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American Petroleum Desi Institute Repraion REGISTERED DATA SHEET PERFORATING SYSTEM EVALUATION, API RP 19B SECTION 1 Savice Compeny Avail to ALL Design Number Biglosive Weight _398__om, __HMX__ powder, Case Matval_ Steal an 0D & Tred Name __4 5/8" High Shot Density Gun Max Temp, $F_A00__1 Wr, 3h 24, 100h__200 Charge Name _39 gms. HMX Barracuda Premium DP (OSC 02.09.23) Masimum Pressure Rating__20.000 psi, Carrer Matai! Stee) Manufacturer Charge PartNo, TCA7HP Dato of Manufacture Sept 20th 2002, Shot Density Tested 5 Shots ‘in Type Expendable, Reviavebie HSC TCPAWL 60" § SPF Recommended Minimum ID fr Running, : fn Paming Tested_60 degrees, Fring Order _X Top Down, Bottom Up _Avalable Fing Mode x Sonctive, x Simulvaneous Debra Desciption_nia Debus Weight ve awoharge, Debrie la inMlehage Ramarks__* Gun OD aftr shoting in water 4.89 in_(Senlop Gun) SECTION 1 - CONCRETE TARGET Casing Dae r 00, Weight_92 tei, L80___APGrede, Date of Section 1 Tas Now 13% 2002 Target Data__110.5" 00, Amount of Cemont_15125 Ib, Amount of Sond 30270 ‘Amount of Water__7870_ te ate of Compressive Strength Test _Nov 12" 2002, Briquete Compressive Strangth___ 8122 pe, Ago of Trg 38 eye Shot No. No.1 No.2 No.3 Mo No.5 No.6 N07 No.8 NSNO10. Nott Geren. vsncnsnsnoniannine 0.000 _0300 _1.034 _1.408 __1,034 _0.300 _ 0,000 _ 0.300 "11096 1.469 "1,094 Ganing Hole Bier, Shor Axa, in.. 0.872 0.410 0.483 ajo D408 9490 —oass —oast —Ostd aaa Canina Holo Diameter Long Asin. 0478 6.440 0.487 nals —o4ts esos —otst ease —eate aac Average Casing Hole Dlemeter,in... 0475 "0425 0.488 —o4i3 _D.412 —o4s8 —o4s7 oss —ois Osa Total Depth cnn 42430 43.10 —az.160 —az.980 —as.ieo ~as190 —asss0 —Epss0 —a2.800 27.180 Bar Height in. 071 _o0é2 _ 0.0467 —o0ar — 9.000 — 04s —o047 0.022 —o0se —00as — 0082 Shot No. No.12 No.8 No.14 No.5 N6.18 No.7 No, 18 -No.39No,20 No.2 No.2 Average ler anee i esnsinsenn 300 __0.000 __0.300 __1,034 0.643 Casing ele Diameter, Short Aais,in 0.435 0.405 _o.440 —O.208 0.428 Caving Hole Diameter Long Asia, in. 0498 0.478 0.470 os 0.442 ‘Average Casing Hole Dirater, 0437 oat? 0455 —o3i5 0.436 Total DepAR IN nnn 40.180 44.680 ~45,305 —as.930 4.065 Bur Height in 058 0.00 _ 0.000 — 0036 0.087 WITNESSING INFORMATION Date of Notice of Intent Test: _Apl 20h 2002, Witnessed by: tuenC. Valladares Other Actives Witnessed: Target Pouring Brquete: Preparaon__Testng_X___ Bir Height Meneurerents_X Samples Taken: Conerete_X Casing _X (CERTIFICATION | ority that these tests were made according to the procedures as outined in AP RP 198: Racommendd reciee for Evasion of Well erorators, Fst Eton, Novernbet 2000. Al ofthe osupmant used in thee tat, auch as the guns, jt cherges detonator oor, et., wes slander equpment wit sur company fer fe use Inthe gun boing tested and wee not changed in any manner fr thegeat Furthermore, the equipment was chosen at random om stock and therefore vil be substantially the sama es he eupmant, which would be furnished to perforate a well fora ‘The American Petroleum Institute nether ondoveethase tot rests or recemmends the Ue of the perforator system deseibed x__cenmIED By fertrnting Projects Manager _ Wor. 1A 2x02. ETASA. uta 25 Km 13 Pr Bs. As. Argentine —aecerrines c Oficial Tide) (Datel (Companyl (Arse) APL Form 195A

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