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5, SEPTEMBER 1985 1903


K. Elonma, T. Nozawa, H. Kobayashi, Y. Shimoyama,

I. Tachino and K. Miyoshi


This paper described recently devloped non-orient-

ed electrical steel products for both rotating,machines
and ballast cores of fluorescent lamps and effective
measures to achieve lower core l o s s for grain-oriented
silicon steel for transformers.
H6, the highest grade of non-oriented electrical
steel produced by Nippon Steel Corp. for large rotating
electricmachines, has beendevelopedbyapplying
special process techniques to cleanly refined 3% sil-
icon steel. The typical core l o s s of 0.50mm H6 is 2 . 2 0
wattfkg, in Wl5/SO . NC-M1 and NC-B1 have been develop-
ed as high efficiency core materials for small motors
and ballast cores by using very clean low silicon steel
with 1.0% Mn. Typical properties of NC-M1 0.47mm are
1 . 9 3 wattflb in Wl5/m and 2745 in r'-ClS/b.
Recently developed techniquesin the refinementof
the magnetic domain in highly oriented silicon steel
shall be reviewed.Theprincipalsubjectsofdis- ( N o t e . ON- prodwtal
cussion will be magnetic domain refining techniques for Fig.1 Magnetic characteristics o f C.K.N.0
materials used in stacked and wound cores. Our con- (0.50mm in thickness)
clusion is that the guiding principle for low core loss
silicon steel in stacked and wound cores is to increase Nippon Steel Corporationhas successfully develop-
the degree of (110) [001) orientation and to develop a ed H6 as its highest grade for large rotating machines
domain refining technique for highly oriented material. and two types of semi-processed New Cores, NC-M1 and
NC-B1, as high efficiency core materials. This paper
introduces thesenew products.
2. 5
1. Introduction In Table 1 the superior core l o s s level of H6 is
Non-oriented electrical steels are widely usedas compared with other grades. Grades specified in JIS
core materials in rotating machines, as well as static and ASTM are listedtoo. H6 shows the following advan-
machines. Formerly, non-oriented electrical.steels tageous characteristics for large rotating machines:
were made only on hot rolling mills, after that, they (1) Small degree of anisotropy,
came to be made on cold rolling mills. Cold rolled ( 2 ) No deteriorationofmagneticproperties with
non-oriented electrical steels have high continuous ageing, and
punchability, a high space factor and high magnetic ( 3 ) Excellent core loss properties in high magnetic
induction. So atpresent,almost all non-oriented induction.
electrical steels are cold rolled.
With ingot cast steels, however, carbon segre- 2-1 Improvement of core l o s s
hasa Effective measures to reduce core l o s s of non-
negative effect on core loss, decarburizing 'must be oriented electrical steel are needed to decrease the
performed on non-oriented electrical steels in the hysteresis loss that dominates total core l o s s . In
manufacturing process or during customer annealing. order to achieve this, the following special process
properties techniques')') have been adopted:
because of surface oxidation of steel.) However, the (1) Promoting grain growth during final recrystalliza-
development of continuous casting has made it possible tion annealing toget. larger grain sizedcrystals,
to get steel with little carbon segregation. by using very clean steel containing very few
Further, the development of special process tech- impurities such as various compounds of N, S, C
niques to'produce cleanly refinedsteel, such as desul- and so on,
furizing, decarburizing and vacuum degassin.g, has re-
sulted in steel containing verysmall amount of sulfer, 'Table 1 Standard specifications f o r higher
carbon and impurities and having little segregation. grades of C.R.N.0 silicon steel.
Fig. 1 shows the gradesof non-oriented electrical _Nsc JIS C-2552 ASTM A-677
steel developed at Nippon Steel Corporation. Because
of the rapid increase in the cost of energy, the re-
duction of electrical energy consumption has recently 47 F 205
becomeacrucialmatter.Consequently,demand has
grown for materials that have very low core loss and
are suitable for large generating machines and for the 41F 185
so-called "high efficiency core materials" that have
very low core l o s s and high permeability and are used 2.90
in small motors and ballast cores. The former corre-
sponds to the new core materials shown in area A and
the latter correponds to the new core materi.als shown
in area B.
____- __ ~

Manuscript received March1, 1985.

