Wet Incredibol Diverciry

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There are some museums that show you an impressive historic legacy from the

  der ar Misioms shó im’presif le’gue’se
The streets of downtown Santa Marta offer you the ideal route for visiting the
Estruit´s da´mn taun ó’fer aidí’ol rut ví’ziding
Cathedral, the museums, and other restaurants where you can eat out and also
Ca’tidrá’ Misioms oder restaura´nts qué’n it a’út end olso
enjoy a romantic sunset.
Romé’ntic sen’set

Everything in this city is artisanal, and the town's beautiful beaches offer a unique
Evri’deing arté’zenal taón´z biché’z ofer íunick
view of the areas with an incredible diversity.
Wet´ incredibol diverciry



Now we are going to say some predictions about the future of the city
Naw wi tú’ sey som pridic´tions

In city education:
Access to education will be easier thanks to mobile technologies. The availability of
ack’ces i’sier mobol teck´noloyis e´vāləˈbéləri
internet connections will cover almost all territories even in rural áreas.
Có’ver oll i’ven érias
Basic Education skills will evolve from adding, subtra´cting and reading today to
Ské’lls í’volvf a’ring
Me’naging projects for collaboration and flu’ency in two or three len’gueyes in the
future to be truí’ded as core dəˈveləpmənt sob’jects.

Tradichional eduquetional centers will be ri’pleis by lar’ch virtual spaces and

sports will be encouraged.
Each student will rui´sif treining recommendations (e´coring) to their profile and
will ricif in real time their results and the evaluation of their pro´gress as well as
their tasks and ob’yectivs

Earning aque’demic cualifiqueicions by compliring colech, high school or

university courses will reme´in important but not exclusively.
Students will have the need to continue searching for documentation, information
and to share (´nalech) and rui’serch.


Santa Marta in the future will have more ti´urist infrek´stractur, which is for sí´n
as a vision in the projects of the póblic po´licy of the gastronomy and hotel
provaiders, the hotels of Santa Marta will have a tourist dəˈveləpmənt of quality,
kəmˈpedidivnəs and sestenebaliry

They will premout the dəˈvelopment of the city as an attractive tourist destination
in conditions of productivity and sustainability, this will improve the promotion of
commercialization and exports of culture to other continents.

10% (ten perecent) of the profits from hotels, resta’urants, tourist saits and
se’ols will be transferd to the Comagdalena foundeishon in cha´rch of the social
responsibility of the companis of the port of Santa Marta, yenereding income for
the indigenus communiris, which will help development ker and conservation of
the environment.

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