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Họ và tên thí sinh: ……………………………….. Số báo danh: ……………………………

Thời gian thi: 60 phút. Mã đề: 02

Thí sinh viết đáp án vào PHIẾU TRẢ LỜI được phát kèm.

Phần 1 (6 câu hỏi): Đọc hiểu 6 mẫu tin ngắn sau. Mỗi mẫu tin có 3 câu văn
liên quan đến mẩu tin đó. Chọn câu văn phù hợp với mẫu tin ứng theo đáp án A,
B hoặc C. Mỗi câu đúng được 1 điểm.

A Emma wants to go out with Lynne but not to the


B Emma wants to go to the party a bit later than


C Emma knows that Lynne can’t be at the party when

it starts.

Why did Sophie write this message?

A to ask Anna to contact her about the homework.

B to check if Anna has completed her homework.

C to let Anna know what they did in class today.

1 (Mã đề 02)

A Some parts of the bicycle must be changed.

B Debbie is selling the bike because she’s too big

for it now.

C The bicycle that’s for sale was built for a child.

A Tim thinks Ben should look on the concert website.

B Tim wants to know if Ben can pay him back today.

C Tim hopes that Ben will be able to come with him.

A Two ice creams will cost the same as one.

B The ice cream shop is open for only 2 hours.

C You can get free ice creams all afternoon.

A You will have fun if you come with friends.

B It is more expensive to go here alone.

C You get into the park by going this way.

2 (Mã đề 02)
Phần 2 (5 câu hỏi): Đọc bài đọc sau và chọn A, B hoặc C để trả lời câu
hỏi dựa trên bài đọc. Mỗi câu đúng được 1 điểm.

A family of dancers

The women in the Watson family are all crazy about ballet. These days,
Alice Watson gives ballet lessons , but for many years, she was a dancer
with the National Ballet Company. Her mother, Hannah, also had a full-time
job there, making costumes for the dancers.

Alice’s daughter Demi started learning ballet as soon as she could walk. ‘I
never taught her,’ says Alice, ‘because she never let me.’ Now aged sixteen,
Demi is a member of the ballet company where her mother was the star
dancer for many years.

Alice’s husband, Jack, is an electrician. They met while he was working at a

theatre where she was dancing and got married soon after. ‘When Demi started dancing, the house was
too small for her and Alice to practise in so I made the garage into a dance studio. Now the living room is
nice and quiet when I’m watching television!’ he says.

Last month, Demi was invited to dance in the ballet Swan Lake. Of course, Alice and Hannah were in the
audience and even Jack was there, which made it very special for Demi. Jack says, ‘I’m not that
interested in ballet myself but it’s fantastic seeing Demi taking her first steps with Alice’s old company!’
Demi was wearing a dress that Hannah made for Alice many years before.

‘It was very exciting for all of us,’ says Hannah. ‘D emi’s way of dancing is very like Alice’s. I know I’m her
grandmother, but I think she has a great future!’

7 What is Alice Watson’s job now?

A dancer
B dress-maker
C teacher

8 Demi had her first ballet lessons

A at a very young age.
B at the National Ballet Company.
C from her mother.

9 Jack helped his wife and daughter by

A making a place for them to practise in.
B moving to a larger house.
C letting them use the living room for dancing.

10 What was the best thing about the Swan Lake show for Demi?
A All her family were there.
B She was wearing a new dress.
C It was her first show with the company.

11 Hannah says that Demi

3 (Mã đề 02)
A dances better than Alice did.
B is her favourite granddaughter.
C will be a star one day.

Phần 2 (7 câu hỏi): Đọc 3 đoạn văn ngắn có cùng chủ đề và 7 câu hỏi. Chọn
các đáp án A, B hoặc C để trả lời câu hỏi dựa trên nội dung của 3 đoạn văn. Mỗi
câu đúng được 1 điểm.

Tasha Danni Chrissie

12 Who plans to stop writing her blog soon? A B C

13 Who writes both a magazine and a blog? A B C

14 Who answers questions from other people who read her blog? A B C

15 Who says that studying and writing a blog at the same time can be A B C

16 Who asks a member of her family to help her write her blog? A B C

17 Who says writing a blog is easier than some other types of writing? A B C

18 Who didn’t have many people reading her blog in the beginning? A B C

4 (Mã đề 02)
Phần 4 (6 câu hỏi): Đoạn văn sau có 6 chỗ trống, chọn các từ thích hợp ứng
với đáp án A, B hoặc C để hoàn thành đoạn văn. Mỗi câu đúng được 1 điểm.

A famous circus

The circus, Cirque du Soleil, began in Montreal, Canada. It

was started by the Canadian Guy Laliberté in 1984. When
Laliberté left college, he travelled around Europe and (19)
………… money playing music in the streets. Not long after
he returned home, he started Cirque with (20)…………
friend, David Gauthier. During the 1990s, Cirque grew
quickly. It now does shows all over the world and the
number of employees (21)………… for it has grown from 73 to more than 3,500.

The Cirque du Soleil does not have any animals, but there is music and (22)…………
and each show tells a story. One show, which is called Varian, is about a man who
could fly. The (23)………… starts with him falling from the sky and tells the story of
how he has to (24)………… to fly again.

19 A paid B earned C asked

20 A his B the C first

5 (Mã đề 02)
21 A studying B buying C working
22 A audience B elephant C dance
23 A show B story C men
24 A finish B work C learn

Phần 5 (6 câu hỏi): Đoạn văn sau có 6 chỗ trống, điền MỘT từ thích hợp vào
mỗi chỗ trống. Mỗi câu đúng được 1 điểm.

Dear Lucy

We (0) are having a lovely time on holiday. The weather has been very good and I
love the food! We're going to visit my uncle and aunt tomorrow. (25) _______ live in
a little village near our hotel. If we have enough time we might visit some (26)
_______ our other relatives in the area.

There's a (27) _______ of things to do here if you like sightseeing. We are (27)
_______ on a trip to the other side of (29) _______ island one day and I want to do
some shopping before I come home.

Anyway, I (30) _______ looking forward to seeing you next week. I'll phone you as
soon as I get back.

Best wishes


Phần 6 (1 câu hỏi): Viết một email dựa theo thông tin cho sẵn. Thí sinh được
viết 25 từ hoặc hơn. Điểm tối đa của phần này là 15 điểm.

You want to buy a school bag in an English city. Write an email to your English friend,
In your email,
- ask George where to buy inexpensive bag.
- ask George how to get there
- invite him to go with you.

Write 25 words or more.

Phần 7 (1 câu hỏi): Viết một câu chuyện ngắn dựa trên 3 bức tranh cho sẵn,
bạn phải viết từ 35 từ trở lên. Điểm tối đa của phần này là 15 điểm.

6 (Mã đề 02)
7 (Mã đề 02)

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