The authors arewith Electrical Steel Research Labora- Aimed Core Loss level of the New Product
tory, Nippon Steel Corporation Kitakyushu
City, JAPAN. ( 0.5-m in thickness 1

0018-9464/85/0900-1903$01.0001985 IEEE

(2) Improving crystallographic texture, and 2-2 Control of anisotropy

(3) Controlling the quality of the subsurface layer so Thecorematerialforlargerotatingmachines
as to enable the domain wall motion to be smoother should have superior magnetic properties transverse to
by special treatment. the rolling directionas well as in the rolling direc-
Fig. 2 shows the effect of base metal cleanness on tion.NipponSteelCorp.succeeded in gettingsuch
grain size. Larger grain can be obtained at low temper- properties for H6 by applying a newly developed final
ature annealing in shorter timewhen the material con- annealing process. Typical magnetic properties of H6
tains few impurities. shown in Table 2. explain the statisfactory anisotropy.
Fig. 3 shows the relation between grain size and
magnetic properties by using two materials which con-
tain different amounts of impurities. Material A stands Table 2 Typical magnetic propertiesof
for H6. In material A , hysteresis loss WF can be re- H6 with 0.50mm thickness.
markably reduced with growing large of grain because of
the increased area of crystals with (100) planes and
the decreased area of those with (111) planes. More-
over, the increase of anomalous loss WA with growing
large of grainin material A is small compared to that
in material B. These are dueto the easy coarsening of
grain of cleanly refined steel at lower annealing tem-
perature in shorter time as shown in Fig. 2 . Conse-
quently, in material A, a minimum core loss can be
extremely reduced and obtained at larger grain size
note. : 1) Tests were conducted in accordance w i t h J I S C 2550
compared to material B. The crystal texture of H6 is M e t h o d , by using 25cm Epstein apparatus.
shown in Fig. 4 . 2) L means I M g i t w f i M l t o therollingdirection.
L+Cmeans specimens w i t h half in L direction and the
material A:Superior Clean silion steel with I S l O P P m . ( N l l 8 ~ m restinCdirection.
material 6 :ordinary silicon steel with (SJ37mm.INJ26mm 3 ) 825,850 mean inductions a t 2,50OAl./m and 5,0OOAT/m
4) Assumed Density is 7.65 g/cm3.

2-3 Non-ageing deterioration

It is well known that the carbonin steel harmful-
ly deteriorates magnetic properties in ageing. Since
nitrogen in higher grades becomes harmless by forming
precipitates of AlN, only carbon causes deterioration
by ageing. Fig. 5 shows the relation between carbon
content and ageing deterioration. When carbon content
L l , I
is higher than 3 0 ppm in 3% silicon steel, the ageing
800 900 1000 1100 1x60 m.J deterioration increases remarkably. H6 contains very
AnnealingTemperature ('C) little carbondue to elaborate steel making techniques.
Fig.2Effect of c1e:nness of steel on grain S o , no ageing deterioration appears in H6.
growth of 3 . 2 6 silicon steel ~

(T) A : superior cleen silicon steel (H6)

5 : ordinary sillcon steel

Time Hr.
temp o f eging:15093
100 150 200 250 Fig.5 Effect of [ C ] content on deteriora-
Grain size (m) tion of core loss in 3% silicon
Fig.3Average grain diameter and magnetic properties steel by aging.
of 3.2% silicon steel.(0.50mm thickness)
R , 0. 2-4 Core loss at higher magnetic induction
It is commonly said that magnetic flux densities
at the teeth of stators in large generators are very
high compared with those at the core back. Therefore
core l o s s at higher induction should be carefully con-
sidered. Precipitates such as oxides and nitrides in
the subsurface layer of steel')" invite an increase in
hysteresis l o s s at higher magnetic induction because of
bothinferiorrecrystallizationanddifficulty in
domain wall motion. Fig. 6 shows the effect of the
-annealing conditionson core loss. A s shown in Fig. 7,
the influence of oxidation film in the subsurface layer
of steel is important for core l o s s . A very elaborate
4 Texture of H6 with annealing aproachis adopted in manufacturing H6, SO as
0.50mm thickness. to get the lowest core loss possible in higher induc-
(200) pole figure. tion.

