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This internship wouldn’t be made possible and successful without the help
of the following persons and institution.

Dr. Karen Lea A. Estira and Dr. Ma. Jasmine De Guzman for deploying us
in our internship training agency and gave us the opportunity to know our
classmates and group mates even better.

Attt. Remarque Ravanzo and Mr. Jerome Ruiz our agency training
supervisors for guiding us all throughout the internship and for their patience and
encouragement that kept us going.

Land Registration Authority, Office of the Registry of Deeds for

accommodating and for the warmth welcome during our internship training.

To the employees, for being nice to us trainees and who shared their
knowledge and experience for us to learn.

To our beloved parents, for their unending love, support and

understanding us always for our short comings and not just for moral support but
for financial support as well.

To our friends for the support and love and companionship for without
them, our college life wouldn’t be meaningful and wonderful.

Above all, to almighty God who is the source of our strength, hope, and
love for without Him, we cannot surpass this challenges as interns.

Thank you for all. God bless.

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