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Mobile Network Testing

Support Services in GLORIS
User Manual

User Manual

© 2019 Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG
Mühldorfstr. 15, 81671 München, Germany
Phone: +49 89 41 29 - 0
Fax: +49 89 41 29 12 164
Subject to change – Data without tolerance limits is not binding.
R&S® is a registered trademark of Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG.
Trade names are trademarks of the owners.

6684567472 | R&S®...Mobile Network Testing

R&S®...Mobile Network Testing Contents

1 Introduction............................................................................................ 5

2 Accessing GLORIS Portal..................................................................... 6

3 Accessing Mobile Network Testing Material from GLORIS Portal

............................................................................................................... 12

4 Receiving News about Products and Software Releases................ 13

5 Submitting a Support Request........................................................... 15


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R&S®...Mobile Network Testing Contents

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R&S®...Mobile Network Testing Introduction

1 Introduction
Rohde & Schwarz offers you a range of flexible, on demand, consulting, and professio-
nal Mobile Network Testing (MNT) services.
The main way for you to access our support services is through our Global
Rohde & Schwarz Information System portal (GLORIS). This portal offers you an
online interface for:
● Downloading support files, firmware, software, and service circulars
● Receiving news about products and software releases
● Submitting questions, support requests (SR), and change requests

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R&S®...Mobile Network Testing Accessing GLORIS Portal

2 Accessing GLORIS Portal

GLORIS access requires a login with email address and password. This section
describes how to gain access to the MNT tile in GLORIS.

To register for GLORIS

1. Open and click "Register for GLORIS" in the
"Login" area.

2. Read the "Benefits" page and click "Go to Registration" (1):

Figure 2-1: Benefits page

3. Complete the mandatory fields with the blue asterisk (*), and click "Go to Further
Information" (1):

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Figure 2-2: Registration page

Note: Provide a workplace email only. We do not accept private email

4. On the "Further Information" page:
● In the "Reason for Registration" box (1), enter the following information:
Access to:
– MNT Support Tile
– MNT Material Database
● Read the legal information and check "I accept the following Terms".
● Click "Register" (2):

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Figure 2-3: Further Information page

After you click, the following message is displayed:

Figure 2-4: Registration received

5. In the confirmation email that you receive, click the "Confirm account" link (1):

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Figure 2-5: GLORIS confirmation email

After you click, the following message is displayed:

Figure 2-6: GLORIS email verification notification

Then you receive an email allowing you to discover the GLORIS portal with basic

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Figure 2-7: GLORIS account with basic access

Note: Confirm the account within 48 hours; otherwise the registration is canceled
and you have to register again.
Check the "Spam" or "Junk" email folders in case you do not find the confirmation
email in your inbox.
6. Finally, when the Customer Support extends your GLORIS account to MNT Mate-
rial access, you receive an additional email informing you about this advanced

Figure 2-8: GLORIS account ready for use

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R&S®...Mobile Network Testing Accessing GLORIS Portal

To access Rohde & Schwarz services on GLORIS

1. Open

2. Enter your email address (1) and password (2):

Figure 2-9: GLORIS login screen

3. Click "Login".
Note: If you are not registered yet, click "Register for GLORIS" (3). Refer to "To
register for GLORIS" on page 6.

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R&S®...Mobile Network Testing Accessing Mobile Network Testing Material from GLORIS Portal

3 Accessing Mobile Network Testing Material

from GLORIS Portal
This section describes how to download support files from the GLORIS portal.
The "Mobile Network Testing Material" database in the GLORIS portal contains new
software releases, software patches, and documentation that is related to MNT prod-

To download MNT support files

1. Log in to the GLORIS portal

2. Hover over "Support&Services" at the top of the page and click "Mobile Network
Testing Material" (1):

Figure 3-1: Accessing MNT Material database

3. Click an entry in the tree, for example, "By Category", and click the item that you
want to download:

Figure 3-2: MNT Material database content

You can download the latest firmware, new software releases, promotional material for
scanners from the public website:

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R&S®...Mobile Network Testing Receiving News about Products and Software Releases

4 Receiving News about Products and Soft-

ware Releases
This section describes how to register in the GLORIS portal, to periodically get news
about product updates related to quarterly software releases.

