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Applied Thermal Engineering 28 (2008) 1906–1917

Controlling automobile thermal comfort using optimized

fuzzy controller
Yadollah Farzaneh, Ali A. Tootoonchi *
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

Received 31 January 2007; accepted 5 December 2007

Available online 26 January 2008


Providing thermal comfort and saving energy are two main goals of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. A
controller with temperature feedback cannot best achieve the thermal comfort. This is because thermal comfort is influenced by many
variables such as, temperature, relative humidity, air velocity, environment radiation, activity level and cloths insulation. In this study
Fanger’s predicted mean value (PMV) index is used as controller feedback. It is simplified without introducing significant error. Thermal
models of the cabin and HVAC system are developed. Evaporator cooling capacity is selected as a criterion for energy consumption. Two
fuzzy controllers one with temperature as its feedback and the other PMV index as its feedback are designed. Results show that the PMV
feedback controller better controls the thermal comfort and energy consumption than the system with temperature feedback. Next, the
parameters of the fuzzy controller are optimized by genetic algorithm. Results indicate that thermal comfort level is further increased
while energy consumption is decreased. Finally, robustness analysis is performed which shows the robustness of optimized controller
to variables variations.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Thermal comfort; PMV; Automobile cabin; Fuzzy controller; Energy; Genetic algorithm; Robustness analysis

1. Introduction mum system should maintain thermal comfort under time

varying thermal loads while minimizing energy
Temperature in an automobile cabin is an important consumption.
factor in the occurrence of traffic accidents [1]. Zlatoper Compressor used in a cooling system is driven by auto-
investigated the influence of 10 factors on traffic accident mobile engine and therefore increases the fuel consump-
in Unites States and observed that temperature rated third tion. Studies in this area show that the mechanical
[2]. A better climate control system in an automobile compressor can increase fuel used in automobile by about
improves thermal comfort which results in increased driver 12–17% for subcompact to mid-size automobiles [4].
caution and thus improves driving performance and safety Control system is a key factor for improving the perfor-
in different driving conditions. Behr Company’s researches mance of automobile air conditioning. Manual control
show air conditioning system is one of the most important requires skill and experience about system. During travel,
comfort equipment in automobiles which is why most driver is focused on driving task and in most condition
automobiles today are equipped with it [3]. Performance he/she is unaware of complex combination of temperature
improvement of an AC system in automobile requires care- and climate changes, so he/she may not be able to react to
ful analysis of the air conditioning components. An opti- changes. Automatic control frees the driver from this task.
Daanen et al. [1] in 2003 investigated the influence of driv-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +98 511 8815100. ing performance in several climate conditions. They con-
E-mail address: (A.A. Tootoonchi). cluded that a thermo neutral temperature in a car

1359-4311/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Farzaneh, A.A. Tootoonchi / Applied Thermal Engineering 28 (2008) 1906–1917 1907


bp blower power (kW) b blower

C thermal capacity, mCp
_ (kW/°C) c cold
COP coefficient of performance cabin automobile cabin
Cp specific heat (kJ/kg °C) cooler cooler compartment
E_ rate of change of energy (kW) e evaporator
ff fitness function eR evaporator refrigerant
Q_ rate of heat transfer (kW) fa fresh air
m mass (kg) gen generation
m_ mass flow rate (kg/s) H heater core
NTU number of transfer units h hot
pf percent of fresh air i in
ptd position of temperature door min minimum
T temperature (°C) o out
V velocity (m/s) R refrigerant
W_ power (kW) ra re-circulation air
e heat exchanger effectiveness w water

