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Contoh Jurnal Dalam Bahasa Inggris Tentang


Jurnal bahasa Inggris tentang Correlation


Rahmayuni Wulandari, Sudirman, Huzairin


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara students’ reading

habit in English dengan students’ reading comprehension ability. Metode yang
digunakan dalam pemelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif dan dalam bentuk
penelitian korelasi. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 30 siswa kelas satu
SMP PGRI 1 Gunung Pelindung, Lampung Timur tahun akademik 2015/2016.
Kuesioner dan reading comprehension test digunakan sebagai instrumen
untuk mengumpulkan data dalam pemelitian ini. Pearson’s Product Moment
Formuladigunakan untuk menghubungkan antarareading habit in
English (variabel X) dan  reading comprehension ability (variabel Y). Hasil
menunjukkan bahwa  ada hubungan yang kuat dengan nilai 0.642
antara students’ reading habit in English dan students’ reading
comprehension ability dan dan level signifikannya adalah (0.00<0.05). Ini
dapat disarankan bahwa reading habit in English dapat membantu siswa
dalam mengenal kosakata dan meningkatkan students’ reading
comprehension ability.

The aim of this research was to find out the correlation between students’
reading habit in English and their reading comprehension ability. The method
that was used in this research was a quantitative research and its design was
a co-relational study. The subjects were 30 students of the first grade of SMP
PGRI 1 Gunung Pelindung, East Lampung in the academic year 2015/2016.
Questionnaires and the reading comprehension test were used as the
instrument for collecting the data of this research. Pearson’s Product Moment
Formula was used to correlate both reading habit in English (variable X) and
reading comprehension ability (variable Y). The result showed that there was
a statistically significant correlation (0.642) between the students’ reading
habit in English and their reading comprehension ability with the significant
level (0.00<0.05). This suggests that reading habit in English can help
students familiarize vocabularies and improve their reading comprehension

Keywords: Reading Habit in English, Reading Comprehension ability.


Reading is a process of thinking. Reading is very complex and complicated

process that involves some factors influential upon each other. The students
have skills in inferential reading comprehension, the researcher has opinion
that reading habit in English supports the students to be able to comprehend
the text. That is the reason the researcher wants to show that reading habit in
English is very important to support inferential reading comprehension.

Nunan (1998), states “Reading is usually conceived as solitary activities in

which the reader interacts with text in isolation.” It can inferred that reading is
not only looking at word in the form of graphic symbol, but reading is a
communication process that involves an enjoyment of a readers to interact
with text.  Reading is also an activity that is active receptive language. It is
said to be active because in the act of reading there is really an interaction
between writer and reader, and said to be receptive, because the reader acts
as receiver of the message in a correlation of communication between writer
and reader directly.  For students, reading is also instrumental in knowing
various kinds of advanced science and technology continues to evolve.
Through reading, advances in science and technology can be known and
understood before it can be applied. Reading is one of the four basic language
skills, and is a part or component of the communication.
According to Wallace and Larsen (1987), reading is a multifaceted process,
which can be described at various time and developmental stages as a
thinking process. Reading ability is the main concern to be able to read
English textbooks, journals, and references, etc. Since most of textbooks and
references are written in English, many students who find difficulties in
comprehending them usually have their texts translated or extracted. It would
be better if they can do it by themselves, rather than depend on their English

Nilsen (2012) defines habit as ―Habit is behavior that has been repeated until
it has become more less automatic, enacted without purposeful thinking,
largely without any sense of awareness. According to Gardner (2012) habit is
an abstract theory, in habit theory there is no single correct definition. In habit
people repeated action without concerning why this self concept must happen.
Behaviorist view habits as routines of behavior that are repeated regularly and
tend to occur subconsciously. As a subconscious self concept, reading habits
can help students to gain academic achievement to a great extent.

Simanjuntak (1988) says that reading habit is the number of repetitions in

given time to read English text. She also says that reading comprehension
understands of a text written in English as proved by habit in reading English
and his ability to correctly choose the right answer of question asked from the
text. The students usually have different level of reading ability in English.
Shane and Glinow (2007) say that ability is the natural aptitudes and learned
capabilities required to successfully complete a task.

Reading activities need to be socialized from an early age, i.e. ranging from
children recognizes letters. Make reading as a necessity and be fun for
students. Reading can be done anywhere and anytime as long as there is
desire, passion, and motivation. If this is true, expected reading can be a part
of life that cannot be separated as a slogan that says, “No day without
reading”. This course requires persistence and continuous training to train the
habit of reading to the reading, especially reading comprehension ability in
English can be achieved. The ability to read is the speed of reading and
understanding all the contents.