. sw\ : 9 0 c X l h r , Inverse -Pole Figure

N2 10r',, Dry Atmosphere
I (222)

- u :H6 annealed in uncon-

2 4.0
.cI 0.47 thickness

4 2.0 - 36

a. a 3, a.
1.0 -

1.0 1.2
l l
* base composition
Si:O.52 S:O.cOl N:O.YX
P:OE c:o.m (%)
l . IO I
0. /
Induction Tesla
k b n u f a c t u r i n g Process
Fig.6 Effect of final annealing condi- H o t band -ling.
tion on magnetic properties of One-stage Cold Rolling
3 . 2 % silicon steel.
Fig.8Improvement of magnetic propertiesby
Mn addition for semi-processed N C - D l .
R e f : ordimry 0.3%
NC-MI siliconsteel


s 2.0

o 5 IO 15 20 ( e m )

Thickness o f Chemically Removed Surf&?

Fig.7 Effect of-subsurface oxidation on
core loss of 3 . 2 % silicon steel.

Fig.9 Texture of NEW-CORE. (ZOO) pole figure.

3. New Cores
Both silicon steel and low carbon steel have been require high permeability as well as low core l o s s .
used for small motor cores, E1 cores and ballast cores. Some degree of orientation is needed for ballast cores.
High efficiency of the electric appliances in these To meet this need, NC-E1 is processed by the one-stage
fields is gathering the keen interestof manufactures. coldrollingprocedure so as tohavethecrystal
To meet this demand, core materials should have both texture shown in Fig. 9. Magnetic properties of New
excellent low core loss and higher permeability. Non- Cores are listedin Table 3 .
oriented electrical steels produced so far have not
been able to satisfy these requirements because core Table 3 Typical magnetic propertiesof NEW COKE.
loss and permeability are generally considered con-
tradictory terms.
Nippon Steel succeeded in developing New Cores by
resolving this contradiction.

3-1 Chemical composition and magnetic properties

- silicon and aluminum contentis not feasi-
ble because it deteriorates magnetic induction. There- 0.635 C 1 15 1.462.7694. 81. 75. 71 9
fore Nippon Steel Corp. used very clean low-silicon L+C 1 4. 72. 537 79 1.62 1 . 7 0 1836
steel with higher manganese content which improves L 1.68 43215.74718071
crystaltexture*).Fig. 8 showstheimprovement of
crystal texture with the addition ofM n. By adding 1.0
% M n, magnetic properties are remarkably .improved on INC-BII
account of the increase in (100) and (110) plane crys-
tals and theinverse decrease in (111) plane crystals. -. -
It is said that much manganese creates a harmful Notes. I11 T e s t sw e r e conducted by using 2 5 cmEpsteinapparatus In
accardunce w i t h J I S C Z 5 5 0 M e t h o d
effect on magneticpropertiesbecauseit worsens 0 S R A ( S t r e s s relief annealing): 7 9 0 C x l h r In N21OO% dry.
texture and forms undesirable precipitates such as MnS. (3) specimens
L taken longitudinal totherollingdirection
But when very clean steel is used, we can make use of C specimens taken trmSveTse totherollingdnrection.
the advantageous role of manganese in texture control L+C specimenstakenhalflongitudinalto and t h er e s t
in the manufacturing process.

3-2 Process and magnetic properties GRAIN-ORIENTED SILICON STEEL

NC-M1 is formotorlaminations which require
smaller anisotropy. To get this property the suitable 1. Introduction
processing conditions were examined for each stage in Grain-oriented silicon steels are the important
the manufacturing process. A crystal texture of NC-MI industrial products by virtue of its magnetic proper-
is shown in Fig.9 .
NC-El is for ballast cores which ties, especially high induction and l o w l o s s at low