a air
amb ambient

enhances driving performance and may thus positively to identify the effect of control parameters on thermal
affect safety. response. PMV index is used to show thermal comfort
Tabe et al. [5] used modern control theory and derived and its variables are simplified. With this simplification, if
the mathematical model using statistical identification the inside cabin temperature and air velocity are known,
method. Because the system is complex with continuously a good prediction of comfort can be obtained. Two fuzzy
varying parameters more researchers have preferred to controllers with temperature feedback and PMV feedback
use intelligent and more advanced control methods. Davis are designed. An index for energy consumption is also sug-
et al. [6] used fuzzy logic control system to address the gested. It is shown that controller with PMV feedback is
inherently nonlinearity of AC components and to allow more effective than controller with temperature feedback.
the control to be expressed in the same heuristic terms that The PMV controller also better minimizes the energy
an occupant would use in describing the level of comfort. consumption. Finally, the membership functions of fuzzy
Wei [7] developed an intelligent automotive climate control controller are tuned by genetic algorithm to further
system based on human-sensory response. Intelligent meth- improve the performance of fuzzy controller. After optimi-
ods can be combined with traditional methods to improve zation, robustness analysis is performed to show the
control system efficiency. Zhong et al. [8] designed two con- robustness of optimized controller to variation in model
trollers for controlling the indoor air temperature of a car, variables.
the general fuzzy controller and the state feedback with
weighting fuzzy controller. By comparing the results of 2. Thermal modeling of automobile cabin
the two experiments, they showed that the state feedback
with weighting fuzzy controller is more efficient than the In this section, mathematical model of thermal environ-
other in controlling the automobile indoor air temperature. ment for an automobile cabin is derived. Specific parame-
Durovic [9] used Artificial Neural Network under different ters for Peugeot 206 automobile are used. This model
climate conditions for automotive climate control. includes blower, evaporator, heater core as well as the
In most articles, temperature feedback is used to indi- impact of important thermal loads such as sun radiation,
cate thermal comfort. However, the temperature alone can- outside air temperature and passengers on climate control
not explain thermal comfort correctly and it should be of cabin. A schematic model of system is shown in Fig. 1.
combined with other factors to better indicate thermal Mathematical modeling should be performed in a man-
comfort. ner to clearly show the effect of control parameters on
The fundamental goal of this paper is to make automo- occupant thermal comfort. The main control variables
bile compartments a more comfortable thermal environ- are blower power and the position of temperature door.
ment while minimizing energy consumption. Thermal The first variable regulates the blower speed and the second
modeling of Peugeot 206 automobile cabin is performed regulates the necessary blend of hot and cold air.
1908 Y. Farzaneh, A.A. Tootoonchi / Applied Thermal Engineering 28 (2008) 1906–1917

Fig. 1. schematic of automobile cabin and air conditioning systems.

2.1. Assumptions equations. In this article, the thermal loads generated by

solar radiation, outside air and cabin temperature differ-
The following assumptions were made to derive the ence as well as assumption of four people in cabin is esti-
mathematical model: mated by an empirical formula for Peugeot 206
automobile suggested by [12].
– Dry air.
E_ gen ¼ 0:118ðT amb  T cabin Þ þ 0:0022ðT amb  T cabin Þ
– Ideal gas behavior.
– Perfect air mixing. þ 0:2618: ð1Þ
– Neglect potential energy in all parts.
– Neglect thermal losses between components.
2.3. Blower model
– Negligible infiltration and exfiltration effects.
– Neglect transient effect in components and channels.
Blower is an important component in achieving com-
– Negligible energy storage in air conditioning
fort, thus one of the controlling parameter is blower power.
Temperature difference before and after blower is not sig-
– Zero mechanical work in the cabin ðW_ cabin ¼ 0Þ.
nificant and therefore thermal loss is negligible.
– Air parameters at standard conditions of 20 °C, 50% rh,
Relation between blower power, air velocity and air flow
sea level.
rate must be known for the blower. These relations are
– Air parameter exiting the cabin have the same properties
derived experimentally for Peugeot 206 automobile. Air
as inside the cabin.
velocity meter, model DO2003 with probe AP471S from
Delta OHM was used. Two experiments were performed.
Above assumptions help to simplify the equations while
Experiment 1: Four front dashboard air inlets were
produce negligible error in modeling.
opened while all other air inlets were kept closed. To ensure
comfort for the passengers in the back seat the four inlets
2.2. Thermal loads model were pointed directly towards back seats. Air velocity at
different power setting was measured near the driver head.
An automobile moves in highly transient conditions and This measurement was repeated several times and the aver-
its thermal loads depend on many variables, such as sun age was recorded. Blower power was normalized based on
radiation, interior surface radiation, temperature difference its maximum value. Fig. 2 shows the results.
between cabin and ambient, heat from moving parts, com- Experiment 2: In order to reduce experiment error, a
bustion heat, human thermal load and fresh air entering second experiment was performed to obtain air velocity
the cabin. Many works are performed for calculation of at the dashboard air inlets. Two central dashboard air
thermal loads in automobile [10,11]. The derived equations inlets were opened while all others were kept closed. Air
are usually function of many parameters and are complex velocity as well as inlet section area were measured. There-
to calculate. For the control purpose it is simpler to esti- fore the relation between air flow rate and blower power
mate the important loads by either sensors or empirical can be determined (Fig. 3).
Y. Farzaneh, A.A. Tootoonchi / Applied Thermal Engineering 28 (2008) 1906–1917 1909

