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Title of infographic: Myths and Facts about Telemedicine

Colors: Blue, White and Black like eVisit’s logo

Myth: Telemedicine does not provide the same level of care as it would in person.
Fact: Visiting with patients virtually makes it easier for healthcare providers to provide follow-up
appointments. Patients can log in to receive care anywhere in the world — whether they are in a
rural location or right next door.
Myth: Telemedicine services are too expensive
Fact: Telehealth solutions are cheaper than going in person. The median price for a
telemedicine appointment is $50, whereas a trip to Urgent Care costs around $130, according to
U.S. News.

Myth: Telemedicine technology is too overwhelming

Fact: A user-friendly platform like eVisit makes it easy to learn how to use new technology.
eVisit provides everything from training to equipment to help hospitals and clinics access

Myth: there will be no need for telemedicine after the pandemic

Fact: According to eVisit, prior to COVID-19 telehealth was already on a rise.
eVisit had:
● 700,000 patients enrolled
● 400,000 visits completed
● 10,000 providers enrolled
● 4.8/5.0 average patient experience

How could your company transition to telehealth? Find out how you can begin using eVisit in
your hospital or clinic by visiting

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