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Readings for 2018

Tano Santos

David L. and Elsie M. Dodd Professor of Finance

Heilbrunn Center for Graham & Dodd Investing

Columbia Business School, Columbia University


1. Value investing

•  Berkshire Hathatway “ Letters to Shareholders, 1965-2014”

•  Graham “The Intelligent Investor”

•  Klarman “Margin of Safety”

•  Montier, “The Little Book of Behavioral Investing”

•  Greenblatt “You can be a stock market genius” “The little book that (still) beats the market”

•  Penman “Accounting for Value”

•  Marks “The Most Important Thing”

•  Kahneman “Thinking, Fast and Slow”

Columbia Business School Tano Santos Heilbrunn Center 2


2. Strategy, Companies & Managers

•  Greenwald “Competition Demystified”

•  Christensen ``The Innovator’s Dilemma”

•  Hammer and Champy “Reengineering the Corporation”
•  Thornsdike “The Outsiders”

•  Robichaux “Cable Cowboy”

•  Sloan “My years in General Motors”
•  Levy, “In the Plex”

•  Levinson “The Great A&P and the Struggle for Small Business in America”
•  Brynjolffson & McAffee ``The Second Machine Age”
•  Stone, “The everything store”
•  Kranz “Building the Internet of Things”
•  Malone, “The Intel Trinity”

•  Knight, “Shoe dog”

•  Smit “Sneaker Wars”

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3. Bigger picture
–  Acemoglou and Robinson “Why Nations Fail”

–  De Vries “The Industrious Revolution”

–  López, “The Commercial Revolution of the Middle Ages”

–  De Grazia “Irresistible Empire”

–  Pomeranz “The Great Divergence: China, Europe and the Making of the Modern World Economy”

–  Skidelsky “John Maynard Keynes, Volume 2: The Economist as Saviour, 1920-1937”

–  Tooze, “The Deluge”

–  Eichengreen “The European Economy since 1945”

–  Judt “Postwar

–  James “The Making of the European Monetary Union”

–  Rajan “Fault Lines”

–  Kennedy “Freedom from Fear: the American People in depression and War”

–  McIntyre “After Virtue”

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