The position of temperature door is the other control-

Vair = 0.0245e
4.0329 * bp ling parameter. This position specifies the necessary blend
Air velocity (m/s)

1 of hot and cold air (Fig. 1). It is indicated by ptd (position

of temperature door) coefficient and is normalized to (0, 1).
Applying energy equilibrium after temperature door, the
0.6 air temperature that enters the cabin is calculated by:
T cooler;o ¼ ptd  T e;o þ ð1  ptdÞT H;o : ð5Þ
0 2.5. Overall model of the system
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Normalized blower power
The principle of energy and mass conservation from
Fig. 2. Mean air velocity versus blower speed. thermodynamics are used to model the system. Overall
model of the system is derived to show the air temperature
and velocity in the cabin. The effect of control parameters
m = 0.1386 bp2 + 0.0075 bp + 0.0384 is also included in the model
0.15 dEcabin X X
¼ E_ gen  W_ cabin þ E_ cabin;i  E_ cabin;o ; ð6Þ
m (kg/s)

0.1 dmcabin X X
¼ m_ in  m_ out ¼ 0 ) mcabin ¼ const: ð7Þ
Variables used in Eq. (6) are simplified as follows:
0 dEcabin dðmcabin hcabin Þ d
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 ¼ ¼ ½ðqair V cabin ÞðCpT cabin Þ
dt dt dt
Normalized blower power
dT cabin
¼ qair V cabin Cp ; ð8Þ
Fig. 3. Mass flow rate versus blower speed. dt
E_ cabin;i ¼ E_ cooler;o ¼ m_ air CpT cooler;o ; ð9Þ
2.4. Heat exchangers model X
E_ cabin;o ¼ E_ cooler;i ¼ m_ air CpT cabin : ð10Þ
Evaporator is cooled through the flow of refrigerant. Eqs. (1), (8)–(10) are placed into Eq. (6) which leads to
Heater core is heated through the flow of hot water from
engine. Although these two heat exchangers have different A  T_ cabin þ B  T cabin ¼ C  T amb þ D  T eR;i þ E  T w;i þ F ;
tasks, they are similar from the modeling point of view. ð11Þ
Energy equilibrium on air side and working fluid side give A ¼ qair V cabin m_ air Cp2a ;
the heat transfer equations. Heat transfer coefficients are
the most important parameters that should be known for B ¼ m_ air Cpa fm_ air Cpa  ð1  pfÞð1  ee Þ½m_ air Cpa
energy equilibrium equations. Many researches have been þ ð1  ptdÞeH C min;H  þ 0:1202g;
performed in this area [13,14]. Energy equilibrium equa-
tions and e-NTU procedure are usually used for design C ¼ pf ð1  ee Þm_ air Cpa ½m_ air Cpa þ ð1  ptdÞeH C min;H 
and analysis of heat exchangers. e-NTU procedure leads þ m_ air Cpa 0:1202;
to calculation of heat exchanger effectiveness. However,
D ¼ m_ air Cpa ee ½m_ air Cpa ptd þ ð1  ptdÞðm_ air Cpa þ eH C min;H Þ;
for simplicity heat exchangers effectiveness value for Peu-
geot 206 automobile is used from [12]. Heat exchanger E ¼ ee ½m_ air Cpa ptd þ ð1  ptdÞðm_ air Cpa þ eH C min;H Þ
effectiveness [15] is defined as
 ð1  ptdÞeH C min;H ;
Qactual Qactual
e¼ ¼ : ð2Þ F ¼ m_ air Cpa 0:2618;
Qmax C min ðT hot;i  T cold;i Þ
V air ¼ 0:0245 expð4:0329  bpÞ: ð12Þ
Exhaust air temperature from the heat exchangers is the
desired value in this study. It can be found by expanding Governing equation is a first order differential equation
Eq. (2). For the evaporator and heater core these tempera- with time dependent coefficients. Thus, it has a complex
tures are explained by the following equations: behavior.
ee C min;e
T e;o ¼ T e;i  ðT e;i  T eR;i Þ; ð3Þ 3. Thermal comfort
m_ air Cpa
eH C min;H Fundamental goal of HVAC is to provide comfort in
T H;o ¼ T H;i þ ðT w;i  T H;i Þ: ð4Þ
m_ air Cpa any condition. Comfort is vague. ASHRAE defines com-
1910 Y. Farzaneh, A.A. Tootoonchi / Applied Thermal Engineering 28 (2008) 1906–1917

