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Read this text to see the additions in context.

Bonner, M., Fuchs, M.. (2006). Focus on Grammar: An Integrated Approach. United States of
America: Pearson Education . pp. 102-109.
Exercise 1. Write T for true or F for false.

Bonner, M., Fuchs, M.. (2006). Focus on Grammar: An Integrated Approach. United States of
America: Pearson Education . pp. 102-109.
1. Gerald is married. __F__
2. Gerald doesn’t like hunting. __F__
3. Jim Springer once worked at a gas station. __T__
4. Jim Springer’s wife was named Betty. __T__
5. Barbara stayed in Germany. __F__
6. Andrea knew she had a twin. __T__

Exercise 2. Circle the correct words.

Sometimes being a twin can cause trouble. In high school, I was in Mr. Jacobs’s history class.
Neither / So was Joe. One day we took a test. I got questions 18 and 20 wrong. Joe did so/ too. I
didn’t spell Constantinople correctly, and either/ neither did Joe. The teacher was sure we had
cheated. As a result, I got an F on the test, and so did/ got Joe. We tried to convince Mr. Jacobs of
our innocence. After all, I had sat on the left side of the room, but Joe didn’t/ hadn’t. As always, he
sat on the right. But Mr. Jacobs just thought we had developed some elaborate way of sharing
answers across the room. Our parents believed we were honest, but Mr. Jacobs didn’t/ weren’t.
The principal didn’t either/ too. We finally convinced them to give us another test. This time we
were in separate rooms. I got questions 3 and 10 wrong. Guess what? Neither/ So did Joe. Our
teacher was astounded, and/ but we weren’t. We were just amused.

Exercise 3. Match the statements 1- 7 with their responses a-g.

1. John hates this restaurant.__A_ a. So am I.

2. Daniel shouldn’t watch this movie._D__ b. I don’t either.
3. I don’t think this is a good idea._E__ c. So does Jessica.
4. We went to Australia last year._F__ d. Neither should Natalie.
5. Sue is working right now.__G_ e. We weren’t either.
6. Angela has bought a car._C__ f. I have too.
7. They weren’t sleeping when I called.__B_ g. So did Mike.

Bonner, M., Fuchs, M.. (2006). Focus on Grammar: An Integrated Approach. United States of
America: Pearson Education . pp. 102-109.

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