Technical Spec. Boundary Fence Around Admin-General & Materials

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Tender Documents for Boundary fence around Admin Bldg.

at BSM Hi-Tech Park, Sylhet Technical Specifications :





1.01 Location and Description of the Project

The project envisages Construction of Boundary fence around Admin Building at

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Hi-Tech Park, Sylhet.
1.02 Scope of Work under the Contract

The work shall consist of construction of RCC individual / combined footing / isolated
footing, RCC column as superstructure, M.S. Grill Fence and MS Gate etc. including
necessary relevant works, earth/sand filling etc. works as per the schedule of items and
in accordance with drawings and specifications and approved by the Engineer-in-

1.03 Submittal

The submittal by the contractor shall include all shop drawings, reports samples, test
results etc. to conform with applicable provisions of the general conditions of contract
and as required under various section of the specifications. The purpose of the
submittal required herein is to assure that items furnished and installed are in all
matters of consequence equivalent to the specified items and that proper records are
maintained of the changes made in the specifications, drawings or in materials used or
deviations made in the construction process.

The Contractor shall forward all submittal with a forwarding letter stating that the
submittals have been carefully reviewed by the construction and the on-site conditions
of dimensions, where necessary and correctness have been verified and checked.

The submittal shall be reviewed by the Engineer-in-charge to verify that the contractor‟s
obligations are fulfilled as per true intention of the contract. In checking and approving
submittal the Owner does not relieve the contractor from responsibility for construction
errors or omission, which may occur, even though executed in accordance with
approved shop drawings. Any such errors or omissions as are discovered later should
be made good by the Contractor irrespective of any approval by the employer at no
additional cost to the employer. This does not apply to modifications approved as
specified herein.

The Contractor shall make submittal sufficiently in advance of construction

requirements to allow time for checking and rechecking if necessary. Any work
fabricated or installed by the contractor prior to approval of shop drawings or other
required submittal shall be done at his own cost.

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Tender Documents for Boundary fence around Admin Bldg.
at BSM Hi-Tech Park, Sylhet Technical Specifications :

1.04 Shop Drawings and As-built Drawings

The Contractor shall prepare at his own cost Shop Drawings to show all elements of
construction that are required to assure proper shop fabrication or job installation of
items requiring Shop Drawings. All materials quality, finishes, construction details as
specifically related to the project must be shown on the Shop Drawings.

The Contractor at his own cost shall prepare and submit “As-built” drawing as specified
in the Contract.

1.05 Laboratory Test Results

Where laboratory tests are required by the specifications, either before or during
construction operations, the Contractor will arrange at his own cost to get such tests
done in accordance with the appropriate reference requirements specified in the
Contract. Where such tests are conducted prior to actual construction for approval
purposes the Contractor shall submit reports of the test results to the
Employer/Consultant for approval along with other submittal materials before starting
the work.

1.06 Electrical Conduit works

The general provisions of the contract agreement shall also apply to the electrical, and
other works covered under this contract including providing M K pull Boxes etc. the
works shall be executed in conformity with the specifications and schedule of items
provided herein.

1.07 Examination and Acceptance

This clause shall be applicable to all items of work under this contract.

During the progress of work each item of work shall be inspected and passed as
accepted by the Engineer-in-Charge or his representative after proper examination.
Any work not conforming to the drawing and specifications and schedule of items shall
be rejected and the Contractor shall take all remedial measures as directed by the
Engineer-in-Charge at the Contractor‟s expense.

In addition to the examination referred to above the final survey will be made by the
Engineer-in-Charge before the work is taken over, and if a part the whole is not found
to be in accordance with the requirements of the drawings, specifications and schedule
of items, the Contractor will be required to correct such discrepancies to meet the limits
of specified tolerance for which no extra payment shall be allowed to the Contractor.


The Contractor shall upon receiving the work order, immediately take possession of the site
and move his men and materials to prepare the site in order to create conditions for starting the
work as per terms of contract, drawings and specification.


The work of mobilization shall consist of carrying out the following listed actions together with
all other requirements of the Contract in regard to commencing the execution of the work by the
Contractor, at his own cost.

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Tender Documents for Boundary fence around Admin Bldg.
at BSM Hi-Tech Park, Sylhet Technical Specifications :
(a) Procurement, assembly, repairs and make running condition of all the contractor-
owned constructional plant and equipment by the contractor at any other site
convenient to him.

(b) Transportation of Contractor-owned constructional plant, equipment and material from

the storage site as mentioned in (a) above to the construction site.

(c) Assembly and installation of all items of constructional plants, equipment etc. required
for the execution of the works.

(d) Receive all construction plant, equipment and materials to be furnished by the
Employer, if any, and collect and transport them to the site of the Work. All materials
shall be properly stored, inventoried and protected until used into the work and all
plants and equipments shall be tested and made ready for use.

(e) The Contractor shall construct a suitable site office building, and shed for storage of
materials and equipment, workshop, other additional buildings and First-Aid Centre
attended by suitable Medical Assistants to provide First-Aid at Contractor‟s cost. If
proper space is not available for storing Aggregates, Sand in bulk, Contractor shall
arrange his own accommodation. Max. 3 days-consumption materials may be
available at site.

(f) Maintain all temporary roads, fences and sanitary facilities, keep all areas used by the
Contractor clean, neat, and well kept and in good repair and provide proper drainage to
protect the area from surface run-off and flooding.

(g) Provide all the required electric power, water supply, gas supply and other utility
connections of temporary installations at the site as may be necessary for the
execution of the work.

(h) Obtain all insurance Policies, Performance bond and payment guarantees as required
under this Agreement and conditions.

(i) Payment of all fees, permits, licenses, etc. as may be required covering the execution
of the contract.


4.01 Before Starting the Work

The Contractor shall remove all the undesirable materials from the site to facilitate
construction work at site through cleaning the site by dismantling and removing
temporary sheds, columns, pillars, pavements, rubbish, earth, broken materials,
fences, boundary walls etc. at his own cost.

4.02 During Execution of Work

During execution of the work the contractor shall remove or protect, at his own cost,
different service line if any, viz. sewerage, water supply pipe, drains, electric/telephone
cables etc. after taking prior permission from the relevant authorities and Engineer-in-
During execution of the work excess spoil earth, debris, rubbish, any dismantled items
or any such unwanted item shall be removed by the Contractor at his own cost to a
safe place as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.

4.03 After Completion of Work

The work of cleaning the site shall consist of carrying out the following listed actions
together with all other requirements of the Contract in regard to completion of the work
by the Contractor at his own cost and handing over the work complete to the Employer.

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Tender Documents for Boundary fence around Admin Bldg.
at BSM Hi-Tech Park, Sylhet Technical Specifications :

(a) The dismantling and removal of all Contractor‟s constructional plants and
equipment from the Site.

(b) Dismantling and removing of temporary building from the Site.