fort as ‘‘condition of mind that expresses satisfaction with Table 1

the thermal environment” [16]. Most controllers use tem- Relationship between PMV and thermal sensation
perature as feedback. However, as stated many factors PMV Thermal sensation Physiological stress level
affect thermal comfort and against public believe, tempera- Very cold Extreme cold stress
-3.5 -----------
ture alone cannot show comfort precisely. Many different Cold Strong cold stress
comfort indexes are suggested [17,18]. The best of them -2.5 -----------
was introduced by Fanger [19]. This index has high preci- Cool Moderate cold stress
sion for comfort prediction and can be used as feedback -1.5 -----------
Slightly cool Slight cold stress
in air conditioning controller [20]. -0.5 -----------
Comfortable No thermal stress
3.1. PMV 0.5 -----------
Slightly warm Slight heat stress
Generally, thermal comfort is achieved by variation in 1.5 -----------
Warm Moderate heat stress
environmental and personal factors inside the cabin. 2.5 -----------
Environmental factors are air temperature, mean radiant Hot Strong heat stress
temperature, air velocity and relative humidity. Personal 3.5 -----------
factors include activity level and clothing insulation. Very hot Extreme heat stress
These six variables interact and finally a number that indi-
cates the thermal comfort can be calculated. Fanger’s PMV
gives the expected degree of thermal comfort in relation to As stated before, six inputs are needed for calculation of
the above-mentioned six thermal parameters. Fanger’s PMV. Therefore, some researchers prefer to use other indi-
PMV is given by Eq. (13) [19] ces [22].

