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 ROLL NO: BUS-17S-090



Impact of big five personality types on work life
balance of Pakistani bankers

1.1 Background:
Banking sector of Pakistan is as old as the age of Pakistan. Habib bank of Pakistan was the first
bank which was established in 1947.Now a days banking sector is playing a vital role in the growth
of Pakistan and its economy. These days Pakistan banking sector coming out from conventional
zone. Banking sector of Pakistan facing ethical issues as well as high competition, to meet this
competition they require loyal and hardworking staff as well as they want full output from their
employees. Different banking sector have trained their front-line staff to capture the market shares
by providing different services.

1.2 Problem statement:

Nowadays banking sectors are attentive to see the individual traits in workplace. Personality
traits are playing vital role in banking sectors to manage work life balance. How personality
traits are essential to manage work life balance. This study will figure out the impact of five
personality traits for work life balance in banking sector of Pakistan. This study also
elaborates about importance of work life balance and how the personality trait of an
individual impact on the work life balance of an individual.
1.3 Research Question:
How big five personality types impact on work life balance of Pakistani bankers?

1.4 Objectives:
 Analyze the effect of Agreeableness on Work life balance.
 Consequences of Extraversion on work life balance.
 To analyze the effect of Conscientiousness on Work life balance.
 To analyze the effect of Neuroticism on Work life balance
 To analyze the effect of Openness on Work life balance

1.5 Justification
This study describes how five personality treats Agreeableness, Extraversion,
Conscientiousness, Neuroticism and openness help in work life balance. This study help banking
sector how to know employee personality trait because different employees have different traits and
work according to their traits. If HR provide training session to their employees for this five
personally traits which will help them to make work life balance better.
1.6 Limitation
This research is only applicable to Pakistan Banking Sector. Research samples are taken
from banks which are in Karachi. Due to shortage of time we could not take as many surveys from
all over Pakistan.

1.7 Scope of Study:

This research relates to just Banking sector how to manage the work life balance, it will help
to new appointees, to work in banking sectors they will need the traits. These personality traits will
help in improving performance of banking sector.

1.8 Assumptions:
 All other things remain constant.
 All participants provide accurate data.

1.9 Definition of Key Terms:

 Openness: A person who try new things and have open and imaginative mind.
 Extraversion: Extrovert persons are social, active and assertive. They have energetic
 Conscientiousness: They are caring and diligent persons. These people are
efficientand organized.
 The consistency of having to do one's job or duty well and in depth.

 Neuroticism: neuroticism people tend to be moody, lonely, anger, anxiety, worry

and depressed mood.
 Agreeableness: These people tend to be very factful, friendly and warm in
nature. They have an optimistic view in nature.

This research elaborates that work life balance is having great connection with employees’ output
and productivity. Data collected from banking sector employees include both male and female had
been tested and analyzed, which shows that there is a positive connection among work life balance
and employees’ productivity.
It is evident, that personality traits are correlated with work satisfaction. However, is undergo
ing development and requires further research work to fully understand 
its relationships with job satisfaction. BIGFIVE (Digman, 1990) focused on it and linked it to 
job satisfaction.

Similarly, the other criteria form 'training expertise;' as a result, the most important and consistent
personality trait, found as an efficient predictor, was openness to experience. As in this meta-
analysis, workers with high scores on this factor means they have a high propensity to learn new
programs / lessons etc. Staff in this dimension want to get training sessions.
Employees with a high neurotic score appeared to be minimally pleased with the amount of work,
colleagues and remuneration they had received. While those workers with a high psychotic rating
were less pleased with their superiors, the essence of their duties and colleagues compared to low
psychotic ratings.
The scores are extraversion, Emotional harmony, conviviality, conscientiousness and open-
mindedness. This thesis on meta-analysis done solely for the purpose of recognizing the
interrelationships of various (Big Five) aspects of personality Steps. Therefore, this analysis is
exceptional and is distinct from previous research. From them Extensive analysis led them to the
conclusion that conscientiousness was the most consistent and accurate forecaster across all
professional groups and standard forms that contribute effectiveness. The same 'conscientiousness'
personality trait was the big Work satisfaction and favourable performance predictors; rated by
supervisors (Frei & McDaniel, 1998). Similarly, 'extraversion' was the most significant and reliable
facet of personality trait that was strongly associated with two Professions primarily managers and
Work over load is elaborated as a greater number of samples given to employees in contrast
with their abilities resources and the time required for the roles. Over load of work increases when
individuals do have more roles to do.
Job stress relates to a feeling where by employees seem unable to change their skills, abilities and k
nowledge as per the work demands of their organization.
The tension at work occurs when the subordinates find theirjob demands out of reach of their abiliti
es and power. Work stress occurs when workers are faced with conflicting job requirements or when 
they believe they Lack ofpreparation and support to do the work effectively and efficiently. Furthermore, th
e findings of the study indicate that if top management does not concentrate on how to handle and manag
e stress within the company, then it accumulates within a person, resulting in serious health problems for e
mployees and other organizational issues Employees in the companies nowadays are responsible for
significant organizational performance. The top management should then adopt policies and techniques to
make its staff more stress free and happy. If the workers are successful, then better organizational
performance will result.