(c) Dismantling transporting, reconditioning and storing of all constructional plants,

equipment, surplus materials (if any) etc. furnished by the Employer to places
as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge in a suitable manner.

(d) Removal of all water, electricity, gas supply connections and utilities, which
become redundant on the completion of the work in a manner directed by the

(e) Over all clean up of the site and work area in a manner satisfactory to the


5.01 General

The Contractor shall, at his own expense, provide all necessary temporary facilities
required to accomplish the work in a safe and orderly manner as specified in the

5.02 Field Office and Installation

The Contractor shall provide and maintain at his own expense a suitable field office
and such additional storage sheds and temporary buildings as required. The design
and location of such structures shall be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. The field
office shall be of ample size for use by the supervisory personnel of the Consultant and
the Employer and by persons as required by the Contractor and as required for storage
and display of drawings and other records. It shall be accessible at all times to the
Owner‟s / Consultant‟s representatives.

5.03 Sanitary Facilities

The Contractor shall provide an adequate number of toilets as necessary for all
persons engaged on the work. The provisions for sanitary facilities and the
maintenance thereof shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge.
The wastage from toilets shall be disposed of by means of septic tank and soak pit or
by some other acceptable disposal system. All sanitary facilities shall be kept clean
and shall be frequently disinfected by the Contractor.

5.04 Water
The Contractor shall at his own expense, provide adequate supply of water of
acceptable quality at the construction site for execution of the work

5.05 Drinking Water

The Contractor shall provide drinking water for all personnel and workers on the works.
All water, which may be used for drinking purposes, shall be obtained from a
recognized source of potable water.

5.06 Electric Power and Lighting

The Contractor shall make all arrangements for obtaining temporary electric power and
shall pay all costs in connection thereof as well as the costs of all energy consumed
during execution of the work until the date of completion.

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Tender Documents for Boundary fence around Admin Bldg.
at BSM Hi-Tech Park, Sylhet Technical Specifications :

The Contractor shall, at his own expense provide adequate lighting at the construction
site during the execution of work.

The Contractor shall at his own expenses, remove the temporary electrical power and
lighting systems after completion of the work as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.

5.07 First Aid Centre

The Contractor shall provide at his own cost a First Aid Medical Centre with adequately
qualified personnel, materials and medicine for services at all time during execution of
the work.

5.08 Fire Fighting Equipment

The Contractor shall arrange at his own cost adequate fire fighting equipment at site for
bringing, initial fire hazards, under control.

5.09 Protective Barrier and Hanging Platform

The Contractor shall arrange at his own cost suitable protective barriers at the edge of
pits, openings in floors, vertical ducts, at the edge of floors, roof, vertical walls, etc.
Especially at higher floor levels so that careless fall of working personnel may be

The Contractor shall provide at his own cost wire net, platform or any other suitable
device placed in horizontal plan around the vertical faces of the building at suitable
places immediately below the area where work is in progress at a particular time so
that careless fall of working personnel may be guarded against.

5.10 Police and health regulations

The Contractor shall obey all municipal, police and health regulations and all other

5.11 Lifts and Cranes

The Contractor shall provide at his own cost lifting arrangement and cranes for lifting
men and materials to higher floors as required for execution of the work.


6.01 Measures to be Taken

The Contractor shall at times protect the excavation, trenches, building and material
from rainwater, ground water, backing up of drains and from water of any origin. He
shall provide all pumping arrangements for removal of surplus water, coverings and
other materials as required.

All rubbish and debris shall be removed from the project site and disposed of at a safe
distance as per direction of the Engineer-in-Charge so as not to create any obstruction
to work or give rise to health hazards.

The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to ensure against fire during
construction. All necessary arrangements must be made by the Contractor for
providing adequate protection against fire hazards at the construction site during the
period of execution of the work.

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Tender Documents for Boundary fence around Admin Bldg.
at BSM Hi-Tech Park, Sylhet Technical Specifications :
6.02 Safety Manuals

International Safety Manuals used in Engineering Construction Project shall be

adopted for protection and safety at the construction site of the project during the
period of construction.


7.01 General

The requirements of this section are applicable to all work under this Contract.

7.02 Products

The Contractor at is own expenses shall provide the materials, products and equipment
as shown on the drawings or as specified in the Contract. The Contractor shall provide
necessary transportation, safe storage, supervision etc.

7.03 Equal Products and Equivalents

Except as specially required otherwise, the mention of any product materials trade
name is intended to establish a standard of quality, appearance, size & durability. The
products of other manufacturer‟s may be used subject to the conditions as stated in
Clause 7.04 and 7.05 hereinafter.

7.04 Additional Costs Related to Substitutions

Any additional cost, or any loss or damages, arising from the substitution of any
material or method from those originally specified shall be borne by the Contractor,
unless such substitution was made at the written request or direction of the Owner.

7.05 Failure of Equal Products

Where products are accepted based on representations of the Contractor, as an

approved equals, they shall be used subject to the same installation and performance
standards as required by the original specification.. Approval of a request for
substitution shall not modify contract requirements except as specially note.
Subsequent failure of „approved equals‟ shall be considered first and evidence of
improper installation or production in equality and the installation shall be repaired or
corrected as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge at no additional cost to the Owner.

7.06 Equipment and Tools

The Contractor shall furnish all constructional plans for the proper execution of the
work at his own expense and keep them clean and in proper working condition. The
Contractor shall supply the Employer / Engineer-in-charge a list of major items of the
constructional plants, equipment and tools that he propose to use in execution of the


8.01 Mobilization/Site Clearing/Temporary Facilities

Appropriate conditions of clauses from the mobilization, clearing of site and temporary
facilities as specified in the previous Article Nos. 3, 4 & 5 herein above shall be
completed before starting the work as felt necessary and direction by the Engineer-in-

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Tender Documents for Boundary fence around Admin Bldg.
at BSM Hi-Tech Park, Sylhet Technical Specifications :

8.02 Unfavorable Weather Condition

No utilities shall be constructed or installed and no pavement or fill material shall be

placed, spread, or rolled during unfavorable weather conditions. When the work is
interrupted by rain, fill operations shall not be resumed until field test by the Engineer‟s
representative indicates that the moisture content and density of the fill are as specified
in these specifications, or are in condition suitable enough, in the opinion of the
Engineer‟s representative, for resuming the work.

8.03 Dewatering Arrangements

The Contractor shall arrange at his own cost necessary arrangement for bailing out of
surplus water from the foundation pits, trenches, etc. by installing pumps, trenches,
pipes etc. as may be necessary during the construction period.

8.04 Checking Site Measurement

The Contractor shall check all the vital measurements of the building layout plan and
submit a report to the Employer/Engineer-in-Charge the deviation, if any, from the
dimensions shown in the approved drawings for the building before starting
construction work in case of any deviation of unacceptable amount, the Engineer-in-
Charge will inform the Contractor of the remedial measures which may be necessary in
a particular situation.

