Piega Classic 7.0 - HiFi World - Nov 2017

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REVIEW (On the rear area pair of binding posts to enable biwiring if required plus a large reflex port. Costing £2399 2 pair the speakers come in ‘eter white or blzek piano lacquer with a Macassar ebony fish avalable for 3 premium. ‘AS withthe previous Chasse 3.0 ‘model the 70s boast a high seandard (of construction, weighing in ¢ 284g ‘each and feling extremely sold and sturdy on thelr base pte. ‘SOUND QUALITY Tes wort taking time to setup ‘hese Pregas caret. Point them towards the listening sat as is usual with many foorstanders andthe treble can sound overly strong ~ ako ‘getting them t00 clote to 3 rear wall result in boomy bas. ound alle way our into the room and fring straight ahead gave the optimal response. Once dene ‘they immediately gave t fe with 4 big, vibrant sound coupled with 2 large soundstage. (On Massive Atack’s “Ange the ‘humping opening bassline was dalvered with plenry of punch while the drums had 2 real thwack’ to them. Used on the end ofan Icon ‘Audio Stereo 30SE valve amplifier there was no difcuky getting them to go loud widhour the lower regsters becoming abby oF uncontrolled, Despite cher sze and those ‘wo bass drivers the Pegs dont actualy dig that deep ~ missing re last octave on James Bake LinieTo Your Life’ Bur the bass i soli and tunel ayinga fim foundation for the midband and treble. With Fleeewood Macs The Chain’ every instrument had its own space the speakers never smearing the tune or allowing ie to drag In fact they are extremely fst ~ handing the charging ehythm of The Pixies “Debaser’ wich aplomb. "Much of this is down tothe quality of he AMT! eweater. fs cexcremaly detailed and manages the start and stop of notes with fantastic accuragy So with ‘Debaser Joey ‘antago’ guitar had stunning clarity and ring to it the notes reaching far ‘ut Inte the room and enveloping me in the listening seat The slight downside here is that poor recordings do not fr t00 wel ‘Oasis ‘Definitely Maybe! on CD sounded jst alle too edgy and ah tor ay aiase However on the plus side, 00d quality maceral especialy high resolution fle, are given full room to breathe and bloom. Keith Jarect’s piano on The Koln Concert’ (2496) was rich and resonant. the texture ‘ofthe instrument coming through at all umes. Not al loudspeakers handle the full range of piano well but the Pegas managed ic ‘They were also adept at handling contrasts in eempo $0 when Jarrett ‘ups the speed of his plying the Piegas kept pace with the change Without missing a bent. Taking all these sterbuces together the Pegs Classe 7.0 male an aeractive package. They don't need massive of power to go loud tnd are both crisply detailed and sl meaning they make the most of whatever form of music you play. CONCLUSION Pega deserve to make inroads into the UK market with these new (Cassie 7.0 floorstanders. They are refined sounding with a fast firm base MEASURED PERFORMANCE (ur pulse troquency response of Pegals Cassie 7 was fatost at 25 ogres oa, a shown they are ost accurate ping straight down room and nt cect at isteners— a is common nowedays ~ to keep treble own. From 60H up to 1 Si response is fat and smooth, wich says quite lat. Bas does not pook at all and is relatively wll damped othe Cesic 7s vel ot be bess heavy, but should sound well telanced and reasonably ery and canroled Broad port ouout (rd trace) ad lack of residual bess peaks nthe impedance trace back hs u, showing the por applies broad acoustic damping FREQUENCY RESPONSE Green - driver output Rod - port output IMPEDANCE and smooth midband. Add in superb bold quality and you are geting alot of loudspeaker for your money. The only thin to watch fr isthe treble which wane fatter poor source material, Piega's new AMT-1 ribbon tweet- ‘er. The new ribbon tweeter known ‘as the AMT-1 works according to the principle of the Air Motion Transformer. good sin, sugestng tuna bass, “he smoothness of ou thc ortave ink oie analysis eros he important ‘mi bad, peated in a stepped sine wave bust analysis not show, suggest the Classi 7s wil ck colouration; lal resonances thet produce colour ae bse. The fold ribbon tweetr acts shove 1k and Pia have given it toying output to 1, With a at eassover that wi ston upper rmitrange deta, but song ouput above ‘ke that wl add wt of sting. the ‘Chasse 7 wail be dstinctiv up top. K's easy mater to angers fatter ‘response than this, but lth sae it taye within reasonable bounds of accuracy problem with rebl peaking however thatitaceatate distortion especial fom CD. ‘Senstivty wos high at 898 rom ‘one nomi! Watt of ngut (2.8) 50 lle more than 60 Wats is reeded 19 (0 extrealy ou, and 40 Wet is ne {or anyone with neightous. Impedonce measured 6 Ohms and DCR 37 Obs, etemined by bass unt voice eo rosstance (ur impudance trace shows a loooy resistive characters, with fexcelot bess damping ~ a elatvly acy oad Tho Classe 7 is wal ngineered, vw ght clean bas, law cewaion ard smooth mdb, bat it wil also have sharp tbl, NK PIEGA CLASSIC 7.0 £2399 EXCELLENT extromoly capable venoict Aden, ip seuning octane! wth god bass ane eter ele. High Senstity means it wl 99 fod wit most rls FoR ast aceuats bass sot mend ‘bon beste bai usiy AGAINST son treble Peg +H see a9 3032 ew op.

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