

#. Leading: In leading he sometimes lose his patience. Such as- he is telling people who
are under him to do in this way. But they are not doing it in that way they are doing it

another way. According to him in leading a group you have to be patient.

#. Controlling: It is the toughest function. In this function one has to be always conscious
about everything.

For a manager, actual function varies from formal descriptions. They need to bear lots of other

capabilities to perform these four major functions.

2.2 Roles that play managers

From formal management we know that there are three important roles that a manager can play.
#. Interpersonal
#. Informational

#. Decisional
According to our chosen manager each manager of every department plays all these three roles.

11 An Analytical Review of Management | The City Bank Limited

2.3 Skills those help managers

Skill is the most important thing that one needs in accomplish a work.
Management suggest three skills that a manager needs. Those are-

#. Technical

#. Human
#. Conceptual
On our chosen manager opinion those who are managers in a department need all three
skills. Cause -
o Technical: knowledge in a specific field. There are many departments in a firm or
bank. One department’s manager can’t take decision of other departments because he
or she has no knowledge on other departments.
o Human: It is the skill that a manager needs the most. A firm or bank not only needs
managers but also needs other employees. If a manager is not well behaved, well
cultured then no one will work under him and also no customers will transact there. A
manager must need to be filled with human skill.
o Conceptual: The ability to think and conceptualize about abstract and complex
situation concerning the organizations. Every manager of Citygem Priority Banking
must have to because it will help him in decision making.
If anyone wants to be a successful manager in Citygem he or she needs all these three managerial

12 An Analytical Review of Management | The City Bank Limited

3. SWOT Analysis, Organizational Culture and Technological Approach

3.1 SWOT Analysis

3.1.1 Strength

3.1.2 Weakness

13 An Analytical Review of Management | The City Bank Limited

3.1.3 Opportunity

3.1.4 Threats

14 An Analytical Review of Management | The City Bank Limited

3.2 Organization Culture

The City Bank Limited has an interactive corporate culture. There are no hidden barriers
or boundaries while communicate between superior and subordinate. This corporate
culture provides as a great motivation factors among the employees.

The management is very professional and genuine. Employees and managers respect each other
because of the relationships that have been built. The workplace culture has always been like
family. The employees all get along and treat each other like family. The hardest part of the job
is learning to balance each task and perform what each customer is requesting the way they
want it. The most enjoyable part of the job is getting to learn more each day and interacting with
different customers.

3.3 Technology Used in Manager’s Job

The City Bank Limited managers used totally customized application for their work. Each of the
managers is highly skilled to use that application efficiently which is monitored by upper level of
Management and HR. There is also a central database system which is linked to election
commission server to check authenticate customers national I’d card.

To contact with customers managers directly call them over phone and sent text messages or
mails in case of not answering the phone.

15 An Analytical Review of Management | The City Bank Limited

4. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

The City bank Limited does numerous CSR exercises.

One of the CSR exercises is Green Banking. Green Banking has been conceptualizing to execute
the more extensive idea like economical advancement. Green keeping money is essentially
working saving money business in such a design, to the point that a legitimate or satisfactory
consideration in social, biological, ecological elements of condition by limiting preservation of
nature and normal assets. Keeping money can be green through changing arrangement in venture
distribution and administration, create during the time spent human capital administration,
corporate social duty, advancing awareness among customers and general mass. As a socially
obligation organization City Bank has grasped the idea of green managing an account and is
bringing different activities lined up with the national bank green saving money rules.
Furthermore, green keeping money , City Bank does other social obligation. They work for the
group of BDR rebellion saint, give or offer advances to numerous foundations, give portable PC
and different accomplices to outwardly impeded individual and in the winter season they give
garments . City Bank likewise gave over checks for Taka 4 center for the Prime priests' training
bolster trust and Shuchona establishment under its CSR exercises. The banks Chairman of
official comity and Vice Chairman of Bangladesh affiliation bank Mr. Rubel Aziz and banks
autonomous executive Barrister Tanjib-Ul-Alam gave over the checks to Prime Minister Sheik
Hasina at GonoBhabhan on May 15, 2017.