8. 05 Permanent Bench Marks

Before commencing the work the contractor shall establish at least 3 (three) numbers
permanent bench mark (BM) on pucca pillars in suitable positions as per direction the
Engineer-in-Charge at his own cost. These B.M. shall be incorporated in the drawings
and used for controlling all levels of construction work. The contractor at the own
expense shall make necessary arrangement to protect those B.M. pillars against
disturbance/ damage including its maintenance.

8.06 Reference Line Pillars

The contractor shall establish pucca reference line pillars (axis pillars, central line
pillars etc.) at his own cost, for all structures before starting of excavation of foundation
pits/trenches as per standard practice and direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.


9.01 Samples

In addition to the special provisions made hereafter as to sampling and testing of

materials by particular methods, the Engineer-in-Charge may call for samples of all
materials together with details of their sources and workmanship proposed to be
employed in the execution of the works and such samples shall be furnished by the
contractor without delay and without charge. Approved samples will be kept by the
Engineer-in-Charge who may reject at any time all materials of workmanship not
corresponding in quality and character with the approval sample. The contractor shall
provide without extra charges, suitable labeled containers for the storage of samples.

9.02 Tests

The Engineer-in-Charge may send inspectors to the manufacturer‟s premises to test

materials or supervise their manufacture. Should the Engineer-in-Charge decide not to

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Tender Documents for Boundary fence around Admin Bldg.
at BSM Hi-Tech Park, Sylhet Technical Specifications :
send an inspector to the manufacturers works, the contractor shall obtain from the
manufacturer certificates of tests, proof sheets, etc. showing that the materials have
been tested in accordance with the requirements of the specification relating thereto
Notwithstanding any test that may have been carried out before materials leave
manufacturer‟s premises not the production of manufacturer‟s certificates of test, proof
sheets etc. materials may also be tested after delivery to site, and the Engineer-in-
Charge shall be at liberty to reject after delivery or after incorporation in the permanent
work any materials found to be unsuitable or not in accordance with the specification.

9.03 Additional Tests

In addition to the tests required under the clauses hereof, the Engineer-in-Charge shall
have power to order independent tests of materials to be carried out by some Agency
appointed by him at such place as he may determine and the results to such tests shall
be binding upon all parties, no claim by the contractor being admissible in respect or as
a consequence thereof.

9.04 Standard Specification

Except where otherwise specified or authorized by the Engineer-in-Charge all materials

shall conform to the latest edition of the appropriate ASTM (American Society for
Testing and Material). Specification or to any other standard specification of whatever
origin, that may be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.

9.05 Works Test Rules

Tests of concrete work shall be conducted in accordance with ASTM C-39 and other
rules as prescribed by Engineer-in-Charge.


Unless provided otherwise in the specification or elsewhere in the Contract Documents, any or
all of the following tests shall be performed as may be require by the Consultant to ascertain
whether the quality of material and/or of any finished or partially finished work is appropriate for
the purpose which it is or was intended to fulfil in accordance with the specifications. All cost
including transportation, storage and incidental cost of the tests required hereunder shall be
borne by the contractor at any place directed by the consultants.


11.01 General : Sand shall be natural sand composed of clean, hard, durable, uncoated
particles resulting from the disintegration of silicaceous and / or calcareous rocks, or
manufactured sand resulting from the crushing of boulder or shingle. Fine Aggregate
shall consist of natural sand conforming to the requirements of AASHTO standard

11.02 Sampling: Sand shall be sampled in accordance with Standard Test Procedures.
Samples thus collected shall be tested for grading, F.M, and any other tests instructed by
the Engineer. Sample shall be collected from a source of 20 cum. of sand or more.

11.03 Appearance: Sand shall be completely non plastic and free of all clay, roots and other
organic materials

11.04 Particle Size : The particle size distribution shall be determined in accordance with
standard Test Procedures. The FM shall be calculated in accordance with Standard Test

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Tender Documents for Boundary fence around Admin Bldg.
at BSM Hi-Tech Park, Sylhet Technical Specifications :
Procedures. The grading of the various sizes of sands shall be as shown in the following

Grading Limits for Sands

Nominal FM 2.8-3.1 1.5-2.8 1.0-1.5 0.8-1.0 0.5-0.8

Sieve Size % Passing
9.5 mm 100 100 100 100 100
4.75 mm 90-95 90-100 100 100 100
2.36 mm 70-90 90-100 100 100 100
1.18 mm 45-70 70-95 95-100 100 100
600 micron 25-45 45-85 85-95 95-100 100
300 micron 10-20 20-50 50-70 70-80 80-90
150 micron 0-2 0-2 20-35 35-40 40-60

11.05 Impurities : Sand shall be clean and free from injurious amounts of organic
impurities. Deleterious substances shall not exceed the following percentages by

Material passing No.2000 sieve 2.0

Shale, coal, soft or flaky fragments 1.0
Sulphur compounds 0.3
Clay Lumps (wet, on No.4 sieve) 0.00

11.06 Supply and Stocking: Supply methods and stock piling of sand shall be such as to
permit ready identification of the materials delivered and shall be approved by the


12.01 Aggregates General : Aggregates for all concrete work shall conform to the standard
specification for concrete aggregates according to ASTM C-33. They shall consist of
natural stands and gravel, crushed stones, crushed picked jhama, bricks or other
approved sound materials, and shall be hard strong, and durable, free from clay films,
organic materials and other adherent coatings and shall conform to the dimensions and
grading specified for the several parts of th works. Aggregates shall be stored at the
works in such a manner as to avoid contamination and shall, if ordered by the
Engineer-in-Charge be screened and washed before use. Clean fresh water shall be
used for the purpose of washing

12.02 Sampling: Samples shall be collected from a stockpile of 20 cum. of stone chips or
more as per AASHTO Test No. T2-84.

12.03 Particle Size Distribution: The aggregates shall conform to one of the following grading
depending on the nominal size of aggregate specified in the schedule and drawings.

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Tender Documents for Boundary fence around Admin Bldg.
at BSM Hi-Tech Park, Sylhet Technical Specifications :

Percentage by weight passing of nominal aggregate size

Nominal size/ 63mm 40mm 20mm 14mm 40mm

10mm 20mm 1
Sieve size
75.0 mm 100% - - - -
63.0 mm 100% 100% - - -
37.5 mm 0-30% 85- 100 - -
20.0 mm 05% 0-25% 85-100% 100% -
14.0 mm - - - 85- -
10.0 mm - 0-5% 0-25% 0-50% 85-100%
5.0 mm - - - 0-10% 0-25%
2.0 mm - - - - 0-5%

The gradation curve should be of “S” shape conforming to a well-graded aggregate mass.

12.04 Unit weight: The unit weight shall be determined in accordance with standard test
Procedures. The unit weight test shall be carried out on the materials as sampled after
drying. The unit weight of aggregates shall not be less than 1610 kg/cum.