In addition, the workers facing work stress do not engage in other extra tasks that take
the company to the competitive edge. Therefore, the contemporary companies must address
the problem of stress on the workers.
Organizational success refers to the outcome or the end result, which is calculated in terms of 
efficiency, benefit, service quality and customer satisfaction, according to Burke and Litwin (
1992) Model. 
In other words, organizational success leads to the financial sustainability of the company by 
rising potential profits, improving credibility and a good image. Saeed and Wang (2013)
discussed that businesses should  concentrate on innovative approaches and emerging
trends in order to stay competitive on the market, as major growing external factors such as 
demographics, globalization and technology all have a significant effect on the overall perfor
mance of the company.
Organizations should concentrate on increasing employee efficiency, which will
further improve organizational output by controlling workloads.
We expect a relationship betweenjob workload and success in the organization.
hile we suspect a relationship between job overload and organizational efficiency, we also 
consider this relationship to be indirect via employment stress.

[ CITATION Far17 \l 2057 ]

[ CITATION Muh15 \l 2057 ]
[ CITATION Aar18 \l 2057 ]

Farhana Nazir*, F. A. (2017). A Case of Habib Metro Bank, Karachi.
Muhammad Ijaz, A. K. (2015). The Relationship of Big Five Personality Traits with Job Satisfaction
Among Banking Employees.
Nanda, A. (2018). A Study on Impact of Personality Traits on Work Life Balance.
Question No 2:

Positivism is a philosophy which is based in mathematics and science. It's based
on the belief that anything that happens can be confirmed by observations,
observation, and mathematical / logical proof. All the rest is inexistent.
Moreover, positivists generally believe that the issues facing us can be removed,
or at least reduced significantly, by scientific advancement.
Positivists are almost always strong realists – that is, they believe that there
really is out there in the world what we believe as the truth. To look at it another
way, they believe in absolute fact. They also seem to deny the influence of
things such as theoretical and historical factors which interfere with the
research. Positivism separates all claims into three categories: valid, false, and
irrelevant (neither valid nor false). A meaningless statement is one which is not
sufficiently simple to be checked using positivistic methods.
Positivist proposes quantitative methods, such as psychological studies,
structured questionnaires, official statistics and figures. Positivism argues that
sociology should use natural science techniques, which usually doesn't mean
using experiment due to all sorts of ethical problems, but positivists believe that
sociologists can use quantitative methods to describe and measure social
Interpretivism, also known as interpretative, requires researchers to interpret
elements of the analysis, thereby incorporating interpretivism into a study of
human interest. Accordingly, "interpretive researchers believe that access to
truth (given or socially constructed) is solely through social constructions such
as language, consciousness, shared meanings, and instruments. The
development of interpretive philosophy is focused on the critique of positivism
in social sciences. The theory therefore emphasises qualitative analysis over
quantitative analysis. Interpretivism is associated with the philosophical stance
of idealism and is used to group together different approaches, including social
constructivism, phenomenology and hermeneutics; approaches that reject the
objectivist view that meaning is independent of consciousness within the world.
It is necessary for the researcher as a social actor to appreciate differences
between people according to interpretivist approach.
Interpretivist research methods stem from the 'social theory of action.' In reality,
intereptivists reject "positivism" of 'scientific sociology,' although many of the
evidence on which it relies are themselves socially constructed. Individuals are
complicated and nuanced in Interpretivism, and different individuals view and
understand the standard 'objective reality' in quite different ways, and have their
own explanations for actions in the world, often very different, so empirical
approaches are not appropriate.

It is directly connected to real world. Not connected to real world.
It concentrates on description. It concentrates on understanding context.
Reason and feeling are visible. Feeling and reasons to govern actions.
Distinction among science and personal Influence from both science and personal
experience. experience.
It is qualitative It is quantitative.

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