To register for the news

1. Log in to the GLORIS portal

2. Hover over your name and click "My Profile"

3. Click "Newsletter" tab (1)

a) Check "Yes, I want to subscribe to the newsletter" (2)
b) Define the periodicity of the newsletter (3)
Note: we recommend to select "Daily (single E-mail via News)" to get the
newsletter immediately after the release
c) Click "Save"

To unsubscribe from the news

1. Log in to the GLORIS portal

2. Hover over your name and click "My Profile"

3. Click "Newsletter" tab

a) Uncheck "Yes, I want to subscribe to the newsletter"

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R&S®...Mobile Network Testing Receiving News about Products and Software Releases

b) Click "Save"

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R&S®...Mobile Network Testing Submitting a Support Request
Implementation of Service

5 Submitting a Support Request

The following sections describe the implementation of service available through the
Rohde & Schwarz Support Desk and the associated responsibilities.

5.1 Implementation of Service

5.1.1 Rohde & Schwarz Support Desk

The following sections describe the lifecycle and best practices for an SR issued by the

Figure 5-1: Support request lifecycle Problem Detection and Analysis

When a technical issue arises on a Rohde & Schwarz product, the customer (customer
technical contact) shall use its best effort to troubleshoot and report the problem
through skills obtained from Rohde & Schwarz product training, product manuals or
troubleshooting guides.

For more details on the responsibilities, refer to Chapter 5.2.5, "Customer Roles and
Responsibilities", on page 22.
For more details on the material accessibility, refer to Chapter 2, "Accessing GLORIS
Portal", on page 6. Gathering Information

For an efficient problem resolution process, the customer technical contact shall pro-
vide all problem-relevant information when opening an SR and, if needed, throughout
the resolution process. Opening a Support Request

In order for Rohde & Schwarz to solve an incident, it is required that the customer tech-
nical contact submits all new SRs via the Rohde & Schwarz Support Desk.

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R&S®...Mobile Network Testing Submitting a Support Request
Implementation of Service

The new incident is logged as an SR and a support request number (SR#) is automati-
cally issued to the customer. For all further communications related to the SR, the cus-
tomer shall provide the correct SR# as a reference, otherwise Rohde & Schwarz can-
not ensure the fulfillment of the service level agreement (SLA). Web Portal Request Submission

The Rohde & Schwarz Support Desk offers the customer an online interface for ques-
tions, SRs and change requests. At any time, the customer can track the progress of
requests, submit a follow-up request, and apply different views and filtering options.

If you are not registered, refer to Chapter 2, "Accessing GLORIS Portal", on page 6.

To access the Rohde & Schwarz Support Desk

1. Open and log in using your credentials

2. Click "Support Desk" (1)

Figure 5-2: Support Desk link

3. Access the desired support desk, e.g. "Mobile Network Testing (MNT) Cellular Net-
work Analysis (CNA)" (1):

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R&S®...Mobile Network Testing Submitting a Support Request
Implementation of Service

Figure 5-3: MNT / CNA support desk access

You display your open tickets, with all the corresponding communications, and you
have the capability to create new tickets. The following steps describe a new
ticket submission.

4. Specify the details of the incident:

a) If relevant, click an item in the "Device / System / SN" list.
If you click a device that is covered by your SLA, the "SLA" entry is automati-
cally filled. If your device is not in the list, enter the name of the device in the
"Additional device" box:

Figure 5-4: New incident view for Self Service users

b) If the "SLA" entry has not been automatically selected, click your SLA in the
c) Click an "Incident Type" in the list. For a description of the incident types, refer
to Table 5-1
d) If you selected "Problem Report" in the "Incident Type" list, click a level in the
"Priority" list, for example, "3 - Medium". For a description of the priority levels,
refer to Table 5-2
Note: The SLA or device that you select determines the "Category" and "Subcate-
gory" entries, which in turn determines who is best suited to solve your problem.

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R&S®...Mobile Network Testing Submitting a Support Request
Implementation of Service

The "SLA" and "Device" lists are only available if you have a valid SLA contract. If
you have a valid SLA and you do not see the agreement in the list, please enter
the relevant information in the "Description" box.
If you do not select an SLA, Rohde & Schwarz treats the incident on a best
effort basis.
5. Specify the remaining details, including the mandatory information that is marked
by a red asterisk (*), and then click "Submit".

Figure 5-5: Incident list in Self Service

Note: You cannot change the "SLA", "Device", "Priority", or "Incident Type" after
you create the incident. If you need to change one of these parameters, contact
you TSE.

