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Battle report financial overview:


Again battle well fought great experience and a surprise we never expected. We expected a small
semi-d coordinate team to bash our citadel out of boredom or frustration. They expected a small
indy operation. Well we both were wrong. The result a great battle with losses on both sides.
However the total War balance was 3.2B positive for us since we won the loot field.

We stood our ground and we should be proud of this a really good performance and attendance.
Now we survived this round please gather and use the hole to make isk. C4 and C5 sites are very easy
in teams, C3 or C2’s for solo runnings and all earn great isk (even C1 for the less experienced). Or just
mine if this is more your style/thing.

I had to think a bit how to divide the loot. And figured out that since we lost more then we won it’s
fair to compensate the ones with the losses based on the loss share. If we ever have a battle with
more loot then losses the difference will be shared over all attendees.


1. Dropped mods are returned to the players (avoid the abyssal mods issue)
2. Rest of the loot is sold and ISK to be divided
3. Personal losses are weighted against total losses.
4. Loot ISK is distributed based on this ‘loss share’.
5. Gross overview is finished.
6. Volunteers who don’t want/need their part compensated are set to 0% share
7. Net overview is created.
8. ISK in Loot (- own dropped) are transferred to players. Will do that coming days

On the next page the overview and in it your compensation. So no earnings but a great experience.
Gross overview
Fleet member Killmail dropped* Lost share Killmail Loot (- own drops) War balance**
Bootha12345 (Shakexion) € 281.615.129 € 33.224.817 € 248.390.312 8% € 108.731.925
Psyrex (Habigor) € 628.102.754 € 64.144.982 € 563.957.772 18% € 246.870.394
Shakexion € € 263.363.148 € 887.742.549 28% € 388.605.963
Stark Boirelle (Bill Boirelle) € - 0% € -
Laka Shakiel € 671.462.553 € 172.197.063 € 499.265.490 16% € 218.551.591
Grendel Khagah € 110.070.448 € 11.534.786 € 98.535.662 3% € 43.133.616
Bill Boirelle € 335.588.038 € 10.524.876 € 325.063.162 10% € 142.295.177
Heun Zero € 204.000.481 € 19.943.797 € 184.056.684 6% € 80.570.121
Krys Alos € 138.788.182 € 26.689.381 € 112.098.801 4% € 49.070.829
Machtoa € - 0% € -
Jack Oatt € 99.498.013 € 17.863.310 € 81.634.703 3% € 35.735.284
Gwehnius Khurelem (Nishius Khurelem) € - 0% € -
Aen Clarke € 193.985.461 € 66.868.047 € 127.117.414 4% € 55.645.170
Rubon Andedare € - 0% € -
Godric Talvanen € - 0% € -
Nishius Khurelem € 78.643.757 € 8.859.102 € 69.784.655 2% € 30.547.970
Lliander (Habigor) € - 0% € -
Enemy lost 0% € 5.025.430.563
Total € 3.892.860.513 € 695.213.309 € 3.197.647.204 100% € 5.025.430.563 € 1.399.758.040 € 3.227.541.399
* Dropped loot is given back to the appropriate owners
** War balance is difference between destroyed and lost minus loot

Net overview (volunteers removed)

Fleet member Killmail dropped* Lost share Killmail Loot (- own drops) War balance**
Bootha12345 (Shakexion) € 281.615.129 € 33.224.817 € 248.390.312 11% € 155.297.424
Psyrex (Habigor) € 628.102.754 € 64.144.982 0% € -
Shakexion € € 263.363.148 € 887.742.549 40% € 555.030.227
Stark Boirelle (Bill Boirelle) € - 0% € -
Laka Shakiel € 671.462.553 € 172.197.063 € 499.265.490 22% € 312.148.425
Grendel Khagah € 110.070.448 € 11.534.786 € 98.535.662 4% € 61.606.004
Bill Boirelle € 335.588.038 € 10.524.876 0% € -
Heun Zero € 204.000.481 € 19.943.797 € 184.056.684 8% € 115.075.056
Krys Alos € 138.788.182 € 26.689.381 € 112.098.801 5% € 70.085.886
Machtoa € - 0% € -
Jack Oatt € 99.498.013 € 17.863.310 € 81.634.703 4% € 51.039.266
Gwehnius Khurelem (Nishius Khurelem) € - 0% € -
Aen Clarke € 193.985.461 € 66.868.047 € 127.117.414 6% € 79.475.753
Rubon Andedare € - 0% € -
Godric Talvanen € - 0% € -
Nishius Khurelem € 78.643.757 € 8.859.102 0% € -
Lliander (Habigor) € - 0% € -
Enemy lost 0% € 5.025.430.563
Total € 3.892.860.513 € 695.213.309 € 2.238.841.615 100% € 5.025.430.563 € 1.399.758.040 € 3.227.541.399
* Dropped loot is given back to the appropriate owners
** War balance is difference between destroyed and lost minus loot
*** volunteerd to not receive any compensation

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