12.05 Abrasion: The abrasion shall be determined in accordance with standard test
Procedures. Aggregate with Nominal sizes 63 mm. 40 mm, and 20 mm shall be tested in
accordance with Grade 'B' materials. Aggregate with nominal sizes 14 mm and 10 mm
shall be tested in accordance with Grade C materials. The percentage of wear shall not
exceed 30%.
12.06 Soundness: The weighted average loss after five cycles shall not be more than 12
percent when the coarse aggregate is subjected to the sodium sulphate soundness test,
AASHTO Designation T 104.

12.07 Ten Percent Fines Value (TVF): The methods are applicable to both weak & strong
aggregate passing a 14.0 m test sieve and retained on a 10.0 mm test sieve. Ten
Percent Fines Value should not be less than 150 KN.

12.08 Flakiness Index: The test procedure describes the method for the determination of the
flakiness index of coarse aggregate. The flakiness index is found by separating the flaky
particles and expressing their mass as a percentage of the mass of the sample tested.
The flakiness Index should not be greater than 35% of the sample tested.

12.09 Elongation Index: This test procedure describes the method for the determination of the
elongation index of coarse aggregate. The Elongation Index is found by separating the
elongated particles and expressing their mass as a percentage of the mass of sample
tested. The Elongation Index should not be less than 25% of the sample tested.

12.10 Deleterious Substances: The amount of deleterious substances shall not exceed the
following limits:

Deleterious Materials Max. Permissible Limits % by weight

 Soft fragments 3
 Coal and Lignite 1
 Shale 1
 Clay Lumps 0.25
 Materials passing the no. 200 sieve 1

 No other deleterious substances such as chart and limonite concretions, which

will readily disintegrate.

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Tender Documents for Boundary fence around Admin Bldg.
at BSM Hi-Tech Park, Sylhet Technical Specifications :
12.11 Prior Approval Aggregates : The type and source of all aggregate shall be approved
by the Engineer-in-Charge before the materials are delivered to site.

12.12 Storage of Aggregates: The handling and storage of concrete aggregates shall be such
as to prevent segregation or the inclusion of foreign materials. The Engineer may require
that aggregates be stored on separate platforms at satisfactory locations. When specified
in the documents, the coarse aggregate shall be separated into two or more sizes in
order to secure greater uniformity of the concrete mixture. Different sizes of aggregates
shall be stored in separate stockpiles sufficiently apart from each other to prevent the
materials at the edges of the piles from becoming intermixed.

13.00 CEMENT

13.01 General: Cement in the general sense of the word, can be described as a material
with adhesive and cohesive properties, which make it capable of bonding mineral
fragments into a compact whole. The definition embraces a large variety of cementing

For constructional purposes the meaning of the term cement is restricted to the
bonding materials used with stones, sand bricks, building blocks, etc. the principal
constituents of this type of cement are compounds of lime, so that in building and civil
engineering we are concerned with calcareous cement. Cement shall be Ordinary
Portland Cement conforming to requirements of the standard specifications for Portland
Cement Type I, ASTM C-150. The physical requirements should conform to ASTM
Designation CE-50.

13.02 Sampling: Cement shall be sampled in accordance with Standard Test Procedures.
For each consignment not exceeding 25 tons at least 3 (three) samples shall be tested
to ascertain :
- Fineness
- Consistency
- Initial and Final Setting time
- Compressive strength

13.03 Test on Physical Properties of Cement: A number of tests are performed in the
laboratory to ensure that the cement is of the desired quality and that it conforms to the
requirements of the relevant national standards. Tests on the physical properties
prescribed by ASTM for ordinary Portland Cements are given below.

(i) Appearance: Cement shall be free from any hardened lumps and any foreign

(ii) Fineness: The fineness of cement shall be determined in accordance with

Standard Test Procedures. Cement shall have a minimum of 90% of particles by
weight passing through the 75-micron sieve.

(iii) Setting time: Setting time shall be determined in accordance with Standard Test
Procedures. Cement shall have an initial setting time in excess of 45 minutes and a
final setting time not greater than 7 hours. The test shall be carried out at 30 degrees

(iv) Strength: The strength of cement shall be determined in accordance with

Standard Test Procedures. The crushing strength of 100mm standard concrete cubes
shall not be less than 12.4 N/mm² at 3 days and 19.3 N/mm² at 7 days & 27.6 N/mm at
28 days.

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Tender Documents for Boundary fence around Admin Bldg.
at BSM Hi-Tech Park, Sylhet Technical Specifications :
13.04 Delivery of Bagged Cement: Cement shall be delivered in sound undamaged bags
uncontaminated by moisture, oil or any other substance. The nominal weight of a bag
of cement shall be 50kg. Individual bags which vary by more than 5% from the nominal
weight shall be rejected. Where the average weight of 50 bags taken at random from
any one consignment is less than the nominal weight, the whole consignment shall be
rejected. Every bag shall be marked with the manufacture's brand, the type of cement,
identification number or numbers relating to the testing and certification of the cement,
and the date the bag was filled. The contents of broken or damaged bags shall not be

13.05 Storage and Handling of Cement: The following requirements shall apply to the
storage and handling of cement at site or at any intermediate transfer or storage point:

i) All methods for transporting, handling and storing bagged cement shall be planned
and arranged to ensure the use or transfer of cement in the approximate chronological
order of manufacture.
ii) Batches of cement procured at different times shall be stored separately and shall
not be mixed.

iii) All loading and unloading facilities for cement shall be under cover and
weatherproof to the satisfaction of the "Engineer-in-Charge".

iv) All bagged cement shall be stored at all times upto its use in the works in
completely weatherproof structures which shall include a timber floor raised not less
than 300mm above the surrounding ground and be adequately ventilated to prevent the
accumulation of moisture.

v) All storage of bagged cement shall be arranged to permit easy access for inspection
and definite identification of all cement in the storage.

vi) The temperature of the cement at any time shall not exceed 60°C.

13.06 Brand to be Used : Cemex, Holcem, Lafarge, Elephant Brand or approved equivalent

13.07 Rejection : The Engineer-in-Charge may reject any cement as the result of any tests
thereof notwithstanding the manufacturer‟s certificate. The Engineer may also reject
cement which has deteriorated owing to inadequate protection or from other causes
where the cement is not to his satisfaction. The contractor shall remove at his cost all
rejected cement from site without delay.


It shall be made from pure calcite lime stone and have the same physical properties as that of
Portland Cement Type I, ASTM C-150.