The students’ reading habit in English has correlated with students’ reading
comprehension ability. It seems that students’ reading habit in English have
an impact toward students’ reading comprehension ability. Students who have
high habit toward reading tend to be easier to comprehend the passage that
they read than the students who have low habit in reading. The students who
have habit in reading feeling interested in reading. It means enjoying the
activity when somebody interested phenomenon or activity, and they are likely
to attend to in and to give time to it.

This research is quantitative research. The researcher intends to find out
whether there is any significant positive correlation between students’ reading
habit in English and their reading comprehension ability. The design of this
research is ex-post facto co-relational study. The population of this research
was 30 students of the first grade of SMP PGRI 1 Gunung Pelindung, East
Lampung in academic year 2015/2016. The sample was determined through
simple random sampling technique that is lottery technique. Questionnaire
and test were used as the instruments of this research. First, reading habit
questionnaire was given to the students in the form of closed questionnaire.
The aim of this test is to know the students’ reading habit score. Second,
reading comprehension test was conducted to measure students’ reading
comprehension ability. The test is based on the aspects of reading such as
main idea, finding detail information, inference, reference, and vocabulary.
The data were analyzed by using Pearson Product Moment Correlation of
SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) version 16.0.


The result from the calculation by using Pearson Product Moment Correlation
(SPSS 16.0) showed that for the habit of reading in English. In general,
students have high-level of reading habit in English. This is evident from the
30 students, there are 15 students (50%) with score “between 34-67”
(medium-level), 15 students (50%) get high-level frequency (68-100), and no
one of student is in low-level frequency of reading habit in English. The total
score is 2081 and the mean score of students’ reading habit in English is 69,
which was the highest score is 84 and the lowest is 57. It means that half of
the students get score over 69.4 and half below 69.4. It could be seen from
Table 1.

Table 1. Result of Reading Habit Questionnaire

Frequenc Percentage
No Interva Level
y (%)

1 0-33 – – Low

2 34-67 15 50%

3 68-100 15 50% High

Total 30 100%

Similarly, reading comprehension ability, almost all students have the ability to
read high-level understanding. The highest score gained in the reading ability
test is 95 and the lowest score is 45. The total score is 2226. While the means
score of students’ reading comprehension test is 74. This is evident from the
30 students there are 19 students who have the ability to read high-level of
understanding, and 11 students have the ability to read medium-level
understanding. It means that 36.67% had medium-level in reading
comprehension skills and 63.33% had high-level in reading comprehension
skills. It can be seen from Table 2.

Table 2. Result of Reading Comprehension Test

Frequenc Percentage
No Interva Level
y (%)

1 0-33 – – Low

2 34-67 11 36.67%

3 68-100 19 63.33% High

Total 30 100%

Therefore, on the result of reading habit in English and reading

comprehension ability in the form of the aspects of reading based on the high-
level and low-level of students, students who have good or high-level in habit
are good in all of aspects of reading (main idea, finding detail information,
inference, reference, and vocabulary). Whereas, students who have bad or
low-level in reading habit in English get score lower than students who have
good or high-level in five aspects of reading. It can be seen in the table 3 and

Table 3. The Percentage of Correct Answer from Five Aspects of Reading in

Correct Percentag
No. Aspects Numbers
Answer e

2, 5, 12,
1. Main idea 26, 18, 69 76.67%

Finding 4, 16,
2. detail 20, 22, 72 80%
information 23, 25

8, 15,
3. Inference 19, 21, 65 72.22%
27, 29

3, 6, 9,
4. Reference 11, 14, 70 77.78%

1, 7, 10,
5. Vocabulary 13, 17, 73 81.11%

Total 30 349

Table 4. The Percentage of Correct Answer from Five Aspects of Reading in


Correct Percentag
No. Aspects Numbers
Answer e

2, 5, 12,
1. Main idea 26, 18, 58 64.44%

2. Finding 4, 16, 64 71.11%

detail 20, 22,
information 23, 25

8, 15,
3. Inference 19, 21, 56 62.22%
27, 29

3, 6, 9,
4. Reference 11, 14, 67 74.44%

1, 7, 10,
5. Vocabulary 13, 17, 62 68.89%

Total 30 307

Table 5. The Percentage of Indicators of Reading Habit Questionnaire

Good Habit Bad Habit

Indicators Indicators

Always Often Never

236 368 286 10 900

26.22 40.89 1.11 100

% % % %

67.11% 32.89%

From the table 3, high-level percentage, the correct answer of main idea items
is 69 (76.67%), finding detail information items is 72 (80%), inference items is
65 (72.22%), reference items is 70 (77.78%), and vocabulary items is 73
(81.11%). It can be stated that the students who have high-level or good habit
in reading are good in all aspects of reading.