PMV ¼ ð0:028 þ 0:3033 e0:036M Þ  fðM  W Þ 3.2. PMV simplification

 3:05½5:733  0:000699ðM  W Þ  Pa
PMV has six inputs and thus requires six sensors. We
 0:42½ðM  W Þ  0:0173Mð5:867  PaÞ propose a simpler form of PMV where cabin air tempera-
 0:0014Mð34  T a Þ  3:96  108 fcl½ðT cl þ 273Þ
4 ture and the air velocity are the only two variables and
are calculated from Eqs. (11) and (12). The remaining four
 ðT mrt þ 273Þ   fcl  hc ðT cl  T a Þg; ð13Þ variables are assumed constant. This will simplify the prob-
T cl ¼ 35:7  0:028ðM  W Þ lem without introducing significant error. To verify this
4 4
assumption all four variables were simultaneously first
 0:155I cl f3:96  103 fcl½ðT cl þ 273Þ  ðT mrt þ 273Þ  increased and next decreased by 10% from the mean values
 fcl  hc ðT cl  T a Þg; ð14Þ used in this article. PMV was calculated and found to vary
( pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi from 0.6 to +0.3 which is close to comfort zone (0.5 to
0:25 0:25
2:38ðT cl  T a Þ 2:38ðT cl þ T a Þ P 12:1 V air ; +0.5) defined by ASHRAE [16].
hc ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
12:1 V air 2:38ðT cl þ T a Þ0:25 P 12:1 V air : Mean values used for PMV are as follows:
– Passengers in the cabin are usually at rest while the dri-
The parameters are defined as follows: ver has a slightly higher activity level. Therefore meta-
bolic activity of about 1 mat and 1.5 mat are assumed
PMV: predicted mean vote. for the passenger and the driver [16].
M: metabolism (W/m2). – Automobile cooler works in warm months and common
W: external work, equal to zero for most activity (W/ cloths in these months have low thermal insulation.
m2). Table 2 shows various kinds of cloths with their thermal
Icl: thermal resistance of clothing (Clo). insulation [16]. Clothing insulation value may be
fcl: ratio of body’s surface area when fully clothed to expressed by clo units where 1.0 clo is equivalent to
body’s surface area when nude. 0.155 m2 K/W. Thermal insulation of 0.7 is an average
Ta: air temperature (°C). and is assumed for this study.
Tmrt: mean radiant temperature (°C). – The influence of relative humidity on thermal comfort is
Vair: relative air velocity (m/s). the least among all other factors. In fact, people can feel
Pa: partial water vapor pressure (kPa). comfortable in a wide range of relative humidity (20–
hc: convection heat transfer coefficient (W/m2 k) 70%) as long as the operative temperature is within com-
Tcl: surface temperature of clothing (°C). fort zone [19,16] (Fig. 4). Therefore, constant humidity
level of 50% is assumed.
Table 1 shows the relationship between PMV, thermal – Mean radiant temperature (MRT) is defined as the uni-
sensation and physiological stress level [21]. form temperature of an imaginary enclosure in which
Y. Farzaneh, A.A. Tootoonchi / Applied Thermal Engineering 28 (2008) 1906–1917 1911

Table 2 model the nonlinear relationship between inputs and out-

Common cloths in warm cloths puts. It can simulate the operator’s behaviour without
Ensemble description Icl (clo) use of mathematical model [28]. It is a method that trans-
Walking shorts, short-sleeved shirt 0.36 fers human knowledge into mathematics. Incomplete,
Trousers, short-sleeved shirt 0.57 vague and/or inaccurate expert knowledge is formulated
Trousers, long-sleeved shirt 0.61 with the aid of if–then rules. Each rule explains a nonlinear
Same as above, plus suit jacket 0.96
Sweat pants, sweat shirt 0.74
relationship between inputs and outputs. All rules together
Knee-length skirt, short-sleeved shirt, panty hose, sandals 0.54 define a linguistic model. For more information about
Knee-length skirt, long-sleeved shirt, full slip, panty hose 0.67 fuzzy logic see Zimmerman [29].
Ankle-length skirt, long-sleeved shirt, suit jacket, panty hose 1.1 Fuzzy control is the most practical branch of fuzzy
Long-sleeved coveralls, T-shirt 0.72 logic. Fuzzy control is inherently vague and nonlinear, thus
Overalls, long-sleeved shirt, T-shirt 0.89
it is suitable for systems with this behavior. Automobile air
conditioning system is also nonlinear and complex there-
fore, it is difficult for conventional methods to control it
well [6]. This makes fuzzy control a good choice for con-
trolling this system.

4.1. Fuzzy controller with temperature feedback

In most air conditioning controllers, temperature is used

as feedback and a fix temperature is the controller goal.
Block diagram of this controller for automobile cabin is
given in Fig. 5.
Inputs to fuzzy controller are the error and the changes
of error. Outputs are blower power and the position of
temperature door for regulating the necessary blend of
hot and cold air. Error is defined by the following equation:
error ¼ T d  T cabin : ð16Þ
Fig. 4. Effect of relative humidity on comfort [16]. Desired temperature is adjusted by the automobile driver
which in warm months is about 22 °C. Formation of suit-
radiant heat transfer from the human body equals the able fuzzy sets is important in designing of fuzzy controller.
radiant heat transfer in the actual nonuniform enclosure Triangular fuzzy sets are chosen for this controller and are
[16]. Two methods are suggested for measuring MRT. equally divided (Fig. 6).
The first method utilizes a black globe, two thermome- The min–max limits are adjusted based on the dynamics
ters and air velocity meter. The second method uses of the system and the control goal. For this system, the
absolute surface temperature of the surrounding sur- min–max limits are manually selected as indicated in Table
faces and angle factors between the person and the sur- 3.
rounding surfaces [23]. Both methods require multiple Maximum number of rules is equal to multiplication of
sensors and are difficult to measure. For simplification, the number of input membership functions. It is clear that
some researchers assume MRT is equals to inside air a large number of rules are more difficult to define. There-
temperature [24–26]. This assumption is also used in this fore, to simplify the problem three membership functions
study. are selected for each input and output variables. This
results into nine rules for each output. The state evaluation
fuzzy control rule [34] is applied for controlling this system.
The fuzzy inference logic uses the Min–Max [29] to operate
4. Fuzzy controller the fuzzy control rules. Finally, the center of area method
[29] is employed to defuzzify the output variables. This
Fuzzy logic was born in 1965 by Zadeh [27]. Nowadays, defuzzzification method is simple, accurate and more suit-
it is widely used in industrial applications. Fuzzy logic can able for the system’s dynamics.