A typical composition of white cement is as follows:

Cao - 65.0%
Sio2 - 25.5%
AI2, O2 - 5.9%
Fe2 ,02 - 0.6%
MgO - 1.1%
SO2 - 0.1%

15.00 BRICKS

15.01 General: Bricks shall be manufactured from clay or shale or a combination of these
materials and shall be uniformly burnt throughout. They shall be hard and sound and
give a clear metallic ring when struck with a small hammer or another brick, and should

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Tender Documents for Boundary fence around Admin Bldg.
at BSM Hi-Tech Park, Sylhet Technical Specifications :
not break when dropped to the earth from a height of 1.5m with one brick above
another forming „T‟. The surface should be too hard to be scratched with the fingernail.

15.02 Sampling: Sample shall be taken randomly. For each consignment not exceeding
50,000 bricks at least 10 (ten) bricks shall be tested to ascertain.

First Class Machine Made / Hand Made Brick shall comply with the following

15.03 Brick Dimensions: ( BS 3921 : 1985 ) Brick “Work size” dimensions shall be 244 mm
(length) x 118 mm (width) x 74 mm (height). The size of any individual brick in the
sample shall not deviate from the work size by more than 6 mm on length nor 6 mm on
width or height Individual bricks are not required to comply with the “Coordinating size”.

The overall measurement of 24 “as-fixed” bricks measured shall not fall outside the
limits specify below mentioned.

Brick Dimensions – Overall Limits

Overall measurement of 24 bricks

“Work size “ (mm) Maximum (mm) Minimum (mm)
244 (Length) 5952 5760
118 (Width) 2904 2760
74(Height) 1848 1704

15.04 Absorption Test of Bricks : ( BS 3921 : 1985 ) Maximum water absorption of

a 10 brick when immersed in water for one hour shall not be more than 18% of
the oven dry mass.

15.05 Compressive Test of Bricks: ( BS 3921 : 1985 )

(i) Characteristic Compressive strength (defined as sample mean less

1.64 times the standard deviation) of 10 brick sample shall not be
lower than 15 N/mm .

(ii) Mean compressive strength of a 10 brick sample shall not be lower

than 18 N/mm .
(iii) No individual strength lower than 13 N/mm .

15.06 First Class Machine Made / Hand Made Bricks

First Class Machine Made / Hand Made Brick shall be thoroughly brunt and
shall have plane rectangular faces with parallel sides and sharp straight right-
angled edges. They shall be of uniform colour (generally deep red or copper),
homogeneous in a texture and free from crack, flaws and nodules of free lime.
A fractured surface shall show a uniform compact structure free from limps,
grits of holes.

15.07 Picked, Jhama Bricks

Picked Jhama Bricks shall be over-burnt First Class Machine Made Bricks.
Uniformly vitrified throughout with good shape, hard slightly black in colour,
and without cracks or spongy areas.

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All other requirements for First Class Machine Made Bricks shall apply to
Picked Jhama except for dimensions.

15.08 Perforated Bricks

Perforated bricks shall meet the following Specifications :

Minimum compressive strength on gross area

Multi-core brick 7 N / MM
10-hole engineering bricks 21 N / MM 2
Maximum size of perforation 645 mm2 (1 sq. in)
maximum number of
perforation 2
Along width of brick 6
Along length of brick
Minimum wall thickness
Between brick edge and 16 mm
Between adjacent perforation 10 mm
Maximum water absorption 12% of dry wt.
Efforescence Nil
Dimensions (+1/8”) (241 mm x 114 mm x 70

The perforations may be of any regular shape in cross section. In case of

rectangular section the larger dimension shall be parallel to the brick.
Dimension of perforation measured parallel to the plane of the shorter side
shall not be more than 16 mm (5/8”) except in case of circular shape of the
perforation in which case it may be allowed upto 20mm (3/4”). Total area of
perforation shall not exceed 45% of the total area of corresponding faces of the

In all other respects the perforated bricks shall conform to the specification of
First Class Machine Made Brick.

15.09 Clinker Bricks: Clinker bricks shall be manufactured by dry process and burnt
to a higher temperature and shall be uniformly vitrified to a dark copper tone.

Arises shall be square, straight and sharply defined.

Clinker bricks or tiles shall meet the following requirements :

Minimum compressive strength 55 N / MM
Minimum modules of rupture 4 N / MM
Maximum water absorption capacity 12% - 15% of dry wt.
Efflorescence Nil
Dimensions (+1/8”) (203 mm x 102 mm x 51 mm)


16A.01 General: Aggregate shall be as far practically as possible of uniform specific

gravity. Blown bricks or unevenly burnt bricks shall not be crushed for

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purposes of providing aggregates. Best possible 1 class picked jhama bricks
of selected quality and best quality boulders/stores only shall be allowed to be
Brick Chips (Khoa) shall consist of 1 class picked jhama brick chips or gravel
graded as shown in the tale below. All coarse aggregate shall be screened
and washed at contractor‟s own cost, and shall consist of clean, well shaped
cubical particles, free from splintered or flaky particles, soil, organic matter or
any deleterious materials. A representative sample shall interior in any way to
the approved sample.

16A.02 Test of Brick Chips:The grading of coarse aggregate shall be within the
following limits:

Normal Size of Percentage Passing

Aggregate 75 mm 40 mm 20mm 10mm 5mm No.17
40mm 100 95-100 30-70 10-35 0-5 -
20mm - 100 95-100 25-35 0-10 0-5

16A.03 Storage of Brick Chips: Brick Chips (Khoa) shall be stored at site in such a
manner that it is not contaminated by fine aggregate earth or other foreign
matter. Adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent segregation of the
coarse aggregate while it is being transported an stacked.


16B.01 General
Aggregates for all concrete work shall conform to the standard specification for
concrete aggregates according to ASTM C-33. They shall consist of natural crushed
stones (Sylhet Stone) and shall be hard strong, and durable, free from clay films,
organic materials and other adherent coatings and shall conform to the dimensions and
grading specified for the several parts of the works. Aggregates shall be stored at the
works in such a manner as to avoid contamination and shall, if ordered by the
Engineer-in-Charge be screened and washed before use. Clean fresh water shall be
used for the purpose of washing

16B.02 Sampling
Samples shall be collected from a stockpile of 20 cum. of stone chips or more as per
AASHTO Test No. T2-84.

16B.03 Particle Size Distribution

The aggregates shall conform to one of the following grading depending on the nominal
size of aggregate specified in the schedule and drawings.


Nominal size/ 63mm 40mm

40mm 20mm 14mm 20mm
10mm 14mm 10mm
Sieve size
75.0 mm 100% - - - -
63.0 mm 100% 100% - - -
37.5 mm 0-30% 85-100% 100 - -
20.0 mm 05% 0-25% 85-100% 100% -
14.0 mm - - - 85-100% -
10.0 mm - 0-5% 0-25% 0-50% 85-100%
5.0 mm - - - 0-10% 0-25%
2.0 mm - - - - 0-5%

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The gradation curve should be of “S” shape conforming to a well-graded aggregate

16B.04 Unit weight

The unit weight shall be determined in accordance with standard test Procedures. The
unit weight test shall be carried out on the materials as sampled after drying. The unit
weight of aggregates shall not be less than 1610 kg/cum.

