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RT809H Programming Guide: fly line write and erase method guide


RT809HCompilerTutorial: fly line to read and writeEMMCAnd erasing method the guide

According to points, welded CLK, CMD, D0, GND, shorting ends crystal. The wire is
inserted into the welded ISP RT809H programmer ISP port, power on the motherboard.

Open RT809H programmer interface, intelligent recognition point: EMMC ISP. Point
settings, choose a good read-write partitions and VCCQ, OK. Point to read, select the
storage location, easily identifiable modify the file name, save point.
2% of reading to the point canceled. Point erase prompt: before writing the software
will automatically erase EMMC corresponding region, the need to manually erase data
EMMC all regions? Point OK to start erasing data, indicating successfully erased later.

Point writes, select the file path, double-click a file in any start writing. 2% point
in time written cancellation. Unplug ISP line connected RX, TX view print information,
set RT809H, crystal canceled wiring short, open SecureCRT and connected electrically on
the motherboard, to see the guide has been correctly written. Disable the motherboard
circuitry, manufacturers upgrade file is inserted into the USB port. Press the Enter
key on the motherboard power until the console.

In the console Enter Enter cu. Automatically recognizes upgrade file to start upgrade,
patiently waiting for the upgrade process.
to sum up:

1, this method is directed to a data error results in the manufacturer EMMC user does
not recognize the method to upgrade solutions;

2, this method is directed to the card LOGO, manufacturers from time to time faults
method of reducing re-solution after the upgrade;

3, this method for internal EMMC bad sectors, the factory after upgrade method to solve
the same fault.

EMMC_AUTO_ISP fly line read, must allow the work to stop the main chip, reading and
writing success rate was high, methods are: power off, the main chip shorting pin to
the oscillator 2, the force level applied reset pin reset. The easiest way is: the main
chip shorted crystal 2 feet to the ground, using the power supply of the original
machine, the VCCIO voltage supply is consistent with the EMMC, four flying lines (CLK /
CMD / D0 / GND) to read and write.

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