However, from the table 4, low-level percentage, the correct answer of main
idea items is 58 (64.44%), finding detail information items is 64 (71.11%),
inference items is 56 (62.22%), reference items is 67 (74.44%), and
vocabulary items is 62 (68.89%). It can be stated that the students who have
low-level or bad habit in reading get score lower than students who have high-
level or good habit in reading in aspects of reading.

Meanwhile, From the table 5, it can be seen more students have good habit in
reading English. The percentage shows that 26.22% of the students chose
indicator Always (selalu) and 40.89% of the students chose indicator Often
(selalu) in their reading habit questionnaire. Meanwhile, 67.11% of the
students chose indicator Sometimes (kadang-kadang) and 1.11% of the
students choose indicator Never (tidak pernah). From the calculated the good
and bad reading habit from the table above, there is 67.11% of the students
have good habit in reading English and 32.89% of the students have bad habit
in reading English. It can be stated that more than half of the students have
good habit in reading English. The researcher suggested that the students
must often read English texts or books and making a habit in their daily
activity. It can increase their ability in reading comprehension and also can
increase their knowledge.

The result of the coefficient correlation value was high. The result of “rxy” was
0.642. The result of robserved was higher than rtable. It can be seen in table 6.

Table 6. r-table of Pearson Product Moment

r-table of Pearson
Product Moment

Significant Level

5% 1%

30 0.349 0.499

The value of “rxy” was 0.642 with the level significant rtable 1% = 0.499 or the level
significant of rtable 5% = 0361. It can be understood that robserved was higher than
rtable. In other words, the students’ reading habit in English has correlation with
their reading comprehension ability. It means that the students who got good
score in reading habit in English were able to get good score in reading
comprehension ability.


The result shows that students’ reading habit in English and the students’
reading comprehension ability has positive significant correlation. For the habit
of reading in English, students generally have higher levels of reading habit.
And the result of reading comprehension ability, almost all students have the
ability to read high-level understanding.

While, the data in this research show that the coefficient correlation is high.
The value shows the degree of significant. In other words, the students’
reading habit in English has correlation with their reading comprehension
ability. It means that the students who get good score in reading habit are able
to get good score in reading comprehension. Students who have good or
high-level in habit are good in all of aspects of reading (main idea, finding
detail information, inference, reference, and vocabulary). Whereas, students
who have bad or low-habit in reading get score lower than students who have
good or high-level in all of aspects of reading.

In short, students who have good reading habit in English tend to have good
reading comprehension ability. Practically, reading habit in English can help
students in familiarizing vocabularies, in terms of the numbers of vocabulary
they can master and their ability to pronounce English words which support
their reading skill.


After conducting the research at the first grade students of SMP PGRI 1
Gunung Pelindung, East Lampung and analyzing the data, the researcher
concluded a major conclusion. The value r count is 0.642. It means that the
hypothesis was the test has a positive correlation and high correlation based
on the criteria of product moment. The researcher can get the conclusion that
the students’ reading habit in English and the students’ reading
comprehension ability in the first grade of SMP PGRI 1 Gunung Pelindung,
East Lampung at academic year 2015/2016 have positive significant

The students’ reading habit in English gave good effect on the students’
reading comprehension ability. Moreover, habit and comprehension can be
used to motivate students to create a positive and relaxing environment in the
classroom. Based on the result of analysis on the answer of the questionnaire,
it is known that half of students have good or high-level of reading habit and
some others have bad or low-level of reading habit in English. From the
analysis of the students reading comprehension ability, it is known that some
students have good or high-level in reading comprehension ability and some
others have bad or low-level in reading comprehension ability.


Some suggestions could be listed as follows:

1. For Learning and Teaching

2. English teachers are expected to motivate their students to spend much

time to read. One way for reading to reader is by increasing reading
habit in English. Reading in English is one of the ways to improve
students reading comprehension because habit in English is a medium
that is easily got by the content authentic vocabulary from the reader.
3. Teachers give their students popular English texts. This might be
interesting for teachers or students to use it in reading English, because
they do not only reading the text but also study English.
4. Teachers make the learning situation more enjoyable and fun, far from
being stress and threatened situation that is usually faced by students in
the classroom.
5. For The Students

1. Students will be keeping their habit in English because it has

been proven that English can make them having sensitivity of
reading English words. Reading habit in English, moreover, can
also increase their vocabulary and pronunciation. At last, habit in
English is an enjoyable learning media for students’ knowledge.

1. For Research

1. It is expected that it will be useful to the readers especially as a

reference that has correlate with the variable in this research.
2. The researcher wishes that other researchers can conduct the
same study on wider area of the research so the result will have
more advantages and can be applied in a large area of the


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