16B.05 Abrasion

The abrasion shall be determined in accordance with standard test Procedures.

Aggregate with Nominal sizes 63 mm. 40 mm, and 20 mm shall be tested in accordance
with Grade 'B' materials. Aggregate with nominal sizes 14 mm and 10 mm shall be tested
in accordance with Grade C materials. The percentage of wear shall not exceed 30%.

16B.06 Soundness

The weighted average loss after five cycles shall not be more than 12 percent when the
coarse aggregate is subjected to the sodium sulphate soundness test, AASHTO
Designation T 104.

16B.07 Ten Percent Fines Value (TVF)

The methods are applicable to both weak & strong aggregate passing a 14.0 m test sieve
and retained on a 10.0 mm test sieve. Ten Percent Fines Value should not be less than
150 KN.

16B.08 Flakiness Index

The test procedure describes the method for the determination of the flakiness index of
coarse aggregate. The flakiness index is found by separating the flaky particles and
expressing their mass as a percentage of the mass of the sample tested. The flakiness
Index should not be greater than 35% of the sample tested.

16B.09 Elongation Index

This test procedure describes the method for the determination of the elongation index of
coarse aggregate. The Elongation Index is found by separating the elongated particles
and expressing their mass as a percentage of the mass of sample tested. The Elongation
Index should not be less than 25% of the sample tested.

16B.10 Deleterious Substances

The amount of deleterious substances shall not exceed the following limits:

Deleterious Materials Max. Permissible Limits % by weight

 Soft fragments 3
 Coal and Lignite 1
 Shale 1
 Clay Lumps 0.25
 Materials passing the no. 200 sieve 1
 No other deleterious substances such as chart and limonite concretions, which
will readily disintegrate.

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16B.11 Prior Approval of Aggregates

The type and source of all aggregate shall be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge
before the materials are delivered to site.

16B.12 Storage of Aggregates

The handling and storage of concrete aggregates shall be such as to prevent segregation
or the inclusion of foreign materials. The Engineer may require that aggregates be stored
on separate platforms at satisfactory locations. When specified in the documents, the
coarse aggregate shall be separated into two or more sizes in order to secure greater
uniformity of the concrete mixture. Different sizes of aggregates shall be stored in
separate stockpiles sufficiently apart from each other to prevent the materials at the
edges of the piles from becoming intermixed.


17.01 General : This item shall consist of furnishing and placing in concrete,
reinforcing steel of the quality, type, size and quantity designated, all as
required by these specifications and as shown on the applicable drawings.The
steel shall conform to ASTM A 615-82 Grade-60 and shall be of structural
grade made from billets. The ends of the bar shall be machine sheared
perpendicular to the axis of the bar. The bars shall be free from injurious
defects and shall have a workman like finish. The bars shall be uniform in

Brand : BSRM, KPRM, Anwar Steel, Rahim Steel or approved equivalent.

17.02 Testing of M.S. Deformed Bar: For each consignment not exceeding 10 tons
or as directed, 3 (three) representative samples of each size of M.S. bar shall
be tested for:

- Cross-sectional area
- Unit weight
- Yield strength
- Elongation
- Bending
- Tensile strength
- Measurement of Deformation

17.03 Chemical Composition

The chemical composition should conform to the requirements of ASTM-706-


17.04 Process

The steel shall have been made by one or more of the following processes
open-hearth, basic oxygen, electric furnace, acid besmear.

The bars shall be rolled from new and clean billets directly reduced from ingot
of properly identified heats of open-hearth, basic oxygen or electric furnace
steel or lots of acid besmear steel.

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17.05 Tensile Properties

The tensile properties of the Grade-60 steel shall be in accordance with Table-

Table-1 Tensile Properties

Grade 40 Grade 60 Grade 75

Tensile strength, min. psi 70,000 90,000 1,12,500
Yield strength, min. psi (N/mm ) 40,000 (230) 60000 (413) 75,000 (516)
Elongation in 8 in. min. %
Bar No.
3 11 9
4,5,6 12 9
7 - 8
8 - 8
9 - 7
10 - 7
11 - 7
14, 18 - 7

Grade 40 bars are furnished only in sizes 3 through 6.

Particularly for this project the Contractor must use Grade-75 steel for Column,
Share wall and Matt. Grade-60 steel may be used in piles, slab, beam, stair, lintel
and other structural members.

17.06 Pin Diameter

The pin diameter required for performing bend tests shall conform to the
requirements prescribed in Table-2

Table-2 : Bend Test Requirements

Bar Description Pin Diameter for Bend Tests

No. d = nominal diameter of Specimen
Grade 40 Grade 60
3, 4, 5 4d 4d
6 5d 5d
7, 8 - 6d
9, 10, 11 - 8d

f Permissible variation = +5% for ¼” dia

. for lots
from standard weights +3.5% for 3/8” dia and
Individual +6% for all sizes

17.07 Length

The length of the bar shall be maximum possible, but each bar shall not be less
than 12 m in length or 45.36 kg. in weight whichever is greater.

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17.08 Dimensional Requirements

The nominal diameter perimeter and cross sectional areas of a deformed bar is
equivalent to that of a plan bar having the same standard weight per unit length
as given in Table-3


Deformed Bar Designation Numbers, Nominal Weights, Nominal Dimensions and

Deformation Requirements

Bar Nominal Nominal Dimensions Deformation Requirements (inch)

Desig- Wt. (lb/ft) Dia Cross Perimeter Maximum Minimum Maximum
nation (inch) Sec- (Inches) Average Average Gap 12.5%
No. tional Area Spacing Height Chord of
(Sq.inch) Nominal of
3 0.376 0.375 0.11 1.178 0.262 0.015 0.143
4 0.668 0.500 0.20 1.571 0.350 0.020 0.191
5 1.043 0.625 0.31 1.963 0.437 0.028 0.239
6 1.502 0.750 0.44 2.356 0.525 0.038 0.286
7 2.044 0.875 0.60 2.749 0.612 0.044 0.334
8 2.670 1.000 0.79 3.142 0.700 0.050 0.383
9 3.400 1.128 1.00 3.544 0.790 0.056 0.431
10 4.303 1.270 1.27 3.990 0.889 0.064 0.487
11 5.313 1.410 1.56 4.430 0.987 0.071 0.540
14 7.650 1.693 2.25 5.320 1.185 0.085 0.648
18 13.600 2.257 4.00 7.090 1.580 0.102 0.864

Bar Nominal Nominal Dimensions Deformation Requirements (mm)