Table 5-1: Incident types

Incident Type Description

Problem Report Support request that is related to the operation of Rohde & Schwarz products

Information Request Question that is related to the operation of Rohde & Schwarz products

Change Request Request to enhance an existing feature or for the implementation of a new feature

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R&S®...Mobile Network Testing Submitting a Support Request
Implementation of Service

Table 5-2: Incident priority levels

Priority (severity) Description


1 – Critical Issue that results in a complete loss of system functionality with no acceptable
The system or a major component of the system is inoperable, or the inability to
use the system is having a critical impact on your operation

2 – High Issue that seriously affects product operation, maintenance, or administration func-
The system is usable and an approved workaround exists; however an essential
component of the system is malfunctioning and is substantially impacting your

3 – Medium Issue that does not affect the basic operation of the product, that is, questions,
requests for a software upgrade, media, etc.
The system is usable, but is not functioning in accordance with the specifications
and the current documentation for the release. The issue does not have a substan-
tial impact on Customer’s operation

4 – Low Any other case

5.1.2 Support Request Procedure

When a customer submits a new SR, an SR# is issued to the customer. For all further
communications related to this particular SR, the customer is asked to provide the SR#
as a reference.
A new SR is assigned to a Rohde & Schwarz customer service representative (CSR);
the CSR and the customer technical contact work together to resolve the incident. The
customer shall collect the following information:
● What/which error messages are displayed on the graphical user interface (GUI):
warnings, failures?
● Which product components show failures?
● Is the product completely down or does it work with limitations?
Depending on the complexity of the incident, the CSR and the customer might also
work with a Rohde & Schwarz TSE to thoroughly investigate and analyze the incident.
This process can involve the following actions:
● Asking the customer to make specific configuration changes
● Asking the customer to install specific software updates or utilities
● Asking for specific product debug information and, if necessary, conducting tests to
generate such data
● Trying to replicate the problem in the Rohde & Schwarz test lab environment
● Asking for customer-specific configuration data or software versions to help repro-
duce the problem
● Verifying software behavior with Rohde & Schwarz engineering staff
● Asking the customer to implement workaround solutions to avoid the problem

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R&S®...Mobile Network Testing Submitting a Support Request

● Initiating hardware repair or exchange (asking the customer to send in defective

● Asking the customer to involve networking, database or other technology-specific
administrators to help troubleshoot the incident
● Working with the customer to involve relevant third-party hardware or software ven-
dors (e.g. operating system or database providers) if the problem appears to be
with their products
Whenever the SR is updated with new information, the customer is promptly informed
via the Rohde & Schwarz Support Desk.
The Rohde & Schwarz objective is to always find a satisfactory solution to an incident,
such as a configuration change, software update or workaround so that the customer
can continue to use the products.
When an incident is resolved, the SR is closed. Repair Services – RMA Process

If a product becomes defective:

1. The customer uses the Rohde & Schwarz Support Desk to issue a SR to
Rohde & Schwarz, describing the faulty behavior in detail.

2. The TSE verifies the incident and confirms the hardware defect, which leads to the
replacement or repair of the faulty hardware component.

3. Rohde & Schwarz issues the customer a return material authorization ticket num-
ber (RMA#) and the customer sends Rohde & Schwarz the defective hardware and
shipping documents in a package that is clearly labeled with the RMA#.

4. Upon receipt, Rohde & Schwarz inspects the hardware and informs the customer
about further process steps.

5. During the time when Rohde & Schwarz hardware technicians are repairing or
replacing the defective hardware, the customer receives regular status updates.

6. Rohde & Schwarz thoroughly tests the hardware before shipping it back to the cus-

7. Once the hardware is successfully installed, the SR is closed.

5.2 Responsibilities
The effectiveness of support interaction depends on the technical product knowledge,
the problem solving and communications skills of both the customer technical contact
and the Rohde & Schwarz CSR or TSE. A good understanding by both parties of their
roles and responsibilities is crucial to effective communications.

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R&S®...Mobile Network Testing Submitting a Support Request

To ensure that the customer experience with the Rohde & Schwarz support organiza-
tion is as effective and efficient as possible, Rohde & Schwarz recommends defining
roles and responsibilities on both sides and sharing best practices.

5.2.1 Technical Responsibility

During the product lifecycle, technical responsibility changes as shown in Figure 5-6. It
describes the best contact at the different stages:

Figure 5-6: Technical responsibility chart

5.2.2 Pre-sales Phase

For Rohde & Schwarz products in a pre-sales phase, i.e. during a customer demon-
stration or in a trial, the Rohde & Schwarz pre-sales engineer is responsible for techni-
cal matters. Main activities in the pre-sales phase include the exchange of information,
presentations, demonstrations and trials.