magnetizing force. They are usually used as magnetic wall spacing due to app'lied tensile stressl4).
core materials in distribution and power transformers. Recently, the applicationof the scratch effect to
The main requirements for transformer core materials commercial productshas been attempted. One method has
are low totalloss in order to reduce transformer loss, brought about the possibility of using a rotating bear-
high permeability for operation at high induction, and ing under some pressure. It has been found that if a
a low magnetostriction for the production of low-noise steel surface is scratched with a round rotary ball
transformers. The reduction of total l o s s is especial- under light pressure, the surface coating is not broken
ly important for saving electrical energy; thus the and the surface smoothnessis barely affectedI6) .
quality of the materials has been estimated in terms of On theother hand, non-contactmethodsusing
total loss. Q-switching YAG-laser irradiation (see Fig. 1117)) and C 0 2
Themajorvariablesaffectingtotal l o s s are: -laser irradiation'*) have also been developed. Vapori-
grain-orientation (texture), applied stress, electric zation of the surface layer of silicon steel and/or
resistivity, grain size, thickness and surface condi- the localized rapid-heating by laser irradiation induce
tions. As a result of intense research and development stresses, and as a result the 180" domainwall spacing
efforts over the years, a number of significant im- is refined (see Fig.12). Basically, this phenomenon is
provements in total loss have emerged.
The marked improvementsin total loss were achiev-
ed by the improved induction,B8 (flux density subject-
ed to a magnetizing force of 800 AT/m, BB is readily
used as a convenient and sensitive measure of the
degree of cube-on-edge texture). B E has been throughly
studied and impro~ed')~)~)~) by a number ofworkers over
manyyears. The. total loss has been significantly
reduced by improvements of BB . This is attributed to
the fact that, in specimens with the same thickness and
grain size, total loss tends to become lower with in-
creasing B 8 . However, when Ba increases to more than
about 1.95T, the total l o s s has a tendency to increase
with increasing Bp'). This phenomenon is attributed to
thewideningofthe180"domain wall spacing.By
experiments using single crystals, it has been confirm-
edthatveryhighlygrain-orientedmaterialwith @) 2 Scratch

artificially refined 180' domain wall spacing achieves

minimum loss, because the number of closure domain Fig.10 Domain refining by scratching in
a single crystal with orientation
which contribute to increase the total loss are very near (110) 0011. Demagnetized in
few,if .
any'O)") Therefore, in ordertodevelop a 60Hz appfied field. Sample was
silicon steels. with lower total loss, it is necessary chemically polished.
to refine the 180" domain wall spacing as well as im-
prove grain-orientation.

2. Total l o s s improvement due to domain refining

Fledler and Pepperhoff") has reported an improve-
ment in the total l o s s realized by scratching the sur-
face of a silicon steel sheet with cube texture.
Furthermore, it has been found that the total loss
of grain-oriented silicon steel with high permeability
were drawn by a high carbon steel ruling tool perpen-
dicular to the rolling dire~tion'~) From observation
of the domain structures, it has been confirmed that Fig.11 Schematic diagram of laser-
the effect of scratching is characterized by a narrow- irradiation on specimen.
ing of the 180" domain wall spacing and the occurence
of reverse subdomains") . It can be considered that
these characteristics contributes to the decrease of
the total loss. The refining processof 180" domain is
as follows. The demagnetizing field due to free poles
and internal stresses induced by scratching make it
easy to nucleate the subdomainsin the vicinity of the
scratch line. The tensile stress induced by scratching
decreases the transverse subdomains and increase the
reversesubdomains.Some of thereversesubdomains
change into thenew 180" main domains; consequently the
180" main domain wall spacing decreases in the demag-
netized state (see Fig.1014)). The stress distribution
in the vicinity of the scratch line has been calculated
as an elasto-plastic problem using the finite-element
method and assuming a mechanically isotropic body'5) .
According to this calculation the stress distribution
expressed considering magneto-elastic interaction is as
follows. There exists compressive stresses near the
top and bottom surfaces and tensile stress in the re-
maining regions, all of which are perpendicular to the
scratchline.Thisstressdistributionresults in
making the transverse subdomain unstable in terms of
magneto-elastic energy and a decrease of 180" domain Fig.12 Domain patterns of laser-irradiated 3% silicon
wall spacing occurs in order to reduce the magneto- steel. Before stress-relief-annealing (a), (b)
static energy due to surface free poles. This effect and after stress-relief-annealing(c). Observed
is equivalent to that of the decrease in 180" domain by Bitter's method(a) and 200KV-SEM(b),(c).

similar to the phenomena of mechanical domain refine-

It has been found that the loss reduction by laser
irradiation is more effective in specimens with a high-
er B s(see Fig. 13) and thinner gauge (see Table 419)20) ) .
Since laser processing is a non-contact technique, it
is easily applicable on production lines of silicon
steel. However, surface treatment after laser irradia-
tion is required in this method, because the laser ir-
radiation blows off the surface layer. One problem,
however, is heat resistance, i.e. refined domain wall
spacing returns toits original state when subjected to Fig.14 Micro-grain induced in :he sec-
hightemperatureannealing.Thesedomainrefining ondary recrystallized 3 6 silicon
technique is not applied for the wound core material steel by locally presseddefor-
(see Fig.lZ(c)). For this reason, a heat-proof domain mation at room temperature and
refinement technology has been strongly desired. Some annealing at 85OOC.
domain refining techniques for wound cores develop- are
ing now.