Desig- Wt. Dia Cross Perimeter Maximum Minimum Maximum
nation (kg/m) (mm) Sec- (mm) Average Average Gap 12.5%
No. tional Area Spacing Height Chord of
(cm ) Nominal of
3 0.560 9.52 0.71 29.9 6.7 0.38 3.5
4 0.994 12.70 1.29 39.9 8.9 0.51 4.9
5 1.552 15.88 2.00 49.9 11.1 0.71 6.1
6 2.235 19.05 2.84 59.8 13.3 0.96 7.3
7 3.042 22.22 3.87 69.8 15.5 1.11 8.5
8 3.973 25.40 5.10 79.8 17.8 1.27 9.7
9 5.059 28.65 6.45 90.9 20.1 1.42 10.9
10 6.403 32.26 8.19 101.4 22.6 1.62 11.4
11 7.906 35.81 10.06 112.5 25.1 1.80 13.6
14 11.384 43.00 14.52 135.1 30.1 2.16 16.5
18 20.238 57.33 25.81 180.1 40.1 2.59 21.9

17.10 ASTM Code Requirements for Deformations

a. Deformations shall be spaced along the bar at substantially uniform

distances. The deformations on opposite sides of the bar shall be
similar in size and shape.

b. The deformations shall be placed with respect to the axis of the bar so
that the included angle is not less than 45 degree. Where the line of
deformations forms an included angle with the axis of the bar from 45
to 70 degree inclusive, the deformations shall alternately reverse in
direction on each side, or those on one side shall be revered in

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direction from those on the opposite side. Where the line of
deformation is over 70 degree, a reversal in direction is not required.

c. The average spacing or distance between deformations on each side

of the bar shall not exceed seventeenths of the nominal diameter of the

d. The overall length of deformations shall be such that the gap between
the ends of the deformations on opposite sides of the bar shall not
exceed 12.5% of the nominal perimeter of the bar. Where the ends
terminate in a longitudinal rib, the width of the longitudinal rib shall be
considered the gap. Where more than two longitudinal rib are involved,
the total width of all longitudinal ribs shall not exceed 25% of the
nominal perimeter of the bar, furthermore, the summation of gaps shall
not exceed 25% of the nominal perimeter of the bar. The nominal
perimeter of the bar shall be 3.14 times the nominal diameter.

e. The spacing, height, and gap of deformations shall conform to the

requirements prescribed in Table-3.

NB : Any bar that fails to satisfy the above requirements is to be treated as plain
reinforcement according to ACI Building Code Requirements for Reinforced
Concrete ACI-318-83 / ACI-318-89, Chapter-2.

17.11 Bending of Reinforcement

All reinforcement bars shall be bent cold to pertinent dimension using bending
appliances and method approved by the Engineer. All bars of slab and beam
shall invariably have standard hooks at the end. All standard hook shall meet
the following requirements; unless otherwise specified in the drawings :

a. A 180 degree turn plus an extension of at least four bar diameters but
not less than 75 mm at the free end of the bar.

b. A 90 degree turn plus an extension of at least 12 bar diameters at the

free end of the bar.

c. For stirrup and the anchorage only :

i. For No.5 bars and smaller, 90 degree bend plus an extension

of at least six bar diameters or 75 mm inch whichever is
greater at free end of bar.

ii. For No.6.7 and 8 bars, a 90 degree bend plus an extension of

12 bar diameters or 150 mm whichever is greater at free end.

iii. For No.8 bars and smaller, a 135 degree bend plus an
extension of six bar diameters at free end.

The radii of bend measured on the inside of the bar for standard hooks shall
not be less than the values given below :

Bar Dia. Minimum radii

10 mm, 12 mm, 16 mm 2.5 bar dia
20 mm, 25 mm 3 bar dia

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32 mm 4 bar dia

Bend for stirrups and ties shall have radii on the inside of the bar not less than
one bar diameter.

17.12 Placing of Reinforcement

(a) All reinforcing bars or wires shall be supported and wired together to
prevent displacement by construction loads or the placing of concrete.
On ground and where necessary supporting concrete or mortar blocks
may be used. Over form-work, concrete, metal, plastic or other
approved bar chairs and spaces shall be used. Where the concrete
surface will be exposed to the weather in the furnished structure or
where rust would impair architectural finishes the portions of all
accessories in contact with the form-work shall be galvanized or shall
be made of plastic.

Binding wire used shall be black M.S. wire 24 SWG for binding M.S.
rods of 6 mm dia and above and 26 SWG for binding No.3 M.S. wire.
If concrete cylinder block are used for proper spacing of vertical bars in
column, the height shall be 2.54 cm and radius shall be equal to the
distance of the centre line of the bar from column face.

(b) The concrete cover blocks or spaces blocks shall be made concrete
having 1 part cement, 1 part sand, 2 part coarse aggregate. The
coarse aggregate would be 12 mm down graded. The blocks would be
cast in mould and continuously cured for 21 days before use. Vertical
bars in columns shall be offset at least one bar diameter at lapped
splices. To ensure proper placement, templates shall be furnished for
all columns dowels.

(c) All splices not shown on the bar diagram shall require prior approval of
the consultant/Engineer-in-Charge

(d) Unless permitted, reinforcement shall not be bent after being partially
embedded in hardened concrete. For hooks, bends, cleaning and
spacing of reinforcement bars ACI Code shall be followed.

The reinforcement work shall be inspected and approved by the

Consultant/Engineer-in-Charge before it is covered in concrete work.

17.13 Spacing of Reinforcement

Contractor will submit bar schedule and diagrams and get it approved from the
consultant. No splices/welding shall be made in the reinforcement where
described in the bar schedule. Splices/welding at points of maximum
tensile/compressive stress shall have to be avoided. The splice shall transfer
the entire computed stress from bar to bar without exceeding three fourths of
the permissible bond values for the concrete. The length of lap shall be as
mentioned in the drawings.

Where longitudinal bars are offset at a splice the slope of the inclined portion of
the bar with the axis of the column shall not exceed 1 in 6 and the portions of
the bar above and below the offset shall be parallel to the axis of the column.
Adequate horizontal support at the offset shall be secured by additional
stirrups, ties etc. Offset bars shall be bent before they are placed in the forms.

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17.14 Support of Reinforcement :

Pre-cast mortar blocks or metal supports of adequate strength, of proper

depth and in sufficient number shall be used for supporting the bars in position.

Mortar blocks shall be as small as possible consistent with their purpose, of a

shape acceptable to the Engineer and designed so that they will not overturn
when concrete is placed. They shall be made of concrete with 10 mm
maximum aggregate size from same materials and of the same max.
proportions as that of the concrete in which are to be used. They shall be
case and properly cured for at least seven days before use and shall have wire
or other device embedded in the block for the purpose of attaching them
securely to the reinforcement. For supporting of Raft top reinforcement, much
strong supporting device made of steel angle will be preferable.

17.15 Protective Coating

All exposed reinforcing steel at construction joints shall be protected with

brush coat of neat cement, mixed to a consistency of thick paint, within on
week after the placing of the initial concrete, unless it is definitely known that
the street will be embedded within 30 days. This coating shall entirely
removed, by light tapping with a hammer or other tool, not more than one week
previous to the placing of the final pour.