bp Vcabin
Tcabin d + Fuzzy Automobile
controller cabin Tcabin
- d/dt ptd

Fig. 5. Temperature control with temperature feedback.

1912 Y. Farzaneh, A.A. Tootoonchi / Applied Thermal Engineering 28 (2008) 1906–1917

Low Medium High 3

Actual PMV
2.5 Desired value


min max 0
Fig. 6. Fuzzy sets. 0 50 100 150 200
Time (sec)
Table 3 Fig. 8. PMV variation in cabin.
Suggested interval for variables
Min Max
Temperature error 6 6 5.6
Temperature error_dot 1 1

Cooling Capacity (kW)

Blower power 0.15 1.45
Position of temperature door 0 1.8 4.6
Simulation is performed assuming 35 °C outside temper- 3.1
ature environment and zero fresh air entering the system. It 2.6
is assumed that the hot soak is finished and the initial tem- 2.1
perature in cabin is equal to the outside temperature. Con- 1.6
troller regulates the outputs in a manner to achieve the 0 50 100 150 200
desired temperature in the cabin. Results of the fuzzy con- Time (sec)
troller with temperature feedback are shown in Fig. 7. Fig. 9. Evaporator cooling capacity.
Thermal comfort is calculated by the simplified PMV
index during simulation. Controller achieves the desired
temperature, however, it cannot achieve the zero PMV as
shown in Fig. 8.
Minimal energy consumption is another performance
Normalized controller outputs

0.99 Blower power criterion used in this study. It means that the compressor
ptd power should be as low as possible. COP relates the evap-
0.89 orator cooling capacity to the compressor power. There-
fore, evaporator cooling capacity may be used as a good
0.79 index for compressor power
Q_ e Q_ e
0.69 COP ¼ ) W_ c ¼ : ð17Þ
W_ c COP
0.59 Jabardo et al. [30] performed research on automotive
0 50 100 150 200 refrigeration cycle. They showed if the evaporator cooling
Time (sec) capacity is increased then COP would decrease. Therefore,
regards to Eq. (17), increment in cooling capacity has a
Actual temperature two-fold effect on increasing compressor power. Fig. 9
33 shows the evaporator cooling capacity for the system dur-
Desired value
Temperature (˚C)

31 ing the simulation.

4.2. Fuzzy controller with thermal comfort feedback
25 As stated before, temperature does not best describe the
23 thermal comfort and therefore controller with temperature
21 feedback cannot achieve desired comfort. A better solution
0 50 100 150 200 is to use controller with PMV feedback as shown in Fig. 10.
Time (sec) Desired PMV is zero which indicates the comfort condi-
Fig. 7. (a) Normalized controller outputs and (b) temperature variation in tion. Suggested intervals for variables are indicated in
cabin. Table 4.
Y. Farzaneh, A.A. Tootoonchi / Applied Thermal Engineering 28 (2008) 1906–1917 1913

bp Vcabin
+ Fuzzy Automobile
controller cabin Tcabin
- d/dt ptd


Fig. 10. Controller with PMV feedback.

Table 4
Suggested interval for variables 5.6 Temperature controller

Cooling Capacity (kW)

Min Max 5.1 PMV controller
PMV error 3.5 3.5 4.6
PMV error_dot 1.5 1.5 4.1
Blower power 0.1 1.33 3.6
Position of temperature door 0 1.8 3.1
Normalized controller outputs

0.99 Blower power 1.6

0 50 100 150 200
Time (sec)
Fig. 13. Evaporator cooling capacity.

