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Huainanzi - Entry 68

Noncontrivance does not mean stagnant inaction. It is an expression

used to mean that nothing comes from the ego.
~ a passage from The Book of Leadership and Strategy by
Thomas Cleary ~
Wu wei is a difficult concept for the western mind to grasp. We are
taught from the earliest age that we must map out and plan everything
we do. To get to the top of the mountain, all means are on the table.
While we are told -- wink, wink -- that honesty, respect and just
action are the key variables for success, we often see that many who
are the most successful happen to be folks who are dishonest,
disrespectful and anything but just!

Another key aspect of the western version of success is ambition. We

must possess a strong drive to get what we want when we want it.
The ambitious individual must be able to out think and out maneuver
anyone that might stand in their way. If a person isn't willing to utilize
any means necessary to climb up the ladder, then we label that person
unambitious -- a lazy loafer.

Wu wei, on the other hand, stresses effortless action. It is action NOT

born of ambition. It is action that flows easily with the situation or
circumstance. It is doing what needs to be done without worrying
whether or not you get credit or it advances your career.

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