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Problems of foundation

and solutions
List of contents

Introduction 1
Chepter1: types of foundation problems 2
cracked block foundations 2 :Section1-1
interior wall cracks 2 :Section1-1-1
outside crack 2 :Section1-1-2
Expensive soils 3 :Section1-2
Section1-3: uneven floors 3

Chapter 2: cause of these problems 4

type of soil 4 :Section1-1

water in soil 4 :Section1-2

Section1-3: Construction and Preparation 5

List of figure


Figure 1-1 1
Figure 1-2 2
Figure 2- 1 1
The foundation is that portion of a structure that transmits
the loads from the structure to the underlying foundation
material. There are two major requirements to be satisfied
in the design of foundations:
a) Provision of an adequate factor of safety against failure
of the foundation material. Failure of the foundation
material may lead to failure of the foundation and may
also lead to failure of the entire structure.
b) Adequate provision against damage to the structure
the which may be caused by total or differential of

Chepter 1: types of foundation problems
cracked block foundations :Section1-1
- This problem is considered of two parts (interior wall cracks
outside cracks).
interior wall cracks :Section1-1-1
interior wall cracks often have different causes than exterior
Interior cracks in concrete block walls can form for .wall cracks
including ,number of reasons
Long-term home vacancies Faulty piping
Leaks Structural problems
outside cracks :Section1-1-2
The walls on the outside of your home can crack for many of the
you may be dealing with: ,same reasons
Excess home weight Settling
Excess moisture Rapidly changing weather

Expensive soils :Section1-2
Expansive soils .Expensive soils create foundation damage
are responsible for more damage to buildings than any other
As the expansive soil soaks up water it .natural hazard
the ,Furthermore .expands – up to 15 times its dry volume
expanded soil then pushes against your foundation and
creates cracks or waterproofing problems.
Section1-3: uneven floors
what’s causing an uneven appearance in the flooring of your
house (1) poor structural design (2) improperly compacted
soils under your house (3) soil movement excessive moisture
under your house.


Chapter 2: cause of these problems

There are three main categories that foundation problems fall

into. One of these is almost certainly the reason for your
foundation issues.

type of soil : Section1-1

Type of soil is one of the most important which definite,if you

can built on it or not cause the soil plays a major role in the
strength and stability of the foundation.

and each type requires ,There are many different soil types
an ,For example .different approaches to maximize usefulness
while a consolidating ,expansive soil expands more in water
soil shrinks more during drought.

water in soil :Section1-2

When there’s too much water in the soil your basement will
struggle with substantial amounts of hydrostatic pressure. This is
the pressure exerted by water when it’s at rest and includes all
types of standing water.
water rests in the soil, it’s going to expand the soil around your
foundation. That expansion will naturally start to push into the
foundation. A combination of soil pressure and hydrostatic
pressure can eventually cause cracks in your basement walls
and serious structural concerns.
Section1-3: Construction and Preparation
A home requires lots of preparation to stand in a stable fashion.
That preparation includes proper planning, quality materials
If any of those pieces fail, you’re going to end up with a poorly-
constructed home. That poor construction can shine through in
a variety of ways. With poor preparation and construction,
you’re often going to end up with foundation problems of some


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