The two simulation conditions of 35 °C outside temper-

0.69 ature and zero fresh air entering the system are the same as
the previous controller (temperature controller). Controller
0.59 outputs are plotted in Fig. 11. Temperature and PMV com-
0 50 100 150 200
parison between the two controllers are shown in Fig. 12.
Time (sec)
Comparison shows that the PMV controller better con-
Fig. 11. Normalized controller outputs. trols comfort than temperature controller. Additionally,
evaporator cooling capacity is calculated and compared
for the two controllers (Fig. 13).
35 It is clear that the controller with PMV feedback has
Temperature controller
33 lower energy consumption. This controller achieves com-
PMV controller
Temperature (˚C)

31 fort while minimizing energy usage therefore, reaching

Desired value
more of air conditioning system goals.
25 5. Tuning fuzzy controller with genetic algorithm
Fuzzy systems design can be divided into three main
21 stages; namely, the selection of a proper set of input and
0 50 100 150 200
output variables and their related universes of discourse,
Time (sec)
the identification of a suitable structure for the fuzzy sys-
tem and the extraction of an optimal fuzzy rule-base. The
3 Temperature controller most crucial task in fuzzy systems design is the formation
2.5 PMV controller of proper membership function with fuzzy rules. This
Desired comfort
2 directly affects the overall performance of the system. If
the designer has primary knowledge of system perfor-

mance, he can use that as a good starting point for the
design of the fuzzy control system. However, if no primary
knowledge is available, formation and tuning of member-
0 ship functions would not be an easy task. Identification
-0.5 of fuzzy system parameters is also possible by having
0 50 100 150 200
input–output data. However, data creation is not an easy
Time (sec)
task and the data may be noisy and inaccurate. Further-
Fig. 12. PMV and temperature variations. more, fuzzy systems do not have ability to learn [31] and
1914 Y. Farzaneh, A.A. Tootoonchi / Applied Thermal Engineering 28 (2008) 1906–1917

complementary methods such as artificial neural network

and evolutionary algorithms should be used for this
Recently, evolutionary algorithms and especially genetic
algorithm are proposed as an instrument to optimize fuzzy
systems. Genetic algorithm (GA) is general and a global min max
optimization method which is based on the natural evolu-
tion theory. GA is suitable for not well defined as well as Min1i Max 1i Min2i Max 2i Min 1o Max 1o Min 2o Max o2
irregular search spaces. Optimization problem is defined
Fig. 15. Chromosome coding.
as the objective function. Variables are coded as chromo-
somes and each chromosome is an answer to the problem.
Fitness is assigned to each chromosome with respect to the
considering energy consumption. Zero value for PMV indi-
objective function. Fittest chromosomes generate the next
cates optimum thermal comfort. Absolute summation of
population through reproduction, crossover and mutation.
the differences between calculated and zero PMV during
Interested readers refer to [32].
simulation is selected as the objective function for GA.
Therefore GA attempts to minimize this difference by
5.1. General procedure for tuning fuzzy controller using adjusting the membership functions
genetic algorithm
Fitness function 1 ¼ jPMV  0j: ð18Þ
Important parameters such as membership functions
and fuzzy rules are first coded to chromosomes. Fitness
value is given to each chromosome based on performance Results as indicated in Figs. 16 and 17 show thermal com-
of fuzzy controller. Next, GA operators generate the next fort is achieved faster with the GA-tuned parameters, how-
generation of population. This process continues until the ever, energy consumption is increased due to an increase in
desired performance is achieved or the number of genera- cooling capacity. Clearly, this increase in energy consump-
tion exceeds a specific number (Fig. 14). tion is not acceptable.
Minimizing energy consumption while achieving opti-
5.2. Tuning the existing membership functions mum PMV is next considered. As indicated before, a good
index for compressor power and energy consumption is
If the rule-base is small, the if–then structure of fuzzy evaporator cooling capacity. The summation of evaporator
rule is easy to understand and build with priori knowledge. cooling capacity during each simulation is the index used
The state evaluation fuzzy control rule and/or state trajec-
tory approach can be used for defining fuzzy rules [33]. The
control goals can be easily obtained by adjusting the mem- 3 Before optimization
bership functions. The formation of acceptable fuzzy mem- 2.5 Optimization by ff.1
bership functions is a subjective and time consuming task,
2 Desired comfort
thus GA is use to search and optimize the membership