'Highly Oriented Grain

Fig.15 Micro-grain induced by locally

pressed deformation,at room tsm-
perature and annealing at 850 C
(Courtesy of Dr. Yabumoto).

C-- RollingDirection


193 1% 1.95 1.96 1.97 198

199 200
Fig.13 Effect of Be on total loss in U
laser-irradiated silicon steel. 1 cm
Thicknesses are 0.25mm(~).0.27
mm(0) and 0.30mm(o), 2.95% Si. c- Rolling Direction

Table 4 Effect of laser-irradiation

on total loss of HI-B.
6) w i t h o u tl a s e r - i r r a d i a t i o n
(b, w i t hl a s e r - i r r a d i a t i o n

I WlOlS wl3/S wI5/rO W17M I @)

I 0.33 mm

Thick. 0.34 0.77 0.57
0.28 0.48 0.64 0.a
Fig.16 Domain patterns of 3% silicon steel
locally deformed at room temperature
and annealed at 85OoC. Observed by
Bitter's method(a) and 200KV SEV(b).

deformed region. The 180" domain wall spacings between

I Laser-Irradiated


O.Bmm I 0.32



0 9 7 3 19 %
the deformed regions are refined. Fig.l6(b) shows the
domain pattern in the vicinity of the deformed region
observed by a high-voltage scanning electron micro-
scope.Manyspike-likedomains whichhavereverse
3 . Domain refined material for wound core magnetization are observed. These domains contribute
Artificial domain refining techniques for wound to the magnetization. It has been found that the total
cores have been studied by several workers in the past. loss of highly oriented 9 mil HiB is decreased by this
But none of them has been yet industriallized 22) 23! technique (see Fig.17). The total loss is decreased
Recently, some new techniques, developed in 'the about 0.1 watt/kg at 1.7 T and 0.05 watt/kg at 1.3 T,
laboratory") , have proved effective in the material 50 Hzmagnetization.Theselowcore loss silicon
for wound core. One of the techniques is introduced as steels for wound cores will be produced industrially
follows. The substructure bandswere formed under con- near future.
ditions of local pressed deformation and subsequent an-
nealing. Periodically deformed bands were made using 4 . Core loss at low induction
special rolls with toothed contours. Figs.14 and 15 Energy
-. costs have sharply_ increased
_ .within the
show the occurence of micro-grains in highly oriented past several years. As energy costs increase, trans-
large grains inducedby local pressing at room temper- former manufacturers have decreased design inductions
ature and. subsequent annealing at 850'C.Fig.l6(a) to achieve lower losses, especially in distribution
shows the macro-domain-pattern of this specimen illus- transformersmade ofwoundcores.Theeffectof
trated by Bitter's method. Straight lines inclining increasedenergyevaluationsisnotonlydecreased
about 15' tothecross-rollingdirectionshowthe design inductionbut the selection of core materials on
1.0 the manufactures of lower-loss silicon steel is to
9mil produce, a higher degree of orientation, thinner gauge
and higher silicon content and to develop a better
technique for magnetic domain refinement.
Fig. 19 shows the relationship between totall o s s
and exciting flux density of very highly oriented,
irradiated specimen are about 0.53 watt/kg1.7 atT and
0.30 watt/kg at 1.3 T, 50 Hz magnetization") This .
loss value is about 2 times as muchasthat of
amorphous materials.
On the other hand, core losses o f specimens with
chemically polished and laser-irradiated are about 0.4
watt/kg at 1.7 T and 0.2 watt/kg at 1.3 T, 50 Hz mag-
netizationm) .
These data suggest the possibility of developing
0.3 very
excellentgrain-oriented silicon steel with
1.3 1.5 17
Exciting Flux Density. Tesla superior low core l o s s in the future.
Fig.17 The total losses of 9mil HIB after
local deformationat room tempera- REFERENCES
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0.h 0.15 0.20 Exciting Flux Density. Tesla 517.
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ness, chemically pol- silicon steel vith (23) V.A. Zaykova, N.K. Esina, Yu.N. Dragoshansky, V.F.
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5. Conclusion and future vision (26) J.B. Goodenough: Physical Revieur, vol 95, August
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