There is noteworthiness for green managing an account in the saving money division and other
monetary parts. This green saving money is work for moral and social duty and furthermore
assumes an essential part for corporate social obligation.

4.1 Ethical Issues

Each and every one will concur; the upkeep of a moral culture is of most extreme significance
to any establishment since it will in any event make one delay to think before intentionally
accomplishing something incorrectly. A moral culture is considerably more critical to a bank in
light of the fact that the achievement or disappointment of one is to a great extent subject to the

16 An Analytical Review of Management | The City Bank Limited

upkeep of open certainty and having a moral culture
will urge the staff to do what is seen as right. It will
likewise go about as an obstacle towards fouling up.

The administration of City Bank confronts some moral

issues. Without morals it is extremely hard to keep up
work appropriately .The bank administrator has keep up 100% moral and trust issues in
the saving money process since he is working for guaranteeing people groups’ security.

4.2 Planning
Planning is the way toward surveying an association's objectives and making a reasonable, nitty
gritty arrangement of activity for meeting those objectives. The essential strides in the
administration arranging process include making a guide that blueprints each assignment the
organization must achieve to meet its general destinations. Much like composition a strategy for
success, an administration design mulls over short and long haul corporate techniques. There
are distinctive sorts of work for various administrators. There are singular supervisor for
singular office. They need to plan to achieve administrative objective. An administration
arranging procedure ought to incorporate a system for assessing the advance toward objective
consummation all through a built up era. One approach to do this is through asking for a month
to month advance report from office heads. The client benefits director work for conveying
appropriate client benefit.

4.3 Manager’s strategy

Manager applies system to keep his area of expertise more focused and testing and
furthermore achieve the work of each administrative division. He is guaranteeing that his areas
of expertise work truly well to keep up technique and gives his clients or customers
appropriate administration.

4.4 Solving problems

In the case of solving problem inside the organization The City Bank Managers communicate
with their superior if solution of the problem isn’t available in their formal guideline.

The same rules followed by the managers if any external problem arises.

17 An Analytical Review of Management | The City Bank Limited

4.5 Communication
Maintaining the connection amongst superiors and
subordinate contrast enormously, contingent upon the
desires of the individual gatherings. Some will make due
with nothing not as much as a dear fellowship with their
unrivaled, others might be quite recently centered
around keeping up an expert relationship, while those may not coexist with their bosses might
be centered around simply keeping up a common relationship. The bizarre connection amongst
prevalent and subordinates requires particular support procedures since some run of the mill
ones, similar to shirking, are unsuitable. There are four normal sorts of relationship upkeep
methodologies for this variety of relationship. To begin with there are casual collaborations, for
example, clowning and non-business related discussions that stress making a kinship. There are
likewise formal co operations, for example, obligingness and regard for the prevalent's power,
that assistance to make an expert predominant subordinate relationship. There are additionally
strategies to seem great to the predominant, for example, a reluctance to convey awful news or
being eager. The last relationship support procedure incorporates open dialog about the
association with the predominant, including expressly revealing to them how they need to be
dealt with in the working environment

4.6 Motivation
In each organization chiefs need to propel their subordinates. Inspiring is essential for the
workplace. It enables administration to meet organization's objective. Without an inspired work
environment organization could be set in the unsafe position. Spurred representatives can
prompt expand profitability and enable an organization to accomplish more elevated amounts of
yield. There are loads of advantages of roused representatives. Inspiration can build
representative duty, enhanced worker fulfillment by positive organization development,
continuous worker advancement, and enhanced representative productivity. The supervisor
inspired his representatives' through birthday party, some refreshment party, yearly excursion or
visit and furthermore they permit their representatives one month leave which is obligatory in
each and every year, and furthermore gives reward or reward to the representatives' for their
work and furthermore energize them.

18 An Analytical Review of Management | The City Bank Limited

4.7 Resolving conflicts
Conflicts! The City Bank Limited organizational rigid
structure doesn’t leave a small place for conflicts in
decision making. They bring down efficiency in decision making and chain of command
by centralized control.