5.2.3 Deployment Phase

During the deployment phase of Rohde & Schwarz products, i.e. starting after receipt
of the order and lasting until product acceptance by the customer, the
Rohde & Schwarz customer project manager is responsible for technical matters. Dur-

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R&S®...Mobile Network Testing Submitting a Support Request

ing the deployment phase, the Rohde & Schwarz customer project manager works
closely with the project manager at the customer's end.

5.2.4 Operation Phase

After deployment, technical responsibility is handed over to the Rohde & Schwarz sup-
port organization, which is composed of two types of support professionals:
Customer service representative (CSR) – First contact when a customer submits an
SR during the operation phase. The responsibility of the CSR includes the following
● Clarifies warranty and contractual status with the customer
● Requests detailed information from the customer
Technical support engineer (TSE) – During the resolution process, the SR can be
assigned to a TSE for further analysis. The responsibility of the TSE includes the fol-
lowing actions:
● Requests further technical information from the customer if necessary
● Analyzes, identifies and resolves the problem
● Reproduces the error condition if applicable
● Maintains the incident status in the Rohde & Schwarz Support Desk

5.2.5 Customer Roles and Responsibilities

Rohde & Schwarz can work more effectively with the customer's organization by col-
laborating with a regular set of contacts for technical and commercial issues.
Rohde & Schwarz proposes two types of customer contacts, which shall be appointed
by the customer:
Commercial contact – Responsible for SRs outside of the customer's service agree-
ment, and for renewing an existing service agreement.
Technical contact – The technical contact has an in-depth knowledge of how to oper-
ate Rohde & Schwarz products. This knowledge can be obtained through technical
product training, which is provided by Rohde & Schwarz as a chargeable option. The
technical contact has the following responsibilities:
● Submitting SRs via the Rohde & Schwarz Support Desk
● Working with the Rohde & Schwarz customer service representative
● Providing all requested information during an SR investigation phase (log files,
explanation of circumstances, etc.)
● Installing and administering new releases and software updates
● Managing the computer systems, including third-party software updates, database
tuning and system security

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R&S®...Mobile Network Testing Submitting a Support Request

5.2.6 Change of Contact

To add, modify, or delete a contact from either of these roles, send an email to custom- with at least the following information:
● Company name
● Contact name
● Contact type (commercial or technical)
● Add, modify, or delete contact’s address, phone number and email address (in the
latter case include the old email address)

5.2.7 Best Practice / Recommendations

Based on the experience Rohde & Schwarz has obtained in supporting business-criti-
cal customers, we would like to share some recommendations and best practices for a
highly efficient support relationship. System Operators Educated by Rohde & Schwarz

Rohde & Schwarz has found that customers whose system operators participate in
Rohde & Schwarz training courses are less prone to experiencing failures due to
wrong settings and false expectations. In the event of a SR, trained operators are
much more effective in defining the symptoms of problems, and in working with us to
resolve the underlying issue. The return on the training investment is almost immediate
considering the cost of education versus the cost of downtime. Rohde & Schwarz
offers technology professionals training programs that provide the knowledge, skills
and credentials to deploy and maintain Rohde & Schwarz technology. Rohde & Schwarz Consulting Service Helps You Plan Ahead

Prior to product changes such as updates, consult the relevant technical documenta-
tion, i.e. release notes, or technical manuals. Rohde & Schwarz recommends that cus-
tomers carefully define a project plan and include adequate test and buffer time to
ensure a seamless transition. For complex infrastructure changes, Rohde & Schwarz
offers consulting services to help you assess your existing products and applications
as well as plan, build and manage your Rohde & Schwarz infrastructure. Providing Complete and Accurate Information

As with any troubleshooting process, accurate and timely resolution depends on accu-
rate and timely information. If the product is not performing as expected, make sure to
collect the appropriate log files and product information.

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R&S®...Mobile Network Testing Submitting a Support Request
Responsibilities Maintain Your Contact Data

Rohde & Schwarz encourages customers to keep their contact information up to date.
This minimizes the overhead in processing SRs and allows fast and efficient communi-

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R&S®...Mobile Network Testing Glossary

CNA: Cellular Network Analysis

CSR: Customer Service Representative

GLORIS: GLObal Rohde & Schwarz Information System

MNT: Mobile Network Testing

RMA: Return Material Authorization

RMA#: Return Material Authorization ticket number

SLA: Service Level Agreement

SR: Support Request

SR#: Support Request ticket number

TSE: Technical Support Engineer

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