17.16 Storage and Care: All reinforcing steel when received on the site, prior to its
use shall be stacked off the ground and shall be kept free from dirt, oil, grease
or avoidable rust, it shall be clean and free from loose rust and loose mill scale
at the time of fixing in position and subsequent concreting.

17.17 Tolerances for reinforcing steel:

i) Length of splice -25mm

ii) Variation of protective cover  5mm
iii) Variation in indicated position of
reinforcement: One bar diameter
Starter bars 0.25 times the indicated
Slabs and walls spacing
Beams and columns  5mm
iv) Dimension of bent bars:
Stirrups and ties  5mm
Other bars  10mm

Provided the number of bars required by the specified spacing is not

varied and provided the specified minimum cover to reinforcement is

17.18 Inspection: The Contractor shall notify the Engineer-in-Charge or his

authorized representative when the steel has been placed in position ready
for concrete and no concrete shall be placed until the Engineer-in-Charge
inspected the steel and given his approval in writing.

17.19 Method of Measurement: Where unit price bids are called for in the Bid
Schedule, reinforcement actually in place as shown on the drawings, bar
schedule / bar diagram or as ordered in writing by the Engineer shall be

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considered for payment. No separate payment shall be allowed for chair, tap,
splice, separator etc. The cost of these is to be included in the unit rate.

17.20 Basis of Payment: The amount of completed and accepted materials,

measured as provided above, shall be paid for at the contract unit price per
quintal for “Reinforcing Steel”, which prices shall be full compensation for
furnishing, fabricating, transporting, delivering, erecting and placing all
materials, and for all labour equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to
complete the work.

18.0 WATER
Water shall be clean and fresh and free from organic or inorganic matter in solution or
suspension in such amount that may impair the strength of durability of the concrete. Water
shall be obtained from a public supply where possible and shall be taken from any other source
only if approved by “Engineer-in-Charge”. No water from excavations shall be used. Only
water of approved quality shall be used for washing out shuttering curing concrete and similar

19.01 General: Admixture shall be used to provide excellent acceleration of strength
gain at early ages and major increases in strength at all ages by significantly
reducing water demand in a concrete mix., particularly suitable for precast
concrete and other high early strength requirements. In order to significantly
improve the workability in-situ mixed concrete without increasing water
demand. And for providing improvement of durability by increasing ultimate
strength and reducing concrete permeability. Admixture complies with BS 5075
Part 3 and with ASTM C494. Contractor may use con plast SP-430, SP-
211,which is product of FOSROC or any specified product, which is approved
by “Engineer-in-Charge”

19.02 Advantage:

(i) Major increase in strength at early ages without increased cement

contents are of particular benefit in precast concrete, allowing earlier stripping

(ii) Makes possible major reductions in water: cement ratio which allow the
production of high strength concrete without excessive cement

(iii) Use in production of flowing concrete permits easier construction with

quicker placing and compaction and reduced labor costs without
increasing water content.

(iv) Increased workability levels are maintained for longer than with
ordinary sulphonated melamine admixtures.


20.01 General : Wired glass shall be 6 mm thick with wire reinforcements inside and
shall be obtained from an approved manufacturer and shall be subject to the
approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. Gauge for fly proofing shall be of the
quality uniformly woven webbing of 144 meshes per square inch. The wire for
the gauge shall be of best quality 22 SWG brasses or copper wire, or of any
other approved material.

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20.02 Other Materials : Gauge known as plastic gauge may be used, subject to the
approval of the Engineer-in-Charge.


21.01 General: Knotting shall be uniform dispersion of lac or suitable resin (natural or
sympathetic) in a suitable solvent.

White lead paint shall be made from pure white lead in accordance with B.S.
239. mixed with the boiled linseed oil turpentine, driers and pigments and
strained free from skins and all extraneous matter before being pigments, and
if so used, the quantity shall not exceed 8% of the paint mixed ready for the
brush . No other ingredient except the coloring matter. The proportions of
the ingredients for the various coats shall be subject to the approval of the

21.02 Red Lead Paint : Red lead paint shall be made from non-setting red lead in
accordance with B.S. 217, thoroughly ground and well and freely mixed with
approximately 15% of boiled linseed oil to give a paint with good covering
power, bobby and adhesion shall be determined by tests to be made by the
contractor to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge. The Engineer-in-
Charge may select samples of the paint for analysis after a sufficient quantity
for the work about to be painted has been mixed.

21.03 Linseed Oil Putty : Putty for stopping and glazing shall consists of
whiting/chalk power thoroughly ground with linseed oil to form a smooth paste,
and shall comply with B.S. 544.

21.04 Varnishes/Wood Polish : The material is required to be clear and transparent

and whom applied shall on drying, give a glossy coating free from fun and
specks. The composition of the varnish shall conform to the requirements of
B.S. 274.

21.05 White Wash : White wash shall be made from pure fat lime brought to the
work in an un-slaked condition. Water shall be added to this lime in a tub until
the mixture is of the consistency of cream, and shall be allowed to rest for a
period of 48 hours.

The mixture shall then be strained through an approved cloth strainer, and to
each cubic feet of the mixture obtained shall be added 4 ounces of gum
boiled with 12 ounces of rice and a suitably quantity of „Blue‟.

21.06 Colour Wash : Colour wash, where not of an approved proprietary brand shall
be made from pure selected fat lime as described above for white wash, to
which shall be added and intimately mixed the necessary pigment to produce
the tint specified. The pigment shall be to the approval of the Engineer-in-

21.07 Oil Bound Distemper : Oil bound distemper shall comply with B.S. 1053 types
1, and shall be obtained from an approved manufacturer.

21.08 Emulsion Paints : Robbialac / Elite Emulsion paints shall be preferably used
but the Engineer-in-Charge may allow any other brand of equivalent standard,
subject to the production of appropriate test certificates and guarantees.

21.09 Creosote : Creosote shall be pure tar distillate of the best quality as obtained
and sold under the trade name of SOLIGNUM that is creosote paint for the

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preservation of timber. The SOLIGNUM to be used shall be clear SOLIGNUM

so as not to mar the timber. Other brand equivalent to SOLIGNUM may be
used if approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.


All steel used in Boundary Fence / Gate House shall be the products of reputable manufacturer
and shall conform to the American Standard Specifications. The section sizes and profile shall
be as per requirement for the specific works as shown in the drawings.

23.00 M.S. PIPES

MS Pipe shall be made from low carbon steel conforming to ASTM A-53 and following physical

Nominal Schedule Wall Internal Outer Wt/ft

Pipe Dia No Thickness Diameter Diameter
4” 40 0.237” 4.026” 4.500” 10.0 lbs
6” 40 0.280” 6.065” 6.626” 10.0 lbs

Prepared by VITTI Sthapati Brindo Ltd. Page 25 of 25

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