Here are a few traps that administrator utilize when confronted

with representatives who can't resolve their own contentions:

o Acknowledge that a troublesome circumstance exists: Honesty and clear

correspondence assume a vital part in the determination procedure. Supervisor
familiarize himself with what's going on and be open about the issue.
o Let people express their emotions: Some sentiments of outrage and hurt more
often than not go with struggle circumstances. Prior to any sort of critical thinking can
happen, these feelings ought to be communicated and recognized.

o Define the issue: Manager meet with workers independently at first and after
that inquiry representative about the circumstance.
o Determine hidden need: The objective of contention determination is not to choose
which individual is correct or wrong; the objective is to achieve an answer that
everybody can live with. Searching first for needs, instead of arrangements, is an
intense instrument for creating win or win alternatives. To find needs, supervisor must
endeavor to discover why individuals need the arrangements they at first proposed.
When he comprehends the points of interest their answers have for them.
o Find answers for fulfill needs: Conflicts will be explained by creating various choices,
director additionally figure out which move will be made.

4.8 Organizational changes

Organizational change happens when an organization makes a progress from its present state
to some coveted future state. Overseeing hierarchical change is the way toward arranging and
actualizing change in associations so as to limit representative resistance and cost to the
association while at the same time expanding the viability of the change exertion.

19 An Analytical Review of Management | The City Bank Limited

The following are five tricks that apply manager to guide
employees through organizational change:

o Involve employees in the change

o Concentrate on effective delegation
o Raise levels of expectations
o Asking employees for commitment

4.9 Monitoring and Controlling

Managers need to screen the exercises of their groups and the outer powers. Without that
observing, nobody won't know whether the arrangement is working or in the event that it should
be balanced. At that point, directors must control those components that they can control to
keep everybody pushing toward the objective.

In the control undertaking, director screen the work being done, he contrast the real advance
with the arrangement and he checks that the association is working and composed it.

4.9.1 Some Additional Aspects of Monitor and Control

o Employee Coaching: A great chief will dependably screen what their workers are
doing, however won't mediate to mentor their representatives aside from in
particular conditions. Knowing when to give a representative a chance to commit an
error they can gain from and when the director need to venture in and mentor them
is an exercise in careful control. Administrator adjusts their chance to learn
and develop against the damage they could do to themselves, their group, and
the organization.
o 2. Giving Negative Feedback: When a director needs to venture in and control the
action of the group or an individual it is frequently important to give negative
o 3. Monitor Teams Progress: For some, extends administration is their first
administration part. In the means to effective venture administration the
chief additionally observe the assignment of checking the group.

20 An Analytical Review of Management | The City Bank Limited

5. Recommendation for Manager

Md. Mazharul Islam Mazumder, assistant manager

of Citygem priority banking customer service
maintaining his managerial functions efficiently and
effectively. If we analyze all the managerial functions he handles and deal with, we can’t say
something is wrong. So, we have nothing to recommend the manager.


Business in 21st century is very competitive and complex. To survive in the market internal
management become as much important as external. You can’t be bad at anything, if you
become bad at something your competitors will find it and resolve it in their organization. And
if your competitors become better than you, definitely your customers will move to the better
solution. Who doesn’t like a tastier cupcake!

In business, there are very few similarities- sometimes even contradictions- between theories
and practices and Management is the most crucial part of a business. But actually in this area or
of a business organization, the highest contradiction and conflict between theories and actual
life practices exist. Management, in real life is not that easy like the theories. The intention of
this report is to find out the actual picture of the organizational management of Bangladesh.

According to the direction of our course instructor, all of the students of our class, divided into
groups consisting of four-five members selected a single organization each without
overlapping and surveyed. We choose the City Bank Ltd., one of the leading private sector
banks in our country to work on.

21 An Analytical Review of Management | The City Bank Limite

(n.d.). Annual report of The City Bank Limited (2004-2017). (n.d.). (n.d.). (n.d.). (n.d.).
Internal delinquency data of the organization from the MIS department of the city bank ltd. (n.d.).
(n.d.). Interview of Assistant Manger Md. Mazharul Islam Mazumder.

22 An Analytical Review of Management | The City Bank Limited

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