functions. In this study, the min–max limits of the member- 1.5

ship functions are defined and GA finds the best limit for 1
each input–output variable. Min–Max limits are normal- 0.5
ized to (0, 1) and then coded to chromosomes. Controller 0
has two inputs (PMV, PMV-dot) and two outputs (blower
power, ptd), thus the length of each chromosome is equal 0 50 100 150 200
to eight Genes (Fig. 15). Time (sec)
Achieving comfort is the desired response of fuzzy con-
Fig. 16. PMV in cabin.
troller. Initially GA is applied to optimize PMV without

FLC model
Initial mutation

User Performance evaluation

Record the
necessary Stop? reproduction crossover

Fig. 14. General GA optimization process.

Y. Farzaneh, A.A. Tootoonchi / Applied Thermal Engineering 28 (2008) 1906–1917 1915

5.6 Before optimization Before optimization
Cooling Capacity (kW)

5.1 2.5 Optimization by ff.1

Optimization by ff.1 Optimization by ff.2
4.6 2
Desired comfort
4.1 1.5

3.6 1
1.6 -0.5
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
Time (sec) Time (sec)

Fig. 17. Evaporator cooling capacity.

5.6 Before optimization

Cooling Capacity (kW)

Optimization by ff. 1
4.6 Optimization by ff. 2
for energy consumption. These two goals result in a two-
objective optimization problem, i.e., minimizing both the
comfort error and energy consumption. The multi-objec-
tive goal can be converted into a single objective problem.
One way to combine these goals is by applying proper
weights to each goal
X X 0 50 100 150 200
Fitness function 2 ¼ w1  jPMV  0j þ w2  Qr :
Time (sec)
Fig. 18. Fuzzy controller before and after optimization.

The weights w1 and w2 are manually selected to produce

approximately equal effects for both cooling capacity as ence the behavior of the system. A good controller must be
well as PMV error. The optimized limits which minimize robust to changes in these variables.
the objective function (Eq. (19)) are listed in Table 5. Optimization and robustness often work against each
Results of fuzzy controllers before and after optimiza- other. Therefore, robustness analysis should be performed
tion with fitness function-1 (ff-1) and fitness function-2 after optimization to insure the effectiveness of controller
(ff-2) are shown in Fig. 18. over a wide range of conditions. Robustness is a character-
As shown in Fig. 18 the optimized fuzzy with ff-2 istic of controller which minimizes the effect of uncertainty
reaches thermal comfort approximately 15 s later than or variation in system parameters without eliminating the
the controller with ff-1. However, this slight delay in reach- source of the uncertainty or variation.
ing comfort is well compensated by the significant reduc- In this study, thermal load is the most important uncon-
tion in fuel consumption. It can be concluded that trollable parameter that affects system behavior. Thermal
optimization using ff-2 reaches thermal comfort while load is affected by variations such as outside air tempera-
reducing energy consumption. ture, sun radiation, opening the automotive windows and
doors, ratio of fresh air to re-circulated air. Controller
5.3. Robustness analysis

Automobile cabin is affected by many random and 50

2.9 PMV before optimization
uncontrollable parameters. Variation in uncontrolled
parameters is one of the most important sources affecting 2.4 Optimized PMV
Temperature (˚C)

system performance. These are part of the system model Outside Temperature
but are not under designer control and may strongly influ- 40

Table 5
Tuned limits of variables 30
Min Max
-0.1 25
PMV error 0.7353 2.6017
0 100 200 300
PMV error_dot 4.8533 0.2354
Blower power 0.7013 1.7729 Time (sec)
Position of temperature door 0.3116 1.6376
Fig. 19. PMV during temperature variation.
1916 Y. Farzaneh, A.A. Tootoonchi / Applied Thermal Engineering 28 (2008) 1906–1917

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